Listening and Grammar - Gerunds and Inf

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Advanced II

Started on Sunday, 23 May 2021, 8:40 PM

State Finished
Completed on Sunday, 23 May 2021, 10:00 PM
Time taken 1 hour 20 mins
Marks 56.00/72.00
Grade 38.89 out of 50.00 (78%)

Question 1 LISTENING

Mark 8.00 out of 0:00 / 0:00


You will hear an interview with a member of an environmental protection group. Listen and mark
the sentences T (for true) or F (for false).

1 Dan is an aggressive person. F

2 The “Act Now” group planted flowers to show people how they feel. T

3 “Act Now” is for children. F

4 “Act Now” pretends to level the relationship between people and environment. T

5 Dan wants to teach people how to use fertilizers and pesticides. F

6 “Act Now” arranges public protests and demonstrations. T

7 Dan knows lots of famous people. T

8 Dan and his group have sometimes had the assistance of government institutions. F

9 Dan and his group spend a lot of time on the computer. T

10 Dan and his group do investigation mainly through the computer. T

Question 2

Mark 21.00 out

of 31.00

Complete the sentence with the correct form (infinitive or gerund) of the verb.

1. I intend to go to Brazil in August. (go)

2. I arranged to take my vacation during the last two weeks. (take)

3. I considered going to Venezuela or Argentina first. (go)

4. But I decided to leave them for next year. (leave)

5. The government has demanded me to get a visa to go to Brazil. (get)

6. That involves standing in a long line at the consulate. (stand)

7. I didn't mind paying the $45 fee. (pay)

8. But I hate waiting in lines. (wait)

9. I also detest getting passport photos. (get)

10. I really want to see the country, so I did it. (see)

11. I haven't begun to pack yet. (pack)

12. I'll start soon because I can't stand packing in a rush. (pack)

13. I remembered to ask my neighbor to take care of my dog. (ask)

14. He doesn't really mind staying behind. (stay)

15. But he always loves seeing us come back! (see)

16 I like to play tennis. (play)

17 I´d like playing tennis with you. (play)

18 If a job is worth doing (do), it´s worth to do (do) well.

19 Tom agreed to meet us at the pool. (meet)

20 I look forward to seeing you soon. (see)

Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form: (to) infinitive or –ing form.

I have always enjoyed 1) to take (take) part in team sports, so when my P.E. teacher asked me if I

wanted 2) learning (learn) how 3) to play (play) rugby, I decided 4) to try (try) it. It

sounded ideal for me as I don´t mind 5) being (be) outside in cold weather, and I like 6)

exercising (exercise). I expected 7) to find (find) it easy, but it wasn´t. I kept 8)

to practise (practise) though, and now I´m quite good at 9) to play (play) it. My coach thinks

I may become a professional rugby player one day, so I need 10) keeping (keep) working hard.

Question 3
Mark 14.00 out
of 16.00

Imagine this scene: a woman inside a cage in the sea, with sharks all around her. Wouldn´t you expect the
woman to feel terrified? Not Gill Williams – she finds such experiences absolutely thrilling. Gill is an “extreme”
sportswoman – and adventurer who takes sport to its most dangerous limits.
1 ____
“ I love scary animals,” says Gill. “I love being near them and touching them. Great white sharks come and
attack the bars of the cage. I touch them, but I don´t let them bite me!” There are more people like Gill than
you might think. They leave their offices and businesses to spend their free time doing extremely dangerous
things. Some of them fly jets across deserts or go diving in unexplored caves, while others explore African
rivers. All of them want to experience something more than their normal lives can offer, They want adventure.
2 ____
Bob Card is skydiving trainer. He teaches people to leap out of aeroplanes let themselves fall through the air
without opening their parachutes until the very last minute.
“ I believe there is an adventurer inside one of us,”, he says. “It doesn´t matter how old or strong you are. The
adventurer is there – it´s just hidden away somewhere. If you find that spirit, your life will take on new
One advantage of doing extreme sports to satisfy your need for adventure is that you can completely forget
about your everyday problems. As Bob says: “You can´t be concerned about business phone calls or
examination results when you´re jumping out of a plane.”
3 ____
How much danger can a person take? According to Sandra Quiggen, panic is rare, even when you come back
face to face with a bad-tempered hippopotamus on the Zambezi River. “You get scared,” she says. “Those
hippos have big teeth. But a little fear makes the brain work faster, as long as you don´t let it turn into panic.”
4 ____
There is an element of risk in all extreme sports. “If you don´t do things right, you are asking for trouble,” says
Card. But training and proper equipment help to make these sports safer. The difference between extreme
sport and “normal” sport is that, although there are organized competitions for these sports, more extreme
sports people are interested in testing their own abilities than in winning prizes. In fact, most of them would
agree with mountaineer Sir Edmund Hilary´s reply when asked why he wanted to climb Everest: “ Because it´s
Read the magazine article about extreme sports. Then decide, which of the following statements (1-
7) can be true (T) about people who do extreme sports.

