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Agasthya Garden, TVS Road, Kothur Village, Hosur-635109

Term - I Report - 2022-2023

Student's Name DHARINI KATHIRAVAN Admission no: 195

Class/Section UKG-C
Tells name in full sentences. Shares holiday experiences. Knows primary colours (red, blue, green, yellow,
white and black). Sort out and match the colours alone... Can colour within the outline of a picture. Uses 2
or 3 colour crayons to scribble. Identify colours in the books, charts and pictures. Identify and name the
favourite colours. Knows the name of all basic shapes like square, rectangle, circle and triangle. Recognize
and name the shapes of object around. Identify the shapes from the object or pictures. Can pick up, tear
and paste paper for the collage work. Can pick the odd shape out from the set of shapes. Identifies and
names the shape of the door, window, board, cupboard and materials present in the classroom. Trace on
fine sand and frame the shape. Associate the concept of shapes in real life situation. Names the shape of
food items (Bread & Biscuit) Understands no, not, don’t and can’t. Identifies pictures of action words
(eating, clapping, running). Enjoys looking at picture books

Knows parts of the body and able to identify. Name the body parts clearly. Knows the use of sense
organs.” Knows the movements of body parts. Match and identify different textures like Rough-smooth
and Hard-soft. Follow, copy and complete the different patterns. Knows the height difference between the
peer groups. Is aware of healthy and unhealthy food. Match the objects with the body parts. Match the
body parts with their starting sound. Identify the names of four seasons. Knows the concept of day and
night. Knows the things that is used for personal hygiene (toothbrush, soap, hand wash, napkins….). Knows
to explore the secondary colours like orange, purple and green. Aware on harmful tools. Knows the basic
personal hygienic such as hand washing, wearing clean clothes and dealing with instances of coughs and
sneezes. Tells the taste of foods during snacks and lunch hour. Can tell the name of all four seasons –
winter, autumn, summer, spring. Can identify and name the clothes and the things used during different
season. Understands the climatic condition of each season. Able to tell the type of food and clothes we
should use in the particular seasons. Can tell the food habits of each season. Tells the season which they
like the most and why. Knows the different feeling cold, hot, wet and warm. Can match different things
used in different seasons for e.g.:-summer-(ice-cream, watermelon) winter-(sweater, hot coffee) spring-
(umbrella, gumboots). Can colour the pictures based on seasons. Understand the instruction and does the
activity clearly and neatly.

Use the appropriate vocabulary to describe the relationship in a family. Identify and talk about oldest to
youngest in her/his family. Share information about their families like occupations and the place they live.
Role play like father, mother, teacher… Use photos of family member’s pictures to indicate the tall and
short, big and small. Tell about the joint and nuclear family. Knows the difference between neighbours
and strangers. Knows and can identify different types of religious festivals for e.g.: - Diwali, Christmas, Id,
Rakshabandhan, Holi, Onam, Pongal etc. Can tell the name of the festivals, which they celebrate. Can tell
the things related to the festivals. Knows the importance of our national festivals... Understands clearly
that different religion people celebrate different festivals for e.g.:-Hindu-Diwali, Muslims-id. Knows that
during festival all relation, friends and loved ones comes together to celebrate the festivals. Can give ideas
regarding the safety precaution taken while bursting crackers. Is very happy to know that we get holiday
on every religious and national festival. Enjoys the sharing of gifts while shares. Knows to decorate the
Christmas tree. Has the knowledge of decorating the navrathiri steps with dolls.
Can identify and name 15 domestic and wild animals. Able to differentiate wild and domestic animals.
Knows the different cries of animals. Understand the characteristic features, their habitat and the young
ones for e.g. (dog-kennel-puppy, lion-den-cub).Able to identify aquatic animals and their features. Can
answer some simple riddles on animals. Knows to colour domestic, wild and aquatic animals. Able to
match animals with
the homes and young ones. Can narrate some own stories based on animals. Enjoys watching slide on
animals. Tells the favourite pet animals they like. Can identify and name 15 birds and insects. Able to tell
the name of the birds which can fly for e.g.:-kingfisher, dove, owl, etc. and the birds which cannot fly for
e.g.:-penguin, duck, ostrich etc. knows the homes of birds and their habitats. Can identify the colour of the
birds, for example: Kingfisher is blue in colour, Humming bird is shiny green or blue in colour and spoonbill
bird with the shape of spoon beak. Can differentiate between harmful and harmless insects for e.g.: -
harmful (mosquito, centipede, honeybee ant) and harmless (housefly, ladybug, and butterfly) etc. Able to
discriminate between birds and insects. Can answer some simple riddles on birds and insects. Able to
match birds and insects with their homes. Is very interested in watching the colourful pictures on
different birds and insects. Can identify the colour of the insects, for example: Julia butterfly in golden
colour, fire bug in red and black in colour and can predict the name of the Green stink bug by its smell.
Able to identify most of the birds and insects existing in the environment during an eco-walk and could
name them [Pigeon, sparrow, etc...]. Has the awareness of protecting the birds from the en-danger.
Understands the concept of immediate medication during the insects bite and also not touch the insects,
destroy their homes and disturbing the harmful insects. Always relates and applies the learnt knowledge
with the outer environment.

Differentiate the renumber concepts such as big - small, long -short, tall- short, far- near, thick – thin,
sharp – blunt. Able to identify and read the numbers in sequence 1 to 50. Reads and identifies the
specified number. Can write the numbers in sequence 1 to 50 with proper formation. Understands the
concept taught like count and write, missing number, after, and between numbers, forward and backward
counting Can write the missing number from 1 to 50. Identifies and writes number names from 1 to 10.
Able to read the number names in sequence order. Knows counting in tens. Able to count the beads or any
playful items up to 50. Understands the instruction and opens the correct page number of the book. Is
very much interested in counting and writing numbers. Identifies and writes the missing number on the
board and notebook.


Enjoys listening to simple, short story books Knows rhymes related to body parts and can sing rhymes like
“chubby cheeks…”, “clap your hands”, “two little hands Knows simple tongue twisters like “dolly, dolly”.
Knows rhymes related to colours such as “my red balloon”, “blue birds”,” Baa baa black sheep”. Listens
and responds to simple questions. Sings simple songs and does action rhymes. Talks about pictures in
posters, theme charts and books. Answers questions based on the story read. Hear and separate sound in
familiar names of classmates. Listens to others for short period of time and responds. Communicates
needs and thoughts verbally and nonverbally. Follows one or two steps of simple oral instructions. Listens
to new Vocabulary words. Listens to English words, greetings, polite forms of expression, simple sentences
and responds in English or home language. Listens to the story with the short period of time. Uses
appropriate vocabulary to speak. Participates and takes turns in conversation and shares likes and dislikes.
Makes eye contact and shows gesture and facial expressions. Listens to simple instructions during story
time or classroom management.


Uses a range of writing tools. Makes links to own experience when reading with the teacher Identify letters
and sounds. Identifies beginning, middle and ending sound of common words. Recognizes and reads some
sight words. Know to read CVC words. Identify vowels and consonants. Identify the sight word in the given
phrase. Identify and read 3 letter rhyming words such as bat, hat, cat, sat, fat, mat, fan, ran, pan, man.
Reads two letter words such as “is, in, as, it, on”. Can spot out 2 and 3 letter words from the sentences.
Can read simple sentence. Recognize the picture with simple sentences. Can read 2 & 3 letter words from
the picture. Can read three letter words from the story books. Handle book appropriate identify the book
front page and back page. Demonstrates increase in vocabulary and shows interest in learning new words.
Writes own name correctly. Identifies and writes upper-and lower-case letters independently. Can identify
and write vowels. Write CVC words. Can write more than 10 sight words. Writes 3 letter rhyming words
like “as bat, hat, cat, sat, fat, mat, fan, ran, pan, man”. Can write 2 letter words like “is, in, as, it, on”.
Identifies and label the given picture. Can write name, date and day independently. Writes the missing
letter without any help. Interested in writing and finish the task on time. Can sort out the words from
alphabet puzzles. Writes simple sentences independently. Recognises and points to a frequently occurring
word in the story.

Has a pleasant personality and excellent attitude towards learning. Is much organised and completes work
on time. Uses class time wisely. Is very responsible and turns in work on time. Takes an active role in
discussion. Listen well and shares idea frequently. Works well in groups, planning and carrying out
activities. Follows direction well. Shows respect towards teacher and peer ones. Speak with confidence.
Has a great sense of humour and enjoys class assignment. Volunteers often. Likes to learn using materials
with care and place it back after use. Has a good foundation of basic academic skill such as Letter
identification, sounds and number recognition. Using the polite form of words such as thank you, sorry,
please, etc.

Signature of the class Teacher Signature of the Principal

The Report of DHARINI KATHIRAVAN has been read and explained to me in my vernacular and I clearly
understand the performance of my child at AVM.

Name of the Parent\ Guardian _______________ Signature __________________________

Agasthya Garden, TVS Road, Kothur Village, Hosur-635109
Term - I Report - 2022-2023

Student's Name LITHIKSHA.A Admission no: 191

Class/Section UKG-C
Tells name in full sentences. Shares holiday experiences. Knows primary colours (red, blue, green, yellow,
white and black). Sort out and match the colours alone... Can colour within the outline of a picture. Uses 2
or 3 colour crayons to scribble. Identify colours in the books, charts and pictures. Identify and name the
favourite colours. Knows the name of all basic shapes like square, rectangle, circle and triangle. Recognize
and name the shapes of object around. Identify the shapes from the object or pictures. Can pick up, tear
and paste paper for the collage work. Can pick the odd shape out from the set of shapes. Identifies and
names the shape of the door, window, board, cupboard and materials present in the classroom. Trace on
fine sand and frame the shape. Associate the concept of shapes in real life situation. Names the shape of
food items (Bread & Biscuit) Understands no, not, don’t and can’t. Identifies pictures of action words
(eating, clapping, running). Enjoys looking at picture books

Knows parts of the body and able to identify. Name the body parts clearly. Knows the use of sense
organs.” Knows the movements of body parts. Match and identify different textures like Rough-smooth
and Hard-soft. Follow, copy and complete the different patterns. Knows the height difference between the
peer groups. Is aware of healthy and unhealthy food. Match the objects with the body parts. Match the
body parts with their starting sound. Identify the names of four seasons. Knows the concept of day and
night. Knows the things that is used for personal hygiene (toothbrush, soap, hand wash, napkins….). Knows
to explore the secondary colours like orange, purple and green. Aware on harmful tools. Knows the basic
personal hygienic such as hand washing, wearing clean clothes and dealing with instances of coughs and
sneezes. Tells the taste of foods during snacks and lunch hour. Can tell the name of all four seasons –
winter, autumn, summer, spring. Can identify and name the clothes and the things used during different
season. Understands the climatic condition of each season. Able to tell the type of food and clothes we
should use in the particular seasons. Can tell the food habits of each season. Tells the season which they
like the most and why. Knows the different feeling cold, hot, wet and warm. Can match different things
used in different seasons for e.g.:-summer-(ice-cream, watermelon) winter-(sweater, hot coffee) spring-
(umbrella, gumboots). Can colour the pictures based on seasons. Understand the instruction and does the
activity clearly and neatly.

Use the appropriate vocabulary to describe the relationship in a family. Identify and talk about oldest to
youngest in her/his family. Share information about their families like occupations and the place they live.
Role play like father, mother, teacher… Use photos of family member’s pictures to indicate the tall and
short, big and small. Tell about the joint and nuclear family. Knows the difference between neighbours
and strangers. Knows and can identify different types of religious festivals for e.g.: - Diwali, Christmas, Id,
Rakshabandhan, Holi, Onam, Pongal etc. Can tell the name of the festivals, which they celebrate. Can tell
the things related to the festivals. Knows the importance of our national festivals... Understands clearly
that different religion people celebrate different festivals for e.g.:-Hindu-Diwali, Muslims-id. Knows that
during festival all relation, friends and loved ones comes together to celebrate the festivals. Can give ideas
regarding the safety precaution taken while bursting crackers. Is very happy to know that we get holiday
on every religious and national festival. Enjoys the sharing of gifts while shares. Knows to decorate the
Christmas tree. Has the knowledge of decorating the navrathiri steps with dolls.


Can identify and name 15 domestic and wild animals. Able to differentiate wild and domestic animals.
Knows the different cries of animals. Understand the characteristic features, their habitat and the young
ones for e.g. (dog-kennel-puppy, lion-den-cub).Able to identify aquatic animals and their features. Can
answer some simple riddles on animals. Knows to colour domestic, wild and aquatic animals. Able to
match animals with
the homes and young ones. Can narrate some own stories based on animals. Enjoys watching slide on
animals. Tells the favourite pet animals they like. Can identify and name 15 birds and insects. Able to tell
the name of the birds which can fly for e.g.:-kingfisher, dove, owl, etc. and the birds which cannot fly for
e.g.:-penguin, duck, ostrich etc. knows the homes of birds and their habitats. Can identify the colour of the
birds, for example: Kingfisher is blue in colour, Humming bird is shiny green or blue in colour and spoonbill
bird with the shape of spoon beak. Can differentiate between harmful and harmless insects for e.g.: -
harmful (mosquito, centipede, honeybee ant) and harmless (housefly, ladybug, and butterfly) etc. Able to
discriminate between birds and insects. Can answer some simple riddles on birds and insects. Able to
match birds and insects with their homes. Is very interested in watching the colourful pictures on
different birds and insects. Can identify the colour of the insects, for example: Julia butterfly in golden
colour, fire bug in red and black in colour and can predict the name of the Green stink bug by its smell.
Able to identify most of the birds and insects existing in the environment during an eco-walk and could
name them [Pigeon, sparrow, etc...]. Has the awareness of protecting the birds from the en-danger.
Understands the concept of immediate medication during the insects bite and also not touch the insects,
destroy their homes and disturbing the harmful insects. Always relates and applies the learnt knowledge
with the outer environment.

Differentiate the renumber concepts such as big - small, long -short, tall- short, far- near, thick – thin,
sharp – blunt. Able to identify and read the numbers in sequence 1 to 50. Reads and identifies the
specified number. Can write the numbers in sequence 1 to 50 with proper formation. Understands the
concept taught like count and write, missing number, after, and between numbers, forward and backward
counting Can write the missing number from 1 to 50. Identifies and writes number names from 1 to 10.
Able to read the number names in sequence order. Knows counting in tens. Able to count the beads or any
playful items up to 50. Understands the instruction and opens the correct page number of the book. Is
very much interested in counting and writing numbers. Identifies and writes the missing number on the
board and notebook.


Enjoys listening to simple, short story books Knows rhymes related to body parts and can sing rhymes like
“chubby cheeks…”, “clap your hands”, “two little hands Knows simple tongue twisters like “dolly, dolly”.
Knows rhymes related to colours such as “my red balloon”, “blue birds”,” Baa baa black sheep”. Listens
and responds to simple questions. Sings simple songs and does action rhymes. Talks about pictures in
posters, theme charts and books. Answers questions based on the story read. Hear and separate sound in
familiar names of classmates. Listens to others for short period of time and responds. Communicates
needs and thoughts verbally and nonverbally. Follows one or two steps of simple oral instructions. Listens
to new Vocabulary words. Listens to English words, greetings, polite forms of expression, simple sentences
and responds in English or home language. Listens to the story with the short period of time. Uses
appropriate vocabulary to speak. Participates and takes turns in conversation and shares likes and dislikes.
Makes eye contact and shows gesture and facial expressions. Listens to simple instructions during story
time or classroom management.


Uses a range of writing tools. Makes links to own experience when reading with the teacher Identify letters
and sounds. Identifies beginning, middle and ending sound of common words. Recognizes and reads some
sight words. Know to read CVC words. Identify vowels and consonants. Identify the sight word in the given
phrase. Identify and read 3 letter rhyming words such as bat, hat, cat, sat, fat, mat, fan, ran, pan, man.
Reads two letter words such as “is, in, as, it, on”. Can spot out 2 and 3 letter words from the sentences.
Can read simple sentence. Recognize the picture with simple sentences. Can read 2 & 3 letter words from
the picture. Can read three letter words from the story books. Handle book appropriate identify the book
front page and back page. Demonstrates increase in vocabulary and shows interest in learning new words.
Writes own name correctly. Identifies and writes upper-and lower-case letters independently. Can identify
and write vowels. Write CVC words. Can write more than 10 sight words. Writes 3 letter rhyming words
like “as bat, hat, cat, sat, fat, mat, fan, ran, pan, man”. Can write 2 letter words like “is, in, as, it, on”.
Identifies and label the given picture. Can write name, date and day independently. Writes the missing
letter without any help. Interested in writing and finish the task on time. Can sort out the words from
alphabet puzzles. Writes simple sentences independently. Recognises and points to a frequently occurring
word in the story.

Has a pleasant personality and excellent attitude towards learning. Is much organised and completes work
on time. Uses class time wisely. Is very responsible and turns in work on time. Takes an active role in
discussion. Listen well and shares idea frequently. Works well in groups, planning and carrying out
activities. Follows direction well. Shows respect towards teacher and peer ones. Speak with confidence.
Has a great sense of humour and enjoys class assignment. Volunteers often. Likes to learn using materials
with care and place it back after use. Has a good foundation of basic academic skill such as Letter
identification, sounds and number recognition. Using the polite form of words such as thank you, sorry,
please, etc.

Signature of the class Teacher Signature of the Principal

The Report of LITHIKSHA.A has been read and explained to me in my vernacular and I clearly understand
the performance of my child at AVM.

Name of the Parent\ Guardian _______________ Signature __________________________

Agasthya Garden, TVS Road, Kothur Village, Hosur-635109
Term - I Report - 2022-2023

Student's Name SAI JEYANTH .D Admission no: 098

Class/Section UKG-C
Tells name in full sentences. Shares holiday experiences. Knows primary colours (red, blue, green, yellow,
white and black). Sort out and match the colours alone... Can colour within the outline of a picture. Uses 2
or 3 colour crayons to scribble. Identify colours in the books, charts and pictures. Identify and name the
favourite colours. Knows the name of all basic shapes like square, rectangle, circle and triangle. Recognize
and name the shapes of object around. Identify the shapes from the object or pictures. Can pick up, tear
and paste paper for the collage work. Can pick the odd shape out from the set of shapes. Identifies and
names the shape of the door, window, board, cupboard and materials present in the classroom. Trace on
fine sand and frame the shape. Associate the concept of shapes in real life situation. Names the shape of
food items (Bread & Biscuit) Understands no, not, don’t and can’t. Identifies pictures of action words
(eating, clapping, running). Enjoys looking at picture books

Knows parts of the body and able to identify. Name the body parts clearly. Knows the use of sense
organs.” Knows the movements of body parts. Match and identify different textures like Rough-smooth
and Hard-soft. Follow, copy and complete the different patterns. Knows the height difference between the
peer groups. Is aware of healthy and unhealthy food. Match the objects with the body parts. Match the
body parts with their starting sound. Identify the names of four seasons. Knows the concept of day and
night. Knows the things that is used for personal hygiene (toothbrush, soap, hand wash, napkins….). Knows
to explore the secondary colours like orange, purple and green. Aware on harmful tools. Knows the basic
personal hygienic such as hand washing, wearing clean clothes and dealing with instances of coughs and
sneezes. Tells the taste of foods during snacks and lunch hour. Can tell the name of all four seasons –
winter, autumn, summer, spring. Can identify and name the clothes and the things used during different
season. Understands the climatic condition of each season. Able to tell the type of food and clothes we
should use in the particular seasons. Can tell the food habits of each season. Tells the season which they
like the most and why. Knows the different feeling cold, hot, wet and warm. Can match different things
used in different seasons for e.g.:-summer-(ice-cream, watermelon) winter-(sweater, hot coffee) spring-
(umbrella, gumboots). Can colour the pictures based on seasons. Understand the instruction and does the
activity clearly and neatly.

Use the appropriate vocabulary to describe the relationship in a family. Identify and talk about oldest to
youngest in her/his family. Share information about their families like occupations and the place they live.
Role play like father, mother, teacher… Use photos of family member’s pictures to indicate the tall and
short, big and small. Tell about the joint and nuclear family. Knows the difference between neighbours
and strangers. Knows and can identify different types of religious festivals for e.g.: - Diwali, Christmas, Id,
Rakshabandhan, Holi, Onam, Pongal etc. Can tell the name of the festivals, which they celebrate. Can tell
the things related to the festivals. Knows the importance of our national festivals... Understands clearly
that different religion people celebrate different festivals for e.g.:-Hindu-Diwali, Muslims-id. Knows that
during festival all relation, friends and loved ones comes together to celebrate the festivals. Can give ideas
regarding the safety precaution taken while bursting crackers. Is very happy to know that we get holiday
on every religious and national festival. Enjoys the sharing of gifts while shares. Knows to decorate the
Christmas tree. Has the knowledge of decorating the navrathiri steps with dolls.


Can identify and name 15 domestic and wild animals. Able to differentiate wild and domestic animals.
Knows the different cries of animals. Understand the characteristic features, their habitat and the young
ones for e.g. (dog-kennel-puppy, lion-den-cub).Able to identify aquatic animals and their features. Can
answer some simple riddles on animals. Knows to colour domestic, wild and aquatic animals. Able to
match animals with
the homes and young ones. Can narrate some own stories based on animals. Enjoys watching slide on
animals. Tells the favourite pet animals they like. Can identify and name 15 birds and insects. Able to tell
the name of the birds which can fly for e.g.:-kingfisher, dove, owl, etc. and the birds which cannot fly for
e.g.:-penguin, duck, ostrich etc. knows the homes of birds and their habitats. Can identify the colour of the
birds, for example: Kingfisher is blue in colour, Humming bird is shiny green or blue in colour and spoonbill
bird with the shape of spoon beak. Can differentiate between harmful and harmless insects for e.g.: -
harmful (mosquito, centipede, honeybee ant) and harmless (housefly, ladybug, and butterfly) etc. Able to
discriminate between birds and insects. Can answer some simple riddles on birds and insects. Able to
match birds and insects with their homes. Is very interested in watching the colourful pictures on
different birds and insects. Can identify the colour of the insects, for example: Julia butterfly in golden
colour, fire bug in red and black in colour and can predict the name of the Green stink bug by its smell.
Able to identify most of the birds and insects existing in the environment during an eco-walk and could
name them [Pigeon, sparrow, etc...]. Has the awareness of protecting the birds from the en-danger.
Understands the concept of immediate medication during the insects bite and also not touch the insects,
destroy their homes and disturbing the harmful insects. Always relates and applies the learnt knowledge
with the outer environment.

