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Computers And Today’s World.

Impacts Of Computer and ICT In Our Society.

New Day TO Day Technological Events In Our Society.

Uses of computers in Uses of Computers in
Medical Field. Education


Uses of Computer at Uses of Computers in

Home. Business

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 Computers where do you even begin?

 There is so much to know and to learn that

many find themselves overwhelmed by the
thought of learning them.

 You see children of today sitting in front of a

computer like they were born to know how to
use them. Almost as if there little brains have
been preprogrammed.

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 Then you have the little old ladies, (and men) that
cannot understand why we call an input device a
mouse, and even worse cannot figure out how to
double click.

 Computers have not only grown to be able to

function and run major companies, but they have
taken over the ways in which human communication
takes place.

 They have changed the way in which we think, work

and communicate.

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 Computers play an
important role in the
lives of most of us
today, whether we
realize it or not.

 Some people,
however, are
beginning to ask if we
really need them.

 I believe that
computers have
become a necessary
part of modern life.

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 The use of computer technology in business provides
many facilities.

 Businessmen are using computers to interact with

their customers anywhere in the world.

 Many business tasks are performed more quickly and


 Computers also help them to reduce the overall cost

of their business.

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 There are those who
claim that computers are
unnecessary and make our
lives more complicated.
They argue that in the past
we managed very well
using other methods and
that we have become too
dependent on computers.

 However, they fail to

consider that the time
saved by using computers
for repetitive tasks enables
us to use our own time
more creatively and

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 Computer-based training (CBT)

◦ CBT is any course of instruction whose primary

means of delivery is a computer.
◦ A CBT course (sometimes called courseware ) may
be delivered via a software product installed on a
single computer, through a corporate or
educational intranet, or over the Internet as Web-
based training.
◦ CBT is a low cost solution for educating people.
◦ You can train a large number of people easily.

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 Computers can save a
lot of storage space.

 Storing information
on computers’
storage device (disk,
cloud, flash) is one of
the most efficient
ways of keeping data.

 One computer disk

can hold the same
amount of
information as several

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 Also (as you know)
computers save
everyone a lot of
valuable time.

 Any information can

be found at the touch
of a button, whereas
searching for it
manually takes much

 Do I hear Google it?

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 Also, using the
computer, we are
able to carry out
calculations that
are used by
scientists to
predict the
weather, or

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 Our everyday lives
are made easier -
from going to the
bank to doing the

 Using a computer,
we can make
purchases, prepare
documents or just
chat with friends.

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navigate the
modern planes
and ships, and
such navigation
is used in
modern GPS
devices that can
identify the
exact location of
the car and make
a route to any
point in the

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 Health informatics is a discipline at the intersection of
information science, computer science, and health care.

 It deals with the resources, devices, and methods required

to optimize the acquisition, storage, retrieval, and use of
information in health and biomedicine.

 It includes computers, and information and

communication systems, among others.

 It is applied to the areas of nursing, clinical care, dentistry,

pharmacy, public health, occupational therapy, and
(bio)medical research.

 Computers play major role in this.

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 Maintaining Record System
 Billing and Financial System
 Analysis
 Material Management
 Radiology
 Clinical Management
 Tracking Patients

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 Computers make their role perfect in all types
of clinical image processing like CT scan X-
rays and more accurately

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 Computers are mostly used in every

organization. Computer plays different
roles in different fields now a day’s no
field is evolving without the role of

 Computers become a reliable product in every hospital due to its

effective and efficient performance. From open heart surgery to X-
Ray’s everything is made possible so easily only through computers.

 Apart from administration purposes computers are used in performing

surgeries. Laparoscopic surgeries is said to be the most common
surgery which can be done only through the help of computers. The
medical experts insert the medical tools and other small equipment
attached with cameras into the patient’s body.

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 Computers make their role perfect in all

types of clinical image processing like CT
scan X-rays and more accurately.

 The Heart rate, pulse rate, brain readings and other specifications are
monitored and recorded continuously through computers and finally
the medical expert analyze the computer record and provide treatment
for the affected person.

 Always up to date

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 Cost

◦ One of the biggest drawbacks of

adding computers to hospitals is the
cost. Computers cost money, and a
large hospital needs many computers
to keep the system running smoothly.

