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Information Search and Analysis Skill

“Anti Virus Security”

Arranged by:
 Hafizh Zaldy Alviansyah (2020010049)
 Muhartsal Raihan (2020010082)

Faculty :
Indah Ayu

Continuing Education Program Center for Computing and

Information Technology
Faculty of Engineering, University of Indonesia

First of all, thanks to Allah for all His grace so that this paper can be
arranged to completion. Not forgetting we also say a lot of gratitude for the
help of those who have contributed by contributing both material and mind.
They are:

1. Our parents who always support us through spirit or even material.

2. Muhammad Suryanegara as director of CEP-CCIT Faculty of
Engineering, University of Indonesia.
3. Indah Ayu, as our faculty who always lead and, give some advice until the
project has finished.
4. Other parties that help us in doing the research and finding sources of
information and references, such as bloggers, websites, and journal/book

We hope this paper can increase knowledge and experience for the readers,
for the future can improve the form and add the contents of the paper for the
Due to our limited knowledge and experience, we believe there are still
many shortcomings in this paper, therefore we are looking to forward to
constructive suggestions and criticism from readers for the perfection of this

Depok, 28 March 2022



TABLE OF CONTENT.........................................................................................ii

CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION..........................................................................1

I.1 Background..........................................................................................................1

I.2 Writing Objective.................................................................................................2

I.3 Problem Domain..................................................................................................2

I.4 Writing Methodology...........................................................................................2

I.5 Writing Framework..............................................................................................2

CHAPTER 2 BASIC THEORY............................................................................4

III.1 Computer Security System............................................................................4

III.2 Types of Security System.............................................................................6

III.3 Security Function..........................................................................................8

CHAPTER 3 PROBLEM ANALYSIS.................................................................9

III.1 Virus..............................................................................................................9

III.2 Types Of Virus On Computer.....................................................................10

III.3 Anti Virus....................................................................................................11

III.4 Anti Virus Function....................................................................................13

III.5 How Anti Virus Works...............................................................................14

IV.1 Anti Virus Software....................................................................................15

CHAPTER IV CONCLUSSION........................................................................18

IV.1 Conclussion.................................................................................................18

IV.2 Suggestion...................................................................................................18


I.1 Background
Technology is growing every day, and as it grows, it transforms our
digital world. Internet use is increasing exponentially, making us
correspondingly more vulnerable to cyber-attacks. By learning how
cybercriminals attack and how to secure our systems and data against
those attacks, you will be able to minimize the risk of data breaches and
the devastation they bring with them.
Computer security deals with the protection of computer systems and
information from harm, theft, and unauthorized use. The main reason users
get attacked frequently is that they lack adequate defenses to keep out
intruders, and cybercriminals are quick to exploit such weaknesses.
Computer security ensures the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of
your computers and their stored data.
As well as virus attacks that are very vulnerable to your computer
security system. Viruses can interfere with and kill your computer system.
Therefore, an antivirus is needed to overcome things caused by viruses. as
well as virus attacks that are very vulnerable to your computer security
system. Viruses can interfere with and kill your computer system.
Therefore, an antivirus is needed to overcome things caused by viruses.
I.2 Writing Objective
The purpose of writing this Paper is to answer the following questions:
1. What is computer virus?
2. What computer antivirus?
3. What types of virus?
4. How antivirus work?

I.3 Problem Domain

The things that will be discussed in this ISAS:
1. Explain system security
2. Explain several types of security systems
3. Explain computer virus
4. Explain several types of virus

I.4 Writing Methodology

Writing methodology used is to search for sources of information and
references from the internet, ask the relatives and read the articles in some

I.5 Writing Framework

Analysis of this ISAS is written with this systematics:
In this section, describe the background, problem analysis, writing

objectives, writing methodology, and systematics of writing.

In this chapter contains theories such as definition, history, basic
concepts and related information interms of analysis, especially on
problem analysis.
This chapter deals with problem analysis such as the definition of
Virus, Antivirus, How Antivirus Work and Function.

In this chapter contains the conclusions of the results of writing.

In this section will contains the references that we use.