Differentiate the renumber concepts such as big - small, long -short, tall- short, far- near, thick – thin,
sharp – blunt. Able to identify and read the numbers in sequence 1 to 50. Reads and identifies the
specified number. Can write the numbers in sequence 1 to 50 with proper formation. Understands the
concept taught like count and write, missing number, after, and between numbers, forward and backward
counting Can write the missing number from 1 to 50. Identifies and writes number names from 1 to 10.
Able to read the number names in sequence order. Knows counting in tens. Able to count the beads or any
playful items up to 50. Understands the instruction and opens the correct page number of the book. Is
very much interested in counting and writing numbers. Identifies and writes the missing number on the
board and notebook.


Enjoys listening to simple, short story books Knows rhymes related to body parts and can sing rhymes like
“chubby cheeks…”, “clap your hands”, “two little hands Knows simple tongue twisters like “dolly, dolly”.
Knows rhymes related to colours such as “my red balloon”, “blue birds”,” Baa baa black sheep”. Listens
and responds to simple questions. Sings simple songs and does action rhymes. Talks about pictures in
posters, theme charts and books. Answers questions based on the story read. Hear and separate sound in
familiar names of classmates. Listens to others for short period of time and responds. Communicates
needs and thoughts verbally and nonverbally. Follows one or two steps of simple oral instructions. Listens
to new Vocabulary words. Listens to English words, greetings, polite forms of expression, simple sentences
and responds in English or home language. Listens to the story with the short period of time. Uses
appropriate vocabulary to speak. Participates and takes turns in conversation and shares likes and dislikes.
Makes eye contact and shows gesture and facial expressions. Listens to simple instructions during story
time or classroom management.


Uses a range of writing tools. Makes links to own experience when reading with the teacher Identify letters
and sounds. Identifies beginning, middle and ending sound of common words. Recognizes and reads some
sight words. Know to read CVC words. Identify vowels and consonants. Identify the sight word in the given
phrase. Identify and read 3 letter rhyming words such as bat, hat, cat, sat, fat, mat, fan, ran, pan, man.
Reads two letter words such as “is, in, as, it, on”. Can spot out 2 and 3 letter words from the sentences.
Can read simple sentence. Recognize the picture with simple sentences. Can read 2 & 3 letter words from
the picture. Can read three letter words from the story books. Handle book appropriate identify the book
front page and back page. Demonstrates increase in vocabulary and shows interest in learning new words.
Writes own name correctly. Identifies and writes upper-and lower-case letters independently. Can identify
and write vowels. Write CVC words. Can write more than 10 sight words. Writes 3 letter rhyming words
like “as bat, hat, cat, sat, fat, mat, fan, ran, pan, man”. Can write 2 letter words like “is, in, as, it, on”.
Identifies and label the given picture. Can write name, date and day independently. Writes the missing
letter without any help. Interested in writing and finish the task on time. Can sort out the words from
alphabet puzzles. Writes simple sentences independently. Recognises and points to a frequently occurring
word in the story.

Has a pleasant personality and excellent attitude towards learning. Is much organised and completes work
on time. Uses class time wisely. Is very responsible and turns in work on time. Takes an active role in
discussion. Listen well and shares idea frequently. Works well in groups, planning and carrying out
activities. Follows direction well. Shows respect towards teacher and peer ones. Speak with confidence.
Has a great sense of humour and enjoys class assignment. Volunteers often. Likes to learn using materials
with care and place it back after use. Has a good foundation of basic academic skill such as Letter
identification, sounds and number recognition. Using the polite form of words such as thank you, sorry,
please, etc.

Signature of the class Teacher Signature of the Principal

The Report of SAI JEYANTH .D has been read and explained to me in my vernacular and I clearly
understand the performance of my child at AVM.

Name of the Parent\ Guardian _______________ Signature __________________________

Agasthya Garden, TVS Road, Kothur Village, Hosur-635109
Term - I Report - 2022-2023

Student's Name MIRUTHULA.M Admission no: 085

Class/Section UKG-C
Tells name in full sentences. Shares holiday experiences. Knows primary colours (red, blue, green, yellow,
white and black). Sort out and match the colours alone... Can colour within the outline of a picture. Uses 2
or 3 colour crayons to scribble. Identify colours in the books, charts and pictures. Identify and name the
favourite colours. Knows the name of all basic shapes like square, rectangle, circle and triangle. Recognize
and name the shapes of object around. Identify the shapes from the object or pictures. Can pick up, tear
and paste paper for the collage work. Can pick the odd shape out from the set of shapes. Identifies and
names the shape of the door, window, board, cupboard and materials present in the classroom. Trace on
fine sand and frame the shape. Associate the concept of shapes in real life situation. Names the shape of
food items (Bread & Biscuit) Understands no, not, don’t and can’t. Identifies pictures of action words
(eating, clapping, running). Enjoys looking at picture books

Knows parts of the body and able to identify. Name the body parts clearly. Knows the use of sense
organs.” Knows the movements of body parts. Match and identify different textures like Rough-smooth
and Hard-soft. Follow, copy and complete the different patterns. Knows the height difference between the
peer groups. Is aware of healthy and unhealthy food. Match the objects with the body parts. Match the
body parts with their starting sound. Identify the names of four seasons. Knows the concept of day and
night. Knows the things that is used for personal hygiene (toothbrush, soap, hand wash, napkins….). Knows
to explore the secondary colours like orange, purple and green. Aware on harmful tools. Knows the basic
personal hygienic such as hand washing, wearing clean clothes and dealing with instances of coughs and
sneezes. Tells the taste of foods during snacks and lunch hour. Can tell the name of all four seasons –
winter, autumn, summer, spring. Can identify and name the clothes and the things used during different
season. Understands the climatic condition of each season. Able to tell the type of food and clothes we
should use in the particular seasons. Can tell the food habits of each season. Tells the season which they
like the most and why. Knows the different feeling cold, hot, wet and warm. Can match different things
used in different seasons for e.g.:-summer-(ice-cream, watermelon) winter-(sweater, hot coffee) spring-
(umbrella, gumboots). Can colour the pictures based on seasons. Understand the instruction and does the
activity clearly and neatly.
Use the appropriate vocabulary to describe the relationship in a family. Identify and talk about oldest to
youngest in her/his family. Share information about their families like occupations and the place they live.
Role play like father, mother, teacher… Use photos of family member’s pictures to indicate the tall and
short, big and small. Tell about the joint and nuclear family. Knows the difference between neighbours
and strangers. Knows and can identify different types of religious festivals for e.g.: - Diwali, Christmas, Id,
Rakshabandhan, Holi, Onam, Pongal etc. Can tell the name of the festivals, which they celebrate. Can tell
the things related to the festivals. Knows the importance of our national festivals... Understands clearly
that different religion people celebrate different festivals for e.g.:-Hindu-Diwali, Muslims-id. Knows that
during festival all relation, friends and loved ones comes together to celebrate the festivals. Can give ideas
regarding the safety precaution taken while bursting crackers. Is very happy to know that we get holiday
on every religious and national festival. Enjoys the sharing of gifts while shares. Knows to decorate the
Christmas tree. Has the knowledge of decorating the navrathiri steps with dolls.


Can identify and name 15 domestic and wild animals. Able to differentiate wild and domestic animals.
Knows the different cries of animals. Understand the characteristic features, their habitat and the young
ones for e.g. (dog-kennel-puppy, lion-den-cub).Able to identify aquatic animals and their features. Can
answer some simple riddles on animals. Knows to colour domestic, wild and aquatic animals. Able to
match animals with
the homes and young ones. Can narrate some own stories based on animals. Enjoys watching slide on
animals. Tells the favourite pet animals they like. Can identify and name 15 birds and insects. Able to tell
the name of the birds which can fly for e.g.:-kingfisher, dove, owl, etc. and the birds which cannot fly for
e.g.:-penguin, duck, ostrich etc. knows the homes of birds and their habitats. Can identify the colour of the
birds, for example: Kingfisher is blue in colour, Humming bird is shiny green or blue in colour and spoonbill
bird with the shape of spoon beak. Can differentiate between harmful and harmless insects for e.g.: -
harmful (mosquito, centipede, honeybee ant) and harmless (housefly, ladybug, and butterfly) etc. Able to
discriminate between birds and insects. Can answer some simple riddles on birds and insects. Able to
match birds and insects with their homes. Is very interested in watching the colourful pictures on
different birds and insects. Can identify the colour of the insects, for example: Julia butterfly in golden
colour, fire bug in red and black in colour and can predict the name of the Green stink bug by its smell.
Able to identify most of the birds and insects existing in the environment during an eco-walk and could
name them [Pigeon, sparrow, etc...]. Has the awareness of protecting the birds from the en-danger.
Understands the concept of immediate medication during the insects bite and also not touch the insects,
destroy their homes and disturbing the harmful insects. Always relates and applies the learnt knowledge
with the outer environment.

Differentiate the renumber concepts such as big - small, long -short, tall- short, far- near, thick – thin,
sharp – blunt. Able to identify and read the numbers in sequence 1 to 50. Reads and identifies the
specified number. Can write the numbers in sequence 1 to 50 with proper formation. Understands the
concept taught like count and write, missing number, after, and between numbers, forward and backward
counting Can write the missing number from 1 to 50. Identifies and writes number names from 1 to 10.
Able to read the number names in sequence order. Knows counting in tens. Able to count the beads or any
playful items up to 50. Understands the instruction and opens the correct page number of the book. Is
very much interested in counting and writing numbers. Identifies and writes the missing number on the
board and notebook.


Enjoys listening to simple, short story books Knows rhymes related to body parts and can sing rhymes like
“chubby cheeks…”, “clap your hands”, “two little hands Knows simple tongue twisters like “dolly, dolly”.
Knows rhymes related to colours such as “my red balloon”, “blue birds”,” Baa baa black sheep”. Listens
and responds to simple questions. Sings simple songs and does action rhymes. Talks about pictures in
posters, theme charts and books. Answers questions based on the story read. Hear and separate sound in
familiar names of classmates. Listens to others for short period of time and responds. Communicates
needs and thoughts verbally and nonverbally. Follows one or two steps of simple oral instructions. Listens
to new Vocabulary words. Listens to English words, greetings, polite forms of expression, simple sentences
and responds in English or home language. Listens to the story with the short period of time. Uses
appropriate vocabulary to speak. Participates and takes turns in conversation and shares likes and dislikes.
Makes eye contact and shows gesture and facial expressions. Listens to simple instructions during story
time or classroom management.


Uses a range of writing tools. Makes links to own experience when reading with the teacher Identify letters
and sounds. Identifies beginning, middle and ending sound of common words. Recognizes and reads some
sight words. Know to read CVC words. Identify vowels and consonants. Identify the sight word in the given
phrase. Identify and read 3 letter rhyming words such as bat, hat, cat, sat, fat, mat, fan, ran, pan, man.
Reads two letter words such as “is, in, as, it, on”. Can spot out 2 and 3 letter words from the sentences.
Can read simple sentence. Recognize the picture with simple sentences. Can read 2 & 3 letter words from
the picture. Can read three letter words from the story books. Handle book appropriate identify the book
front page and back page. Demonstrates increase in vocabulary and shows interest in learning new words.
Writes own name correctly. Identifies and writes upper-and lower-case letters independently. Can identify
and write vowels. Write CVC words. Can write more than 10 sight words. Writes 3 letter rhyming words
like “as bat, hat, cat, sat, fat, mat, fan, ran, pan, man”. Can write 2 letter words like “is, in, as, it, on”.
Identifies and label the given picture. Can write name, date and day independently. Writes the missing
letter without any help. Interested in writing and finish the task on time. Can sort out the words from
alphabet puzzles. Writes simple sentences independently. Recognises and points to a frequently occurring
word in the story.

Has a pleasant personality and excellent attitude towards learning. Is much organised and completes work
on time. Uses class time wisely. Is very responsible and turns in work on time. Takes an active role in
discussion. Listen well and shares idea frequently. Works well in groups, planning and carrying out
activities. Follows direction well. Shows respect towards teacher and peer ones. Speak with confidence.
Has a great sense of humour and enjoys class assignment. Volunteers often. Likes to learn using materials
with care and place it back after use. Has a good foundation of basic academic skill such as Letter
identification, sounds and number recognition. Using the polite form of words such as thank you, sorry,
please, etc.

Signature of the class Teacher Signature of the Principal

The Report of MIRUTHULA.M has been read and explained to me in my vernacular and I clearly
understand the performance of my child at AVM.

Name of the Parent\ Guardian _______________ Signature __________________________

Agasthya Garden, TVS Road, Kothur Village, Hosur-635109
Term - I Report - 2022-2023

Student's Name POOJASHREE.P Admission no: 363

Class/Section UKG-C
Tells name in full sentences. Shares holiday experiences. Knows primary colours (red, blue, green, yellow,
white and black). Sort out and match the colours alone... Can colour within the outline of a picture. Uses 2
or 3 colour crayons to scribble. Identify colours in the books, charts and pictures. Identify and name the
favourite colours. Knows the name of all basic shapes like square, rectangle, circle and triangle. Recognize
and name the shapes of object around. Identify the shapes from the object or pictures. Can pick up, tear
and paste paper for the collage work. Can pick the odd shape out from the set of shapes. Identifies and
names the shape of the door, window, board, cupboard and materials present in the classroom. Trace on
fine sand and frame the shape. Associate the concept of shapes in real life situation. Names the shape of
food items (Bread & Biscuit) Understands no, not, don’t and can’t. Identifies pictures of action words
(eating, clapping, running). Enjoys looking at picture books

Knows parts of the body and able to identify. Name the body parts clearly. Knows the use of sense
organs.” Knows the movements of body parts. Match and identify different textures like Rough-smooth
and Hard-soft. Follow, copy and complete the different patterns. Knows the height difference between the
peer groups. Is aware of healthy and unhealthy food. Match the objects with the body parts. Match the
body parts with their starting sound. Identify the names of four seasons. Knows the concept of day and
night. Knows the things that is used for personal hygiene (toothbrush, soap, hand wash, napkins….). Knows
to explore the secondary colours like orange, purple and green. Aware on harmful tools. Knows the basic
personal hygienic such as hand washing, wearing clean clothes and dealing with instances of coughs and
sneezes. Tells the taste of foods during snacks and lunch hour. Can tell the name of all four seasons –
winter, autumn, summer, spring. Can identify and name the clothes and the things used during different
season. Understands the climatic condition of each season. Able to tell the type of food and clothes we
should use in the particular seasons. Can tell the food habits of each season. Tells the season which they
like the most and why. Knows the different feeling cold, hot, wet and warm. Can match different things
used in different seasons for e.g.:-summer-(ice-cream, watermelon) winter-(sweater, hot coffee) spring-
(umbrella, gumboots). Can colour the pictures based on seasons. Understand the instruction and does the
activity clearly and neatly.

Use the appropriate vocabulary to describe the relationship in a family. Identify and talk about oldest to
youngest in her/his family. Share information about their families like occupations and the place they live.
Role play like father, mother, teacher… Use photos of family member’s pictures to indicate the tall and
short, big and small. Tell about the joint and nuclear family. Knows the difference between neighbours
and strangers. Knows and can identify different types of religious festivals for e.g.: - Diwali, Christmas, Id,
Rakshabandhan, Holi, Onam, Pongal etc. Can tell the name of the festivals, which they celebrate. Can tell
the things related to the festivals. Knows the importance of our national festivals... Understands clearly
that different religion people celebrate different festivals for e.g.:-Hindu-Diwali, Muslims-id. Knows that
during festival all relation, friends and loved ones comes together to celebrate the festivals. Can give ideas
regarding the safety precaution taken while bursting crackers. Is very happy to know that we get holiday
on every religious and national festival. Enjoys the sharing of gifts while shares. Knows to decorate the
Christmas tree. Has the knowledge of decorating the navrathiri steps with dolls.


Can identify and name 15 domestic and wild animals. Able to differentiate wild and domestic animals.
Knows the different cries of animals. Understand the characteristic features, their habitat and the young
ones for e.g. (dog-kennel-puppy, lion-den-cub).Able to identify aquatic animals and their features. Can
answer some simple riddles on animals. Knows to colour domestic, wild and aquatic animals. Able to
match animals with
the homes and young ones. Can narrate some own stories based on animals. Enjoys watching slide on
animals. Tells the favourite pet animals they like. Can identify and name 15 birds and insects. Able to tell
the name of the birds which can fly for e.g.:-kingfisher, dove, owl, etc. and the birds which cannot fly for
e.g.:-penguin, duck, ostrich etc. knows the homes of birds and their habitats. Can identify the colour of the
birds, for example: Kingfisher is blue in colour, Humming bird is shiny green or blue in colour and spoonbill
bird with the shape of spoon beak. Can differentiate between harmful and harmless insects for e.g.: -
harmful (mosquito, centipede, honeybee ant) and harmless (housefly, ladybug, and butterfly) etc. Able to
discriminate between birds and insects. Can answer some simple riddles on birds and insects. Able to
match birds and insects with their homes. Is very interested in watching the colourful pictures on
different birds and insects. Can identify the colour of the insects, for example: Julia butterfly in golden
colour, fire bug in red and black in colour and can predict the name of the Green stink bug by its smell.
Able to identify most of the birds and insects existing in the environment during an eco-walk and could
name them [Pigeon, sparrow, etc...]. Has the awareness of protecting the birds from the en-danger.
Understands the concept of immediate medication during the insects bite and also not touch the insects,
destroy their homes and disturbing the harmful insects. Always relates and applies the learnt knowledge
with the outer environment.

Differentiate the renumber concepts such as big - small, long -short, tall- short, far- near, thick – thin,
sharp – blunt. Able to identify and read the numbers in sequence 1 to 50. Reads and identifies the
specified number. Can write the numbers in sequence 1 to 50 with proper formation. Understands the
concept taught like count and write, missing number, after, and between numbers, forward and backward
counting Can write the missing number from 1 to 50. Identifies and writes number names from 1 to 10.
Able to read the number names in sequence order. Knows counting in tens. Able to count the beads or any
playful items up to 50. Understands the instruction and opens the correct page number of the book. Is
very much interested in counting and writing numbers. Identifies and writes the missing number on the
board and notebook.


Enjoys listening to simple, short story books Knows rhymes related to body parts and can sing rhymes like
“chubby cheeks…”, “clap your hands”, “two little hands Knows simple tongue twisters like “dolly, dolly”.
Knows rhymes related to colours such as “my red balloon”, “blue birds”,” Baa baa black sheep”. Listens
and responds to simple questions. Sings simple songs and does action rhymes. Talks about pictures in
posters, theme charts and books. Answers questions based on the story read. Hear and separate sound in
familiar names of classmates. Listens to others for short period of time and responds. Communicates
needs and thoughts verbally and nonverbally. Follows one or two steps of simple oral instructions. Listens
to new Vocabulary words. Listens to English words, greetings, polite forms of expression, simple sentences
and responds in English or home language. Listens to the story with the short period of time. Uses
appropriate vocabulary to speak. Participates and takes turns in conversation and shares likes and dislikes.
Makes eye contact and shows gesture and facial expressions. Listens to simple instructions during story
time or classroom management.


Uses a range of writing tools. Makes links to own experience when reading with the teacher Identify letters
and sounds. Identifies beginning, middle and ending sound of common words. Recognizes and reads some
sight words. Know to read CVC words. Identify vowels and consonants. Identify the sight word in the given
phrase. Identify and read 3 letter rhyming words such as bat, hat, cat, sat, fat, mat, fan, ran, pan, man.
Reads two letter words such as “is, in, as, it, on”. Can spot out 2 and 3 letter words from the sentences.
Can read simple sentence. Recognize the picture with simple sentences. Can read 2 & 3 letter words from
the picture. Can read three letter words from the story books. Handle book appropriate identify the book
front page and back page. Demonstrates increase in vocabulary and shows interest in learning new words.
Writes own name correctly. Identifies and writes upper-and lower-case letters independently. Can identify
and write vowels. Write CVC words. Can write more than 10 sight words. Writes 3 letter rhyming words
like “as bat, hat, cat, sat, fat, mat, fan, ran, pan, man”. Can write 2 letter words like “is, in, as, it, on”.
Identifies and label the given picture. Can write name, date and day independently. Writes the missing
letter without any help. Interested in writing and finish the task on time. Can sort out the words from
alphabet puzzles. Writes simple sentences independently. Recognises and points to a frequently occurring
word in the story.

Has a pleasant personality and excellent attitude towards learning. Is much organised and completes work
on time. Uses class time wisely. Is very responsible and turns in work on time. Takes an active role in
discussion. Listen well and shares idea frequently. Works well in groups, planning and carrying out
activities. Follows direction well. Shows respect towards teacher and peer ones. Speak with confidence.
Has a great sense of humour and enjoys class assignment. Volunteers often. Likes to learn using materials
with care and place it back after use. Has a good foundation of basic academic skill such as Letter
identification, sounds and number recognition. Using the polite form of words such as thank you, sorry,
please, etc.

Signature of the class Teacher Signature of the Principal

The Report of POOJASHREE.P has been read and explained to me in my vernacular and I clearly
understand the performance of my child at AVM.

