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Volume 22, Number 9, 2012

ª Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
DOI: 10.1089/thy.2012.0005

Risk of Malignancy in Thyroid Incidentalomas Detected

by 18F-Fluorodeoxyglucose Positron Emission Tomography:
A Systematic Review

Kerstin Kathrine Soelberg, Steen Joop Bonnema, Thomas Heiberg Brix, and Laszlo Hegedüs

Background: The expanding use of 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography (18F-FDG PET) has
led to the identification of increasing numbers of patients with an incidentaloma in the thyroid gland. We aimed
to review the proportion of incidental thyroid cancers found by 18F-FDG PET or PET/computed tomography
Methods: Studies evaluating thyroid carcinomas discovered incidentally in patients or healthy volunteers by
F-FDG PET were systematically searched in the PubMed database from 2000 to 2011. The main exclusion
criteria were known thyroid disease, lack of assigned diagnoses, investigation of diffuse uptake only, or in-
vestigation of patients with head and neck cancer, or cancer in the upper part of the thorax.
Results: Twenty-two studies met our criteria comprising a total of 125,754 subjects. Of these, 1994 (1.6%) had
unexpected focal hypermetabolic activity, while 999 of 48,644 individuals (2.1%) had an unexpected diffuse
hypermetabolic activity in the thyroid gland. A diagnosis was assigned in 1051 of the 1994 patients with a focal
uptake, 366 of whom (34.8%) had thyroid malignancy. Likewise, a diagnosis was assigned in 168 of 999 patients
with a diffuse uptake, 7 of whom (4.4%) had thyroid malignancy. In the eight studies reporting individual
maximum standardized uptake values (SUVmax), the mean SUVmax was 4.8 (standard deviation [SD] 3.1) and 6.9
(SD 4.7) in benign and malignant lesions, respectively ( p < 0.001).
Conclusions: Incidentally found thyroid nodules, using 18F-FDG PET, are at high risk of harboring malignancy if
uptake is focal. SUV are significantly higher in malignant than in benign nodules. The pronounced inhomo-
geneity and other shortcomings of the studies are discussed.

Introduction a much higher rate than normal tissues. However, and im-
portantly, high cellular glucose uptake is nonspecific. Thus,

T hyroid nodules are frequent in the general population.

The prevalence increases with age and degree of iodine
deficiency (1,2), and is highest if ultrasound or autopsy is used
tissues also harboring inflammatory cells have increased
glucose metabolism (13), which constitutes a differential di-
agnostic challenge when 18F-FDG PET is employed in search
for diagnosis. Accordingly, the prevalence is reported be- of malignancy.
tween 8% and 65% (3). Incidental thyroid nodules are a The increasing use of 18F-FDG PET or PET/CT has led
common finding due to the increasing use of neck imaging to the identification of increasing numbers of patients with
with ultrasound, computed tomography (CT), magnetic res- an incidentaloma in the thyroid gland (14–16). The prev-
onance imaging, and positron emission tomography (PET). In alence of malignancy in such lesions has varied between
recent years thyroid incidentalomas, defined as newly iden- 0% (5) and 63.6% (17). The risk seems dependent on
tified focal thyroid lesions encountered during imaging with whether the 18F-FDG uptake is diffuse [prevalence of ma-
F-fluorodeoxyglucose PET (18F-FDG PET), have been given lignancy from 0% (5) to 13% (18)] or focal [prevalence from
much attention (4–10). 10% (19) to 63.6% (17)]. As a potential way of discrimi-
F-FDG PET, with or without CT, is a noninvasive tech- nating between benign and malignant tissues, several
nique, widely used as a diagnostic tool and for the preoper- studies have investigated maximum standardized uptake
ative staging of various malignancies (11,12). 18F-FDG PET values (SUVmax) as a semiquantitative indicator of 18F-FDG
exploits the fact that many malignancies metabolize glucose at uptake (17,20).

Department of Endocrinology and Metabolism, Odense University Hospital, Odense, Denmark.


Studies were excluded if they included participants with a

prior history of thyroid disease; exclusively investigated dif-
fuse uptake in the thyroid gland; were case reports; evaluated
< 10 patients; only investigated patients with head and neck
cancer, or cancer in the upper part of the thorax.