III.1 Computer Security System

Computer security is the protection that is set up for computer
systems and keeps critical information from unauthorized access, theft, or
misuse. There are various practices in place that are widely in use, mainly
for the protection of computer systems and networks and preventing
potential malicious activities.
While computer hardware is secured in the same way that sensitive
equipment such as lockers and doors are protected, critical information and
system access and authorization, on the other hand, are protected through
complex security tactics and practices.
A. Computer Security Threats, Issues, And Vulnerabilities
Computer security threats are potential risks that have the
capability of disrupting the normal functioning of computer systems.
Cyber threats are on the rise each day, especially with the digitization of
the world. Let’s take a look at all kinds of major computer security threats,
issues, and vulnerabilities.
1. Viruses
A Computer Virus is a malicious program that is installed into a
computer without the knowledge of its user. This program can replicate
itself and infect all the programs and files that are in the system. These
viruses make the victim’s computer malfunction or, at the worst,
completely unusable.
2. Computer Worm
A computer worm is a software program that can undergo replication
from one computer system to another without the need for human
interaction. Computer worms use up all of the hard disk space owing to
their replication capability and the speed of replication, which can wreak
havoc on the system’s resources. They can even modify or delete files and
introduce other malicious programs into the system. Computer worms are
also capable of stealing information and introducing a backdoor for
hackers to gain unauthorized access and control to the system.
3. Phishing
Phishing is a form of cybercrimes, which involves someone posing as
a legitimate institution over the telephone, email, or text message in an
attempt to trick potential targets to give away personal and critical
information like banking details and passwords. This results in financial
loss and identity thefts. Even though most people are wary of such attacks,
it is completely easy to fall victim to phishing, unfortunately.
4. Botnet
A botnet is a network of connected computers that have been
compromised by hackers without the knowledge of the users. Each of the
infected computers in the network is called a ‘zombie computer.’ The
infected computer, which now is the bot, is used for carrying out malicious
activities in larger-scale attacks like DDoS.
5. Rootkit
A rootkit is malicious software designed to provide unauthorized
access to a computer or restricted areas while actively masking its
existence. Through rootkits, hackers can change system configurations and
execute files remotely on the host computer.
6. Keylogger
A keylogger is a type of monitoring software that can track and record
all keyboard strokes and activities by a user without his/her knowledge.
Also known as the keystroke logger, it is one of the common ways to steal
a person’s login credentials.
III.2 Types of Security System

A. Application Security
Application security is the types of cyber security which
developing application by adding security features within applications to
prevent from cyber attacks. The attacks can be SQL injection, denial of
service (DoS) attacks, data breaches or other cyber-attacks.
B. Information Security
Information security (IS) is a types of computer security
which refers to the process and methodology to protect
the confidentiality, integrity and availability of computer system from
unauthorized access, use, modification and destruction.
Information security focuses on the CIA triad model, which
ensure confidentiality, integrity, and availability of data, without affecting
organization productivity.
C. Network Security
Network security is another types of computer security which
process of preventing and protecting against unauthorized intrusion
into computer networks. It is a set of rules and configurations which
designed to protect the confidentiality, integrity and accessibility
of computer networks system and information using both software and
hardware technologies.
D. Endpoint Security
Human error is a major weak point which is easily exploited
by cyber criminals. End users are becoming the largest security risk in any
organizations. However, end user has no fault of their own, and mostly due
to a lack of awareness and ICT policy. They can unintentional open the
virtual gates to cyber attackers.
That’s why comprehensive security policies, procedures and
protocols have to be understood in depth by users who accessing the
sensitive information. It is better to provide security awareness training
program to them and should cover the following topics:
1. Cyber security and its importance
2. Phishing and Social Engineering attack
3. Password creation and usages
4. Device Security
5. Physical Security

E. Internet Security
Internet security is the important types of computer security which
has defined as a process to create set of rules and actions to protect
computers system that are connected to the Internet. It is a branch of
computer security that deals specifically with internet-based threats such
1. Hacking
A Hacker is a person who finds weakness and exploits
the vulnerability in computer systems or network to gain access. Hacking
refers to activities that exploit a computer system or a network in order to
gain unauthorized access or control over systems for illegal purpose.
2. Computer Viruses