Name of the Parent\ Guardian _______________ Signature __________________________

Agasthya Garden, TVS Road, Kothur Village, Hosur-635109
Term - I Report - 2022-2023

Student's Name AARADHANA.R Admission no: 109

Class/Section UKG-C
Tells name in full sentences. Shares holiday experiences. Knows primary colours (red, blue, green, yellow,
white and black). Sort out and match the colours alone... Can colour within the outline of a picture. Uses 2
or 3 colour crayons to scribble. Identify colours in the books, charts and pictures. Identify and name the
favourite colours. Knows the name of all basic shapes like square, rectangle, circle and triangle. Recognize
and name the shapes of object around. Identify the shapes from the object or pictures. Can pick up, tear
and paste paper for the collage work. Can pick the odd shape out from the set of shapes. Identifies and
names the shape of the door, window, board, cupboard and materials present in the classroom. Trace on
fine sand and frame the shape. Associate the concept of shapes in real life situation. Names the shape of
food items (Bread & Biscuit) Understands no, not, don’t and can’t. Identifies pictures of action words
(eating, clapping, running). Enjoys looking at picture books

Knows parts of the body and able to identify. Name the body parts clearly. Knows the use of sense
organs.” Knows the movements of body parts. Match and identify different textures like Rough-smooth
and Hard-soft. Follow, copy and complete the different patterns. Knows the height difference between the
peer groups. Is aware of healthy and unhealthy food. Match the objects with the body parts. Match the
body parts with their starting sound. Identify the names of four seasons. Knows the concept of day and
night. Knows the things that is used for personal hygiene (toothbrush, soap, hand wash, napkins….). Knows
to explore the secondary colours like orange, purple and green. Aware on harmful tools. Knows the basic
personal hygienic such as hand washing, wearing clean clothes and dealing with instances of coughs and
sneezes. Tells the taste of foods during snacks and lunch hour. Can tell the name of all four seasons –
winter, autumn, summer, spring. Can identify and name the clothes and the things used during different
season. Understands the climatic condition of each season. Able to tell the type of food and clothes we
should use in the particular seasons. Can tell the food habits of each season. Tells the season which they
like the most and why. Knows the different feeling cold, hot, wet and warm. Can match different things
used in different seasons for e.g.:-summer-(ice-cream, watermelon) winter-(sweater, hot coffee) spring-
(umbrella, gumboots). Can colour the pictures based on seasons. Understand the instruction and does the
activity clearly and neatly.

Use the appropriate vocabulary to describe the relationship in a family. Identify and talk about oldest to
youngest in her/his family. Share information about their families like occupations and the place they live.
Role play like father, mother, teacher… Use photos of family member’s pictures to indicate the tall and
short, big and small. Tell about the joint and nuclear family. Knows the difference between neighbours
and strangers. Knows and can identify different types of religious festivals for e.g.: - Diwali, Christmas, Id,
Rakshabandhan, Holi, Onam, Pongal etc. Can tell the name of the festivals, which they celebrate. Can tell
the things related to the festivals. Knows the importance of our national festivals... Understands clearly
that different religion people celebrate different festivals for e.g.:-Hindu-Diwali, Muslims-id. Knows that
during festival all relation, friends and loved ones comes together to celebrate the festivals. Can give ideas
regarding the safety precaution taken while bursting crackers. Is very happy to know that we get holiday
on every religious and national festival. Enjoys the sharing of gifts while shares. Knows to decorate the
Christmas tree. Has the knowledge of decorating the navrathiri steps with dolls.


Can identify and name 15 domestic and wild animals. Able to differentiate wild and domestic animals.
Knows the different cries of animals. Understand the characteristic features, their habitat and the young
ones for e.g. (dog-kennel-puppy, lion-den-cub).Able to identify aquatic animals and their features. Can
answer some simple riddles on animals. Knows to colour domestic, wild and aquatic animals. Able to
match animals with
the homes and young ones. Can narrate some own stories based on animals. Enjoys watching slide on
animals. Tells the favourite pet animals they like. Can identify and name 15 birds and insects. Able to tell
the name of the birds which can fly for e.g.:-kingfisher, dove, owl, etc. and the birds which cannot fly for
e.g.:-penguin, duck, ostrich etc. knows the homes of birds and their habitats. Can identify the colour of the
birds, for example: Kingfisher is blue in colour, Humming bird is shiny green or blue in colour and spoonbill
bird with the shape of spoon beak. Can differentiate between harmful and harmless insects for e.g.: -
harmful (mosquito, centipede, honeybee ant) and harmless (housefly, ladybug, and butterfly) etc. Able to
discriminate between birds and insects. Can answer some simple riddles on birds and insects. Able to
match birds and insects with their homes. Is very interested in watching the colourful pictures on
different birds and insects. Can identify the colour of the insects, for example: Julia butterfly in golden
colour, fire bug in red and black in colour and can predict the name of the Green stink bug by its smell.
Able to identify most of the birds and insects existing in the environment during an eco-walk and could
name them [Pigeon, sparrow, etc...]. Has the awareness of protecting the birds from the en-danger.
Understands the concept of immediate medication during the insects bite and also not touch the insects,
destroy their homes and disturbing the harmful insects. Always relates and applies the learnt knowledge
with the outer environment.

Differentiate the renumber concepts such as big - small, long -short, tall- short, far- near, thick – thin,
sharp – blunt. Able to identify and read the numbers in sequence 1 to 50. Reads and identifies the
specified number. Can write the numbers in sequence 1 to 50 with proper formation. Understands the
concept taught like count and write, missing number, after, and between numbers, forward and backward
counting Can write the missing number from 1 to 50. Identifies and writes number names from 1 to 10.
Able to read the number names in sequence order. Knows counting in tens. Able to count the beads or any
playful items up to 50. Understands the instruction and opens the correct page number of the book. Is
very much interested in counting and writing numbers. Identifies and writes the missing number on the
board and notebook.


Enjoys listening to simple, short story books Knows rhymes related to body parts and can sing rhymes like
“chubby cheeks…”, “clap your hands”, “two little hands Knows simple tongue twisters like “dolly, dolly”.
Knows rhymes related to colours such as “my red balloon”, “blue birds”,” Baa baa black sheep”. Listens
and responds to simple questions. Sings simple songs and does action rhymes. Talks about pictures in
posters, theme charts and books. Answers questions based on the story read. Hear and separate sound in
familiar names of classmates. Listens to others for short period of time and responds. Communicates
needs and thoughts verbally and nonverbally. Follows one or two steps of simple oral instructions. Listens
to new Vocabulary words. Listens to English words, greetings, polite forms of expression, simple sentences
and responds in English or home language. Listens to the story with the short period of time. Uses
appropriate vocabulary to speak. Participates and takes turns in conversation and shares likes and dislikes.
Makes eye contact and shows gesture and facial expressions. Listens to simple instructions during story
time or classroom management.


Uses a range of writing tools. Makes links to own experience when reading with the teacher Identify letters
and sounds. Identifies beginning, middle and ending sound of common words. Recognizes and reads some
sight words. Know to read CVC words. Identify vowels and consonants. Identify the sight word in the given
phrase. Identify and read 3 letter rhyming words such as bat, hat, cat, sat, fat, mat, fan, ran, pan, man.
Reads two letter words such as “is, in, as, it, on”. Can spot out 2 and 3 letter words from the sentences.
Can read simple sentence. Recognize the picture with simple sentences. Can read 2 & 3 letter words from
the picture. Can read three letter words from the story books. Handle book appropriate identify the book
front page and back page. Demonstrates increase in vocabulary and shows interest in learning new words.
Writes own name correctly. Identifies and writes upper-and lower-case letters independently. Can identify
and write vowels. Write CVC words. Can write more than 10 sight words. Writes 3 letter rhyming words
like “as bat, hat, cat, sat, fat, mat, fan, ran, pan, man”. Can write 2 letter words like “is, in, as, it, on”.
Identifies and label the given picture. Can write name, date and day independently. Writes the missing
letter without any help. Interested in writing and finish the task on time. Can sort out the words from
alphabet puzzles. Writes simple sentences independently. Recognises and points to a frequently occurring
word in the story.

Has a pleasant personality and excellent attitude towards learning. Is much organised and completes work
on time. Uses class time wisely. Is very responsible and turns in work on time. Takes an active role in
discussion. Listen well and shares idea frequently. Works well in groups, planning and carrying out
activities. Follows direction well. Shows respect towards teacher and peer ones. Speak with confidence.
Has a great sense of humour and enjoys class assignment. Volunteers often. Likes to learn using materials
with care and place it back after use. Has a good foundation of basic academic skill such as Letter
identification, sounds and number recognition. Using the polite form of words such as thank you, sorry,
please, etc.

Signature of the class Teacher Signature of the Principal

The Report of AARADHANA.R has been read and explained to me in my vernacular and I clearly
understand the performance of my child at AVM.

Name of the Parent\ Guardian _______________ Signature __________________________


Agasthya Garden, TVS Road, Kothur Village, Hosur-635109
Term - I Report - 2022-2023

Student's Name AKSHARADEVI.U Admission no: 001

Class/Section UKG-C
Tells name in full sentences. Shares holiday experiences. Knows primary colours (red, blue, green, yellow,
white and black). Sort out and match the colours alone... Can colour within the outline of a picture. Uses 2
or 3 colour crayons to scribble. Identify colours in the books, charts and pictures. Identify and name the
favourite colours. Knows the name of all basic shapes like square, rectangle, circle and triangle. Recognize
and name the shapes of object around. Identify the shapes from the object or pictures. Can pick up, tear
and paste paper for the collage work. Can pick the odd shape out from the set of shapes. Identifies and
names the shape of the door, window, board, cupboard and materials present in the classroom. Trace on
fine sand and frame the shape. Associate the concept of shapes in real life situation. Names the shape of
food items (Bread & Biscuit) Understands no, not, don’t and can’t. Identifies pictures of action words
(eating, clapping, running). Enjoys looking at picture books
Knows parts of the body and able to identify. Name the body parts clearly. Knows the use of sense
organs.” Knows the movements of body parts. Match and identify different textures like Rough-smooth
and Hard-soft. Follow, copy and complete the different patterns. Knows the height difference between the
peer groups. Is aware of healthy and unhealthy food. Match the objects with the body parts. Match the
body parts with their starting sound. Identify the names of four seasons. Knows the concept of day and
night. Knows the things that is used for personal hygiene (toothbrush, soap, hand wash, napkins….). Knows
to explore the secondary colours like orange, purple and green. Aware on harmful tools. Knows the basic
personal hygienic such as hand washing, wearing clean clothes and dealing with instances of coughs and
sneezes. Tells the taste of foods during snacks and lunch hour. Can tell the name of all four seasons –
winter, autumn, summer, spring. Can identify and name the clothes and the things used during different
season. Understands the climatic condition of each season. Able to tell the type of food and clothes we
should use in the particular seasons. Can tell the food habits of each season. Tells the season which they
like the most and why. Knows the different feeling cold, hot, wet and warm. Can match different things
used in different seasons for e.g.:-summer-(ice-cream, watermelon) winter-(sweater, hot coffee) spring-
(umbrella, gumboots). Can colour the pictures based on seasons. Understand the instruction and does the
activity clearly and neatly.

Use the appropriate vocabulary to describe the relationship in a family. Identify and talk about oldest to
youngest in her/his family. Share information about their families like occupations and the place they live.
Role play like father, mother, teacher… Use photos of family member’s pictures to indicate the tall and
short, big and small. Tell about the joint and nuclear family. Knows the difference between neighbours
and strangers. Knows and can identify different types of religious festivals for e.g.: - Diwali, Christmas, Id,
Rakshabandhan, Holi, Onam, Pongal etc. Can tell the name of the festivals, which they celebrate. Can tell
the things related to the festivals. Knows the importance of our national festivals... Understands clearly
that different religion people celebrate different festivals for e.g.:-Hindu-Diwali, Muslims-id. Knows that
during festival all relation, friends and loved ones comes together to celebrate the festivals. Can give ideas
regarding the safety precaution taken while bursting crackers. Is very happy to know that we get holiday
on every religious and national festival. Enjoys the sharing of gifts while shares. Knows to decorate the
Christmas tree. Has the knowledge of decorating the navrathiri steps with dolls.


Can identify and name 15 domestic and wild animals. Able to differentiate wild and domestic animals.
Knows the different cries of animals. Understand the characteristic features, their habitat and the young
ones for e.g. (dog-kennel-puppy, lion-den-cub).Able to identify aquatic animals and their features. Can
answer some simple riddles on animals. Knows to colour domestic, wild and aquatic animals. Able to
match animals with
the homes and young ones. Can narrate some own stories based on animals. Enjoys watching slide on
animals. Tells the favourite pet animals they like. Can identify and name 15 birds and insects. Able to tell
the name of the birds which can fly for e.g.:-kingfisher, dove, owl, etc. and the birds which cannot fly for
e.g.:-penguin, duck, ostrich etc. knows the homes of birds and their habitats. Can identify the colour of the
birds, for example: Kingfisher is blue in colour, Humming bird is shiny green or blue in colour and spoonbill
bird with the shape of spoon beak. Can differentiate between harmful and harmless insects for e.g.: -
harmful (mosquito, centipede, honeybee ant) and harmless (housefly, ladybug, and butterfly) etc. Able to
discriminate between birds and insects. Can answer some simple riddles on birds and insects. Able to
match birds and insects with their homes. Is very interested in watching the colourful pictures on
different birds and insects. Can identify the colour of the insects, for example: Julia butterfly in golden
colour, fire bug in red and black in colour and can predict the name of the Green stink bug by its smell.
Able to identify most of the birds and insects existing in the environment during an eco-walk and could
name them [Pigeon, sparrow, etc...]. Has the awareness of protecting the birds from the en-danger.
Understands the concept of immediate medication during the insects bite and also not touch the insects,
destroy their homes and disturbing the harmful insects. Always relates and applies the learnt knowledge
with the outer environment.

Differentiate the renumber concepts such as big - small, long -short, tall- short, far- near, thick – thin,
sharp – blunt. Able to identify and read the numbers in sequence 1 to 50. Reads and identifies the
specified number. Can write the numbers in sequence 1 to 50 with proper formation. Understands the
concept taught like count and write, missing number, after, and between numbers, forward and backward
counting Can write the missing number from 1 to 50. Identifies and writes number names from 1 to 10.
Able to read the number names in sequence order. Knows counting in tens. Able to count the beads or any
playful items up to 50. Understands the instruction and opens the correct page number of the book. Is
very much interested in counting and writing numbers. Identifies and writes the missing number on the
board and notebook.


Enjoys listening to simple, short story books Knows rhymes related to body parts and can sing rhymes like
“chubby cheeks…”, “clap your hands”, “two little hands Knows simple tongue twisters like “dolly, dolly”.
Knows rhymes related to colours such as “my red balloon”, “blue birds”,” Baa baa black sheep”. Listens
and responds to simple questions. Sings simple songs and does action rhymes. Talks about pictures in
posters, theme charts and books. Answers questions based on the story read. Hear and separate sound in
familiar names of classmates. Listens to others for short period of time and responds. Communicates
needs and thoughts verbally and nonverbally. Follows one or two steps of simple oral instructions. Listens
to new Vocabulary words. Listens to English words, greetings, polite forms of expression, simple sentences
and responds in English or home language. Listens to the story with the short period of time. Uses
appropriate vocabulary to speak. Participates and takes turns in conversation and shares likes and dislikes.
Makes eye contact and shows gesture and facial expressions. Listens to simple instructions during story
time or classroom management.


Uses a range of writing tools. Makes links to own experience when reading with the teacher Identify letters
and sounds. Identifies beginning, middle and ending sound of common words. Recognizes and reads some
sight words. Know to read CVC words. Identify vowels and consonants. Identify the sight word in the given
phrase. Identify and read 3 letter rhyming words such as bat, hat, cat, sat, fat, mat, fan, ran, pan, man.
Reads two letter words such as “is, in, as, it, on”. Can spot out 2 and 3 letter words from the sentences.
Can read simple sentence. Recognize the picture with simple sentences. Can read 2 & 3 letter words from
the picture. Can read three letter words from the story books. Handle book appropriate identify the book
front page and back page. Demonstrates increase in vocabulary and shows interest in learning new words.
Writes own name correctly. Identifies and writes upper-and lower-case letters independently. Can identify
and write vowels. Write CVC words. Can write more than 10 sight words. Writes 3 letter rhyming words
like “as bat, hat, cat, sat, fat, mat, fan, ran, pan, man”. Can write 2 letter words like “is, in, as, it, on”.
Identifies and label the given picture. Can write name, date and day independently. Writes the missing
letter without any help. Interested in writing and finish the task on time. Can sort out the words from
alphabet puzzles. Writes simple sentences independently. Recognises and points to a frequently occurring
word in the story.

Has a pleasant personality and excellent attitude towards learning. Is much organised and completes work
on time. Uses class time wisely. Is very responsible and turns in work on time. Takes an active role in
discussion. Listen well and shares idea frequently. Works well in groups, planning and carrying out
activities. Follows direction well. Shows respect towards teacher and peer ones. Speak with confidence.
Has a great sense of humour and enjoys class assignment. Volunteers often. Likes to learn using materials
with care and place it back after use. Has a good foundation of basic academic skill such as Letter
identification, sounds and number recognition. Using the polite form of words such as thank you, sorry,
please, etc.
Signature of the class Teacher Signature of the Principal

The Report of AKSHARADEVI.U has been read and explained to me in my vernacular and I clearly
understand the performance of my child at AVM.

Name of the Parent\ Guardian _______________ Signature __________________________


Agasthya Garden, TVS Road, Kothur Village, Hosur-635109
Term - I Report - 2022-2023

Student's Name ANUBHAV PATHAK Admission no: 328

Class/Section UKG-C
Tells name in full sentences. Shares holiday experiences. Knows primary colours (red, blue, green, yellow,
white and black). Sort out and match the colours alone... Can colour within the outline of a picture. Uses 2
or 3 colour crayons to scribble. Identify colours in the books, charts and pictures. Identify and name the
favourite colours. Knows the name of all basic shapes like square, rectangle, circle and triangle. Recognize
and name the shapes of object around. Identify the shapes from the object or pictures. Can pick up, tear
and paste paper for the collage work. Can pick the odd shape out from the set of shapes. Identifies and
names the shape of the door, window, board, cupboard and materials present in the classroom. Trace on
fine sand and frame the shape. Associate the concept of shapes in real life situation. Names the shape of
food items (Bread & Biscuit) Understands no, not, don’t and can’t. Identifies pictures of action words
(eating, clapping, running). Enjoys looking at picture books

Knows parts of the body and able to identify. Name the body parts clearly. Knows the use of sense
organs.” Knows the movements of body parts. Match and identify different textures like Rough-smooth
and Hard-soft. Follow, copy and complete the different patterns. Knows the height difference between the
peer groups. Is aware of healthy and unhealthy food. Match the objects with the body parts. Match the
body parts with their starting sound. Identify the names of four seasons. Knows the concept of day and
night. Knows the things that is used for personal hygiene (toothbrush, soap, hand wash, napkins….). Knows
to explore the secondary colours like orange, purple and green. Aware on harmful tools. Knows the basic
personal hygienic such as hand washing, wearing clean clothes and dealing with instances of coughs and
sneezes. Tells the taste of foods during snacks and lunch hour. Can tell the name of all four seasons –
winter, autumn, summer, spring. Can identify and name the clothes and the things used during different
season. Understands the climatic condition of each season. Able to tell the type of food and clothes we
should use in the particular seasons. Can tell the food habits of each season. Tells the season which they
like the most and why. Knows the different feeling cold, hot, wet and warm. Can match different things
used in different seasons for e.g.:-summer-(ice-cream, watermelon) winter-(sweater, hot coffee) spring-
(umbrella, gumboots). Can colour the pictures based on seasons. Understand the instruction and does the
activity clearly and neatly.

Use the appropriate vocabulary to describe the relationship in a family. Identify and talk about oldest to
youngest in her/his family. Share information about their families like occupations and the place they live.
Role play like father, mother, teacher… Use photos of family member’s pictures to indicate the tall and
short, big and small. Tell about the joint and nuclear family. Knows the difference between neighbours
and strangers. Knows and can identify different types of religious festivals for e.g.: - Diwali, Christmas, Id,
Rakshabandhan, Holi, Onam, Pongal etc. Can tell the name of the festivals, which they celebrate. Can tell
the things related to the festivals. Knows the importance of our national festivals... Understands clearly
that different religion people celebrate different festivals for e.g.:-Hindu-Diwali, Muslims-id. Knows that
during festival all relation, friends and loved ones comes together to celebrate the festivals. Can give ideas
regarding the safety precaution taken while bursting crackers. Is very happy to know that we get holiday
on every religious and national festival. Enjoys the sharing of gifts while shares. Knows to decorate the
Christmas tree. Has the knowledge of decorating the navrathiri steps with dolls.


Can identify and name 15 domestic and wild animals. Able to differentiate wild and domestic animals.
Knows the different cries of animals. Understand the characteristic features, their habitat and the young
ones for e.g. (dog-kennel-puppy, lion-den-cub).Able to identify aquatic animals and their features. Can
answer some simple riddles on animals. Knows to colour domestic, wild and aquatic animals. Able to
match animals with
the homes and young ones. Can narrate some own stories based on animals. Enjoys watching slide on
animals. Tells the favourite pet animals they like. Can identify and name 15 birds and insects. Able to tell
the name of the birds which can fly for e.g.:-kingfisher, dove, owl, etc. and the birds which cannot fly for
e.g.:-penguin, duck, ostrich etc. knows the homes of birds and their habitats. Can identify the colour of the
birds, for example: Kingfisher is blue in colour, Humming bird is shiny green or blue in colour and spoonbill
bird with the shape of spoon beak. Can differentiate between harmful and harmless insects for e.g.: -
harmful (mosquito, centipede, honeybee ant) and harmless (housefly, ladybug, and butterfly) etc. Able to
discriminate between birds and insects. Can answer some simple riddles on birds and insects. Able to
match birds and insects with their homes. Is very interested in watching the colourful pictures on
different birds and insects. Can identify the colour of the insects, for example: Julia butterfly in golden
colour, fire bug in red and black in colour and can predict the name of the Green stink bug by its smell.
Able to identify most of the birds and insects existing in the environment during an eco-walk and could
name them [Pigeon, sparrow, etc...]. Has the awareness of protecting the birds from the en-danger.
Understands the concept of immediate medication during the insects bite and also not touch the insects,
destroy their homes and disturbing the harmful insects. Always relates and applies the learnt knowledge
with the outer environment.

