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Brazilian National Anthem

The "Brazilian National Anthem" (Portuguese: Hino Nacional Brasileiro) was composed by Francisco Manuel da Hino Nacional Brasileiro
Silva in 1831 and had been given at least two sets of unofficial lyrics before a 1922 decree by president Epitácio Pessoa English: Brazilian National Anthem
gave the anthem its definitive, official lyrics, by Joaquim Osório Duque-Estrada, after several changes were made to his
proposal, written in 1909.

The anthem's lyrics have been described as Parnassian in style and Romantic in content.[1]

See also
External links

History Sheet music

National anthem of Brazil

The melody of the Brazilian national anthem was composed by Francisco Manuel da Silva, and was presented to the
public for the first time in April 1831.[2] On 7 April 1831, the first Brazilian Emperor, Pedro I, abdicated the Crown and Lyrics Osório Duque-Estrada, 1909
days later left for Europe, leaving behind the then-five-year-old Emperor Pedro II. Music Francisco Manuel da Silva, 1831
Adopted 13 April 1831 during the Empire of
From the Brazilian proclamation of independence in 1822 until the 1831 abdication, an anthem that had been Brazil and 1890 in the Federative
composed by Pedro I himself, celebrating the country's independence (and that now continues to be an official Republic of Brazil, then named
patriotic song, the Independence Anthem), was used as the national anthem. In the immediate aftermath of the Republic of the United States of
abdication of Pedro I, the anthem composed by him fell in popularity. 20 January 1890 (re-adopted)
6 September 1922 (lyrics adopted)
Francisco Manuel da Silva then seized this opportunity to present his composition, and the anthem written by him was
Audio sample
played in public for the first time on 13 April 1831.[2] On that same day, the ship carrying the former Emperor left the
port of Rio de Janeiro. The date of April 13 now appears in official calendars as the Day of the Brazilian National 3:43
Official orchestral and vocal recording in F major
As to the actual date of composition of the music presented in April 1831, there is controversy among historians. Some by the Coral BDMG and Minas Gerais Military
Police Symphony Orchestra
hold that Francisco Manuel da Silva composed the music in the last four months of 1822 to commemorate Brazil's file · help
independence (declared on 7 September 1822), others hold that the hymn was written in early 1823 and others
consider the evidence of composition dating back to 1822 or 1823 unreliable, and hold that the Anthem presented on 13 April 1831 was written in 1831,
and not before.[3] In any event, the Anthem remained in obscurity until it was played in public on 13 April 1831. In style, the music resembles early
Romantic Italian music such as that of Gioachino Rossini.

Initially, the music composed by Francisco Manuel da Silva was given lyrics by Appeals Judge Ovídio Saraiva de Carvalho e Silva not as a national anthem,
but as a hymn commemorating the abdication of Pedro I and the accession of Pedro II to the Throne. It was known during this early period as "April 7
Hymn".[4] The lyrics by Ovídio Saraiva soon fell out of use, given that they were considered poor, and even offensive towards the Portuguese. The music,
however, continued enjoying sustained popularity and by 1837 it was played, without lyrics, in all public ceremonies.[4]

Although no statute was passed during the imperial period to declare Francisco Manuel da Silva's musical composition as the national anthem, no formal
enactment was considered necessary for the adoption of a national anthem. A national anthem was seen as resulting from praxis or tradition. Thus, by
1837, when it was played in all official solemnities, Francisco Manuel da Silva's composition was already the de facto Brazilian National Anthem.

A new set of lyrics was proposed in 1841, to commemorate the coming of age and Coronation of Emperor Pedro II; those lyrics, popular but also
considered poor, were soon abandoned as well, this time by order of Emperor Pedro II, who specified that in public ceremonies the anthem should be
played with no lyrics. Emperor Pedro II directed that Francisco Manuel da Silva's composition, as the national anthem of the Empire of Brazil, should be
played, without lyrics, on all occasions when the monarch presented himself in public, and in solemnities of military or civilian nature; the composition
was also played abroad in diplomatic events relating to Brazil or when the Brazilian Emperor was present.[4]