A computer virus is a software program that can spread from one

computer system to another computer without the user’s knowledge and
performs malicious actions. It has capability to corrupt or damage data,
destroy files, format hard drives or make disks unreadable.
3. Denial-Of-Services Attacks
A Denial-of-Service or DoS attack is an attack that shut down a
system and making it inaccessible to the users. It occurs when an attacker
prevents legitimate users from accessing specific computer systems,
devices or other resources.
In addition, DoS attack typically flooding a targeted system with
requests until normal traffic is unable to be processed, resulting in denial-
of-service to users.
4. Malware

Malware is short for “malicious software” that typically consists

of software program or code. It is developed by cyber attackers which are
designed to extensive damage to data and systems. The malware is
delivered in the form of a link or file over email and it requires the user to
click on the URL link or open the file to execute the malware.
There are different types of malware such as computer viruses,
spyware, ransomware, worms, Trojan horses, adware, or any type of
malicious code.

III.3 Security Function

If a computer security system is not put in place until a problem
arises, it could lead to major issues and concerns, and it will be too late to
resolve them. Especially in a data-driven world, it is imperative to keep
all kinds of information from malicious hackers and prevent vital
information from falling into the wrong hands for misuse.
Computer security helps keep valuable information protected and
maintain the health of a computer with no disruptive behavior in its
performance caused by viruses and malware.
III.1 Virus
A computer virus is a program which can harm our device and files
and infect them for no further use. When a virus program is executed, it
replicates itself by modifying other computer programs and instead enters
its own coding. This code infects a file or program and if it spreads
massively, it may ultimately result in crashing of the device. 

Across the world, Computer viruses are a great issue of concern as they
can cause billions of dollars’ worth harm to the economy each year. 

A. Indication of a computer infected with a virus

Since the computer virus only hits the programming of the device, it
is not visible. But there are certain indications which can help you
analyse that a device is virus-hit. Given below are such signs which may
help you identify computer viruses:

1. Speed of the System

In case a virus is completely executed into your device, the time taken
to open applications may become longer and the entire system processing
may start working slowly
2. Pop-up Windows
One may start getting too many pop up windows on their screen
which may be virus affected and harm the device even more
3. Self Execution of Programs
Files or applications may start opening in the background of the
system by themselves and you may not even know about them.
4. Log out from Accounts
In case of a virus attack, the probability of accounts getting hacked
increase and password protected sites may also get hacked and you might
get logged out from all of them.
5. Crashing of the Device
In most cases, if the virus spreads in maximum files and programs,
there are chances that the entire device may crash and stop working.

III.2 Types Of Virus On Computer

Computer virus is a piece of program or code that executed on
computer or a system. There are different types of virus on
computer which will discuss in this article. The main purpose of creating
of a computer virus is to gain unauthorized access, steal sensitive
information, corrupting or destroying data and affects the smooth
functioning of the computer. So, it is very important that you should
know the computer viruses and how they installed on your computer.
Typically, computer viruses never infect naturally, they always installed
or infect by the computer user.
1. Boot Sector Virus on Computer
A boot sector virus is types of virus on computer or malware that
infects the boot sector of floppy disks or the Master Boot Record
(MBR) of hard disks. MBR is a small program and first sector of the
computer hard drive that identifies how the hard drive is partitioned and
how to load the operating system. The MBR executes every time the
computer starts up and its controls the boot sequence.
This type of virus is activated every time when you start
your computer and take control when you start or boot your computer.
2. Direct Action Virus in Computer

A direct action virus is a types of virus in cyber security that

replicates and infects files in folders immediately. Its main targets a
certain types of files, typically .exe and .com files. This types of virus
will execute or active when you click on the infected file or a file which
containing a virus. Otherwise, the virus will remain hidden.
It is noted, that direct action virus does not delete any files or
impact on computer performance and speed, and it only makes your
files inaccessible.
3. Resident Virus