Data extraction
Any study identified as relevant by reviewing its abstract
was retrieved and analyzed as a full text. This yielded a total
of 22 studies published as peer-reviewed articles (4–
10,14,15,17–29). The reference lists of all these studies were
scrutinized for additional relevant studies. Data extracted
from the studies included first author, country of origin, year
of publication, number of patients examined, imaging tech-
niques, study period, number of patients with focal or diffuse
thyroid uptake, patients without an assigned (this terminol-
ogy is used when also patients without cytological or histo-
logical confirmation are included) thyroid diagnosis or lost to
follow-up, patients with confirmed thyroid pathology, pa-
FIG. 1. Flowchart showing the data extraction process. tients without pathology but follow-up, SUVmax for focal
uptake, and cytological or histological diagnosis (Table 1).

Data synthesis
Our aim was to review studies dealing with the risk of
malignancy in incidental findings in the thyroid gland found Based on the results of the 22 studies, the prevalence of
with 18F-FDG PET or PET/CT imaging. The focus being on malignancy in thyroid incidentalomas detected with 18F-FDG
the relative importance of whether the uptake is focal or dif- PET, with or without CT, was calculated. The total number of
fuse, on the potential role of determining SUV, and on patients with an 18F-FDG PET uptake was reached by adding
methodological differences and shortcomings. the patients from all the publications. To find the prevalence
for unexpected focal as well as diffuse uptake in the thyroid
Methods gland, the ratio of patients with positive thyroid findings to
the total number of patients was calculated. This was done
Literature search separately for focal and diffuse uptake.
English language articles published from January 2000 to All findings were categorized into benign, malignant, and
June 2011, as a source for descriptions of thyroid in- indeterminate, as evaluated in the studies by cyto- or histo-
cidentalomas, were identified via a search in the PubMed pathology, other imaging such as ultrasound, thyroid 99mTc
database (Fig. 1). The following search strategy was used: #1, scan, laboratory evaluation, or with follow-up clinical exam-
carcinoma OR cancer OR malignancy OR gland OR lesion OR inations. The malignant findings were further classified ac-
disease staging; #2, positron emission tomography OR focal cording to type of malignancy: papillary thyroid cancer (PTC)
uptake OR fluorodeoxyglucose OR SUV OR diffuse uptake; and follicular variant of PTC, follicular thyroid cancer (FTC),
#3, incidentally OR incidental OR incidentaloma OR in- medullary cancer, Hürthle cell carcinoma, unspecified thy-
cidentalomas OR unexpected; #4 thyroid. The categories were roid cancer, lymphoma, and metastatic disease from a non-
combined as follows: #1 AND #2 AND #4 OR #1 AND #3 thyroid malignancy. The prevalence of malignancy in patients
AND #4. Our search was restricted to humans and resulted in with a focal uptake or a diffuse uptake was calculated sepa-
a total of 602 abstracts extracted for further evaluation. rately by the ratio of assigned cases with malignancy and the
total number of patients with follow-up in each group. A
Selection of literature sources subanalysis was performed in eight studies that reported
SUVmax for confirmed focal lesions, and thereby allowed
The 602 abstracts were evaluated using predefined inclu- calculation of the overall mean SUVmax for benign and
sion and exclusion criteria. All of the following inclusion cri- malignant focal lesions.
teria needed to be met: incidental finding in the thyroid gland; In case of missing information an attempt was made
incidentalomas being defined by the authors of the study as a to obtain this by contacting the authors of the articles in
focal as well as a diffuse thyroid uptake, or solely as a focal question.
uptake, were included; articles were included regardless of
their definition of limits for anatomical area of uptake, and the
presence of a nodule was not a requirement; the participants
in the studies were investigated with 18F-FDG PET or 18F-FDG Pertinent data from the 22 studies are presented in Table 1.
PET/CT; investigated individuals were either healthy volun- Twenty studies were retrospective studies and 2 were pro-
teers or individuals undergoing staging, restaging, or assess- spective cohort studies (9,28). The number of nodules per
ment of treatment response for nonthyroidal malignancies; patient was not evaluated. Therefore, one patient with several
there needed to be clinical follow-up or confirmation of focal nodules in a study was only registered once; for exam-
thyroid disease by fine-needle-aspiration (FNA) or surgery. ple, Choi et al. (6) reported two foci of thyroid malignancy in
Table 1. Characteristics of 22 Studies Evaluating Prevalence of Malignancy in Incidental Findings
in the Thyroid Gland Using Positron Emission Tomography

