The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay Novel by Michael Chabon Reflection Paper

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Zulaikha L.


12 – Agapito Flores

The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay

By Michael Chabon

1. The theme of escape runs throughout the novel. What are Sam and Joe escaping from?
What is their destination? (5)
Michael Chabon’s outstanding novel, The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier &
Clay presented the theme of escapism in which it completely reoccurs numerous times in
the novel in order to generate the idea for both Sam and Joe to utilize The Escapist, and
their careers as comic artists for them to be able to escape from the various obstacles they
face and endure in their lives. Due to the fact that the novel was set at the beginning of
WWII in 1939, this means that both Sam and Joe are escaping on the harsh reality they
are living in, constantly trying to get away from tyranny, wars and attacks, and seeking an
escape from numerous deaths and bloodshed battles. For me, I don’t think that Sam and
Joe has a destination because throughout the novel, it had been shown numerous times
that both of them constantly move to different other places and countries, however I think
the “destination” that they have desperately been seeking to is the place where they can
freely better themselves on their craft and as well as having an escape or flee from actual
or anticipated persecution and abuse.

2. Discuss how the following passage draws an analogy between the creation of the Golem
and the writing of superhero comics: "Every universe, our own included, begins in
conversation. Every golem in the history of the world, from Rabbi Hanina's delectable
goat to the river-clay Frankenstein of Rabbi Judah Loew ben Bezalel, was summoned
into existence through language, through murmuring, recital, and kabbalistic chitchat --
was literally talked into life. Kavalier and Clay -- whose Golem was to be formed of
black lines and four-color dots of the lithographer -- lay down, lit the first of five dozen
cigarettes they were to consume that afternoon, and started to talk." (p. 119). (10)
The creation of the Golem and the writing of superhero comics correspondence to
one another due to the fact that Golem is a clay creature that has been magically brought
or resurrected to life, the legend of golem is mainly the human desire to create with a
range of themes such as control, power, creativity and salvation. Corresponding to
writing the superhero comics, I think there is a partial similarity on the both of them due
to the fact that both Sam and Joe created this comic book in a way of representing the
superhero as the Jews that desires to have the Golden Key in order for them to have super
strength and the ability to escape from any type of restraints. So with this it had been
shown that both of their similarities encompass on acquires salvation, power and being in
control against all the opponents. The creation of Golem corresponds on writing the
superhero comic books in which it exhibits themes that symbolizes hopes for redemption.

3. What is the significance of names and name-changes in the novel? Discuss how the idea
of names is significant in the legend of the Golem.
Both Josef and Sammy Americanizing their names as Joe Kavalier and Sam clay
which is why the names or name-changes in the novel were significant due to the fact that
it was set during World War II so it is really a vital move to change their names and turn
it into American names in order for them to blend in at New York City as they became
brilliant comic book artists, and it is greatly important for both of their safety as well.
Most of the countless and numerous people who changed their names in America were
Jew refugees and immigrants and it is a way to sort of grant themselves protection from
anti-Semite that may prosecute hate attacks and crimes towards Jews.

4. Intelligibly discuss the social relevance of the "The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and
Clay" in the 21st century society. (10)
The social relevance of the “The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay” is
that it gives awareness in numerous topics and themes that are relevant especially in
today’s century, topics such as anti-Semitism, homosexuality, and the history of World
War II. It is vital because it allows us to view the lens of Jewish refugees and immigrants,
and allows us to witness and perceive the hardships that they have to endure especially
because they are the most discriminated against during those cruel times. The society that
we live in today, there are still a great amount of people in the world that holds grudges
and prejudice against Jews, and as well as the LGBTQ+ community. There was a scene
where Sam is on a getaway with a group of other gay men and they were raided and
abused by police officers and FBI agents, with that part alone it had been exhibited how
people who are homosexual were tormented and discriminated against. And members
of society in the 21 st century still manages to acquire and instill homophobic beliefs and
tradition that tend to have a big amount of prejudice against members of the LGBTQ+
and manages to execute hate crimes on them. So with the help of this novel, it aids the
readers around the world to fully educate themselves on the events that were/are
happening in history and in society. Furthermore, I think reading this novel is relevant
because it offers a vast amount of knowledge about World War II and Jewish refugees in
which allows us to learn more about history that cultivated and affected us as a society
today. In the 21st century, Anti-Semitism and homophobia are still very much alive, and
the people who believe on the stereotyped views and ideals of anti-Semitism and
homophobia are just around the corner. But by working together as a society, turning
down our hostility and prejudiced against people, and completely educating ourselves on
the truths, I think we can possibly be able to weed the deep-rooted and sick views and
ideals out.

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