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Topic: In your opinion, what is the main benefit of animals being kept in the zoo

Zoos have remained popular destinations for people to visit for entertainment and to learn
about wild creatures. I believed that there are 3 main benefits of capturing animals in the
zoo.To begin with, one of the most notable benefits of zoos is that they contribute
significantly to global conservation efforts through captive breeding programs as well as
research programs for endarngerd animals. Those attempts make it easier for animals to
reproduce since, in the wild, they may have troube finding partners and breeding that might
lead to their extinction. Futhermore, having a zoo provides these animals with a safe
sanctuary which helps to protect them from poarchers, pretadors, habitat loss and even
starvation. Another advantage that worths mentioning is educational aspect. Zoo is an
excellent venue for people to gain more scientific understanding about the natural habitat
which facilitate raising awareness amongst the public in order to make people understand the
value of conserving wildlife.Finally, animals in the zoos are the sound source for research
doers. Specially for the scientists ,having access to captive population of animal is a golden
opportunity to observe their behaviour very closely in order to figure out what an animal
needs to live a healthy life as well as preserve the ecosystem as a whole. In conclusion,
capturing animals in the zoo has exerted huge impact on our society and it is essential that
zoo focus on these points in order to save the ecosystem.

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