Focal Diffuse Patients Benigna,b Malignanta,b

Subjects Indication Imaging uptake uptake with (n) [mean (n) [mean
Study Country/year (n) for imaging technique (n1/n2/n3) (n4/n2/n3) pathologya (n) SUVmax – SD] SUVmax – SD]

Cohen et al. (4) United States/2001 4525 Disease work-upc PET 71/14/7 31/01/0 14 6 [3.4 – 0.2d] 7 [6.9 – 1.5d]
Kang et al. (8) Korea/2003 1330 Disease work-up & healthy PET 21/15/4 8/8/0 15 10 [6.5 – 3.8] 4 [16.5 – 4.7]
volunteer cancer screening
Hsieh et al. (19) Taiwan/2003 477 Disease work-up & healthy PET 12/10/1 NA 8 9 [2.9 – 0.7] 1 [3.2]
volunteer cancer screening
Ishimory et al. (24) United States/2005 1912 Disease work-up PET/CT 29/12/6 NA 11 6 [NA] 6 [NA]
Chen et al. (25) Taiwan/2005 4803 Healthy volunteer cancer PET or PET/CT 60/50/7 NA 50 43 [2.6 – 1.0d] 7 [6.7 – 3.7d]
Kim et al. (5) Korea/2005 4136 Disease work-up PET 45/40/16 45/34/0 32 15e [6.1 – 7.0] 16 [5.1 – 4.3]
Choi et al. (6) Korea/2006 1763 Disease work-up & healthy PET/CT 70/45/17 NA 30 27 [6.7 – 5.5] 17 [10.7 – 7.8]
volunteer cancer screening
Chu et al. (7) United States/2006 6241 Disease work-up PET 76/14/4 NA 14 9 [NA] 4 [NA]
Even-Sapir et al. (23) Israel/2006 2360f Disease work-up PET/CT 59g/41/13 NA 30 28 [NA] 13 [NA]
Are et al. (18) United States/2007 8800 Disease work-up PET or PET/CT 101/42/22 162/15/2 42 20 [NA] 22 [NA]
King et al. (21) United States/2007 15,711 Disease work-up PET or PET/CT 22/22/7 NA 21 15 [NA] 7 [NA]
Bogsrud et al. (20) United States/2007 7347 Disease work-up PET/CT 79/48/15 NA 42 31 [7.9 – 9.7] 15 [7.3 – 3.6]
Kwak et al. (26) Korea/2008 14,434 Disease work-up & healthy PET 88h/85/40 NA 85 45 [6.0 – 5.1] 40 [7.6 – 8.1]
volunteer cancer screening

Chen et al. (17) United States/2009 2594 Not reported PET/CT 53/11/7 46/21/0 11 4 [2.9 – 1.4] 7 [4.0 – 1.4]
Bae et al. (27) Korea/2009 3379 Disease work-up & healthy PET/CT 133/68/21 152/31/2 49 45 [NA] 21 [NA]
volunteer cancer screening
Eloy et al. (14) United States/2009 630 Disease work-up PET or PET/CT 30/18/5 NA 18 13 [2.9 – 1.6] 5 [3.4 – 2.6]
Kang et al. (29) Korea/2009 12,840 Disease work-up & healthy PET/CT 612/148/55 539/42/2 148 93 [3.5 – 2.9] 55 [5.9 – 5.4]
volunteer cancer screening
Zhai et al. (28) China/2010 3580 Not reported PET/CT 115/103/48 NA 96 55i [3.8 – 1.7] 48 [6.7 – 3.1]
Ohba et al. (9) Japan/2010 1503 Healthy volunteer cancer PET 20/20/11 NA 20 8 [3.4 – 0.5] 11 [5.4 – 3.4]
Nishimori et al. (15) Canada/2011 4726 Disease work-up PET or PET/CT 103/50/9 57/NA/NA 38 33 [NA] 9 [8.1 – 6.8]
Kim et al. (22) Korea/2010 11,623 Disease work-up PET/CT 159/159/37 NA 140 122 [3.5 – 1.6] 37 [4.5 – 2.1]
Pagano et al. (10) Italy/2011 11,040 Disease work-up & fever of PET/CT 36/36/14 16/16/1 36 22 [NA] 14 [7.4 – 2.9]
unknown origin