A resident virus is types of virus on computer that hides and stores

itself within the computer’s memory. This virus can infect any file that
is run by the computer. It installing malicious code into the Random
access memory (RAM) of your computer and infecting the programs.
4. Macro Virus in Computer
A macro virus is types of virus in computer which is written by
macro language such as VBA. The Macro virus spreads
one computer to other computer through software applications
programs such as Microsoft Word, PowerPoint and Microsoft Excel .
The Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel are two most popular
applications programs which are capable of executing macros. When
a macro virus infects an application program, then it can create new
files, move text, corrupt data, send files, and insert pictures.
5. Polymorphic Virus
A polymorphic virus is a complicated types of virus on
computer that changes their code and their appearance every time and
infects a new file of a computer. The polymorphic virus duplicates by
copies of itself, creating new or modified the code.
It’s frequently changing identifiable characteristics such as file
names, types or encryption keys. So, it is very difficult to detect them
by using anti-malware program.

III.3 Anti Virus

Anti Virus is software that is used to prevent, detect, and take
action related to malicious programs such as computer viruses,
keyloggers, backdoors, trojan horses, adware, spyware, and so on. detects
the latest malware as well.
An Anti Virus program is the most basic part of a multi-layer
security strategy even for very advanced computer users. Continuous
attacks on browsers, plug-ins, and even the operating system make
antivirus protection important.
Generally, this software runs in the background and performs a
scan of all files that are accessed (Opened, modified, or saved).
1. FAT Data
File Alocation Table is a file system that uses an allocation table
structure as a way to operate.
2. On Access Scanning
Is the ability of the antivirus to scan automatically without having
to be set.
3. Full System Scanning
The ability of the antivirus to scan all files on the hard disk,
sometimes full scanning is not needed because of access scanning or real-
time scanning.
4. Virus Definitions
Definitions or data about malware/viruses that have been entered in
the antivirus database.
5. False Positive
Antivirus sometimes also experience errors in detecting viruses.
One of them is the occurrence of false positives, namely considering the
file as a threat and eventually entering quarantine and even being deleted.
6. False Negative
False negative is an error during scanning, which is unable to detect
viruses that are still on the computer.
III.4 Anti Virus Function
Anti Virus have some several functions including:
1. Virus Detection
The main function of Anti Virus is to detect and remove some virus.
This is usually done by looking at the files on your computer and
comparing the data in the files with a database of known virus signatures.
2. System Analysis
Antivirus programs also compile your computer for signs that system
components are not working properly, which could be an indication that
your system is infected with an undetected virus.
3. Malware Removal
Some antivirus software also detects and removes malware and other
malicious programs that may be installed on your computer.
4. File Quarantine
The ability to quarantine files without deleting them is an
important feature of many antivirus programs because quarantine helps
protect your computer from false positives during a virus scan.
5. Threat Identification
As new viruses and malware threats are released, antivirus
programs can aid in their identification.
6. Online Security
While some antivirus software helps protect against malware and
other threats, some programs also feature components that help in
other ways to keep you safe online.
7. Data Protection
there is still a risk of file corruption or other damage if a virus isn't
detected immediately, some antivirus software can online backups of
vital files that can later be restored if the files become infected,
corrupted, or otherwise damaged.
III.5 How Anti Virus Works
Anti-Virus has several ways of working to deal with viruses :
1. Signature
Antivirus signatures to identify viruses by technical means are files
that are on a computer with malware that has been recorded or already
exists in the antivirus signature database. If there are files that match
the tags, then the antivirus will know the type of malware and the
procedures to be followed to avoid infection.
2. Heuristik
Antivirus software also has heuristics, namely the ability of the
antivirus to recognize new malware, even in the absence of a virus
definition file. For example, if the antivirus tells you that an
application is running on the system and tries to open every EXE file
on your computer and then infects it by writing a copy of the original
application to it, it will detect this application as a new file, which is
known as an unknown virus.
3. Scan Rookit
Antivirus can scan rootkits, rootkits are a type of malware that is
created to be able to control the computer administration system
without being detected. This is one of the most dangerous viruses,
because it can take control of your computer. A rootkit can change all
system functions on the operating system, therefore it can make
antivirus is powerless to detect it. Rootkits are also malware that is
difficult to remove, most of which have to be resolved by reinstalling
the operating system.
4. Real Time Protection
Real-time protection or real-time protection, on-access scanning,
background scanning, resident scanning and other terms. aims for the
automatic protection that most antiviruses have. This technique will
monitor the computer system at all times to see any suspicious activity
carried out by viruses, spyware, adware or malware.
IV.1 Anti Virus Software

