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Modibo Salia DRAME _ Nutrition Internationale

A Disappearing world
This movie talks about the history of expedition in Congo. It was in September, a team of
scientists and researchers travelled almost 2000 kilometers through a rainforest that covers
over 150,000 square kilometers. Their aim is to make a scientific record of a world which
could be disappearing from earth. The expedition was leading by Dr. Michael Faye who is a
scientist from the wildlife conservation society. He calls the expedition, the Mega transect or
the big crossing.
According to Dr Fay, if they don't document the wildlife here now, there may never be
another chance to do it. The Congo basin contains almost one quarter of the world's
rainforests. It may have up to half of all of the wild plants and animals found in all of Africa.
Faye was planning to collect and record data on almost every part of the rainforest. He wanted
to document the trees, the plants, and the animals that he sees. After eight months of traveling,
the team arrived in Gabon. Their next challenge was to reach a group of strange Hills that are
made of stone and which rise far above the forest floor.
When the team reached the Hills. They realized that at the tops, they can just see the trees a
long way above 70 or 80 kilometers in every direction and 360 degrees around. There were no
humans and no single village. There was no a single road. According to them It’s an amazing
place. The Congo shoots are an important part of the landscape that the team wants to protect.
This land of fast water and old forests is in danger because of logging.
To reach a next step for their journey. The team crossed the dangerous river. Even It was only
a few hundred meters wide but the team used guide ropes, stepping stones and everything
they know to get across. It took a full day. After more than year, the team finally reached the
end of their travels. they'd been walking in the woods in our own little world for 15 months.
They documented as many of the things they found as possible and they did it all in an
attempt to save a disappearing world.

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