Psychosocial Conflict

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Psychosocial conflict: Intimacy Vs.

Major Question: “Will I be loved, or will I be alone?”
Basic Virtue: Love
Important Event(s): Romantic Relationships

 Strong and deep romantic relationships
 Close relationships with friends and family
 Strong social support network
 Poor romantic relationships and no deep intimacy
 Few or no relationships with friends and family
 Weak social support network

The Intimacy vs. Isolation is the sixth stage of Erik Erikson’s theory of psychosocial development. This
stage takes place during the young adulthood between ages of approximately 19 to 40 years old. In this
stage, the most important event is love relationships. The major question is “Will I be loved, or will I be
alone?” And the basic virtue is love.

Intimacy refers to relationships that are characterized by closeness, honesty, and love. It also includes
physical intimacy with romantic partners as well as emotional intimacy with romantic peers.

Benefits of intimacy includes: (read the examples)

Successfully navigating this stage of life enables one to create meaningful connections with others. This
is crucial for developing dependable social connections, which are crucial for long-term physical and
mental health.


It is when an individual who has not developed a sense of identity usually fears committed relationship
and may retreat into isolation. Isolation can happen for several reasons including childhood experience
such as neglect or abuse, past relationships, fear of intimacy, fear of commitment, etc. Struggling in this
stage can result to loneliness and isolations.

Consequences of Isolation

Those who struggle with this stage experience: lack of intimacy and relationships, few, or no
friendships, and have weak social support. They might never share deep intimacy with their partners or
might struggle to develop any relationships at all.
How to build intimacy?

Learning to be open to others is an important part of the intimacy versus isolation stage. It also includes
being intimate, care about the needs of others, being able to commit to others for the long term and
sharing parts with yourself while maintaining your self-identity.

How to avoid Isolation?

The first way to choose intimacy over isolation is to learn to be open and to share with others. Work on
building your sense of self-identity by trying to enjoy your likes and hobbies, you can also take yourself
on dates and work on your connection with yourself. You can also show that you care for the people
around you by letting others in and making commitments to be able to form strong relationships.
Remember that relationships are a two-way street. It feels good to be able to receive love from others
but so is giving it.

Intimacy vs. Isolation: The Importance of Developing Relationships in Healthcare. (2020, April

4). Orlando Medical News.


Cherry, K. (2020, November 4). Intimacy vs. isolation: Forming intimate relationships with
others. Verywell Mind. Retrieved September 4, 2022, from

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