A. Antivirus Avira
Avira is a free Antivirus program that comes from a German
multinational family company that produces software.
1. Quarantine feature, to lock the virus in prison if the virus is
difficult to repair the files affected by the virus.
2. Block Autorun feature, to block or stop files that run automatically
(autorun) on the computer.
3. Scanning process on a computer that can be fairly fast.
4. Low computer memory usage, so it doesn't affect computer
5. Searching feature, to search for viruses that have been scanned and
locked up.
6. Update virus information quickly

1. Sometimes wrong in detecting software that is free and does not
have a virus.
2. Setting the place you want to scan can only be done through the
drive selection and cannot detect individual folders.
3. Long time in opening the Quarantine which already contains many
4. Sometimes it can also be wrong to block and stop all autorun.inf
files that are not viruses.

B. Antivirus AVG
AVG is a free Antivirus program owned by AVG Technologies
that has a strong reputation for security and performance.
1. Scanning process on a computer that can be fairly fast.
2. Has a Real-time Security Update feature.
3. Has an additional layer of Ransomware protection, to keep files
4. Has an Enhanced Firewall.
5. Link Scanner feature, to scan and detect the security of url links
when using a web browser.
6. Anti-Rootkit feature, to prevent or block Rootkits that can hide
files and computer processes.
7. Less memory usage on the computer, so it doesn't affect the
computer's performance.
8. Auto Update feature, to Update Software automatically when
connected to the internet network.

1. sometimes, often accidentally delete .exe files that do not contain
2. Weak in detecting Trojan viruses.
3. Software update which is quite long.
4. Depends on the OS used. that is, if the OS used is damaged then
AVG is also affected.
5. The use of the software is quite complicated.

C. Antivirus Avast
Avast is an antivirus software created and developed by Alwil
Software whose company operates in Prague, Czech Republic. Avast
has been known to be widely used by many computer users. Avast
also includes free software that can be downloaded directly on the
official website.
1. Scanning process on a computer is fast
2. Display software that is attractive and comfortable to look at
3. Fast and easy installation process
4. The Auto Sandbox feature, which functions to detect and execute
suspicious files, will then be processed as viruses or not. If detected as
a virus, then Avast will immediately upload the sample of the virus to
a research website for analysis.
5. Has a Heuristics engine that works well.
6. Real-time Protection
7. Reliable Web Protection and Email Protection.
8. URL Block feature, to block websites that are harmful to the
9. Scan Boot Time feature, for runtime scanning when the computer
starts up.

1. Virus selection in less reliable locale.
2. Less reliable in detecting viruses in files that come from USB.
3. Cannot scan archives with passwords.
4. The screen on the computer sometimes turns gray after Signing In
to the Software.
5. Sometimes it always asks for an update if it is connected to the
internet and eats up RAM and CPU performance.
6. The file size is quite large, which is 80 Mb.

IV.1 Conclussion
The security system is very important to avoid various problems, one of
which is the attack of various types of viruses, the security system functions
to overcome the virus. One of the security systems to overcome this is
Antivirus. Anti Virus is software that is used to prevent, detect, and take
action related to malicious programs such as computer viruses, keyloggers,
backdoors, trojan horses, adware, spyware, and so on. detects the latest
malware as well. Antivirus works in several ways signature, heurikit, scan
rookit, and realtime protection. according to the type of virus encountered.

IV.2 Suggestion
We must always be alert to everything, just like our computer security
system better to prevent than to fix. Virus attack will also be a big problem.
So we need a good Anti Virus according to our needs.

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