n1, subjects with a focal uptake; n2, subjects with a follow-up; n3, subjects with cancer; n4, subjects with a diffuse uptake.
Only patients with focal uptake.
Some patients (from ‘‘n2’’ in the column ‘‘Focal uptake’’) were not assigned a final diagnosis due to indeterminate FNA.
Staging, restaging, or assessing treatment responses in various malignancies.
SUVmean analyzed instead of SUVmax.
Eight had no SUV and are therefore not included.
One patient had known thyroid cancer.
All lesions unexpected primary tumors.
Included only thyroid incidentalomas that underwent sonographically guided FNA.
Seven subjects were not included in the calculation.
CT, computed tomography; PET, positron emission tomography; NA, not analyzed; FNA, fine-needle aspiration; SUVmax, maximum standardized uptake value; SD, standard deviation.

FIG. 2. Patient attrition

flowchart. ‘‘Verified’’ means
that the diagnosis (benign or
malignant) is based on either
cytological or histological
specimens. aClassified as
indeterminate by fine-needle
aspiration; bBogsrud et al. (20)
had two malignant patients
with no cytology.

one patient. Eleven studies were carried out as a part of dis- cause they refused evaluation, or were lost to follow-up, or
ease follow-up, which included staging, restaging, or asses- due to the advanced nature of the primary malignancy hin-
sing treatment responses in various malignancies dering further examination.
(4,5,7,14,15,18,20–24). Six studies were based on cancer
screening in healthy volunteers and patients with suspected
Focal uptake
or known cancer (6,8,19,26,27,29). Two studies included only
healthy volunteers (9,25). One study was carried out in pa- The prevalence of focal uptake, evaluated in all 22 studies,
tients with suspected or known cancer and patients with fever varied from 0.1% (21) to 4.8% (14,29) (mean 2.0%). Among
of unknown origin (10). Two studies provided no information individuals with an assigned diagnosis, 366 of 1051 with
on selection of subjects for 18F-FDG PET/CT (17,28). Appli- follow-up (34.8%) were malignant, 659 (62.7%) were benign,
cation of CT varied among studies (see Table 1). and 26 (2.5%) were indeterminate. In 90.1% (924 of 1025) of
Of the 125,754 individuals in total, who had an 18F-FDG patients with a benign or malignant diagnosis it was estab-
PET with or without CT scan performed, 1994 (1.6%) had a lished by cytology or histology, whereas only 29.3% (271 of
focal incidentaloma in the thyroid gland. Fourteen studies did 924) were confirmed by operation (see Fig. 2). Two studies,
not evaluate diffuse uptake (6,7,9,14,15,19–26,28). Nine stud- Chen et al. (17) and Ishimory et al. (24), only provided the total
ies, one (15) of which did not provide analysis of the data, number of patients with FNA and operation. Therefore, the
described both focal and diffuse uptake. In the remaining number of patients operated in these two studies is unknown.
eight studies, diffuse uptake was seen in 999 of 48,644 (2.1%) Accepting FNA as a minimum requirement for diagnosis, the
individuals (4,5,8,10,17,18,27,29). positive predictive value (PPV) of focal uptake by 18F-FDG
There were 1051 out of the 1994 (52.7%) patients with a representing malignancy would be no higher than 39.4% (364
focal uptake who had a follow-up. Of them, 1025 had a di- of 924). PTC and follicular variant of PTC were the most
agnosis assigned and 26 had an indeterminate lesion. A di- prevalent thyroid cancer type (297 out of 366, corresponding
agnosis was assigned in 168 of the 999 (16.8%) patients with to 81.1%). Fifteen (4.1%) patients had follicular cancer, 5
diffuse uptake and none had an indeterminate lesion. There (1.4%) had medullary cancer, 3 (0.8%) had Hürthle cell car-
were 1774 patients with an 18F-FDG uptake in the thyroid cinoma, 31 (8.5%) had unspecified thyroid cancer, 5 (1.4%)
gland who did not have an evaluation. This was either be- patients had lymphoma, and 10 (2.7%) had metastatic disease