Differentiate the renumber concepts such as big - small, long -short, tall- short, far- near, thick – thin,
sharp – blunt. Able to identify and read the numbers in sequence 1 to 50. Reads and identifies the
specified number. Can write the numbers in sequence 1 to 50 with proper formation. Understands the
concept taught like count and write, missing number, after, and between numbers, forward and backward
counting Can write the missing number from 1 to 50. Identifies and writes number names from 1 to 10.
Able to read the number names in sequence order. Knows counting in tens. Able to count the beads or any
playful items up to 50. Understands the instruction and opens the correct page number of the book. Is
very much interested in counting and writing numbers. Identifies and writes the missing number on the
board and notebook.


Enjoys listening to simple, short story books Knows rhymes related to body parts and can sing rhymes like
“chubby cheeks…”, “clap your hands”, “two little hands Knows simple tongue twisters like “dolly, dolly”.
Knows rhymes related to colours such as “my red balloon”, “blue birds”,” Baa baa black sheep”. Listens
and responds to simple questions. Sings simple songs and does action rhymes. Talks about pictures in
posters, theme charts and books. Answers questions based on the story read. Hear and separate sound in
familiar names of classmates. Listens to others for short period of time and responds. Communicates
needs and thoughts verbally and nonverbally. Follows one or two steps of simple oral instructions. Listens
to new Vocabulary words. Listens to English words, greetings, polite forms of expression, simple sentences
and responds in English or home language. Listens to the story with the short period of time. Uses
appropriate vocabulary to speak. Participates and takes turns in conversation and shares likes and dislikes.
Makes eye contact and shows gesture and facial expressions. Listens to simple instructions during story
time or classroom management.


Uses a range of writing tools. Makes links to own experience when reading with the teacher Identify letters
and sounds. Identifies beginning, middle and ending sound of common words. Recognizes and reads some
sight words. Know to read CVC words. Identify vowels and consonants. Identify the sight word in the given
phrase. Identify and read 3 letter rhyming words such as bat, hat, cat, sat, fat, mat, fan, ran, pan, man.
Reads two letter words such as “is, in, as, it, on”. Can spot out 2 and 3 letter words from the sentences.
Can read simple sentence. Recognize the picture with simple sentences. Can read 2 & 3 letter words from
the picture. Can read three letter words from the story books. Handle book appropriate identify the book
front page and back page. Demonstrates increase in vocabulary and shows interest in learning new words.
Writes own name correctly. Identifies and writes upper-and lower-case letters independently. Can identify
and write vowels. Write CVC words. Can write more than 10 sight words. Writes 3 letter rhyming words
like “as bat, hat, cat, sat, fat, mat, fan, ran, pan, man”. Can write 2 letter words like “is, in, as, it, on”.
Identifies and label the given picture. Can write name, date and day independently. Writes the missing
letter without any help. Interested in writing and finish the task on time. Can sort out the words from
alphabet puzzles. Writes simple sentences independently. Recognises and points to a frequently occurring
word in the story.

Is calm , friendly, independent and co-operative child. Interacts skilfully and sensitively with the
teachers and peers. Is a keen observer. Grasps things quickly and apply the learnt knowledge in the
real life situation. Has developed very good fine motor, gross motor co-ordinations. Likes to sing,
dance and playing in the playground. Using the polite form of words such as saying thank you,
sorry, please etc... In day to day life regularly. Always works with interest and enthusiasm. Always
does his best. Generally makes an effort on his attitude. His work is tidy and attractive layout.
Forms and maintain good relationship with students and adults. Works well to achieve a common
aim. Whilst having a large circle of friends .Shows initiate in most situations. Learns routines
quickly and manages his time effectively. Organize himself effectively in all activities .Can sort
out problems alone or seeks help appropriately. Is always aware of and concerned about the
feelings of others, and acts accordingly .Always controls his behaviour appropriately. Likes his
own creative then other activities With his friendly and cooperative attitude, he has always been a
pleasant addition to the class.

Signature of the class Teacher Signature of the Principal

The Report of ANUBHAV PATHAK has been read and explained to me in my vernacular and I clearly
understand the performance of my child at AVM.

Name of the Parent\ Guardian _______________ Signature __________________________


Agasthya Garden, TVS Road, Kothur Village, Hosur-635109
Term - I Report - 2022-2023

Student's Name ANUSHRI.R Admission no: 345

Class/Section UKG-C
Tells name in full sentences. Shares holiday experiences. Knows primary colours (red, blue, green, yellow,
white and black). Sort out and match the colours alone... Can colour within the outline of a picture. Uses 2
or 3 colour crayons to scribble. Identify colours in the books, charts and pictures. Identify and name the
favourite colours. Knows the name of all basic shapes like square, rectangle, circle and triangle. Recognize
and name the shapes of object around. Identify the shapes from the object or pictures. Can pick up, tear
and paste paper for the collage work. Can pick the odd shape out from the set of shapes. Identifies and
names the shape of the door, window, board, cupboard and materials present in the classroom. Trace on
fine sand and frame the shape. Associate the concept of shapes in real life situation. Names the shape of
food items (Bread & Biscuit) Understands no, not, don’t and can’t. Identifies pictures of action words
(eating, clapping, running). Enjoys looking at picture books

Knows parts of the body and able to identify. Name the body parts clearly. Knows the use of sense
organs.” Knows the movements of body parts. Match and identify different textures like Rough-smooth
and Hard-soft. Follow, copy and complete the different patterns. Knows the height difference between the
peer groups. Is aware of healthy and unhealthy food. Match the objects with the body parts. Match the
body parts with their starting sound. Identify the names of four seasons. Knows the concept of day and
night. Knows the things that is used for personal hygiene (toothbrush, soap, hand wash, napkins….). Knows
to explore the secondary colours like orange, purple and green. Aware on harmful tools. Knows the basic
personal hygienic such as hand washing, wearing clean clothes and dealing with instances of coughs and
sneezes. Tells the taste of foods during snacks and lunch hour. Can tell the name of all four seasons –
winter, autumn, summer, spring. Can identify and name the clothes and the things used during different
season. Understands the climatic condition of each season. Able to tell the type of food and clothes we
should use in the particular seasons. Can tell the food habits of each season. Tells the season which they
like the most and why. Knows the different feeling cold, hot, wet and warm. Can match different things
used in different seasons for e.g.:-summer-(ice-cream, watermelon) winter-(sweater, hot coffee) spring-
(umbrella, gumboots). Can colour the pictures based on seasons. Understand the instruction and does the
activity clearly and neatly.

Use the appropriate vocabulary to describe the relationship in a family. Identify and talk about oldest to
youngest in her/his family. Share information about their families like occupations and the place they live.
Role play like father, mother, teacher… Use photos of family member’s pictures to indicate the tall and
short, big and small. Tell about the joint and nuclear family. Knows the difference between neighbours
and strangers. Knows and can identify different types of religious festivals for e.g.: - Diwali, Christmas, Id,
Rakshabandhan, Holi, Onam, Pongal etc. Can tell the name of the festivals, which they celebrate. Can tell
the things related to the festivals. Knows the importance of our national festivals... Understands clearly
that different religion people celebrate different festivals for e.g.:-Hindu-Diwali, Muslims-id. Knows that
during festival all relation, friends and loved ones comes together to celebrate the festivals. Can give ideas
regarding the safety precaution taken while bursting crackers. Is very happy to know that we get holiday
on every religious and national festival. Enjoys the sharing of gifts while shares. Knows to decorate the
Christmas tree. Has the knowledge of decorating the navrathiri steps with dolls.


Can identify and name 15 domestic and wild animals. Able to differentiate wild and domestic animals.
Knows the different cries of animals. Understand the characteristic features, their habitat and the young
ones for e.g. (dog-kennel-puppy, lion-den-cub).Able to identify aquatic animals and their features. Can
answer some simple riddles on animals. Knows to colour domestic, wild and aquatic animals. Able to
match animals with
the homes and young ones. Can narrate some own stories based on animals. Enjoys watching slide on
animals. Tells the favourite pet animals they like. Can identify and name 15 birds and insects. Able to tell
the name of the birds which can fly for e.g.:-kingfisher, dove, owl, etc. and the birds which cannot fly for
e.g.:-penguin, duck, ostrich etc. knows the homes of birds and their habitats. Can identify the colour of the
birds, for example: Kingfisher is blue in colour, Humming bird is shiny green or blue in colour and spoonbill
bird with the shape of spoon beak. Can differentiate between harmful and harmless insects for e.g.: -
harmful (mosquito, centipede, honeybee ant) and harmless (housefly, ladybug, and butterfly) etc. Able to
discriminate between birds and insects. Can answer some simple riddles on birds and insects. Able to
match birds and insects with their homes. Is very interested in watching the colourful pictures on
different birds and insects. Can identify the colour of the insects, for example: Julia butterfly in golden
colour, fire bug in red and black in colour and can predict the name of the Green stink bug by its smell.
Able to identify most of the birds and insects existing in the environment during an eco-walk and could
name them [Pigeon, sparrow, etc...]. Has the awareness of protecting the birds from the en-danger.
Understands the concept of immediate medication during the insects bite and also not touch the insects,
destroy their homes and disturbing the harmful insects. Always relates and applies the learnt knowledge
with the outer environment.

Differentiate the renumber concepts such as big - small, long -short, tall- short, far- near, thick – thin,
sharp – blunt. Able to identify and read the numbers in sequence 1 to 50. Reads and identifies the
specified number. Can write the numbers in sequence 1 to 50 with proper formation. Understands the
concept taught like count and write, missing number, after, and between numbers, forward and backward
counting Can write the missing number from 1 to 50. Identifies and writes number names from 1 to 10.
Able to read the number names in sequence order. Knows counting in tens. Able to count the beads or any
playful items up to 50. Understands the instruction and opens the correct page number of the book. Is
very much interested in counting and writing numbers. Identifies and writes the missing number on the
board and notebook.


Enjoys listening to simple, short story books Knows rhymes related to body parts and can sing rhymes like
“chubby cheeks…”, “clap your hands”, “two little hands Knows simple tongue twisters like “dolly, dolly”.
Knows rhymes related to colours such as “my red balloon”, “blue birds”,” Baa baa black sheep”. Listens
and responds to simple questions. Sings simple songs and does action rhymes. Talks about pictures in
posters, theme charts and books. Answers questions based on the story read. Hear and separate sound in
familiar names of classmates. Listens to others for short period of time and responds. Communicates
needs and thoughts verbally and nonverbally. Follows one or two steps of simple oral instructions. Listens
to new Vocabulary words. Listens to English words, greetings, polite forms of expression, simple sentences
and responds in English or home language. Listens to the story with the short period of time. Uses
appropriate vocabulary to speak. Participates and takes turns in conversation and shares likes and dislikes.
Makes eye contact and shows gesture and facial expressions. Listens to simple instructions during story
time or classroom management.


Uses a range of writing tools. Makes links to own experience when reading with the teacher Identify letters
and sounds. Identifies beginning, middle and ending sound of common words. Recognizes and reads some
sight words. Know to read CVC words. Identify vowels and consonants. Identify the sight word in the given
phrase. Identify and read 3 letter rhyming words such as bat, hat, cat, sat, fat, mat, fan, ran, pan, man.
Reads two letter words such as “is, in, as, it, on”. Can spot out 2 and 3 letter words from the sentences.
Can read simple sentence. Recognize the picture with simple sentences. Can read 2 & 3 letter words from
the picture. Can read three letter words from the story books. Handle book appropriate identify the book
front page and back page. Demonstrates increase in vocabulary and shows interest in learning new words.
Writes own name correctly. Identifies and writes upper-and lower-case letters independently. Can identify
and write vowels. Write CVC words. Can write more than 10 sight words. Writes 3 letter rhyming words
like “as bat, hat, cat, sat, fat, mat, fan, ran, pan, man”. Can write 2 letter words like “is, in, as, it, on”.
Identifies and label the given picture. Can write name, date and day independently. Writes the missing
letter without any help. Interested in writing and finish the task on time. Can sort out the words from
alphabet puzzles. Writes simple sentences independently. Recognises and points to a frequently occurring
word in the story.

Has a pleasant personality and excellent attitude towards learning. Is much organised and completes work
on time. Uses class time wisely. Is very responsible and turns in work on time. Takes an active role in
discussion. Listen well and shares idea frequently. Works well in groups, planning and carrying out
activities. Follows direction well. Shows respect towards teacher and peer ones. Speak with confidence.
Has a great sense of humour and enjoys class assignment. Volunteers often. Likes to learn using materials
with care and place it back after use. Has a good foundation of basic academic skill such as Letter
identification, sounds and number recognition. Using the polite form of words such as thank you, sorry,
please, etc.

Signature of the class Teacher Signature of the Principal

The Report of ANUSHRI.R has been read and explained to me in my vernacular and I clearly understand
the performance of my child at AVM.

Name of the Parent\ Guardian _______________ Signature __________________________

Agasthya Garden, TVS Road, Kothur Village, Hosur-635109
Term - I Report - 2022-2023

Student's Name DUSHYANTH.V Admission no: 324

Class/Section UKG-C
Tells name in full sentences. Shares holiday experiences. Knows primary colours (red, blue, green, yellow,
white and black). Sort out and match the colours alone... Can colour within the outline of a picture. Uses 2
or 3 colour crayons to scribble. Identify colours in the books, charts and pictures. Identify and name the
favourite colours. Knows the name of all basic shapes like square, rectangle, circle and triangle. Recognize
and name the shapes of object around. Identify the shapes from the object or pictures. Can pick up, tear
and paste paper for the collage work. Can pick the odd shape out from the set of shapes. Identifies and
names the shape of the door, window, board, cupboard and materials present in the classroom. Trace on
fine sand and frame the shape. Associate the concept of shapes in real life situation. Names the shape of
food items (Bread & Biscuit) Understands no, not, don’t and can’t. Identifies pictures of action words
(eating, clapping, running). Enjoys looking at picture books

Knows parts of the body and able to identify. Name the body parts clearly. Knows the use of sense
organs.” Knows the movements of body parts. Match and identify different textures like Rough-smooth
and Hard-soft. Follow, copy and complete the different patterns. Knows the height difference between the
peer groups. Is aware of healthy and unhealthy food. Match the objects with the body parts. Match the
body parts with their starting sound. Identify the names of four seasons. Knows the concept of day and
night. Knows the things that is used for personal hygiene (toothbrush, soap, hand wash, napkins….). Knows
to explore the secondary colours like orange, purple and green. Aware on harmful tools. Knows the basic
personal hygienic such as hand washing, wearing clean clothes and dealing with instances of coughs and
sneezes. Tells the taste of foods during snacks and lunch hour. Can tell the name of all four seasons –
winter, autumn, summer, spring. Can identify and name the clothes and the things used during different
season. Understands the climatic condition of each season. Able to tell the type of food and clothes we
should use in the particular seasons. Can tell the food habits of each season. Tells the season which they
like the most and why. Knows the different feeling cold, hot, wet and warm. Can match different things
used in different seasons for e.g.:-summer-(ice-cream, watermelon) winter-(sweater, hot coffee) spring-
(umbrella, gumboots). Can colour the pictures based on seasons. Understand the instruction and does the
activity clearly and neatly.

Use the appropriate vocabulary to describe the relationship in a family. Identify and talk about oldest to
youngest in her/his family. Share information about their families like occupations and the place they live.
Role play like father, mother, teacher… Use photos of family member’s pictures to indicate the tall and
short, big and small. Tell about the joint and nuclear family. Knows the difference between neighbours
and strangers. Knows and can identify different types of religious festivals for e.g.: - Diwali, Christmas, Id,
Rakshabandhan, Holi, Onam, Pongal etc. Can tell the name of the festivals, which they celebrate. Can tell
the things related to the festivals. Knows the importance of our national festivals... Understands clearly
that different religion people celebrate different festivals for e.g.:-Hindu-Diwali, Muslims-id. Knows that
during festival all relation, friends and loved ones comes together to celebrate the festivals. Can give ideas
regarding the safety precaution taken while bursting crackers. Is very happy to know that we get holiday
on every religious and national festival. Enjoys the sharing of gifts while shares. Knows to decorate the
Christmas tree. Has the knowledge of decorating the navrathiri steps with dolls.
Can identify and name 15 domestic and wild animals. Able to differentiate wild and domestic animals.
Knows the different cries of animals. Understand the characteristic features, their habitat and the young
ones for e.g. (dog-kennel-puppy, lion-den-cub).Able to identify aquatic animals and their features. Can
answer some simple riddles on animals. Knows to colour domestic, wild and aquatic animals. Able to
match animals with
the homes and young ones. Can narrate some own stories based on animals. Enjoys watching slide on
animals. Tells the favourite pet animals they like. Can identify and name 15 birds and insects. Able to tell
the name of the birds which can fly for e.g.:-kingfisher, dove, owl, etc. and the birds which cannot fly for
e.g.:-penguin, duck, ostrich etc. knows the homes of birds and their habitats. Can identify the colour of the
birds, for example: Kingfisher is blue in colour, Humming bird is shiny green or blue in colour and spoonbill
bird with the shape of spoon beak. Can differentiate between harmful and harmless insects for e.g.: -
harmful (mosquito, centipede, honeybee ant) and harmless (housefly, ladybug, and butterfly) etc. Able to
discriminate between birds and insects. Can answer some simple riddles on birds and insects. Able to
match birds and insects with their homes. Is very interested in watching the colourful pictures on
different birds and insects. Can identify the colour of the insects, for example: Julia butterfly in golden
colour, fire bug in red and black in colour and can predict the name of the Green stink bug by its smell.
Able to identify most of the birds and insects existing in the environment during an eco-walk and could
name them [Pigeon, sparrow, etc...]. Has the awareness of protecting the birds from the en-danger.
Understands the concept of immediate medication during the insects bite and also not touch the insects,
destroy their homes and disturbing the harmful insects. Always relates and applies the learnt knowledge
with the outer environment.

Differentiate the renumber concepts such as big - small, long -short, tall- short, far- near, thick – thin,
sharp – blunt. Able to identify and read the numbers in sequence 1 to 50. Reads and identifies the
specified number. Can write the numbers in sequence 1 to 50 with proper formation. Understands the
concept taught like count and write, missing number, after, and between numbers, forward and backward
counting Can write the missing number from 1 to 50. Identifies and writes number names from 1 to 10.
Able to read the number names in sequence order. Knows counting in tens. Able to count the beads or any
playful items up to 50. Understands the instruction and opens the correct page number of the book. Is
very much interested in counting and writing numbers. Identifies and writes the missing number on the
board and notebook.


Enjoys listening to simple, short story books Knows rhymes related to body parts and can sing rhymes like
“chubby cheeks…”, “clap your hands”, “two little hands Knows simple tongue twisters like “dolly, dolly”.
Knows rhymes related to colours such as “my red balloon”, “blue birds”,” Baa baa black sheep”. Listens
and responds to simple questions. Sings simple songs and does action rhymes. Talks about pictures in
posters, theme charts and books. Answers questions based on the story read. Hear and separate sound in
familiar names of classmates. Listens to others for short period of time and responds. Communicates
needs and thoughts verbally and nonverbally. Follows one or two steps of simple oral instructions. Listens
to new Vocabulary words. Listens to English words, greetings, polite forms of expression, simple sentences
and responds in English or home language. Listens to the story with the short period of time. Uses
appropriate vocabulary to speak. Participates and takes turns in conversation and shares likes and dislikes.
Makes eye contact and shows gesture and facial expressions. Listens to simple instructions during story
time or classroom management.


Uses a range of writing tools. Makes links to own experience when reading with the teacher Identify letters
and sounds. Identifies beginning, middle and ending sound of common words. Recognizes and reads some
sight words. Know to read CVC words. Identify vowels and consonants. Identify the sight word in the given
phrase. Identify and read 3 letter rhyming words such as bat, hat, cat, sat, fat, mat, fan, ran, pan, man.
Reads two letter words such as “is, in, as, it, on”. Can spot out 2 and 3 letter words from the sentences.
Can read simple sentence. Recognize the picture with simple sentences. Can read 2 & 3 letter words from
the picture. Can read three letter words from the story books. Handle book appropriate identify the book
front page and back page. Demonstrates increase in vocabulary and shows interest in learning new words.
Writes own name correctly. Identifies and writes upper-and lower-case letters independently. Can identify
and write vowels. Write CVC words. Can write more than 10 sight words. Writes 3 letter rhyming words
like “as bat, hat, cat, sat, fat, mat, fan, ran, pan, man”. Can write 2 letter words like “is, in, as, it, on”.
Identifies and label the given picture. Can write name, date and day independently. Writes the missing
letter without any help. Interested in writing and finish the task on time. Can sort out the words from
alphabet puzzles. Writes simple sentences independently. Recognises and points to a frequently occurring
word in the story.

Amazing child with full of talents. Helping nature and always cheerful in the class. Understands and
Obeys the rules and routines of the classroom. Enjoys and is very happy to come to school. The child does
the work with interest and enthusiasm. Clears the doubts then and there. Is interesting in arranging the
things or playing items properly for eg: playing materials, puzzles etc. Always eager to learn new things.
Enjoys singing rhymes with friends with full interest and participation. Is very attentive in the classroom.
Observe the theme taught very carefully. Always ready to help teacher and friends. Very friendly adorable
child. Very much interested to go out and play games. Has many friends but prefers only one or two
friends. Tries, clears the doubt and understand the type of activities given and completes the task with full
interest. Always use the polite words sorry, please and thank you. Shares the belongings with friends. Likes
the school environment very much. Always likes to converse in English with teacher and friends. Enjoys
dancing and singing. Wants to be always first while in classroom activities.