During the Empire of Brazil era, the U.S. composer and pianist Louis Moreau Gottschalk, then residing in Rio de Janeiro, composed two nationalistic
works of classical music based on the Brazilian National Anthem that achieved great popularity at the time: the Brazilian Solemn March ("Marcha Solene
Brasileira", in the modern Portuguese spelling or "Marcha Solemne Brazileira", in the original spelling in force at the time of composition[5]) and the
Great Triumphal Fantasy on the Brazilian National Anthem ("Grande Fantasia Triunfal sobre o Hino Nacional Brasileiro"). The former was dedicated to
Emperor Pedro II, and the latter was dedicated to his heiress presumptive, the Princess Imperial Isabel. Those works are in the vein of similar
compositions written at the time in other nations, such as Charles Gounod's Fantasy on the Russian National Anthem. The Grand Triumphal Fantasy,
long forgotten, resurfaced in popularity in 1985, at the dawn of Brazil's New Republic, during the country's re-democratization process after the military
dictatorship that ruled the country from 1964 to 1985, when it was played to accompany the funeral cortège of president-elect Tancredo Neves.

After the Proclamation of the Republic in 1889, the new republican rulers held a contest in order to choose a new anthem; the contest was won by
Leopoldo Miguez, with lyrics by Medeiros e Albuquerque. After protests against the adoption of the proposed new anthem, however, the head of the
Provisional Government, Deodoro da Fonseca, formalized Francisco Manuel da Silva's composition as the national anthem, while the composition by 1/4
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Miguez and Medeiros e Albuquerque was declared the Anthem of the Proclamation of the Republic. Deodoro himself was said to prefer the old anthem to
the new composition.[6] The Decree of the Provisional Government (Decree No. 171 of 1890) confirming Francisco Manuel da Silva's composition, that had
served as the National Anthem of the Empire of Brazil, as the National Anthem of the new Republic, was issued on 20 January 1890.

In the early days of the new Federal Republic, the National Anthem continued without official lyrics, but several lyrics were proposed, and some were even
adopted by different states of Brazil. The lack of uniform, official lyrics would only be terminated in 1922, during the celebrations of the first centennial of
the Proclamation of Independence, when an adapted version of Joaquim Osório Duque Estrada's lyrics, first proposed in 1909, were deemed official.

The official lyrics of the Brazilian National Anthem were proclaimed by decree of president Epitácio Pessoa (Decree No. 15,761 of 1922), issued on 6
September 1922, at the height of the celebrations of the Independence Centennial. This presidential decree was issued in accordance with authorization
contained in a legislative decree adopted by the National Congress of Brazil on 21 August 1922. Furthermore, as allowed by said legislative decree, and
before the President of the Republic issued his decree proclaiming the official adoption of Joaquim Osório Duque Estrada's lyrics as the official lyrics of
the National anthem, the Federal Government finalized the purchase of the lyrics written by Duque Estrada, signing with the composer the contract that
transferred all the rights of authorship over the said lyrics to the Federal Union, and paying the agreed price of Rs5:000$ (five contos of réis).

On 7 September 1922, on the exact day of the Independence Centennial, radio broadcasts began in Brazil, and the first broadcast was the performance of
the National Anthem with the new lyrics, followed by the speech by president Epitácio Pessoa, the first radio address by a Brazilian president.

The national anthem is considered by the current Constitution of Brazil, adopted in 1988, to be one of the four national symbols of the country, along with
the Flag, the Coat of Arms and the National Seal. The legal norms currently in force concerning the national anthem are contained in a statute passed in
1971 (Law No. 5,700 of 1 September 1971), regulating the national symbols. This law regulates in great detail the form of the national anthem and how and
when it is to be played.

The music of the national anthem was originally intended to be played by symphonic orchestras; for the playing of the anthem by bands, the march
composed by Antão Fernandes is included in the instrumentation. This adaptation, long in use, was made official by the 1971 statute regulating national
symbols. This same statute also confirmed as official the traditional vocal adaptation of the lyrics of the national anthem, in F major, composed by Alberto

Due to the fact that the traditional vocal adaptation composed by Alberto Nepomuceno for Joaquim Osório Duque Estrada's lyrics of the national anthem
was made official in 1971, other vocal arrangements (as well as other instrumental arrangements departing from the one recognized in law) are unofficial.
Because of that, for the remainder of the Military Dictatorship era (that lasted until 1985), the playing of the anthem with any artistic arrangement that
departed from the official orchestration and vocal adaptation was prohibited, and there was strict vigilance regarding the use of the National Symbols and
the enforcement of this norm. Since the redemocratization of the country, far greater artistic liberty has been allowed regarding renderings of the national
anthem. Singer Fafá de Belém's interpretation of the national anthem (initially criticized during the final days of the Military Dictatorship, but now widely
accepted), is an example of that. In any event, although the use of different artistic arrangements for the anthem is now allowed (and although the
statutory norms that prohibited such arrangements are no longer enforced, on the grounds of constitutional freedom of expression), a rendering of the
national anthem is only considered fully official when the statutory norms regarding the vocal adaptation and orchestration are followed. However, the
traditional vocal adaptation composed by Alberto Nepomuceno was so well established by the time it became official that the interpretations of the
national anthem that depart from the official orchestration or from the official vocal adaptation are few. Indeed, although other arrangements are now
allowed, the traditional form tends to prevail, so that, with few exceptions, even celebrity singers tend to only lend their voices to the singing of the official
vocal adaptation by Alberto Nepomuceno.