from other primary malignancies. One study did not disclose administration to the PET imaging also varied between indi-
the subtype of cancer (23). Based on the above, in an inci- viduals (19,25,28) and between the studies, ranging from 40
dentally found thyroid lesion with focal uptake, as evaluated minutes (4) to 90 minutes (20). Four studies (7,9,21,23) did not
in these studies, the prevalence of thyroid cancer varied from provide information on this variable.
10.0% (19) to 63.6% (17) (mean 36.0%). A total of 80 assigned benign and 78 assigned malignant
In the 11 studies (5,6,8,9,19,22,25–29) conducted in Asia lesions were identified in the eight eligible studies. The mean
the prevalence of focal uptake was 2.2% (1335 of 59,868) and SUVmax was 4.8 (3.1 standard deviation [SD]) for the 80 be-
rate of thyroid cancer was 34.6% (257 of 743 with follow-up). nign lesions and 6.9 (4.7 SD) for the 78 malignant lesions
In the nine studies (4,7,14,15,17,18,20,21,24) conducted in ( p < 0.001 between groups).
North America the prevalence of focal uptake was 1.1% (564
of 52,486) and the rate of cancer was 35.5% (82 of 231 with Discussion
follow-up). The remaining two studies (10,23) were per-
Until not too long ago, the use of 18F-FDG PET—with or
formed in Europe. In these, the prevalence of focal uptake
without CT, in the management of thyroid disease—was
was 0.7% (95 of 13,400) and the rate of cancer was 35.0% (27
limited primarily to the postoperative staging of remnant
of 77 with follow-up). Thus, in Asia, the prevalence of focal
disease in patients with known differentiated thyroid carci-
uptake was more than twice that in the studies from North
noma (30). But the expanding use of PET in clinical practice
America and Europe while the risk of cancer was similar.
stresses the need to clarify the clinical significance of inci-
dental findings in the thyroid gland. Thus, the aim of this
Diffuse uptake
review was to determine the proportion of incidental thyroid
The prevalence of diffuse uptake, evaluated in the eight cancers found by 18F-FDG PET—with or without CT of the
studies (4,5,8,10,17,18,27,29), varied from 0.1% (10) to 4.5% thyroid gland—in individuals with no suspicion of thyroid
(27) (mean 1.9%). In 77 of the 168 individuals (45.8%) with an disease, and to estimate the ability of PET—with or without
assigned diagnosis this was established by cytology or his- CT—to determine whether the 18F-FDG uptake can differen-
tology. Only 14.3% (11 of 77) were confirmed by operation tiate between malignant and benign tumors. However, before
(see Fig. 2). Of the 168 patients, 7 (4.2%) had cancer (3 PTC, 2 trying to amalgamate the data, a number of essential factors
FTC, and 2 unknown), 78 (46.4%) had chronic thyroiditis, and need to be critically assessed.
83 (49.4%) had unspecified benign disorders. The prevalence
of cancer in these eight studies varied from 0.0% (4,5,8,17) to Dissimilarities among studies
13.3% (18), with a mean of 3.9%.
Comparing the studies is not straight forward, since there is
Four out of eight studies (5,8,27,29) were performed in
pronounced heterogeneity regarding a number of crucial
Asia. The prevalence of diffuse uptake was 3.4% (744 of
variables, such as inclusion and exclusion criteria, selection
21,685) and rate of cancer was 3.5% (4 of 115 with follow-up).
bias, study size, study origin and thereby differences in
Three out of eight studies (4,17,18) were carried out in
background risk of thyroid cancer, genetic and environmen-
America. Here, the prevalence of diffuse uptake was 1.5% (239
tal/nutritional differences, and health status—whether
of 15,919) and the rate of cancer was 5.4% (2 of 37 with follow-
known preexisting nonthyroidal malignancy or normal
up). The remaining study (10) was performed in Italy. The
healthy volunteers were studied. On top of this, our inter-
prevalence of diffuse uptake was 0.1% (16 of 11,040) and the
pretation is clouded by methodological differences related to
rate of cancer was 6.3% (1 of 16).
performing the 18F-FDG PET—with or without the CT—and
estimating the SUV, including observer-variation in relation
SUVmax for focal uptake
to whether uptake is focal or diffuse. Generally, these issues
Eighteen of the 22 studies reported SUVs (4–6,8– have been given little attention although they most certainly
10,14,15,17–20,22,25–29). Cohen et al. (4) and Chen et al. (25) influence the recorded data to a degree that is not clarified.
reported individual SUVmean rather than SUVmax, and the Thus, while using a clear set of inclusion and exclusion criteria
latter reported SUVmean only for cancer patients. Bae et al. (27) for this review, in order to obtain a more homogeneous group
and Are et al. (18) reported SUVmax as a combination of diffuse of studies, it is clear from the following that considerable in-
and focal uptake values. Six studies (6,17,22,26,28,29) did not homogeneity remains. Finally, as evident from Table 1, some
list the individual SUVmax, but a mean SUVmax for all patients. studies lack crucial information, which—although authors
Thus, only the remaining eight studies (5,8–10,14,15,19,20) were contacted—could not be retrieved. The studies were
that listed individual SUVmax were included in the SUVmax performed in different parts of the world where the incidence
analysis. In the study by Bogsrud et al. (20), two of the lesions rate of thyroid cancer varies, as exemplified when comparing
suspected of malignancy were not included in the calculation Asia and America. Thus, the incidence of thyroid cancer
of SUVmax since they were considered as extreme outliers. during 2004–2008 per 100,000 persons was 10.9 in Asia and 6.3
Nishimori et al. (15) and Pagano et al. (10) only provided an in America (31). Interestingly, the studies showed that the
individual SUVmax for the malignant lesions. prevalence of focal uptake in Asia was twice as high as in
The procedure for using 18F-FDG PET varied considerably the studies from America, while the rate of cancer was almost
between studies. The period of fasting before radiotracer the same. Additionally, the studies vary regarding the health
administration varied from a minimum of 4 hours (14,17, status of the subjects. Two studies included only healthy
23,24,26) to at least 8 hours (5,8,25). In only 10 of 18 studies volunteers (9,25) whereas the other studies reviewed patients
(10,14,17,18,22,23,26–29) information was available regarding with known malignancy. Based on the above, it is clear that
the allowed maximum fasting serum glucose level. This level any conclusions drawn from these very inhomogeneous
varied from 120 to 200 mg/dL. The time from the radiotracer studies can only be very crude ones.