Signature of the class Teacher Signature of the Principal

The Report of DUSHYANTH.V has been read and explained to me in my vernacular and I clearly
understand the performance of my child at AVM.

Name of the Parent\ Guardian _______________ Signature __________________________

Agasthya Garden, TVS Road, Kothur Village, Hosur-635109
Term - I Report - 2022-2023

Student's Name YANDURI HARINEE Admission no: 089

Class/Section UKG-C
Tells name in full sentences. Shares holiday experiences. Knows primary colours (red, blue, green, yellow,
white and black). Sort out and match the colours alone... Can colour within the outline of a picture. Uses 2
or 3 colour crayons to scribble. Identify colours in the books, charts and pictures. Identify and name the
favourite colours. Knows the name of all basic shapes like square, rectangle, circle and triangle. Recognize
and name the shapes of object around. Identify the shapes from the object or pictures. Can pick up, tear
and paste paper for the collage work. Can pick the odd shape out from the set of shapes. Identifies and
names the shape of the door, window, board, cupboard and materials present in the classroom. Trace on
fine sand and frame the shape. Associate the concept of shapes in real life situation. Names the shape of
food items (Bread & Biscuit) Understands no, not, don’t and can’t. Identifies pictures of action words
(eating, clapping, running). Enjoys looking at picture books

Knows parts of the body and able to identify. Name the body parts clearly. Knows the use of sense
organs.” Knows the movements of body parts. Match and identify different textures like Rough-smooth
and Hard-soft. Follow, copy and complete the different patterns. Knows the height difference between the
peer groups. Is aware of healthy and unhealthy food. Match the objects with the body parts. Match the
body parts with their starting sound. Identify the names of four seasons. Knows the concept of day and
night. Knows the things that is used for personal hygiene (toothbrush, soap, hand wash, napkins….). Knows
to explore the secondary colours like orange, purple and green. Aware on harmful tools. Knows the basic
personal hygienic such as hand washing, wearing clean clothes and dealing with instances of coughs and
sneezes. Tells the taste of foods during snacks and lunch hour. Can tell the name of all four seasons –
winter, autumn, summer, spring. Can identify and name the clothes and the things used during different
season. Understands the climatic condition of each season. Able to tell the type of food and clothes we
should use in the particular seasons. Can tell the food habits of each season. Tells the season which they
like the most and why. Knows the different feeling cold, hot, wet and warm. Can match different things
used in different seasons for e.g.:-summer-(ice-cream, watermelon) winter-(sweater, hot coffee) spring-
(umbrella, gumboots). Can colour the pictures based on seasons. Understand the instruction and does the
activity clearly and neatly.

Use the appropriate vocabulary to describe the relationship in a family. Identify and talk about oldest to
youngest in her/his family. Share information about their families like occupations and the place they live.
Role play like father, mother, teacher… Use photos of family member’s pictures to indicate the tall and
short, big and small. Tell about the joint and nuclear family. Knows the difference between neighbours
and strangers. Knows and can identify different types of religious festivals for e.g.: - Diwali, Christmas, Id,
Rakshabandhan, Holi, Onam, Pongal etc. Can tell the name of the festivals, which they celebrate. Can tell
the things related to the festivals. Knows the importance of our national festivals... Understands clearly
that different religion people celebrate different festivals for e.g.:-Hindu-Diwali, Muslims-id. Knows that
during festival all relation, friends and loved ones comes together to celebrate the festivals. Can give ideas
regarding the safety precaution taken while bursting crackers. Is very happy to know that we get holiday
on every religious and national festival. Enjoys the sharing of gifts while shares. Knows to decorate the
Christmas tree. Has the knowledge of decorating the navrathiri steps with dolls.


Can identify and name 15 domestic and wild animals. Able to differentiate wild and domestic animals.
Knows the different cries of animals. Understand the characteristic features, their habitat and the young
ones for e.g. (dog-kennel-puppy, lion-den-cub).Able to identify aquatic animals and their features. Can
answer some simple riddles on animals. Knows to colour domestic, wild and aquatic animals. Able to
match animals with
the homes and young ones. Can narrate some own stories based on animals. Enjoys watching slide on
animals. Tells the favourite pet animals they like. Can identify and name 15 birds and insects. Able to tell
the name of the birds which can fly for e.g.:-kingfisher, dove, owl, etc. and the birds which cannot fly for
e.g.:-penguin, duck, ostrich etc. knows the homes of birds and their habitats. Can identify the colour of the
birds, for example: Kingfisher is blue in colour, Humming bird is shiny green or blue in colour and spoonbill
bird with the shape of spoon beak. Can differentiate between harmful and harmless insects for e.g.: -
harmful (mosquito, centipede, honeybee ant) and harmless (housefly, ladybug, and butterfly) etc. Able to
discriminate between birds and insects. Can answer some simple riddles on birds and insects. Able to
match birds and insects with their homes. Is very interested in watching the colourful pictures on
different birds and insects. Can identify the colour of the insects, for example: Julia butterfly in golden
colour, fire bug in red and black in colour and can predict the name of the Green stink bug by its smell.
Able to identify most of the birds and insects existing in the environment during an eco-walk and could
name them [Pigeon, sparrow, etc...]. Has the awareness of protecting the birds from the en-danger.
Understands the concept of immediate medication during the insects bite and also not touch the insects,
destroy their homes and disturbing the harmful insects. Always relates and applies the learnt knowledge
with the outer environment.

Differentiate the renumber concepts such as big - small, long -short, tall- short, far- near, thick – thin,
sharp – blunt. Able to identify and read the numbers in sequence 1 to 50. Reads and identifies the
specified number. Can write the numbers in sequence 1 to 50 with proper formation. Understands the
concept taught like count and write, missing number, after, and between numbers, forward and backward
counting Can write the missing number from 1 to 50. Identifies and writes number names from 1 to 10.
Able to read the number names in sequence order. Knows counting in tens. Able to count the beads or any
playful items up to 50. Understands the instruction and opens the correct page number of the book. Is
very much interested in counting and writing numbers. Identifies and writes the missing number on the
board and notebook.


Enjoys listening to simple, short story books Knows rhymes related to body parts and can sing rhymes like
“chubby cheeks…”, “clap your hands”, “two little hands Knows simple tongue twisters like “dolly, dolly”.
Knows rhymes related to colours such as “my red balloon”, “blue birds”,” Baa baa black sheep”. Listens
and responds to simple questions. Sings simple songs and does action rhymes. Talks about pictures in
posters, theme charts and books. Answers questions based on the story read. Hear and separate sound in
familiar names of classmates. Listens to others for short period of time and responds. Communicates
needs and thoughts verbally and nonverbally. Follows one or two steps of simple oral instructions. Listens
to new Vocabulary words. Listens to English words, greetings, polite forms of expression, simple sentences
and responds in English or home language. Listens to the story with the short period of time. Uses
appropriate vocabulary to speak. Participates and takes turns in conversation and shares likes and dislikes.
Makes eye contact and shows gesture and facial expressions. Listens to simple instructions during story
time or classroom management.
Uses a range of writing tools. Makes links to own experience when reading with the teacher Identify letters
and sounds. Identifies beginning, middle and ending sound of common words. Recognizes and reads some
sight words. Know to read CVC words. Identify vowels and consonants. Identify the sight word in the given
phrase. Identify and read 3 letter rhyming words such as bat, hat, cat, sat, fat, mat, fan, ran, pan, man.
Reads two letter words such as “is, in, as, it, on”. Can spot out 2 and 3 letter words from the sentences.
Can read simple sentence. Recognize the picture with simple sentences. Can read 2 & 3 letter words from
the picture. Can read three letter words from the story books. Handle book appropriate identify the book
front page and back page. Demonstrates increase in vocabulary and shows interest in learning new words.
Writes own name correctly. Identifies and writes upper-and lower-case letters independently. Can identify
and write vowels. Write CVC words. Can write more than 10 sight words. Writes 3 letter rhyming words
like “as bat, hat, cat, sat, fat, mat, fan, ran, pan, man”. Can write 2 letter words like “is, in, as, it, on”.
Identifies and label the given picture. Can write name, date and day independently. Writes the missing
letter without any help. Interested in writing and finish the task on time. Can sort out the words from
alphabet puzzles. Writes simple sentences independently. Recognises and points to a frequently occurring
word in the story.

Likes the classroom environment very much. Likes to mingle and play with friends. Needs to be more
attentive during class hours. Has lack of interest in writing. Needs continuous reminder to be attentive in
the class. Needs help and motivation in order to finish the work. Tries to speak in English, but needs little
help to be corrected. Always needs the teacher supervision... Likes to speak and express the ideas and
views. Likes to sing rhymes but needs practice for proper pronunciation and intonation. Needs more
practice to write alphabet and numbers. Cannot sit in one place for a longer time. If given continues
guidance and practice can improve a lot.

Signature of the class Teacher Signature of the Principal

The Report of YANDURI HARINEE has been read and explained to me in my vernacular and I clearly
understand the performance of my child at AVM.

Name of the Parent\ Guardian _______________ Signature __________________________

Agasthya Garden, TVS Road, Kothur Village, Hosur-635109
Term - I Report - 2022-2023

Student's Name THIYASHRAJU.M Admission no: 234

Class/Section UKG-C
Tells name in full sentences. Shares holiday experiences. Knows primary colours (red, blue, green, yellow,
white and black). Sort out and match the colours alone... Can colour within the outline of a picture. Uses 2
or 3 colour crayons to scribble. Identify colours in the books, charts and pictures. Identify and name the
favourite colours. Knows the name of all basic shapes like square, rectangle, circle and triangle. Recognize
and name the shapes of object around. Identify the shapes from the object or pictures. Can pick up, tear
and paste paper for the collage work. Can pick the odd shape out from the set of shapes. Identifies and
names the shape of the door, window, board, cupboard and materials present in the classroom. Trace on
fine sand and frame the shape. Associate the concept of shapes in real life situation. Names the shape of
food items (Bread & Biscuit) Understands no, not, don’t and can’t. Identifies pictures of action words
(eating, clapping, running). Enjoys looking at picture books

Knows parts of the body and able to identify. Name the body parts clearly. Knows the use of sense
organs.” Knows the movements of body parts. Match and identify different textures like Rough-smooth
and Hard-soft. Follow, copy and complete the different patterns. Knows the height difference between the
peer groups. Is aware of healthy and unhealthy food. Match the objects with the body parts. Match the
body parts with their starting sound. Identify the names of four seasons. Knows the concept of day and
night. Knows the things that is used for personal hygiene (toothbrush, soap, hand wash, napkins….). Knows
to explore the secondary colours like orange, purple and green. Aware on harmful tools. Knows the basic
personal hygienic such as hand washing, wearing clean clothes and dealing with instances of coughs and
sneezes. Tells the taste of foods during snacks and lunch hour. Can tell the name of all four seasons –
winter, autumn, summer, spring. Can identify and name the clothes and the things used during different
season. Understands the climatic condition of each season. Able to tell the type of food and clothes we
should use in the particular seasons. Can tell the food habits of each season. Tells the season which they
like the most and why. Knows the different feeling cold, hot, wet and warm. Can match different things
used in different seasons for e.g.:-summer-(ice-cream, watermelon) winter-(sweater, hot coffee) spring-
(umbrella, gumboots). Can colour the pictures based on seasons. Understand the instruction and does the
activity clearly and neatly.

Use the appropriate vocabulary to describe the relationship in a family. Identify and talk about oldest to
youngest in her/his family. Share information about their families like occupations and the place they live.
Role play like father, mother, teacher… Use photos of family member’s pictures to indicate the tall and
short, big and small. Tell about the joint and nuclear family. Knows the difference between neighbours
and strangers. Knows and can identify different types of religious festivals for e.g.: - Diwali, Christmas, Id,
Rakshabandhan, Holi, Onam, Pongal etc. Can tell the name of the festivals, which they celebrate. Can tell
the things related to the festivals. Knows the importance of our national festivals... Understands clearly
that different religion people celebrate different festivals for e.g.:-Hindu-Diwali, Muslims-id. Knows that
during festival all relation, friends and loved ones comes together to celebrate the festivals. Can give ideas
regarding the safety precaution taken while bursting crackers. Is very happy to know that we get holiday
on every religious and national festival. Enjoys the sharing of gifts while shares. Knows to decorate the
Christmas tree. Has the knowledge of decorating the navrathiri steps with dolls.


Can identify and name 15 domestic and wild animals. Able to differentiate wild and domestic animals.
Knows the different cries of animals. Understand the characteristic features, their habitat and the young
ones for e.g. (dog-kennel-puppy, lion-den-cub).Able to identify aquatic animals and their features. Can
answer some simple riddles on animals. Knows to colour domestic, wild and aquatic animals. Able to
match animals with
the homes and young ones. Can narrate some own stories based on animals. Enjoys watching slide on
animals. Tells the favourite pet animals they like. Can identify and name 15 birds and insects. Able to tell
the name of the birds which can fly for e.g.:-kingfisher, dove, owl, etc. and the birds which cannot fly for
e.g.:-penguin, duck, ostrich etc. knows the homes of birds and their habitats. Can identify the colour of the
birds, for example: Kingfisher is blue in colour, Humming bird is shiny green or blue in colour and spoonbill
bird with the shape of spoon beak. Can differentiate between harmful and harmless insects for e.g.: -
harmful (mosquito, centipede, honeybee ant) and harmless (housefly, ladybug, and butterfly) etc. Able to
discriminate between birds and insects. Can answer some simple riddles on birds and insects. Able to
match birds and insects with their homes. Is very interested in watching the colourful pictures on
different birds and insects. Can identify the colour of the insects, for example: Julia butterfly in golden
colour, fire bug in red and black in colour and can predict the name of the Green stink bug by its smell.
Able to identify most of the birds and insects existing in the environment during an eco-walk and could
name them [Pigeon, sparrow, etc...]. Has the awareness of protecting the birds from the en-danger.
Understands the concept of immediate medication during the insects bite and also not touch the insects,
destroy their homes and disturbing the harmful insects. Always relates and applies the learnt knowledge
with the outer environment.

Differentiate the renumber concepts such as big - small, long -short, tall- short, far- near, thick – thin,
sharp – blunt. Able to identify and read the numbers in sequence 1 to 50. Reads and identifies the
specified number. Can write the numbers in sequence 1 to 50 with proper formation. Understands the
concept taught like count and write, missing number, after, and between numbers, forward and backward
counting Can write the missing number from 1 to 50. Identifies and writes number names from 1 to 10.
Able to read the number names in sequence order. Knows counting in tens. Able to count the beads or any
playful items up to 50. Understands the instruction and opens the correct page number of the book. Is
very much interested in counting and writing numbers. Identifies and writes the missing number on the
board and notebook.


Enjoys listening to simple, short story books Knows rhymes related to body parts and can sing rhymes like
“chubby cheeks…”, “clap your hands”, “two little hands Knows simple tongue twisters like “dolly, dolly”.
Knows rhymes related to colours such as “my red balloon”, “blue birds”,” Baa baa black sheep”. Listens
and responds to simple questions. Sings simple songs and does action rhymes. Talks about pictures in
posters, theme charts and books. Answers questions based on the story read. Hear and separate sound in
familiar names of classmates. Listens to others for short period of time and responds. Communicates
needs and thoughts verbally and nonverbally. Follows one or two steps of simple oral instructions. Listens
to new Vocabulary words. Listens to English words, greetings, polite forms of expression, simple sentences
and responds in English or home language. Listens to the story with the short period of time. Uses
appropriate vocabulary to speak. Participates and takes turns in conversation and shares likes and dislikes.
Makes eye contact and shows gesture and facial expressions. Listens to simple instructions during story
time or classroom management.


Uses a range of writing tools. Makes links to own experience when reading with the teacher Identify letters
and sounds. Identifies beginning, middle and ending sound of common words. Recognizes and reads some
sight words. Know to read CVC words. Identify vowels and consonants. Identify the sight word in the given
phrase. Identify and read 3 letter rhyming words such as bat, hat, cat, sat, fat, mat, fan, ran, pan, man.
Reads two letter words such as “is, in, as, it, on”. Can spot out 2 and 3 letter words from the sentences.
Can read simple sentence. Recognize the picture with simple sentences. Can read 2 & 3 letter words from
the picture. Can read three letter words from the story books. Handle book appropriate identify the book
front page and back page. Demonstrates increase in vocabulary and shows interest in learning new words.
Writes own name correctly. Identifies and writes upper-and lower-case letters independently. Can identify
and write vowels. Write CVC words. Can write more than 10 sight words. Writes 3 letter rhyming words
like “as bat, hat, cat, sat, fat, mat, fan, ran, pan, man”. Can write 2 letter words like “is, in, as, it, on”.
Identifies and label the given picture. Can write name, date and day independently. Writes the missing
letter without any help. Interested in writing and finish the task on time. Can sort out the words from
alphabet puzzles. Writes simple sentences independently. Recognises and points to a frequently occurring
word in the story.

Has a pleasant personality and excellent attitude towards learning. Is much organised and completes work
on time. Uses class time wisely. Is very responsible and turns in work on time. Takes an active role in
discussion. Listen well and shares idea frequently. Works well in groups, planning and carrying out
activities. Follows direction well. Shows respect towards teacher and peer ones. Speak with confidence.
Has a great sense of humour and enjoys class assignment. Volunteers often. Likes to learn using materials
with care and place it back after use. Has a good foundation of basic academic skill such as Letter
identification, sounds and number recognition. Using the polite form of words such as thank you, sorry,
please, etc.

Signature of the class Teacher Signature of the Principal

The Report of THIYASHRAJU.M has been read and explained to me in my vernacular and I clearly
understand the performance of my child at AVM.

Name of the Parent\ Guardian _______________ Signature __________________________

Agasthya Garden, TVS Road, Kothur Village, Hosur-635109
Term - I Report - 2022-2023

Student's Name THANUSHREE.G Admission no: 250

Class/Section UKG-C
Tells name in full sentences. Shares holiday experiences. Knows primary colours (red, blue, green, yellow,
white and black). Sort out and match the colours alone... Can colour within the outline of a picture. Uses 2
or 3 colour crayons to scribble. Identify colours in the books, charts and pictures. Identify and name the
favourite colours. Knows the name of all basic shapes like square, rectangle, circle and triangle. Recognize
and name the shapes of object around. Identify the shapes from the object or pictures. Can pick up, tear
and paste paper for the collage work. Can pick the odd shape out from the set of shapes. Identifies and
names the shape of the door, window, board, cupboard and materials present in the classroom. Trace on
fine sand and frame the shape. Associate the concept of shapes in real life situation. Names the shape of
food items (Bread & Biscuit) Understands no, not, don’t and can’t. Identifies pictures of action words
(eating, clapping, running). Enjoys looking at picture books

Knows parts of the body and able to identify. Name the body parts clearly. Knows the use of sense
organs.” Knows the movements of body parts. Match and identify different textures like Rough-smooth
and Hard-soft. Follow, copy and complete the different patterns. Knows the height difference between the
peer groups. Is aware of healthy and unhealthy food. Match the objects with the body parts. Match the
body parts with their starting sound. Identify the names of four seasons. Knows the concept of day and
night. Knows the things that is used for personal hygiene (toothbrush, soap, hand wash, napkins….). Knows
to explore the secondary colours like orange, purple and green. Aware on harmful tools. Knows the basic
personal hygienic such as hand washing, wearing clean clothes and dealing with instances of coughs and
sneezes. Tells the taste of foods during snacks and lunch hour. Can tell the name of all four seasons –
winter, autumn, summer, spring. Can identify and name the clothes and the things used during different
season. Understands the climatic condition of each season. Able to tell the type of food and clothes we
should use in the particular seasons. Can tell the food habits of each season. Tells the season which they
like the most and why. Knows the different feeling cold, hot, wet and warm. Can match different things
used in different seasons for e.g.:-summer-(ice-cream, watermelon) winter-(sweater, hot coffee) spring-
(umbrella, gumboots). Can colour the pictures based on seasons. Understand the instruction and does the
activity clearly and neatly.

Use the appropriate vocabulary to describe the relationship in a family. Identify and talk about oldest to
youngest in her/his family. Share information about their families like occupations and the place they live.
Role play like father, mother, teacher… Use photos of family member’s pictures to indicate the tall and
short, big and small. Tell about the joint and nuclear family. Knows the difference between neighbours
and strangers. Knows and can identify different types of religious festivals for e.g.: - Diwali, Christmas, Id,
Rakshabandhan, Holi, Onam, Pongal etc. Can tell the name of the festivals, which they celebrate. Can tell
the things related to the festivals. Knows the importance of our national festivals... Understands clearly
that different religion people celebrate different festivals for e.g.:-Hindu-Diwali, Muslims-id. Knows that
during festival all relation, friends and loved ones comes together to celebrate the festivals. Can give ideas
regarding the safety precaution taken while bursting crackers. Is very happy to know that we get holiday
on every religious and national festival. Enjoys the sharing of gifts while shares. Knows to decorate the
Christmas tree. Has the knowledge of decorating the navrathiri steps with dolls.


Can identify and name 15 domestic and wild animals. Able to differentiate wild and domestic animals.
Knows the different cries of animals. Understand the characteristic features, their habitat and the young
ones for e.g. (dog-kennel-puppy, lion-den-cub).Able to identify aquatic animals and their features. Can
answer some simple riddles on animals. Knows to colour domestic, wild and aquatic animals. Able to
match animals with
the homes and young ones. Can narrate some own stories based on animals. Enjoys watching slide on
animals. Tells the favourite pet animals they like. Can identify and name 15 birds and insects. Able to tell
the name of the birds which can fly for e.g.:-kingfisher, dove, owl, etc. and the birds which cannot fly for
e.g.:-penguin, duck, ostrich etc. knows the homes of birds and their habitats. Can identify the colour of the
birds, for example: Kingfisher is blue in colour, Humming bird is shiny green or blue in colour and spoonbill
bird with the shape of spoon beak. Can differentiate between harmful and harmless insects for e.g.: -
harmful (mosquito, centipede, honeybee ant) and harmless (housefly, ladybug, and butterfly) etc. Able to
discriminate between birds and insects. Can answer some simple riddles on birds and insects. Able to
match birds and insects with their homes. Is very interested in watching the colourful pictures on
different birds and insects. Can identify the colour of the insects, for example: Julia butterfly in golden
colour, fire bug in red and black in colour and can predict the name of the Green stink bug by its smell.
Able to identify most of the birds and insects existing in the environment during an eco-walk and could
name them [Pigeon, sparrow, etc...]. Has the awareness of protecting the birds from the en-danger.
Understands the concept of immediate medication during the insects bite and also not touch the insects,
destroy their homes and disturbing the harmful insects. Always relates and applies the learnt knowledge
with the outer environment.

