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Senior High School Department

Two-Way (Competency Based) Table of Specifications

First Semester: SY 2019-2020

ITEM SPECIFICATION (Type of Test and Placement)

No. of
Teaching No. of Items/
ng Days Remembering (20%) Understanding (20%) Applying (20%) Analyzing (15%) Evaluating (15%) Creating (10%)

1. articulate observations on human cultural

A. Starting points for the understanding of
culture, society, and politics
variation, social differences, social change, and
political identities
UCSP11/12SPUIa-1 26 52 6,

1. Sharing of social and cultural backgrounds of 2. demonstrate curiosity and an openness to

students as acting subjects or social actors,
agents, persons
explore the origins and dynamics of culture and
society, and political identities
UCSP11/12SPUIa-2 43 7

2. Observations about social, political, and

cultural behavior and phenomena
3. analyze social, political, and cultural change UCSP11/12SPUIb-3 13 27 14

4. recognize the common concerns or

3. Observations on social, political,and cultural intersections of anthropology, sociology, and
change political science with respect to the phenomenon UCSP11/12SPUIb-4 11,12 44 36
of change

4. Definition of anthropology, political science, 5. identify the subjects of inquiry and goals of
and sociology Anthropology, Political Science, and Sociology UCSP11/12SPUIb-5 50 51

B. Defining Culture and Society from the

perspectives of anthropology and sociology
1. explain anthropological and sociological
perspectives on culture and society UCSPC11DCS-Ic6 2

1. Society as a group of people sharing a

common culture
2. describe society and culture as a complex
whole UCSPC11/12DCSIc-7 16 10
2. Culture as defined by Edward Taylor 3. identify aspects of culture and society UCSP11/12DCSIc-8 47, 48 43

3. Aspects of Culture
4. raise questions toward a holistic appreciation
of cultures and societies UCSP11/12DCSId-9 21 24 34

4. Ethnocentrism and Cultural Relativism as

orientations in viewing other cultures
5. become aware of why and how cultural
relativism mitigates ethnocentrism UCSP11/12DCSId-10 23,42

6. identify forms of tangible and intangible

heritage and the threats to these UCSP11/12DCSIe-11 15

C. Looking back at Human Biocultural and

Social Evolution
1. trace the biological and cultural evolution of
early to modern humans UCSP11/12HBSIe-12 19 51

2. explore the significance of human material

1. Biological and cultural evolution: from Homo
habilis (or earlier) to Homo sapiens sapiens in
the fossil record
remains and artefactual evidence in interpreting
cultural and social, including political and UCSP11/12HBS- If-13 30,31,35 1,8,9 28
economic, processes

2. Cultural and sociopolitical evolution: from

3. recognize national, local, and specialized
hunting and gathering to the agricultural,
museums, and archaeological and historical sites
industrial , and post-industrial revolutions
a. The Neolithic Revolution b. as venues to appreciate and reflect on the
complexities of biocultural and social evolution
UCSP11/12HBS- If-14 20 33 32 3 29
Early civilization and the rise of the state as part of being and becoming human
c. Democratization

1. explain the development of one’s self and

D. Becoming a member of society others as a product of socialization and
UCSP11/12BMSIg-15 49

1. Enculturation/Socialization a. Identity
formation (identities, disciplines, and
aspirations) b. Norms and values c. Statuses
2. identify the context, content, processes, and
consequences of enculturation and socialization UCSP11/12BMSIg-16 22, 40 37,41
and roles (e.g. age, gender)
2. Conformity and deviance a. Social control
(gossip, social ostracism, laws and 3. identifies the social goals and the socially
punishments) b. Forms of deviance (ritualism, acceptable means of achieving these goals UCSP11/12BMSIh-17 17,18,46 5 53
retreatism, rebellion, and innovation)

3. Human dignity, rights, and the common

4. advocate inclusive citizenship UCSP11/12BMSIh-18 25 59 4 38 54,55,56
5. promote protection of human dignity, rights,
and the common good UCSP11/12BMS- Ih-19 60 39 57,58

TOTAL 12 12 12 9 9 6

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Noted and Approved by:


Adviser School Head

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