The anthem is sung in Brazil's official national language, the Portuguese language.

The song consists of two consecutive stanzas. The adoption in 1922 of lyrics containing two stanzas thus created the present situation of the music of the
anthem being played twice so as to allow for the singing of both stanzas.

Brazilian law stipulates that the music needs to be played only once in instrumental renditions of the anthem without vocal accompaniment (thus, in
instrumental renditions without vocal accompaniment, the playing of the music twice is optional), but both stanzas must be sung in vocal performances.

The second stanza is often dropped when played at sporting events, as most renditions of the Brazilian National Anthem for sporting events are
instrumental and not vocal.

In the lyrics, the opening line's mention of the Ipiranga river refers to the stream near (and now part of) the city of São Paulo where Prince Dom Pedro, the
future Emperor Dom Pedro I of Brazil, declared Brazilian independence from Portugal.[7] 2/4
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Portuguese lyrics IPA transcription[a] English translation

I 1 I
Ouviram do Ipiranga as margens plácidas [ow.ˈvi.ɾɐw
̃ ̃ du‿i.pi.ˈɾɐ.̃ ɡɐ‿az ˈmaʁ.ʒẽȷs̃ ˈɐs] The placid shores of the Ipiranga heard,
De um povo heroico o brado retumbante, [d͡ʒi‿ũ ˈ‿e.ˈɾɔj.ku‿u ˈbɾa.du ʁe.tũ.ˈbɐ.̃ ͡ tʃi |] the resounding shout of a heroic folk.
E o sol da liberdade, em raios fúlgidos, [i‿u sɔw da li.beʁ.ˈda.d͡ʒi‿ẽȷ ̃ ˈʁ ˈfuw.ʒi.dus] And the sun of Liberty in shining beams,
Brilhou no céu da pátria nesse instante. [bɾi.ˈʎo(w) nu sɛw da ˈpa.tɾja ˈ‿ĩs.ˈtɐ.̃ ͡ tʃi ǁ] shone in the homeland's sky at that instant.

Se o penhor dessa igualdade [si‿u pe.ˈɲoʁ ˈdɛ.sɐ‿i.ɡwaw.ˈda.d͡ʒi] If the pledge[b] of this equality,
Conseguimos conquistar com braço forte, [kõ.se.ˈɡĩ.mus kõ.kis.ˈta(ʁ) kõ ˈbɾ ˈfɔʁ.t͡ʃi |] we managed to conquer with strong arm.
Em teu seio, ó liberdade, [ẽȷ ̃ tew ˈsej.u | ɔ li.beʁ.ˈda.d͡ʒi |] In thy bosom, O Freedom,
Desafia o nosso peito a própria morte! [ˈfi.‿u ˈnɔ.su ˈpej.tu‿a ˈpɾɔ.pɾja ˈmɔʁ.t͡ʃi ǁ] our chest defieth death itself!

Ó Pátria amada, [ɔ ˈpa.tɾja‿a.ˈma.dɐ |] O beloved,

Idolatrada, [ɐ.ˈtɾa.dɐ |] idolized homeland,
Salve! Salve! [ˈ ˈ ǁ] Hail, hail!

Brasil, um sonho intenso, um raio vívido [bɾa.ˈziw ũ ˈso.ɲu‿ĩ.ˈtẽ.su‿ũ ˈʁaj.u ˈ] Brazil, an intense dream, a vivid ray
De amor e de esperança à terra desce, [d͡ʒi‿a.ˈmoɾ i d͡ʒi‿ˈɾɐ.̃ sɐ‿a ˈtɛ.ʁɐ ˈdɛ.si] of love and hope to earth descendeth.
Se em teu formoso céu, risonho e límpido, [si‿ẽȷ ̃ tew foʁ.ˈmo.zu sɛw ʁi.ˈzõ.ȷu‿i
̃ ˈlĩ.pi.du] If in thy beautiful, smiling and limpid sky,
A imagem do Cruzeiro resplandece. [a‿i.ˈma.ʒẽȷ ̃ du kɾu.ˈze(j).ɾu ʁes.plɐ.̃ ˈdɛ.si ǁ] the image of the Cross blazeth.