Focal uptake SUV evaluation

On average 34.8% of individuals with focal uptake were The 18 studies (4–6,8–10,14,15,17–20,22,25–29) that evalu-
found to have thyroid malignancy with PTC and follicular ated SUVs compared their findings with the results of earlier
variant of PTC being the most prevalent. Of these thyroid studies. 18F-FDG is a radioactively marked glucose analogue
malignancies, 95.9% were new primary malignancies, while that has a half-life of 110 minutes. The 18 studies varied
the remaining were metastases from other cancers. In 15 considerably regarding the method for calculation of the SUV.
studies (6,10,14,15,17,18,20–25,27–29) PET/CT was used. This concerned length of fasting period before the exami-
Choi et al. (6) found that 16 of 18 (88.9%) of the malignant nation, level of fasting serum glucose, volume of injected
thyroid lesions had low attenuation on CT. All focal thyroid F-FDG, and the time from the radiotracer administration to
lesions with a diffuse increase in surrounding thyroid uptake, the PET imaging. It follows that there is not only an individual
or very low attenuation on CT, were benign. Focally increased patient or technique variation but also a procedure variation
F-FDG uptakes in the thyroid gland without a correspond- and therefore a direct comparison of SUV between studies
ing discernible focal anatomic lesion on CT also indicated a may be heavily biased.
benign lesion with 100% certainty (6). Therefore, uptake of Nine studies (6,8,14,17,20,22,26,28,29) have reported mean
F-FDG PET in incidental findings in combination with CT SUVmax and investigated whether they could be used to dif-
should be regarded as a more precise method than 18F-FDG ferentiate between malignant and benign lesions. Five of these
PET alone, for differentiating between malignant and benign studies (6,8,22,28,29) found a significant difference. In the
findings. present review, we collected the SUVmax from eight studies
The ultimate goal of the evaluation of uptake in the thyroid, and calculated the mean SUVmax, as being 4.8 – 3.1 for benign
using 18F-FDG, is to differentiate between benign and ma- lesions versus 6.9 – 4.7 for malignant lesions. This suggests a
lignant lesions. Ideally, a gold standard (e.g., surgical re- potential utility of SUVmax in differentiating malignant lesions
moval) should be available to assess sensitivity and specificity from benign lesions, although there is pronounced overlap.
of 18F-FDG uptake for the diagnosis of thyroid disorders. Using a high SUVmax as the sole indicator of cancer may be
Only 29.3% (271 of 924) of focal uptake lesions were con- misleading, since both benign Hürthle cell adenomas and
firmed by operation. Thus, only a minority had a definitive follicular adenomas have higher SUVmax compared with
diagnosis, in part probably explained by 20 of 22 studies being other benign conditions (18,20). In patients with known thy-
retrospective. Accepting FNA as a minimum requirement for roid nodules, Mitchell et al. (33) investigated 31 patients with
diagnosis, the PPV of focal uptake by 18F-FDG representing 48 thyroid lesions who underwent FNA and 18F-FDG PET/
malignancy would be no higher than 39.4%. One cannot ex- CT before surgical resection. A total of 15 of 48 (31%) lesions
clude that surgical confirmation was most likely obtained in were malignant. In that study the mean SUVmax was signifi-
those patients with the highest likelihood of malignancy and cantly higher in malignant lesions than in benign nodules (6.5
therefore the malignancy risk in focal uptake is overestimated. vs. 2.4).
Most importantly, it is unclear whether there is a true varia- The high rate of malignancy in thyroid PET incidentalomas