1 They are terrified. T

2 They enjoy adventure. T

3 They can be of any age. T

4 They forget their everyday problems. T

5 They are asking for trouble. T

6 They enjoy winning prizes. F

7 They need to be careful and well equipped. T

Read the magazine article about extreme sports again. Choose the most suitable heading from the
list A-D, for each part (1-4).
A Hidden Feelings C Thrilling Leisure Activities
B Meeting Danger D Personal Challenge

1 C

2 A

3 B

4 D

Match the words in Column A to their synonyms in Column B.

Column A Column B
1 thrilling a worried
2 trainer b very exciting
3 leap c teacher
4 concerned d jump
5 abilities e skills

1 B

2 C

3 D

4 A

5 E

Question 4 Listen to the conversation and then select the best options that answer the questions.

Mark 5.00 out of 0:00 / 0:00


1. What is the purpose of the woman's visit?

business and pleasure

2. Where will the woman stay during her trip?

at a friend's home
at a hotel

at university dormitory

3. About how long will the woman be in the country?

one or two days

three or four days
more than four days

4. What things are in the woman's luggage?

clothing, computer, and books

CD player, clothing, and books

books, gifts, and computer

5. What other piece of information do we learn about the woman?

Her parents are on the same trip.

She enjoys traveling to different countries.
She was born in that country.

Question 5

Mark 1.00 out of

Ana talks with Michael about her country
and talks about the food, weather and
0:00 / 0:00

1) It is _____ most of the year.

Select one:
a. b) wet
b. c) sunny
c. a) humid

Question 6 2) She goes to the beach with her _____ .

Select one:
Mark 1.00 out of
1.00 a. a) family

b. c) dog
c. b) friends

Question 7

Mark 0.00 out of

Daniel and Hana talk about how much
sleep they get and taking short naps.
0:00 / 0:00

1) Hana usually sleeps _____ a night.

Select one:
a. a) six hours
b. b) seven hours
c. c) eight hours

Question 8 2) Daniel usually sleeps _____ Hana.

Complete 
Select one:
Mark 1.00 out of
1.00 a. c) more than
b. a) the same as
c. b) less than
Question 9 3) She gets extra sleep by _____ .
Select one:
Mark 1.00 out of
1.00 a. b) sleeping Saturday morning
b. c) going to bed early
c. a) taking naps

Question 10 4) On Sundays she _____ .

Select one:
Mark 1.00 out of
1.00 a. c) takes a nap

b. a) sleeps a lot
c. b) see friends

Question 11 5) On the weekend he _____ .

Select one:
Mark 0.00 out of
1.00 a. a) gets up early
b. b) sleeps more
c. c) takes naps

Question 12 3) She lives in a _____ .

Select one:
Mark 1.00 out of
1.00 a. b) city
b. c) village
c. a) farm

Question 13 4) She recommends having the tart with _____ .

Select one:
Mark 1.00 out of
1.00 a. b) milk tea
b. c) coffee
c. a) lemon

Question 14 5) She teaches him how to say _____ .

Select one:
Mark 1.00 out of
1.00 a. b) Hello
b. a) Thank you
c. c) Goodbye

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