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Seminary Worship Attendance Policy

The University Bulletin contains the following note concerning Seminary worship (Seminary section, Academic Policies): Worship Attendance. Regular and punctual attendance is required at all chapels for faculty, staff, and students in residence, except special students registered for 7 credits or fewer, and faculty who have assignments off campus or are on an approved research term. Student requests to be excused from this requirement should be addressed to the seminary chaplain in writing. Special assemblies are held occasionally at which attendance also is required. To clarify, the following guidelines are offered: All students registered for more than 7 credit hours are required (a graduation requirement) to attend 10 worships in the fall and spring semesters and 4 in the summer. If a student is more than 5 minutes late, no credit will be given. There may be special University or Seminary events at which credit will be given. The Dean will notify Seminary students via email of the event and how to receive credit.

You may check your seminary worship attendance on the Andrews website by following these steps: 1. 2. My Account 3. Banner Web 4. Student Services 5. Accounts Receivable 6. Seminary Chapel Attendance

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions):

How many worship services/assemblies are required? In a fifteen-week semester we generally conduct about thirteen worship services. In addition to these, we routinely add two assemblies that students must attend for a total of fifteen events. A minimum attendance

is required of at least 10 of these 15 events during each full semester (fall and spring) and 4 events during the summer semester. What specific requirements are there for attendees? 1. Attendees are encouraged to engage fully in the worship/assembly event. This means that the use of computers or study materials is inappropriate. 2. All cell phones are to be turned off or left outside of the chapel. 3. Attendees must appear within five minutes of the beginning of the event for their attendance to be recorded. Can I make up for absences beyond those allowed in the policy? Yes. However, the price to do so is considerable, advantaging those who choose to actually attend the events. Most worship services are recorded and posted on-line (on the Seminary web site under Student Life). A student can make up for an absence by a) listening to the service and b) writing a two-page, typewritten reaction to the event and turning it in to the Deans Office. What if I do not meet the minimum requirements? Satisfactory Seminary worship attendance is part of the graduation requirement so the recommendation for graduation is not processed until the student meets the Seminary worship requirements. Are there any exceptions to the policy? The policy is evenly and strictly enforced. Nonetheless, exceptions will need to be considered on a case-by-case basis. Such exceptions will be considered by the Seminary Chaplain (as indicated in the Bulletin statement) and the results communicated to program staff. What about faculty and staff attendance? It is interesting to note that our Bulletin statement also addresses the participation of faculty and staff. This proposal suggests that our expectation of one another as faculty and staff members should mirror what we expect of students (just as the Bulletin statement implies). In addition, we indicate the importance of corporate worship and assemblies by encouraging the closing of all Seminary offices during these events.

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