Differentiate the renumber concepts such as big - small, long -short, tall- short, far- near, thick – thin,
sharp – blunt. Able to identify and read the numbers in sequence 1 to 50. Reads and identifies the
specified number. Can write the numbers in sequence 1 to 50 with proper formation. Understands the
concept taught like count and write, missing number, after, and between numbers, forward and backward
counting Can write the missing number from 1 to 50. Identifies and writes number names from 1 to 10.
Able to read the number names in sequence order. Knows counting in tens. Able to count the beads or any
playful items up to 50. Understands the instruction and opens the correct page number of the book. Is
very much interested in counting and writing numbers. Identifies and writes the missing number on the
board and notebook.


Enjoys listening to simple, short story books Knows rhymes related to body parts and can sing rhymes like
“chubby cheeks…”, “clap your hands”, “two little hands Knows simple tongue twisters like “dolly, dolly”.
Knows rhymes related to colours such as “my red balloon”, “blue birds”,” Baa baa black sheep”. Listens
and responds to simple questions. Sings simple songs and does action rhymes. Talks about pictures in
posters, theme charts and books. Answers questions based on the story read. Hear and separate sound in
familiar names of classmates. Listens to others for short period of time and responds. Communicates
needs and thoughts verbally and nonverbally. Follows one or two steps of simple oral instructions. Listens
to new Vocabulary words. Listens to English words, greetings, polite forms of expression, simple sentences
and responds in English or home language. Listens to the story with the short period of time. Uses
appropriate vocabulary to speak. Participates and takes turns in conversation and shares likes and dislikes.
Makes eye contact and shows gesture and facial expressions. Listens to simple instructions during story
time or classroom management.


Uses a range of writing tools. Makes links to own experience when reading with the teacher Identify letters
and sounds. Identifies beginning, middle and ending sound of common words. Recognizes and reads some
sight words. Know to read CVC words. Identify vowels and consonants. Identify the sight word in the given
phrase. Identify and read 3 letter rhyming words such as bat, hat, cat, sat, fat, mat, fan, ran, pan, man.
Reads two letter words such as “is, in, as, it, on”. Can spot out 2 and 3 letter words from the sentences.
Can read simple sentence. Recognize the picture with simple sentences. Can read 2 & 3 letter words from
the picture. Can read three letter words from the story books. Handle book appropriate identify the book
front page and back page. Demonstrates increase in vocabulary and shows interest in learning new words.
Writes own name correctly. Identifies and writes upper-and lower-case letters independently. Can identify
and write vowels. Write CVC words. Can write more than 10 sight words. Writes 3 letter rhyming words
like “as bat, hat, cat, sat, fat, mat, fan, ran, pan, man”. Can write 2 letter words like “is, in, as, it, on”.
Identifies and label the given picture. Can write name, date and day independently. Writes the missing
letter without any help. Interested in writing and finish the task on time. Can sort out the words from
alphabet puzzles. Writes simple sentences independently. Recognises and points to a frequently occurring
word in the story.

Quite well organized most of the time. Always works with interest and enthusiasm. Always does her best.
Generally makes an effort on her attitude. Always completes the work set, even if the teacher leaves her
work on her own. Her work is tidy and attractive layout. A minimum of supervision is required to enable
her to complete work. Forms and maintain good relationship with students and adults. Works well to
achieve a
common aim. Whilst having a small circle of friends .Shows initiate in most situations. Learns routines
and manages her time effectively. Organize herself effectively in all activities .Can sort out problems alone
or seeks help appropriately. Is always aware of and concerned about the feelings of others, and acts
accordingly .Always controls her behaviour appropriately. Always takes pride in how She looks. With her
friendly and cooperative attitude, She has always been a pleasant addition to the class

Signature of the class Teacher Signature of the Principal

The Report of THANUSHREE.G has been read and explained to me in my vernacular and I clearly
understand the performance of my child at AVM.

Name of the Parent\ Guardian _______________ Signature __________________________

Agasthya Garden, TVS Road, Kothur Village, Hosur-635109
Term - I Report - 2022-2023

Student's Name THARUNIKA.J Admission no: 323

Class/Section UKG-C
Tells name in full sentences. Shares holiday experiences. Knows primary colours (red, blue, green, yellow,
white and black). Sort out and match the colours alone... Can colour within the outline of a picture. Uses 2
or 3 colour crayons to scribble. Identify colours in the books, charts and pictures. Identify and name the
favourite colours. Knows the name of all basic shapes like square, rectangle, circle and triangle. Recognize
and name the shapes of object around. Identify the shapes from the object or pictures. Can pick up, tear
and paste paper for the collage work. Can pick the odd shape out from the set of shapes. Identifies and
names the shape of the door, window, board, cupboard and materials present in the classroom. Trace on
fine sand and frame the shape. Associate the concept of shapes in real life situation. Names the shape of
food items (Bread & Biscuit) Understands no, not, don’t and can’t. Identifies pictures of action words
(eating, clapping, running). Enjoys looking at picture books

Knows parts of the body and able to identify. Name the body parts clearly. Knows the use of sense
organs.” Knows the movements of body parts. Match and identify different textures like Rough-smooth
and Hard-soft. Follow, copy and complete the different patterns. Knows the height difference between the
peer groups. Is aware of healthy and unhealthy food. Match the objects with the body parts. Match the
body parts with their starting sound. Identify the names of four seasons. Knows the concept of day and
night. Knows the things that is used for personal hygiene (toothbrush, soap, hand wash, napkins….). Knows
to explore the secondary colours like orange, purple and green. Aware on harmful tools. Knows the basic
personal hygienic such as hand washing, wearing clean clothes and dealing with instances of coughs and
sneezes. Tells the taste of foods during snacks and lunch hour. Can tell the name of all four seasons –
winter, autumn, summer, spring. Can identify and name the clothes and the things used during different
season. Understands the climatic condition of each season. Able to tell the type of food and clothes we
should use in the particular seasons. Can tell the food habits of each season. Tells the season which they
like the most and why. Knows the different feeling cold, hot, wet and warm. Can match different things
used in different seasons for e.g.:-summer-(ice-cream, watermelon) winter-(sweater, hot coffee) spring-
(umbrella, gumboots). Can colour the pictures based on seasons. Understand the instruction and does the
activity clearly and neatly.

Use the appropriate vocabulary to describe the relationship in a family. Identify and talk about oldest to
youngest in her/his family. Share information about their families like occupations and the place they live.
Role play like father, mother, teacher… Use photos of family member’s pictures to indicate the tall and
short, big and small. Tell about the joint and nuclear family. Knows the difference between neighbours
and strangers. Knows and can identify different types of religious festivals for e.g.: - Diwali, Christmas, Id,
Rakshabandhan, Holi, Onam, Pongal etc. Can tell the name of the festivals, which they celebrate. Can tell
the things related to the festivals. Knows the importance of our national festivals... Understands clearly
that different religion people celebrate different festivals for e.g.:-Hindu-Diwali, Muslims-id. Knows that
during festival all relation, friends and loved ones comes together to celebrate the festivals. Can give ideas
regarding the safety precaution taken while bursting crackers. Is very happy to know that we get holiday
on every religious and national festival. Enjoys the sharing of gifts while shares. Knows to decorate the
Christmas tree. Has the knowledge of decorating the navrathiri steps with dolls.


Can identify and name 15 domestic and wild animals. Able to differentiate wild and domestic animals.
Knows the different cries of animals. Understand the characteristic features, their habitat and the young
ones for e.g. (dog-kennel-puppy, lion-den-cub).Able to identify aquatic animals and their features. Can
answer some simple riddles on animals. Knows to colour domestic, wild and aquatic animals. Able to
match animals with
the homes and young ones. Can narrate some own stories based on animals. Enjoys watching slide on
animals. Tells the favourite pet animals they like. Can identify and name 15 birds and insects. Able to tell
the name of the birds which can fly for e.g.:-kingfisher, dove, owl, etc. and the birds which cannot fly for
e.g.:-penguin, duck, ostrich etc. knows the homes of birds and their habitats. Can identify the colour of the
birds, for example: Kingfisher is blue in colour, Humming bird is shiny green or blue in colour and spoonbill
bird with the shape of spoon beak. Can differentiate between harmful and harmless insects for e.g.: -
harmful (mosquito, centipede, honeybee ant) and harmless (housefly, ladybug, and butterfly) etc. Able to
discriminate between birds and insects. Can answer some simple riddles on birds and insects. Able to
match birds and insects with their homes. Is very interested in watching the colourful pictures on
different birds and insects. Can identify the colour of the insects, for example: Julia butterfly in golden
colour, fire bug in red and black in colour and can predict the name of the Green stink bug by its smell.
Able to identify most of the birds and insects existing in the environment during an eco-walk and could
name them [Pigeon, sparrow, etc...]. Has the awareness of protecting the birds from the en-danger.
Understands the concept of immediate medication during the insects bite and also not touch the insects,
destroy their homes and disturbing the harmful insects. Always relates and applies the learnt knowledge
with the outer environment.

Differentiate the renumber concepts such as big - small, long -short, tall- short, far- near, thick – thin,
sharp – blunt. Able to identify and read the numbers in sequence 1 to 50. Reads and identifies the
specified number. Can write the numbers in sequence 1 to 50 with proper formation. Understands the
concept taught like count and write, missing number, after, and between numbers, forward and backward
counting Can write the missing number from 1 to 50. Identifies and writes number names from 1 to 10.
Able to read the number names in sequence order. Knows counting in tens. Able to count the beads or any
playful items up to 50. Understands the instruction and opens the correct page number of the book. Is
very much interested in counting and writing numbers. Identifies and writes the missing number on the
board and notebook.


Enjoys listening to simple, short story books Knows rhymes related to body parts and can sing rhymes like
“chubby cheeks…”, “clap your hands”, “two little hands Knows simple tongue twisters like “dolly, dolly”.
Knows rhymes related to colours such as “my red balloon”, “blue birds”,” Baa baa black sheep”. Listens
and responds to simple questions. Sings simple songs and does action rhymes. Talks about pictures in
posters, theme charts and books. Answers questions based on the story read. Hear and separate sound in
familiar names of classmates. Listens to others for short period of time and responds. Communicates
needs and thoughts verbally and nonverbally. Follows one or two steps of simple oral instructions. Listens
to new Vocabulary words. Listens to English words, greetings, polite forms of expression, simple sentences
and responds in English or home language. Listens to the story with the short period of time. Uses
appropriate vocabulary to speak. Participates and takes turns in conversation and shares likes and dislikes.
Makes eye contact and shows gesture and facial expressions. Listens to simple instructions during story
time or classroom management.


Uses a range of writing tools. Makes links to own experience when reading with the teacher Identify letters
and sounds. Identifies beginning, middle and ending sound of common words. Recognizes and reads some
sight words. Know to read CVC words. Identify vowels and consonants. Identify the sight word in the given
phrase. Identify and read 3 letter rhyming words such as bat, hat, cat, sat, fat, mat, fan, ran, pan, man.
Reads two letter words such as “is, in, as, it, on”. Can spot out 2 and 3 letter words from the sentences.
Can read simple sentence. Recognize the picture with simple sentences. Can read 2 & 3 letter words from
the picture. Can read three letter words from the story books. Handle book appropriate identify the book
front page and back page. Demonstrates increase in vocabulary and shows interest in learning new words.
Writes own name correctly. Identifies and writes upper-and lower-case letters independently. Can identify
and write vowels. Write CVC words. Can write more than 10 sight words. Writes 3 letter rhyming words
like “as bat, hat, cat, sat, fat, mat, fan, ran, pan, man”. Can write 2 letter words like “is, in, as, it, on”.
Identifies and label the given picture. Can write name, date and day independently. Writes the missing
letter without any help. Interested in writing and finish the task on time. Can sort out the words from
alphabet puzzles. Writes simple sentences independently. Recognises and points to a frequently occurring
word in the story.

Has a pleasant personality and excellent attitude towards learning. Is much organised and completes work
on time. Uses class time wisely. Is very responsible and turns in work on time. Takes an active role in
discussion. Listen well and shares idea frequently. Works well in groups, planning and carrying out
activities. Follows direction well. Shows respect towards teacher and peer ones. Speak with confidence.
Has a great sense of humour and enjoys class assignment. Volunteers often. Likes to learn using materials
with care and place it back after use. Has a good foundation of basic academic skill such as Letter
identification, sounds and number recognition. Using the polite form of words such as thank you, sorry,
please, etc.

Signature of the class Teacher Signature of the Principal

The Report of THARUNIKA.J has been read and explained to me in my vernacular and I clearly understand
the performance of my child at AVM.

Name of the Parent\ Guardian _______________ Signature __________________________


Agasthya Garden, TVS Road, Kothur Village, Hosur-635109
Term - I Report - 2022-2023

Student's Name SAMYUKTHASRI.M Admission no: 174

Class/Section UKG-C
Tells name in full sentences. Shares holiday experiences. Knows primary colours (red, blue, green, yellow,
white and black). Sort out and match the colours alone... Can colour within the outline of a picture. Uses 2
or 3 colour crayons to scribble. Identify colours in the books, charts and pictures. Identify and name the
favourite colours. Knows the name of all basic shapes like square, rectangle, circle and triangle. Recognize
and name the shapes of object around. Identify the shapes from the object or pictures. Can pick up, tear
and paste paper for the collage work. Can pick the odd shape out from the set of shapes. Identifies and
names the shape of the door, window, board, cupboard and materials present in the classroom. Trace on
fine sand and frame the shape. Associate the concept of shapes in real life situation. Names the shape of
food items (Bread & Biscuit) Understands no, not, don’t and can’t. Identifies pictures of action words
(eating, clapping, running). Enjoys looking at picture books
Knows parts of the body and able to identify. Name the body parts clearly. Knows the use of sense
organs.” Knows the movements of body parts. Match and identify different textures like Rough-smooth
and Hard-soft. Follow, copy and complete the different patterns. Knows the height difference between the
peer groups. Is aware of healthy and unhealthy food. Match the objects with the body parts. Match the
body parts with their starting sound. Identify the names of four seasons. Knows the concept of day and
night. Knows the things that is used for personal hygiene (toothbrush, soap, hand wash, napkins….). Knows
to explore the secondary colours like orange, purple and green. Aware on harmful tools. Knows the basic
personal hygienic such as hand washing, wearing clean clothes and dealing with instances of coughs and
sneezes. Tells the taste of foods during snacks and lunch hour. Can tell the name of all four seasons –
winter, autumn, summer, spring. Can identify and name the clothes and the things used during different
season. Understands the climatic condition of each season. Able to tell the type of food and clothes we
should use in the particular seasons. Can tell the food habits of each season. Tells the season which they
like the most and why. Knows the different feeling cold, hot, wet and warm. Can match different things
used in different seasons for e.g.:-summer-(ice-cream, watermelon) winter-(sweater, hot coffee) spring-
(umbrella, gumboots). Can colour the pictures based on seasons. Understand the instruction and does the
activity clearly and neatly.

Use the appropriate vocabulary to describe the relationship in a family. Identify and talk about oldest to
youngest in her/his family. Share information about their families like occupations and the place they live.
Role play like father, mother, teacher… Use photos of family member’s pictures to indicate the tall and
short, big and small. Tell about the joint and nuclear family. Knows the difference between neighbours
and strangers. Knows and can identify different types of religious festivals for e.g.: - Diwali, Christmas, Id,
Rakshabandhan, Holi, Onam, Pongal etc. Can tell the name of the festivals, which they celebrate. Can tell
the things related to the festivals. Knows the importance of our national festivals... Understands clearly
that different religion people celebrate different festivals for e.g.:-Hindu-Diwali, Muslims-id. Knows that
during festival all relation, friends and loved ones comes together to celebrate the festivals. Can give ideas
regarding the safety precaution taken while bursting crackers. Is very happy to know that we get holiday
on every religious and national festival. Enjoys the sharing of gifts while shares. Knows to decorate the
Christmas tree. Has the knowledge of decorating the navrathiri steps with dolls.


Can identify and name 15 domestic and wild animals. Able to differentiate wild and domestic animals.
Knows the different cries of animals. Understand the characteristic features, their habitat and the young
ones for e.g. (dog-kennel-puppy, lion-den-cub).Able to identify aquatic animals and their features. Can
answer some simple riddles on animals. Knows to colour domestic, wild and aquatic animals. Able to
match animals with
the homes and young ones. Can narrate some own stories based on animals. Enjoys watching slide on
animals. Tells the favourite pet animals they like. Can identify and name 15 birds and insects. Able to tell
the name of the birds which can fly for e.g.:-kingfisher, dove, owl, etc. and the birds which cannot fly for
e.g.:-penguin, duck, ostrich etc. knows the homes of birds and their habitats. Can identify the colour of the
birds, for example: Kingfisher is blue in colour, Humming bird is shiny green or blue in colour and spoonbill
bird with the shape of spoon beak. Can differentiate between harmful and harmless insects for e.g.: -
harmful (mosquito, centipede, honeybee ant) and harmless (housefly, ladybug, and butterfly) etc. Able to
discriminate between birds and insects. Can answer some simple riddles on birds and insects. Able to
match birds and insects with their homes. Is very interested in watching the colourful pictures on
different birds and insects. Can identify the colour of the insects, for example: Julia butterfly in golden
colour, fire bug in red and black in colour and can predict the name of the Green stink bug by its smell.
Able to identify most of the birds and insects existing in the environment during an eco-walk and could
name them [Pigeon, sparrow, etc...]. Has the awareness of protecting the birds from the en-danger.
Understands the concept of immediate medication during the insects bite and also not touch the insects,
destroy their homes and disturbing the harmful insects. Always relates and applies the learnt knowledge
with the outer environment.

Differentiate the renumber concepts such as big - small, long -short, tall- short, far- near, thick – thin,
sharp – blunt. Able to identify and read the numbers in sequence 1 to 50. Reads and identifies the
specified number. Can write the numbers in sequence 1 to 50 with proper formation. Understands the
concept taught like count and write, missing number, after, and between numbers, forward and backward
counting Can write the missing number from 1 to 50. Identifies and writes number names from 1 to 10.
Able to read the number names in sequence order. Knows counting in tens. Able to count the beads or any
playful items up to 50. Understands the instruction and opens the correct page number of the book. Is
very much interested in counting and writing numbers. Identifies and writes the missing number on the
board and notebook.


Enjoys listening to simple, short story books Knows rhymes related to body parts and can sing rhymes like
“chubby cheeks…”, “clap your hands”, “two little hands Knows simple tongue twisters like “dolly, dolly”.
Knows rhymes related to colours such as “my red balloon”, “blue birds”,” Baa baa black sheep”. Listens
and responds to simple questions. Sings simple songs and does action rhymes. Talks about pictures in
posters, theme charts and books. Answers questions based on the story read. Hear and separate sound in
familiar names of classmates. Listens to others for short period of time and responds. Communicates
needs and thoughts verbally and nonverbally. Follows one or two steps of simple oral instructions. Listens
to new Vocabulary words. Listens to English words, greetings, polite forms of expression, simple sentences
and responds in English or home language. Listens to the story with the short period of time. Uses
appropriate vocabulary to speak. Participates and takes turns in conversation and shares likes and dislikes.
Makes eye contact and shows gesture and facial expressions. Listens to simple instructions during story
time or classroom management.


Uses a range of writing tools. Makes links to own experience when reading with the teacher Identify letters
and sounds. Identifies beginning, middle and ending sound of common words. Recognizes and reads some
sight words. Know to read CVC words. Identify vowels and consonants. Identify the sight word in the given
phrase. Identify and read 3 letter rhyming words such as bat, hat, cat, sat, fat, mat, fan, ran, pan, man.
Reads two letter words such as “is, in, as, it, on”. Can spot out 2 and 3 letter words from the sentences.
Can read simple sentence. Recognize the picture with simple sentences. Can read 2 & 3 letter words from
the picture. Can read three letter words from the story books. Handle book appropriate identify the book
front page and back page. Demonstrates increase in vocabulary and shows interest in learning new words.
Writes own name correctly. Identifies and writes upper-and lower-case letters independently. Can identify
and write vowels. Write CVC words. Can write more than 10 sight words. Writes 3 letter rhyming words
like “as bat, hat, cat, sat, fat, mat, fan, ran, pan, man”. Can write 2 letter words like “is, in, as, it, on”.
Identifies and label the given picture. Can write name, date and day independently. Writes the missing
letter without any help. Interested in writing and finish the task on time. Can sort out the words from
alphabet puzzles. Writes simple sentences independently. Recognises and points to a frequently occurring
word in the story.

Amazing child with full of talents. Helping nature and always cheerful in the class. Understands and
obeys the rules and routines of the classroom. Enjoys and is very happy to come to school. The child does
the work with interest and enthusiasm. Clears the doubts then and there. Is interesting in arranging the
things or playing items properly for eg: playing materials, puzzles etc. Always eager to learn new things.
Enjoys singing rhymes with friends with full interest and participation. Is very attentive in the classroom.
Observe the theme taught very carefully. Always ready to help teacher and friends. Very friendly adorable
child. Very much interested to go out and play games. Has many friends but prefers only one or two
friends. Tries, clears the doubt and understand the type of activities given and completes the task with full
interest. Always use the polite words sorry, please and thank you. Shares the belongings with friends. Likes
the school environment very much. Always likes to converse in English with teacher and friends. Enjoys
dancing and singing. Wants to be always first while in classroom activities.