Gigante pela própria natureza, [ʒi.ˈɡɐ.̃ ͡ tʃi ˈpe.lɐ ˈpɾɔ.pɾja na.tu.ˈɾe.zɐ |] Giant by thine own nature,
És belo, és forte, impávido colosso, [ɛ(j)z ˈ‿ɛ(j)z ˈfɔʁ.t͡ʃi‿ĩ.ˈ ko.ˈ |] Thou art beautiful, strong, a fearless colossus,[c]
E o teu futuro espelha essa grandeza. [i‿u tew fu.ˈtu.ɾu‿is.ˈpe.ʎɐ‿ɛ.sɐ ɡɾɐ.̃ ˈde.zɐ ǁ] And thy future mirrors that greatness

Refrão: [ɾefɾɐw̃ ̃ :] Chorus:

Terra adorada, [ˈtɛ.ʁɐ‿ˈɾa.dɐ |] Land adored
Entre outras mil, [ˈẽ.tɾi‿o(w).tɾɐz ˈmiw |] Amongst thousand others
És tu, Brasil, [ɛ(j)s tu bɾa.ˈziw ǁ] art thou, Brazil,
Ó Pátria amada! [ɔ ˈpa.tɾja‿a.ˈma.dɐ ǁ] O beloved homeland
Dos filhos deste solo és mãe gentil, [dus ˈfi.ʎuz ˈdes.t͡ʃi ˈsɔ.lu‿ɛ(j)z mɐȷ̃ ̃ ʒẽ.ˈt͡ʃiw |] Of the sons of this ground
Pátria amada, [ˈpa.tɾja‿a.ˈma.dɐ |] Thou art kind mother
Brasil! [bɾa.ˈziw ǁ] Beloved homeland, Brazil!

Deitado eternamente em berço esplêndido, [dej.ˈta.du‿e.tɛʁ.na.ˈmẽ.t͡ʃi‿ẽȷ ̃ ˈbeʁ.su‿is.ˈplẽ.d͡ʒi.du] Eternally lying on splendid cradle,
Ao som do mar e à luz do céu profundo, [aw sõ du maɾ i‿a lu(j)z du sɛw pɾo.ˈfũ.du |] to the sound of sea and under deep sky light.
Fulguras, ó Brasil, florão da América, [fuw.ˈgu.ɾɐz | ɔ bɾa.ˈziw | flo.ˈɾɐw
̃ ̃ da‿a.ˈmɛ.ɾi.kɐ |] Thou flashest, Brazil, crocket of America,
Iluminado ao sol do Novo Mundo! [ˈna.dʊ‿aw sɔw du ˈ ˈmũ.du ǁ] illuminated by the sun of the New World.

Do que a terra, mais garrida, [du ki‿a ˈtɛ.ʁɐ majz ɡa.ˈʁi.dɐ] Than the more garish land,
Teus risonhos, lindos campos têm mais flores; [tewz ʁi.ˈzõ.ȷuz
̃ ˈlĩ.dus ˈkɐ.̃ pus tẽȷ ̃ majs ˈflo.ɾis ǁ] thy smiling, pretty prairies have more flowers.
"Nossos bosques têm mais vida", [ˈnɔ.suz ˈbɔs.kis tẽȷ ̃ majz ˈvi.dɐ |] "Our groves have more life,"
"Nossa vida" no teu seio "mais amores." (*) [ˈnɔ.sɐ ˈvi.dɐ no tew ˈsej.u majz a.ˈmo.ɾis ǁ] "Our life" in thy bosom "more loves".

Ó Pátria amada, [ɔ ˈpa.tɾja‿a.ˈma.dɐ |] O beloved,

Idolatrada, [ɐ.ˈtɾa.dɐ |] idolized homeland,
Salve! Salve! [ˈ ˈ ǁ] Hail, hail!

