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C: Good day everyone, ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention please. The program is
about to begin. May I request everyone to please turn off their mic and do what is necessary for
the opening prayer.
—-After prayer—

L : Once again, welcome everyone. Before we begin, I would like everyone to be aware of the
rules for this webinar. First, Be attentive, Be polite, please be presentable and dress
appropriately, make sure to mute your microphones when not in use, listen carefully, and speak
only when necessary, participants are encouraged to type their questions (if any) in the chat

C: Time check, it’s ____, and we may now start the webinar. I am your host, Chris Marquez,
and here with me is my partner

L: I am Lara Polentinos, and we welcome you to Cancel Culture: Yay or Nay? webinar.

C : I would like to introduce my co-members in making this webinar possible.

We have Princess Hayah Lidasan, our Webinar director,
Nicole Loqueloque and kiara lozano for marketing officer
Bai Jasmine Pura as , participants Manager,

L: then we have the program officer, Jericah Lebrero

Kiara Lozano, partnership & marketing officer
Joshua Madelo, participant manager, technical & documentation officer
Neil Albert Laud, social media manager

C: may I request everyone to please raise your hand to see if u are still listening ——— thank
you. At this point, let us lend our ears to Neil Albert Laud, a 4th year - Business and
Management student from Ateneo de Davao University, as he gives his opening remarks.

N: Ladies and Gentlemen

I am pleased to welcome you to this event, and it is my pleasure to open this webinar on
“Cancel Culture: Yay or Nay?" We are thrilled to have you here, and this will be an opportunity
for us to learn from each other. We appreciate you spending the time with us today and wish
you all the best as you continue with this webinar.

Our topic is about the Cancel Culture, and we’re really excited to share what we know with you.
After attending this webinar, you will have learned further about how Cancel Culture works, what
are the pros and cons of this topic; is it a Yay or a Nay? And we’ve also got a reward for you at
the end of the session, so stay tuned to learn more about it.

To make sure we’re helping you as best as we can on this topic, we have a chat box to source
your questions. You can find it at the bottom of your screens, so feel free to drop questions
whenever you are given the time to do so, as we will answer each of them at the end of the
presentation. We should also take note to always be mindful in our chat box or in the usage of
our microphones to avoid distractions to our speaker and your fellow audience, and to have a
smooth sailing discussion throughout the event.

I also want to thank our speaker for taking his time to share his knowledge and will be providing
insightful information for everyone later on.

Thank you, everyone, for your kind attention. And now, without further ado, let’s start this
session as I will now pass the floor to our hosts, Ms. Chris Marquez and Ms. Lara Polentinos.

—-After Opening Remarks—-

L: thank you, Neil for the opening remarks. Now, before we officially have our guest speaker,
may I request everyone to please click the link at the chat box and answ

let us first have an icebreaker.

C: Yes. I do hope that everyone will participate in our simple icebreaker. Please prepare a pen
and paper. In your paper, please draw anything that can symbolize Filipino custom or tradition
that will get you canceled. We will give you at least 5 minutes to do this, and we will choose at
least 3 participants to share their opinion or story behind their drawings.
L: So now, I will start calling. Does anyone want to volunteer and share their drawing and
thoughts? If none, I will call random names. May we have ___ please to share your drawing?

—1st participant starts to share


C: great! Thank you so much ____ for sharing your thoughts. -State an important point that the
participant had shared-.Let me call another participant. May we have ___ please to share your

—2nd participant starts to share


L: brillant! Thank you ____ for sharing sharing your thoughts. -State an important point that the
participant had shared-. Let me call the last participant to share their work. May we have ___
please to share your drawing?

—3rd participant starts to share


C: Alright! Thank you very much! -State an important point that the participant had shared-.We
truly appreciate your cooperation guys. It’s good to know your opinions and witness your

L: So since we are done with the icebreaker, I will now introduce to you our guest speaker for
this virtual event. He is a graduate of AB Psychology from Ateneo de Davao, a licensed
Psychometrician and a guidance counselor in Ateneo de Davao Senior Highschool. Let us
welcome, Mr. Giolo Yanne Matthew P. Lozano RPm.

GUEST SPEAKER: Starts to discuss the topic*

C: Fabulous! (or whatever adjective to compliment the GS). Thank you so much for that really
interesting content and insightful presentation, Sir. Lozano. ” Then mention one or two worthy
points from the speech

L: Alright, thank you again sir for that informative and interesting discussion. Now, we come to
the question and answer portion. May I hear from our participants if they have any questions.
Don't forget to mention your name if you wish to ask a question. Hello guys, anyone who wants
to ask questions to our speaker? About the topic? *check the chat box*

— facilitate q&a —-

C: Alright! May I ask again, is there anyone from our participants who would like to share their
comments, takeaways, and opinion about the topic? (If there's none, proceed na kay katulogon

L: Now, before we end this presentation, let me present this certificate of appreciation for our
guest speaker. *read the cert* Once again, thank you so much sir!

C: For the closing remarks, Neil Laud

N: It’s been a wonderful and insightful discussion we've had, and I would like to say thank you to
the speaker for a spectacular talk this afternoon. I would also like to thank the participants for
being good listeners throughout the session and the staff who made this event possible and

Today, we have learned from this discussion about the things we did not know about “Cancel
culture” and how it impacts our society. We have learned that the term "cancel culture" is so
prevalent in this era and it is the practice or tendency of engaging in mass canceling as a way of
expressing disapproval and exerting social pressure.

The goal of this event is to inform you about this phenomenon and how it impacts our society
and encourage people to have the freedom to voice their own different opinions without being
“canceled” or disapproved by others. Still, it is important to be mindful of our own opinions
before sharing them with others. Instead of disapproving and canceling right away without even
giving it a thought, we encourage people to first choose to give others the chance to
understand. Think before you click, as the saying goes.

Before we end, I would like to say that it has been an honor to be among such great and
wonderful individuals who attended and participated in this event and to be able to present my
perspective before you all. Thank you all for your patience and I wish you all a blessed day.

L: Finally, we come to the end part of our program. Our group would like to thank our audience
for your active participation and for sharing this moment with us, to our Virtual Communication
professor, thank you so much ma'am for guiding us throughout the preparation of this virtual
event, and of course to our guest speaker thank you so much again sir. Hopefully, you've
learned something from this event.

post test, photo op, evaluation link

C: closing prayer.

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