Signature of the class Teacher Signature of the Principal

The Report of SAMYUKTHASRI.M has been read and explained to me in my vernacular and I clearly
understand the performance of my child at AVM.

Name of the Parent\ Guardian _______________ Signature __________________________


Agasthya Garden, TVS Road, Kothur Village, Hosur-635109
Term - I Report - 2022-2023

Student's Name SAIHARI.K Admission no: 267

Class/Section UKG-C
Tells name in full sentences. Shares holiday experiences. Knows primary colours (red, blue, green, yellow,
white and black). Sort out and match the colours alone... Can colour within the outline of a picture. Uses 2
or 3 colour crayons to scribble. Identify colours in the books, charts and pictures. Identify and name the
favourite colours. Knows the name of all basic shapes like square, rectangle, circle and triangle. Recognize
and name the shapes of object around. Identify the shapes from the object or pictures. Can pick up, tear
and paste paper for the collage work. Can pick the odd shape out from the set of shapes. Identifies and
names the shape of the door, window, board, cupboard and materials present in the classroom. Trace on
fine sand and frame the shape. Associate the concept of shapes in real life situation. Names the shape of
food items (Bread & Biscuit) Understands no, not, don’t and can’t. Identifies pictures of action words
(eating, clapping, running). Enjoys looking at picture books

Knows parts of the body and able to identify. Name the body parts clearly. Knows the use of sense
organs.” Knows the movements of body parts. Match and identify different textures like Rough-smooth
and Hard-soft. Follow, copy and complete the different patterns. Knows the height difference between the
peer groups. Is aware of healthy and unhealthy food. Match the objects with the body parts. Match the
body parts with their starting sound. Identify the names of four seasons. Knows the concept of day and
night. Knows the things that is used for personal hygiene (toothbrush, soap, hand wash, napkins….). Knows
to explore the secondary colours like orange, purple and green. Aware on harmful tools. Knows the basic
personal hygienic such as hand washing, wearing clean clothes and dealing with instances of coughs and
sneezes. Tells the taste of foods during snacks and lunch hour. Can tell the name of all four seasons –
winter, autumn, summer, spring. Can identify and name the clothes and the things used during different
season. Understands the climatic condition of each season. Able to tell the type of food and clothes we
should use in the particular seasons. Can tell the food habits of each season. Tells the season which they
like the most and why. Knows the different feeling cold, hot, wet and warm. Can match different things
used in different seasons for e.g.:-summer-(ice-cream, watermelon) winter-(sweater, hot coffee) spring-
(umbrella, gumboots). Can colour the pictures based on seasons. Understand the instruction and does the
activity clearly and neatly.

Use the appropriate vocabulary to describe the relationship in a family. Identify and talk about oldest to
youngest in her/his family. Share information about their families like occupations and the place they live.
Role play like father, mother, teacher… Use photos of family member’s pictures to indicate the tall and
short, big and small. Tell about the joint and nuclear family. Knows the difference between neighbours
and strangers. Knows and can identify different types of religious festivals for e.g.: - Diwali, Christmas, Id,
Rakshabandhan, Holi, Onam, Pongal etc. Can tell the name of the festivals, which they celebrate. Can tell
the things related to the festivals. Knows the importance of our national festivals... Understands clearly
that different religion people celebrate different festivals for e.g.:-Hindu-Diwali, Muslims-id. Knows that
during festival all relation, friends and loved ones comes together to celebrate the festivals. Can give ideas
regarding the safety precaution taken while bursting crackers. Is very happy to know that we get holiday
on every religious and national festival. Enjoys the sharing of gifts while shares. Knows to decorate the
Christmas tree. Has the knowledge of decorating the navrathiri steps with dolls.


Can identify and name 15 domestic and wild animals. Able to differentiate wild and domestic animals.
Knows the different cries of animals. Understand the characteristic features, their habitat and the young
ones for e.g. (dog-kennel-puppy, lion-den-cub).Able to identify aquatic animals and their features. Can
answer some simple riddles on animals. Knows to colour domestic, wild and aquatic animals. Able to
match animals with
the homes and young ones. Can narrate some own stories based on animals. Enjoys watching slide on
animals. Tells the favourite pet animals they like. Can identify and name 15 birds and insects. Able to tell
the name of the birds which can fly for e.g.:-kingfisher, dove, owl, etc. and the birds which cannot fly for
e.g.:-penguin, duck, ostrich etc. knows the homes of birds and their habitats. Can identify the colour of the
birds, for example: Kingfisher is blue in colour, Humming bird is shiny green or blue in colour and spoonbill
bird with the shape of spoon beak. Can differentiate between harmful and harmless insects for e.g.: -
harmful (mosquito, centipede, honeybee ant) and harmless (housefly, ladybug, and butterfly) etc. Able to
discriminate between birds and insects. Can answer some simple riddles on birds and insects. Able to
match birds and insects with their homes. Is very interested in watching the colourful pictures on
different birds and insects. Can identify the colour of the insects, for example: Julia butterfly in golden
colour, fire bug in red and black in colour and can predict the name of the Green stink bug by its smell.
Able to identify most of the birds and insects existing in the environment during an eco-walk and could
name them [Pigeon, sparrow, etc...]. Has the awareness of protecting the birds from the en-danger.
Understands the concept of immediate medication during the insects bite and also not touch the insects,
destroy their homes and disturbing the harmful insects. Always relates and applies the learnt knowledge
with the outer environment.

Differentiate the renumber concepts such as big - small, long -short, tall- short, far- near, thick – thin,
sharp – blunt. Able to identify and read the numbers in sequence 1 to 50. Reads and identifies the
specified number. Can write the numbers in sequence 1 to 50 with proper formation. Understands the
concept taught like count and write, missing number, after, and between numbers, forward and backward
counting Can write the missing number from 1 to 50. Identifies and writes number names from 1 to 10.
Able to read the number names in sequence order. Knows counting in tens. Able to count the beads or any
playful items up to 50. Understands the instruction and opens the correct page number of the book. Is
very much interested in counting and writing numbers. Identifies and writes the missing number on the
board and notebook.


Enjoys listening to simple, short story books Knows rhymes related to body parts and can sing rhymes like
“chubby cheeks…”, “clap your hands”, “two little hands Knows simple tongue twisters like “dolly, dolly”.
Knows rhymes related to colours such as “my red balloon”, “blue birds”,” Baa baa black sheep”. Listens
and responds to simple questions. Sings simple songs and does action rhymes. Talks about pictures in
posters, theme charts and books. Answers questions based on the story read. Hear and separate sound in
familiar names of classmates. Listens to others for short period of time and responds. Communicates
needs and thoughts verbally and nonverbally. Follows one or two steps of simple oral instructions. Listens
to new Vocabulary words. Listens to English words, greetings, polite forms of expression, simple sentences
and responds in English or home language. Listens to the story with the short period of time. Uses
appropriate vocabulary to speak. Participates and takes turns in conversation and shares likes and dislikes.
Makes eye contact and shows gesture and facial expressions. Listens to simple instructions during story
time or classroom management.


Uses a range of writing tools. Makes links to own experience when reading with the teacher Identify letters
and sounds. Identifies beginning, middle and ending sound of common words. Recognizes and reads some
sight words. Know to read CVC words. Identify vowels and consonants. Identify the sight word in the given
phrase. Identify and read 3 letter rhyming words such as bat, hat, cat, sat, fat, mat, fan, ran, pan, man.
Reads two letter words such as “is, in, as, it, on”. Can spot out 2 and 3 letter words from the sentences.
Can read simple sentence. Recognize the picture with simple sentences. Can read 2 & 3 letter words from
the picture. Can read three letter words from the story books. Handle book appropriate identify the book
front page and back page. Demonstrates increase in vocabulary and shows interest in learning new words.
Writes own name correctly. Identifies and writes upper-and lower-case letters independently. Can identify
and write vowels. Write CVC words. Can write more than 10 sight words. Writes 3 letter rhyming words
like “as bat, hat, cat, sat, fat, mat, fan, ran, pan, man”. Can write 2 letter words like “is, in, as, it, on”.
Identifies and label the given picture. Can write name, date and day independently. Writes the missing
letter without any help. Interested in writing and finish the task on time. Can sort out the words from
alphabet puzzles. Writes simple sentences independently. Recognises and points to a frequently occurring
word in the story.

Likes the classroom environment very much. Likes to mingle and play with friends. Needs to be more
attentive during class hours. Has lack of interest in writing. Needs continuous reminder to be attentive in
the class. Needs help and motivation in order to finish the work. Tries to speak in English, but needs little
help to be corrected.Always needs the teacher supervision.. Likes to speak and express the ideas and
views. Likes to sing rhymes but needs practice for proper pronunciation and intonation. Needs more
practice to write alphabet and numbers. Cannot sit in one place for a longer time. If given continues
guidance and practice can improve a lot.

Signature of the class Teacher Signature of the Principal

The Report of SAIHARI.K has been read and explained to me in my vernacular and I clearly understand
the performance of my child at AVM.

Name of the Parent\ Guardian _______________ Signature __________________________


Agasthya Garden, TVS Road, Kothur Village, Hosur-635109
Term - I Report - 2022-2023

Student's Name PAVANKUMAR.V.S Admission no: 237

Class/Section UKG-C
Tells name in full sentences. Shares holiday experiences. Knows primary colours (red, blue, green, yellow,
white and black). Sort out and match the colours alone... Can colour within the outline of a picture. Uses 2
or 3 colour crayons to scribble. Identify colours in the books, charts and pictures. Identify and name the
favourite colours. Knows the name of all basic shapes like square, rectangle, circle and triangle. Recognize
and name the shapes of object around. Identify the shapes from the object or pictures. Can pick up, tear
and paste paper for the collage work. Can pick the odd shape out from the set of shapes. Identifies and
names the shape of the door, window, board, cupboard and materials present in the classroom. Trace on
fine sand and frame the shape. Associate the concept of shapes in real life situation. Names the shape of
food items (Bread & Biscuit) Understands no, not, don’t and can’t. Identifies pictures of action words
(eating, clapping, running). Enjoys looking at picture books

Knows parts of the body and able to identify. Name the body parts clearly. Knows the use of sense
organs.” Knows the movements of body parts. Match and identify different textures like Rough-smooth
and Hard-soft. Follow, copy and complete the different patterns. Knows the height difference between the
peer groups. Is aware of healthy and unhealthy food. Match the objects with the body parts. Match the
body parts with their starting sound. Identify the names of four seasons. Knows the concept of day and
night. Knows the things that is used for personal hygiene (toothbrush, soap, hand wash, napkins….). Knows
to explore the secondary colours like orange, purple and green. Aware on harmful tools. Knows the basic
personal hygienic such as hand washing, wearing clean clothes and dealing with instances of coughs and
sneezes. Tells the taste of foods during snacks and lunch hour. Can tell the name of all four seasons –
winter, autumn, summer, spring. Can identify and name the clothes and the things used during different
season. Understands the climatic condition of each season. Able to tell the type of food and clothes we
should use in the particular seasons. Can tell the food habits of each season. Tells the season which they
like the most and why. Knows the different feeling cold, hot, wet and warm. Can match different things
used in different seasons for e.g.:-summer-(ice-cream, watermelon) winter-(sweater, hot coffee) spring-
(umbrella, gumboots). Can colour the pictures based on seasons. Understand the instruction and does the
activity clearly and neatly.

Use the appropriate vocabulary to describe the relationship in a family. Identify and talk about oldest to
youngest in her/his family. Share information about their families like occupations and the place they live.
Role play like father, mother, teacher… Use photos of family member’s pictures to indicate the tall and
short, big and small. Tell about the joint and nuclear family. Knows the difference between neighbours
and strangers. Knows and can identify different types of religious festivals for e.g.: - Diwali, Christmas, Id,
Rakshabandhan, Holi, Onam, Pongal etc. Can tell the name of the festivals, which they celebrate. Can tell
the things related to the festivals. Knows the importance of our national festivals... Understands clearly
that different religion people celebrate different festivals for e.g.:-Hindu-Diwali, Muslims-id. Knows that
during festival all relation, friends and loved ones comes together to celebrate the festivals. Can give ideas
regarding the safety precaution taken while bursting crackers. Is very happy to know that we get holiday
on every religious and national festival. Enjoys the sharing of gifts while shares. Knows to decorate the
Christmas tree. Has the knowledge of decorating the navrathiri steps with dolls.


Can identify and name 15 domestic and wild animals. Able to differentiate wild and domestic animals.
Knows the different cries of animals. Understand the characteristic features, their habitat and the young
ones for e.g. (dog-kennel-puppy, lion-den-cub).Able to identify aquatic animals and their features. Can
answer some simple riddles on animals. Knows to colour domestic, wild and aquatic animals. Able to
match animals with
the homes and young ones. Can narrate some own stories based on animals. Enjoys watching slide on
animals. Tells the favourite pet animals they like. Can identify and name 15 birds and insects. Able to tell
the name of the birds which can fly for e.g.:-kingfisher, dove, owl, etc. and the birds which cannot fly for
e.g.:-penguin, duck, ostrich etc. knows the homes of birds and their habitats. Can identify the colour of the
birds, for example: Kingfisher is blue in colour, Humming bird is shiny green or blue in colour and spoonbill
bird with the shape of spoon beak. Can differentiate between harmful and harmless insects for e.g.: -
harmful (mosquito, centipede, honeybee ant) and harmless (housefly, ladybug, and butterfly) etc. Able to
discriminate between birds and insects. Can answer some simple riddles on birds and insects. Able to
match birds and insects with their homes. Is very interested in watching the colourful pictures on
different birds and insects. Can identify the colour of the insects, for example: Julia butterfly in golden
colour, fire bug in red and black in colour and can predict the name of the Green stink bug by its smell.
Able to identify most of the birds and insects existing in the environment during an eco-walk and could
name them [Pigeon, sparrow, etc...]. Has the awareness of protecting the birds from the en-danger.
Understands the concept of immediate medication during the insects bite and also not touch the insects,
destroy their homes and disturbing the harmful insects. Always relates and applies the learnt knowledge
with the outer environment.

Differentiate the renumber concepts such as big - small, long -short, tall- short, far- near, thick – thin,
sharp – blunt. Able to identify and read the numbers in sequence 1 to 50. Reads and identifies the
specified number. Can write the numbers in sequence 1 to 50 with proper formation. Understands the
concept taught like count and write, missing number, after, and between numbers, forward and backward
counting Can write the missing number from 1 to 50. Identifies and writes number names from 1 to 10.
Able to read the number names in sequence order. Knows counting in tens. Able to count the beads or any
playful items up to 50. Understands the instruction and opens the correct page number of the book. Is
very much interested in counting and writing numbers. Identifies and writes the missing number on the
board and notebook.


Enjoys listening to simple, short story books Knows rhymes related to body parts and can sing rhymes like
“chubby cheeks…”, “clap your hands”, “two little hands Knows simple tongue twisters like “dolly, dolly”.
Knows rhymes related to colours such as “my red balloon”, “blue birds”,” Baa baa black sheep”. Listens
and responds to simple questions. Sings simple songs and does action rhymes. Talks about pictures in
posters, theme charts and books. Answers questions based on the story read. Hear and separate sound in
familiar names of classmates. Listens to others for short period of time and responds. Communicates
needs and thoughts verbally and nonverbally. Follows one or two steps of simple oral instructions. Listens
to new Vocabulary words. Listens to English words, greetings, polite forms of expression, simple sentences
and responds in English or home language. Listens to the story with the short period of time. Uses
appropriate vocabulary to speak. Participates and takes turns in conversation and shares likes and dislikes.
Makes eye contact and shows gesture and facial expressions. Listens to simple instructions during story
time or classroom management.


Uses a range of writing tools. Makes links to own experience when reading with the teacher Identify letters
and sounds. Identifies beginning, middle and ending sound of common words. Recognizes and reads some
sight words. Know to read CVC words. Identify vowels and consonants. Identify the sight word in the given
phrase. Identify and read 3 letter rhyming words such as bat, hat, cat, sat, fat, mat, fan, ran, pan, man.
Reads two letter words such as “is, in, as, it, on”. Can spot out 2 and 3 letter words from the sentences.
Can read simple sentence. Recognize the picture with simple sentences. Can read 2 & 3 letter words from
the picture. Can read three letter words from the story books. Handle book appropriate identify the book
front page and back page. Demonstrates increase in vocabulary and shows interest in learning new words.
Writes own name correctly. Identifies and writes upper-and lower-case letters independently. Can identify
and write vowels. Write CVC words. Can write more than 10 sight words. Writes 3 letter rhyming words
like “as bat, hat, cat, sat, fat, mat, fan, ran, pan, man”. Can write 2 letter words like “is, in, as, it, on”.
Identifies and label the given picture. Can write name, date and day independently. Writes the missing
letter without any help. Interested in writing and finish the task on time. Can sort out the words from
alphabet puzzles. Writes simple sentences independently. Recognises and points to a frequently occurring
word in the story.

Has a pleasant personality and excellent attitude towards learning. Is much organised and completes work
on time. Uses class time wisely. Is very responsible and turns in work on time. Takes an active role in
discussion. Listen well and shares idea frequently. Works well in groups, planning and carrying out
activities. Follows direction well. Shows respect towards teacher and peer ones. Speak with confidence.
Has a great sense of humour and enjoys class assignment. Volunteers often. Likes to learn using materials
with care and place it back after use. Has a good foundation of basic academic skill such as Letter
identification, sounds and number recognition. Using the polite form of words such as thank you, sorry,
please, etc.

Signature of the class Teacher Signature of the Principal

The Report of PAVANKUMAR.V.S has been read and explained to me in my vernacular and I clearly
understand the performance of my child at AVM.

Name of the Parent\ Guardian _______________ Signature __________________________

Agasthya Garden, TVS Road, Kothur Village, Hosur-635109
Term - I Report - 2022-2023

Student's Name JOYITH MURUGAVEL.L Admission no: 233

Class/Section UKG-C
Tells name in full sentences. Shares holiday experiences. Knows primary colours (red, blue, green, yellow,
white and black). Sort out and match the colours alone... Can colour within the outline of a picture. Uses 2
or 3 colour crayons to scribble. Identify colours in the books, charts and pictures. Identify and name the
favourite colours. Knows the name of all basic shapes like square, rectangle, circle and triangle. Recognize
and name the shapes of object around. Identify the shapes from the object or pictures. Can pick up, tear
and paste paper for the collage work. Can pick the odd shape out from the set of shapes. Identifies and
names the shape of the door, window, board, cupboard and materials present in the classroom. Trace on
fine sand and frame the shape. Associate the concept of shapes in real life situation. Names the shape of
food items (Bread & Biscuit) Understands no, not, don’t and can’t. Identifies pictures of action words
(eating, clapping, running). Enjoys looking at picture books

Knows parts of the body and able to identify. Name the body parts clearly. Knows the use of sense
organs.” Knows the movements of body parts. Match and identify different textures like Rough-smooth
and Hard-soft. Follow, copy and complete the different patterns. Knows the height difference between the
peer groups. Is aware of healthy and unhealthy food. Match the objects with the body parts. Match the
body parts with their starting sound. Identify the names of four seasons. Knows the concept of day and
night. Knows the things that is used for personal hygiene (toothbrush, soap, hand wash, napkins….). Knows
to explore the secondary colours like orange, purple and green. Aware on harmful tools. Knows the basic
personal hygienic such as hand washing, wearing clean clothes and dealing with instances of coughs and
sneezes. Tells the taste of foods during snacks and lunch hour. Can tell the name of all four seasons –
winter, autumn, summer, spring. Can identify and name the clothes and the things used during different
season. Understands the climatic condition of each season. Able to tell the type of food and clothes we
should use in the particular seasons. Can tell the food habits of each season. Tells the season which they
like the most and why. Knows the different feeling cold, hot, wet and warm. Can match different things
used in different seasons for e.g.:-summer-(ice-cream, watermelon) winter-(sweater, hot coffee) spring-
(umbrella, gumboots). Can colour the pictures based on seasons. Understand the instruction and does the
activity clearly and neatly.

Use the appropriate vocabulary to describe the relationship in a family. Identify and talk about oldest to
youngest in her/his family. Share information about their families like occupations and the place they live.
Role play like father, mother, teacher… Use photos of family member’s pictures to indicate the tall and
short, big and small. Tell about the joint and nuclear family. Knows the difference between neighbours
and strangers. Knows and can identify different types of religious festivals for e.g.: - Diwali, Christmas, Id,
Rakshabandhan, Holi, Onam, Pongal etc. Can tell the name of the festivals, which they celebrate. Can tell
the things related to the festivals. Knows the importance of our national festivals... Understands clearly
that different religion people celebrate different festivals for e.g.:-Hindu-Diwali, Muslims-id. Knows that
during festival all relation, friends and loved ones comes together to celebrate the festivals. Can give ideas
regarding the safety precaution taken while bursting crackers. Is very happy to know that we get holiday
on every religious and national festival. Enjoys the sharing of gifts while shares. Knows to decorate the
Christmas tree. Has the knowledge of decorating the navrathiri steps with dolls.


Can identify and name 15 domestic and wild animals. Able to differentiate wild and domestic animals.
Knows the different cries of animals. Understand the characteristic features, their habitat and the young
ones for e.g. (dog-kennel-puppy, lion-den-cub).Able to identify aquatic animals and their features. Can
answer some simple riddles on animals. Knows to colour domestic, wild and aquatic animals. Able to
match animals with
the homes and young ones. Can narrate some own stories based on animals. Enjoys watching slide on
animals. Tells the favourite pet animals they like. Can identify and name 15 birds and insects. Able to tell
the name of the birds which can fly for e.g.:-kingfisher, dove, owl, etc. and the birds which cannot fly for
e.g.:-penguin, duck, ostrich etc. knows the homes of birds and their habitats. Can identify the colour of the
birds, for example: Kingfisher is blue in colour, Humming bird is shiny green or blue in colour and spoonbill
bird with the shape of spoon beak. Can differentiate between harmful and harmless insects for e.g.: -
harmful (mosquito, centipede, honeybee ant) and harmless (housefly, ladybug, and butterfly) etc. Able to
discriminate between birds and insects. Can answer some simple riddles on birds and insects. Able to
match birds and insects with their homes. Is very interested in watching the colourful pictures on
different birds and insects. Can identify the colour of the insects, for example: Julia butterfly in golden
colour, fire bug in red and black in colour and can predict the name of the Green stink bug by its smell.
Able to identify most of the birds and insects existing in the environment during an eco-walk and could
name them [Pigeon, sparrow, etc...]. Has the awareness of protecting the birds from the en-danger.
Understands the concept of immediate medication during the insects bite and also not touch the insects,
destroy their homes and disturbing the harmful insects. Always relates and applies the learnt knowledge
with the outer environment.