Brasil, de amor eterno seja símbolo [bɾa.ˈziw | d͡ʒi‿a.ˈmoɾ e.ˈtɛɾ.nu ˈse.ʒɐ ˈsĩ] Brazil, of eternal love be a symbol,
O lábaro que ostentas estrelado, [u ˈɾu ki‿os.ˈtẽ.tɐz is.tɾe.ˈla.du |] the starred labarum which thou displayst.
E diga o verde-louro dessa flâmula [i ˈd͡ʒi.ɡɐ‿u ˈveʁ.d͡ʒi ˈlo(w).ɾu ˈdɛ.sɐ ˈflɐ.̃ mu.lɐ] And say the laurel-green of this pennant,
– "Paz no futuro e glória no passado." [pa(j)z nu fu.ˈtu.ɾu‿i ˈɡlɔ.ɾjɐ no pa.ˈsa.du ǁ] "Peace in the future and glory in the past."

Mas, se ergues da justiça a clava forte, [ma(j)s si‿eʁ.ɡez da ʒus.ˈt͡ʃi.sɐ‿a ˈkla.vɐ ˈfɔʁ.t͡ʃi |] But if thou raisest the strong mace[d] of justice,
Verás que um filho teu não foge à luta, [ve.ˈɾas ki‿ũ ˈfi.ʎu tew nɐw ̃ ̃ ˈfɔ.ʒi‿a ˈlu.tɐ |] see that a son of thine fleeth not from battle,
Nem teme, quem te adora, a própria morte. ̃ kẽȷ ̃ ͡ tʃi‿a.ˈdo.ɾɐ‿a ˈpɾɔ.pɾja ˈmɔʁ.t͡ʃi ǁ]
[nẽȷ ̃ ˈtẽȷ.mi nor do those who love thee fear their own death.

Refrão [ɾefɾɐw
̃ ̃ :] Chorus

(*) The passages in quotation marks were extracted from Gonçalves Dias' poem "Canção do exílio".

See also
"Brazilian Flag Anthem" (Portuguese: Hino à Bandeira)
"Brazilian Anthem of Independence" (Portuguese: Hino da Independência)
"Brazilian Republic Anthem" (Portuguese: Hino da Proclamação da República)

a. See Help:IPA/Portuguese and Portuguese phonology.
b. Used metaphorically (figuratively). Penhor dessa igualdade is the guarantee, the security that there will be freedom.
c. Colosso is the name of a statue of enormous dimensions. Impávido, being "fearless", is to be relaxed, calm. 3/4
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d. Clava is a big stick, used in hand-to-hand combat, a cudgel or a club. In verse, it means mobilizing an army, to go to war.

1. "Você entende o Hino Nacional Brasileiro?" ( Só Português (in Portuguese). 1 August
2022. Archived ( from the original on 21
February 2022. Retrieved 1 August 2022. "You understand the Brazilian National Anthem? The National Anthem, symbol of exaltation of country, is a
very complex song. Besides having unusual words, its lyrics are rich in metaphors. The text follows the Parnassian style, which explains the presence
of flowery language and syntactic inversions, which hinder the understanding of the message. Thus, the prioritization of the beauty of form in the
composition of the hymn compromised clarity. You, who already know how to sing the national anthem, do you know it because of its melody and tune,
or do you know it for the meaning of its message? Most people, despite their mastery of the lyrics, are ignorant of their meaning. The following is the
national anthem. Note the words highlighted and their definitions in parentheses. You'll likely be surprised by the things that you have always
proclaimed, without, in fact, being aware of it."
2. "Origem - Letra - Música - Hino Nacional Brasileiro / Clério José Borges" (
r/hinonacional.html#0002). Archived from the original ( on 2011-09-07. Retrieved 2011-09-11.
3. "História Hino Nacional - MiniWeb Educação" (
4. "Origem - Letra - Música - Hino Nacional Brasileiro / Clério José Borges" (
r/hinonacional.html). Archived from the original ( on 2011-09-07. Retrieved 2011-09-11.
5. Because the spelling of Brazil with a "z" became obsolete in the Old Republic due to changes in the orthography of the Portuguese language, and the
country's name has since then been spelled with an "s" in Portuguese - Brasil - sometimes the title of that composition is rendered as "Marcha Solemne
Brasileira", the adjective "Solemne" retaining the 19th century spelling, while the adjective "Brasileira" is rendered in the modern spelling to avoid
writing the country's name with a "z".
6. A
Brief History of the Brazilian National Anthem, And Why it is the Tune of the World Cup
7. "" (

External links
Hinos ( at the Brazilian Government
Free sheet music ( of the Brazilian National Anthem from
50,000 sing the anthem at FIFA World Cup 2014, partly a capella (

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