◦ Creating a network to transfer medical records or keep track of billing

is an additional initial cost. Unlike paper records, which simply require
a few more copies, electronic record keeping requires constant upkeep
of computers, computer software and other electronic elements, which
can cost even more.

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 Lack of Standardization

◦ Different hospitals use different

shorthand abbreviations or symbols on
medical records than others. Even the
codes called out during emergencies do
not always mean the same thing in
every hospital.

◦ If a medical record is transferred from another hospital or the system

becomes open so hospitals can share information, the lack of
standardization in hospital notes and records could cause problems
when it comes to a medical professional's understanding of the
medical record.

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 Security

◦ If your doctor or hospital is switching to

computers or electronic record keeping, you
are probably worried about the security of
your medical records.

◦ Once electronic record keeping begins, medical information is usually

added to a closed computer network, but as long as an Internet
connection comes into the network, the system is vulnerable to outside
sources, opening the debate to questions about patient privacy and
medical record security.

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Personal Community National Negative

Global Impact:
Impact: Impact: Impact: Impact:

CMP101 9/26/2017 25
National Impact
 communications media
 the use of information for control
 vote counting
 electronic funds transfer
 stock-market transactions
 defense
 surveillance
 national data banks
 employment
 shifting patterns
 telecommunications
 satellite broadcasting
 the possibility of fraud or theft using computer based systems
 standards for computer hardware and software

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Personal Impact
 privacy and personal rights
 data banks, computer terminals, data security
 employment
 job opportunities, new careers, the need for
 business transactions
 automated billing, credit cards, interact, consumer
 the replacement of people through automation
 robots, word processing
 the impact that a machine has on a human -

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Personal Impact
 It is hard to believe that in 1995, only about 14%
of PC users actually used the Internet

 Now, can you imagine a day in which you are not

using the Internet or technology as a whole in
your daily life?

 From smart phones to GPS to electronic

entrances to your apartment, there have been
many advances in technology.

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Global Impact
 reporting of current events
 communications media
 world government
 international standards
 exploration of space and sea
 world wide access to data

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Community Impact

 employment
 traffic control
 urban planning
 law enforcement

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Immediate and Future Impact
 computers in the home
 gaming
 learning
 electronic mail
 shopping
 business transactions
 information processing, storage and retrieval
 the home as a work center
 effect on the family unit and on familiar patterns of life
 travel
 computer communication as a replacement for travel
 the possible disappearance of hard copy as a medium of communication
 the cashless society
 possible effects on the formal education system
 the use of robots in industry and in the home
 teleprocessing networks
 communications networks

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 Agricultural Drones
◦ Relatively cheap drones with advanced sensors and imaging capabilities are
giving farmers new ways to increase yields and reduce crop damage.

 Neuromorphic Chips
◦ Microprocessors configured more like brains than traditional chips could soon
make computers far more astute about what’s going on around them.

 Micro scale 3-D Printing

◦ Inks made from different types of materials, precisely applied, are greatly
expanding the kinds of things that can be printed.

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 Agile Robots
◦ Computer scientists have created machines that have the balance and
agility to walk and run across rough and uneven terrain, making them
far more useful in navigating human environments.

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Leap Motion
 Leap Motion presents an entirely new way to interact with your
computers. Put simply, Leap Motion is more accurate than a
mouse, as reliable as a keyboard and more sensitive than a touch
screen. For the first time, you can control a computer in three
dimensions with your natural hand and finger movements.
Google’s Self-Driving Cars
 The Google driverless car is a project by Google that involves developing
technology for driverless cars. The project is currently being led by
Google engineer Sebastian Thrun, director of the Stanford Artificial
Intelligence Laboratory and co-inventor of Google Street View.

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Bio Technology
 Bionic Hand controlled by brain signals. It does allow people without fingers to
have fully functional hands that can pick up and handle delicate objects. It is
completely controlled by the brain and requires no surgery. Touch Bionics, the
company the produces the Pro Digits hand, is able to install the hand complete
with “living skin,” a plastic covering resembling human skin, for under $50,000.
A small price to pay for a new hand I think.

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Negative Impacts

 Vision Problems
 Physical Health Issues
 Exposure to Radiation
 Addiction
 Computer Crime
 Data Security
 Unemployment
 Wastage of time

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 Computers have
become useful

 They have changed

our lives for the

 So one may ask, is

there any reason
not make them
work for our

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