tion as for rate of thyroid malignancy [10.0%–63.6% (17,19)], has been explained in two ways (34). First, 18F-FDG uptake
or if this is related to methodological variation. often reveals malignant tumors because neoplastic cells exhibit
increased rates of glycolysis and glucose consumption with
Diffuse uptake
accelerated production of glucose transport proteins (35). Sec-
Fourteen out of 22 studies did not evaluate diffuse uptake at ond, most subjects submitted to 18F-FDG PET studies are pa-
all. Seven studies (15,19,21–24,26) gave no reason for only in- tients who are having cancer staging, restaging, or assessment
vestigating focal uptake, while seven studies (6,7,9,14,20,25,28) of treatment responses of various malignancies, in which the
did not investigate diffuse uptake because previous reports pretest probability for secondary tumors may be higher (34). Yet
indicated that the majority represented benign disease, such as another explanation might be the increasing use of advanced
chronic thyroiditis or Graves’ disease. technology in the diagnosis of a variety of illnesses, whereby
Based on the overall data from eight studies reporting on otherwise unrecognized microcarcinomas are discovered.
diffuse 18F-FDG uptake, the prevalence of thyroid malignancy A large-scale retrospective study from the United States
is 4.2%. Kim et al. (5) found that 34 of 45 patients with diffuse looked at the incidence and mortality of thyroid cancer over a
thyroid 18F-FDG uptake had chronic thyroiditis. In support, 30-year period (36). This review found that, although the inci-
Chen et al. (17) reported the same diagnosis in 21 of 21 pa- dence of thyroid cancer had more than doubled during this
tients. Karantanis et al. (32) investigated 133 patients with period, mortality from the disease had remained stable. Further,
diffuse thyroid uptake and found that 63 (47.4%) of them had Ito et al. (37) performed a study over an 8-year period during
the clinical diagnosis of hypothyroidism or autoimmune which 732 patients had an ultrasound-guided FNA diagnosis of
thyroiditis. None had thyroid cancer. Hence, diffuse 18F-FDG papillary carcinoma, 162 of whom chose observation. During
uptake rarely indicates thyroid cancer, but cannot exclude it. the follow-up period, 70% of the tumors in the observational
It is important to note that in the eight studies that evaluated group remained the same size or decreased in size.
diffuse uptake, only 16.8% (168 of 999) of patients had a final Patients suspected of having a new thyroid cancer, based on
diagnosis, of whom only 45.8% (77 of 168) had a cytological or increased focal uptake of 18F-FDG, are facing a new diagnosis, a
histological confirmation. It follows that sensitivity and new set of concerns, and diagnostic as well as therapeutic
specificity are affected with considerable uncertainty, and risk choices. Since it is unclear whether thyroid cancers detected in
of malignancy potentially overestimated. The data cannot this way, compared with any other way, have a different
clarify whether patients with diffuse uptake on 18F-FDG PET prognosis it is pertinent to investigate whether the detection
need FNA or surgery. mode affects prognosis, quality of life, and mortality.

Conclusion 11. Kayani I, Groves AM 2006 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose PET/CT

in cancer imaging. Clin Med 6:240–244.
We found that, despite the inhomogeneity in the studies, the 12. Palmedo H, Bucerius J, Joe A, Strunk H, Hortling N, Meyka
risk of cancer seems markedly higher when patients have a focal S, Roedel R, Wolff M, Wardelmann E, Biersack HJ, Jaeger U
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