Differentiate the renumber concepts such as big - small, long -short, tall- short, far- near, thick – thin,
sharp – blunt. Able to identify and read the numbers in sequence 1 to 50. Reads and identifies the
specified number. Can write the numbers in sequence 1 to 50 with proper formation. Understands the
concept taught like count and write, missing number, after, and between numbers, forward and backward
counting Can write the missing number from 1 to 50. Identifies and writes number names from 1 to 10.
Able to read the number names in sequence order. Knows counting in tens. Able to count the beads or any
playful items up to 50. Understands the instruction and opens the correct page number of the book. Is
very much interested in counting and writing numbers. Identifies and writes the missing number on the
board and notebook.


Enjoys listening to simple, short story books Knows rhymes related to body parts and can sing rhymes like
“chubby cheeks…”, “clap your hands”, “two little hands Knows simple tongue twisters like “dolly, dolly”.
Knows rhymes related to colours such as “my red balloon”, “blue birds”,” Baa baa black sheep”. Listens
and responds to simple questions. Sings simple songs and does action rhymes. Talks about pictures in
posters, theme charts and books. Answers questions based on the story read. Hear and separate sound in
familiar names of classmates. Listens to others for short period of time and responds. Communicates
needs and thoughts verbally and nonverbally. Follows one or two steps of simple oral instructions. Listens
to new Vocabulary words. Listens to English words, greetings, polite forms of expression, simple sentences
and responds in English or home language. Listens to the story with the short period of time. Uses
appropriate vocabulary to speak. Participates and takes turns in conversation and shares likes and dislikes.
Makes eye contact and shows gesture and facial expressions. Listens to simple instructions during story
time or classroom management.


Uses a range of writing tools. Makes links to own experience when reading with the teacher Identify letters
and sounds. Identifies beginning, middle and ending sound of common words. Recognizes and reads some
sight words. Know to read CVC words. Identify vowels and consonants. Identify the sight word in the given
phrase. Identify and read 3 letter rhyming words such as bat, hat, cat, sat, fat, mat, fan, ran, pan, man.
Reads two letter words such as “is, in, as, it, on”. Can spot out 2 and 3 letter words from the sentences.
Can read simple sentence. Recognize the picture with simple sentences. Can read 2 & 3 letter words from
the picture. Can read three letter words from the story books. Handle book appropriate identify the book
front page and back page. Demonstrates increase in vocabulary and shows interest in learning new words.
Writes own name correctly. Identifies and writes upper-and lower-case letters independently. Can identify
and write vowels. Write CVC words. Can write more than 10 sight words. Writes 3 letter rhyming words
like “as bat, hat, cat, sat, fat, mat, fan, ran, pan, man”. Can write 2 letter words like “is, in, as, it, on”.
Identifies and label the given picture. Can write name, date and day independently. Writes the missing
letter without any help. Interested in writing and finish the task on time. Can sort out the words from
alphabet puzzles. Writes simple sentences independently. Recognises and points to a frequently occurring
word in the story.

Has a pleasant personality and excellent attitude towards learning. Is much organised and completes work
on time. Uses class time wisely. Is very responsible and turns in work on time. Takes an active role in
discussion. Listen well and shares idea frequently. Works well in groups, planning and carrying out
activities. Follows direction well. Shows respect towards teacher and peer ones. Speak with confidence.
Has a great sense of humour and enjoys class assignment. Volunteers often. Likes to learn using materials
with care and place it back after use. Has a good foundation of basic academic skill such as Letter
identification, sounds and number recognition. Using the polite form of words such as thank you, sorry,
please, etc.

Signature of the class Teacher Signature of the Principal

The Report of JOYITH MURUGAVEL.L has been read and explained to me in my vernacular and I clearly
understand the performance of my child at AVM.

Name of the Parent\ Guardian _______________ Signature __________________________

Agasthya Garden, TVS Road, Kothur Village, Hosur-635109
Term - I Report - 2022-2023

Student's Name ILAKSHANESH.S Admission no: 311

Class/Section UKG-C
Tells name in full sentences. Shares holiday experiences. Knows primary colours (red, blue, green, yellow,
white and black). Sort out and match the colours alone... Can colour within the outline of a picture. Uses 2
or 3 colour crayons to scribble. Identify colours in the books, charts and pictures. Identify and name the
favourite colours. Knows the name of all basic shapes like square, rectangle, circle and triangle. Recognize
and name the shapes of object around. Identify the shapes from the object or pictures. Can pick up, tear
and paste paper for the collage work. Can pick the odd shape out from the set of shapes. Identifies and
names the shape of the door, window, board, cupboard and materials present in the classroom. Trace on
fine sand and frame the shape. Associate the concept of shapes in real life situation. Names the shape of
food items (Bread & Biscuit) Understands no, not, don’t and can’t. Identifies pictures of action words
(eating, clapping, running). Enjoys looking at picture books

Knows parts of the body and able to identify. Name the body parts clearly. Knows the use of sense
organs.” Knows the movements of body parts. Match and identify different textures like Rough-smooth
and Hard-soft. Follow, copy and complete the different patterns. Knows the height difference between the
peer groups. Is aware of healthy and unhealthy food. Match the objects with the body parts. Match the
body parts with their starting sound. Identify the names of four seasons. Knows the concept of day and
night. Knows the things that is used for personal hygiene (toothbrush, soap, hand wash, napkins….). Knows
to explore the secondary colours like orange, purple and green. Aware on harmful tools. Knows the basic
personal hygienic such as hand washing, wearing clean clothes and dealing with instances of coughs and
sneezes. Tells the taste of foods during snacks and lunch hour. Can tell the name of all four seasons –
winter, autumn, summer, spring. Can identify and name the clothes and the things used during different
season. Understands the climatic condition of each season. Able to tell the type of food and clothes we
should use in the particular seasons. Can tell the food habits of each season. Tells the season which they
like the most and why. Knows the different feeling cold, hot, wet and warm. Can match different things
used in different seasons for e.g.:-summer-(ice-cream, watermelon) winter-(sweater, hot coffee) spring-
(umbrella, gumboots). Can colour the pictures based on seasons. Understand the instruction and does the
activity clearly and neatly.

Use the appropriate vocabulary to describe the relationship in a family. Identify and talk about oldest to
youngest in her/his family. Share information about their families like occupations and the place they live.
Role play like father, mother, teacher… Use photos of family member’s pictures to indicate the tall and
short, big and small. Tell about the joint and nuclear family. Knows the difference between neighbours
and strangers. Knows and can identify different types of religious festivals for e.g.: - Diwali, Christmas, Id,
Rakshabandhan, Holi, Onam, Pongal etc. Can tell the name of the festivals, which they celebrate. Can tell
the things related to the festivals. Knows the importance of our national festivals... Understands clearly
that different religion people celebrate different festivals for e.g.:-Hindu-Diwali, Muslims-id. Knows that
during festival all relation, friends and loved ones comes together to celebrate the festivals. Can give ideas
regarding the safety precaution taken while bursting crackers. Is very happy to know that we get holiday
on every religious and national festival. Enjoys the sharing of gifts while shares. Knows to decorate the
Christmas tree. Has the knowledge of decorating the navrathiri steps with dolls.


Can identify and name 15 domestic and wild animals. Able to differentiate wild and domestic animals.
Knows the different cries of animals. Understand the characteristic features, their habitat and the young
ones for e.g. (dog-kennel-puppy, lion-den-cub).Able to identify aquatic animals and their features. Can
answer some simple riddles on animals. Knows to colour domestic, wild and aquatic animals. Able to
match animals with
the homes and young ones. Can narrate some own stories based on animals. Enjoys watching slide on
animals. Tells the favourite pet animals they like. Can identify and name 15 birds and insects. Able to tell
the name of the birds which can fly for e.g.:-kingfisher, dove, owl, etc. and the birds which cannot fly for
e.g.:-penguin, duck, ostrich etc. knows the homes of birds and their habitats. Can identify the colour of the
birds, for example: Kingfisher is blue in colour, Humming bird is shiny green or blue in colour and spoonbill
bird with the shape of spoon beak. Can differentiate between harmful and harmless insects for e.g.: -
harmful (mosquito, centipede, honeybee ant) and harmless (housefly, ladybug, and butterfly) etc. Able to
discriminate between birds and insects. Can answer some simple riddles on birds and insects. Able to
match birds and insects with their homes. Is very interested in watching the colourful pictures on
different birds and insects. Can identify the colour of the insects, for example: Julia butterfly in golden
colour, fire bug in red and black in colour and can predict the name of the Green stink bug by its smell.
Able to identify most of the birds and insects existing in the environment during an eco-walk and could
name them [Pigeon, sparrow, etc...]. Has the awareness of protecting the birds from the en-danger.
Understands the concept of immediate medication during the insects bite and also not touch the insects,
destroy their homes and disturbing the harmful insects. Always relates and applies the learnt knowledge
with the outer environment.

Differentiate the renumber concepts such as big - small, long -short, tall- short, far- near, thick – thin,
sharp – blunt. Able to identify and read the numbers in sequence 1 to 50. Reads and identifies the
specified number. Can write the numbers in sequence 1 to 50 with proper formation. Understands the
concept taught like count and write, missing number, after, and between numbers, forward and backward
counting Can write the missing number from 1 to 50. Identifies and writes number names from 1 to 10.
Able to read the number names in sequence order. Knows counting in tens. Able to count the beads or any
playful items up to 50. Understands the instruction and opens the correct page number of the book. Is
very much interested in counting and writing numbers. Identifies and writes the missing number on the
board and notebook.


Enjoys listening to simple, short story books Knows rhymes related to body parts and can sing rhymes like
“chubby cheeks…”, “clap your hands”, “two little hands Knows simple tongue twisters like “dolly, dolly”.
Knows rhymes related to colours such as “my red balloon”, “blue birds”,” Baa baa black sheep”. Listens
and responds to simple questions. Sings simple songs and does action rhymes. Talks about pictures in
posters, theme charts and books. Answers questions based on the story read. Hear and separate sound in
familiar names of classmates. Listens to others for short period of time and responds. Communicates
needs and thoughts verbally and nonverbally. Follows one or two steps of simple oral instructions. Listens
to new Vocabulary words. Listens to English words, greetings, polite forms of expression, simple sentences
and responds in English or home language. Listens to the story with the short period of time. Uses
appropriate vocabulary to speak. Participates and takes turns in conversation and shares likes and dislikes.
Makes eye contact and shows gesture and facial expressions. Listens to simple instructions during story
time or classroom management.


Uses a range of writing tools. Makes links to own experience when reading with the teacher Identify letters
and sounds. Identifies beginning, middle and ending sound of common words. Recognizes and reads some
sight words. Know to read CVC words. Identify vowels and consonants. Identify the sight word in the given
phrase. Identify and read 3 letter rhyming words such as bat, hat, cat, sat, fat, mat, fan, ran, pan, man.
Reads two letter words such as “is, in, as, it, on”. Can spot out 2 and 3 letter words from the sentences.
Can read simple sentence. Recognize the picture with simple sentences. Can read 2 & 3 letter words from
the picture. Can read three letter words from the story books. Handle book appropriate identify the book
front page and back page. Demonstrates increase in vocabulary and shows interest in learning new words.
Writes own name correctly. Identifies and writes upper-and lower-case letters independently. Can identify
and write vowels. Write CVC words. Can write more than 10 sight words. Writes 3 letter rhyming words
like “as bat, hat, cat, sat, fat, mat, fan, ran, pan, man”. Can write 2 letter words like “is, in, as, it, on”.
Identifies and label the given picture. Can write name, date and day independently. Writes the missing
letter without any help. Interested in writing and finish the task on time. Can sort out the words from
alphabet puzzles. Writes simple sentences independently. Recognises and points to a frequently occurring
word in the story.

Likes the classroom environment very much. Likes to mingle and play with friends. Needs to be more
attentive during class hours. Has lack of interest in writing. Needs continuous reminder to be attentive in
the class. Needs help and motivation in order to finish the work. Tries to speak in English, but needs little
help to be corrected. Always needs the teacher supervision.. Likes to speak and express the ideas and
views. Likes to sing rhymes but needs practice for proper pronunciation and intonation. Needs more
practice to write alphabet and numbers. Cannot sit in one place for a longer time. If given continues
guidance and practice can improve a lot.

Signature of the class Teacher Signature of the Principal

The Report of ILAKSHANESH.S has been read and explained to me in my vernacular and I clearly
understand the performance of my child at AVM.

Name of the Parent\ Guardian _______________ Signature __________________________

Agasthya Garden, TVS Road, Kothur Village, Hosur-635109
Term - I Report - 2022-2023

Student's Name HAADHITHYRAM Admission no: 335

Class/Section UKG-C
Tells name in full sentences. Shares holiday experiences. Knows primary colours (red, blue, green, yellow,
white and black). Sort out and match the colours alone... Can colour within the outline of a picture. Uses 2
or 3 colour crayons to scribble. Identify colours in the books, charts and pictures. Identify and name the
favourite colours. Knows the name of all basic shapes like square, rectangle, circle and triangle. Recognize
and name the shapes of object around. Identify the shapes from the object or pictures. Can pick up, tear
and paste paper for the collage work. Can pick the odd shape out from the set of shapes. Identifies and
names the shape of the door, window, board, cupboard and materials present in the classroom. Trace on
fine sand and frame the shape. Associate the concept of shapes in real life situation. Names the shape of
food items (Bread & Biscuit) Understands no, not, don’t and can’t. Identifies pictures of action words
(eating, clapping, running). Enjoys looking at picture books

Knows parts of the body and able to identify. Name the body parts clearly. Knows the use of sense
organs.” Knows the movements of body parts. Match and identify different textures like Rough-smooth
and Hard-soft. Follow, copy and complete the different patterns. Knows the height difference between the
peer groups. Is aware of healthy and unhealthy food. Match the objects with the body parts. Match the
body parts with their starting sound. Identify the names of four seasons. Knows the concept of day and
night. Knows the things that is used for personal hygiene (toothbrush, soap, hand wash, napkins….). Knows
to explore the secondary colours like orange, purple and green. Aware on harmful tools. Knows the basic
personal hygienic such as hand washing, wearing clean clothes and dealing with instances of coughs and
sneezes. Tells the taste of foods during snacks and lunch hour. Can tell the name of all four seasons –
winter, autumn, summer, spring. Can identify and name the clothes and the things used during different
season. Understands the climatic condition of each season. Able to tell the type of food and clothes we
should use in the particular seasons. Can tell the food habits of each season. Tells the season which they
like the most and why. Knows the different feeling cold, hot, wet and warm. Can match different things
used in different seasons for e.g.:-summer-(ice-cream, watermelon) winter-(sweater, hot coffee) spring-
(umbrella, gumboots). Can colour the pictures based on seasons. Understand the instruction and does the
activity clearly and neatly.

Use the appropriate vocabulary to describe the relationship in a family. Identify and talk about oldest to
youngest in her/his family. Share information about their families like occupations and the place they live.
Role play like father, mother, teacher… Use photos of family member’s pictures to indicate the tall and
short, big and small. Tell about the joint and nuclear family. Knows the difference between neighbours
and strangers. Knows and can identify different types of religious festivals for e.g.: - Diwali, Christmas, Id,
Rakshabandhan, Holi, Onam, Pongal etc. Can tell the name of the festivals, which they celebrate. Can tell
the things related to the festivals. Knows the importance of our national festivals... Understands clearly
that different religion people celebrate different festivals for e.g.:-Hindu-Diwali, Muslims-id. Knows that
during festival all relation, friends and loved ones comes together to celebrate the festivals. Can give ideas
regarding the safety precaution taken while bursting crackers. Is very happy to know that we get holiday
on every religious and national festival. Enjoys the sharing of gifts while shares. Knows to decorate the
Christmas tree. Has the knowledge of decorating the navrathiri steps with dolls.


Can identify and name 15 domestic and wild animals. Able to differentiate wild and domestic animals.
Knows the different cries of animals. Understand the characteristic features, their habitat and the young
ones for e.g. (dog-kennel-puppy, lion-den-cub).Able to identify aquatic animals and their features. Can
answer some simple riddles on animals. Knows to colour domestic, wild and aquatic animals. Able to
match animals with
the homes and young ones. Can narrate some own stories based on animals. Enjoys watching slide on
animals. Tells the favourite pet animals they like. Can identify and name 15 birds and insects. Able to tell
the name of the birds which can fly for e.g.:-kingfisher, dove, owl, etc. and the birds which cannot fly for
e.g.:-penguin, duck, ostrich etc. knows the homes of birds and their habitats. Can identify the colour of the
birds, for example: Kingfisher is blue in colour, Humming bird is shiny green or blue in colour and spoonbill
bird with the shape of spoon beak. Can differentiate between harmful and harmless insects for e.g.: -
harmful (mosquito, centipede, honeybee ant) and harmless (housefly, ladybug, and butterfly) etc. Able to
discriminate between birds and insects. Can answer some simple riddles on birds and insects. Able to
match birds and insects with their homes. Is very interested in watching the colourful pictures on
different birds and insects. Can identify the colour of the insects, for example: Julia butterfly in golden
colour, fire bug in red and black in colour and can predict the name of the Green stink bug by its smell.
Able to identify most of the birds and insects existing in the environment during an eco-walk and could
name them [Pigeon, sparrow, etc...]. Has the awareness of protecting the birds from the en-danger.
Understands the concept of immediate medication during the insects bite and also not touch the insects,
destroy their homes and disturbing the harmful insects. Always relates and applies the learnt knowledge
with the outer environment.

Differentiate the renumber concepts such as big - small, long -short, tall- short, far- near, thick – thin,
sharp – blunt. Able to identify and read the numbers in sequence 1 to 50. Reads and identifies the
specified number. Can write the numbers in sequence 1 to 50 with proper formation. Understands the
concept taught like count and write, missing number, after, and between numbers, forward and backward
counting Can write the missing number from 1 to 50. Identifies and writes number names from 1 to 10.
Able to read the number names in sequence order. Knows counting in tens. Able to count the beads or any
playful items up to 50. Understands the instruction and opens the correct page number of the book. Is
very much interested in counting and writing numbers. Identifies and writes the missing number on the
board and notebook.


Enjoys listening to simple, short story books Knows rhymes related to body parts and can sing rhymes like
“chubby cheeks…”, “clap your hands”, “two little hands Knows simple tongue twisters like “dolly, dolly”.
Knows rhymes related to colours such as “my red balloon”, “blue birds”,” Baa baa black sheep”. Listens
and responds to simple questions. Sings simple songs and does action rhymes. Talks about pictures in
posters, theme charts and books. Answers questions based on the story read. Hear and separate sound in
familiar names of classmates. Listens to others for short period of time and responds. Communicates
needs and thoughts verbally and nonverbally. Follows one or two steps of simple oral instructions. Listens
to new Vocabulary words. Listens to English words, greetings, polite forms of expression, simple sentences
and responds in English or home language. Listens to the story with the short period of time. Uses
appropriate vocabulary to speak. Participates and takes turns in conversation and shares likes and dislikes.
Makes eye contact and shows gesture and facial expressions. Listens to simple instructions during story
time or classroom management.


Uses a range of writing tools. Makes links to own experience when reading with the teacher Identify letters
and sounds. Identifies beginning, middle and ending sound of common words. Recognizes and reads some
sight words. Know to read CVC words. Identify vowels and consonants. Identify the sight word in the given
phrase. Identify and read 3 letter rhyming words such as bat, hat, cat, sat, fat, mat, fan, ran, pan, man.
Reads two letter words such as “is, in, as, it, on”. Can spot out 2 and 3 letter words from the sentences.
Can read simple sentence. Recognize the picture with simple sentences. Can read 2 & 3 letter words from
the picture. Can read three letter words from the story books. Handle book appropriate identify the book
front page and back page. Demonstrates increase in vocabulary and shows interest in learning new words.
Writes own name correctly. Identifies and writes upper-and lower-case letters independently. Can identify
and write vowels. Write CVC words. Can write more than 10 sight words. Writes 3 letter rhyming words
like “as bat, hat, cat, sat, fat, mat, fan, ran, pan, man”. Can write 2 letter words like “is, in, as, it, on”.
Identifies and label the given picture. Can write name, date and day independently. Writes the missing
letter without any help. Interested in writing and finish the task on time. Can sort out the words from
alphabet puzzles. Writes simple sentences independently. Recognises and points to a frequently occurring
word in the story.

Quite well organized most of the time. Always works with interest and enthusiasm. Always does his best.
Generally makes an effort on his attitude. Always completes the work set, even if the teacher leaves him to
Work on his own. His work is tidy and attractive layout. A minimum of supervision is required to enable
him to complete work. Does not share possessions but gives ups when asked. Works well to achieve a
common aim. Whilst having a small circle of friends .Shows initiate in most situations. Learns routines
quickly and manages his time effectively. Organize himself effectively in all activities .Can sort out
problems alone or seeks help appropriately. Pulls on simple garments with help .Express fear when we call.
Feeds self with little spilling. Express extreme emotions ,which change often

Signature of the class Teacher Signature of the Principal

The Report of HAADHITHYARAM has been read and explained to me in my vernacular and I clearly
understand the performance of my child at AVM.

Name of the Parent\ Guardian _______________ Signature __________________________

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