Brazilian Exports Tocantins Export Challenges

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ISSN 2526-1746



Denise França dos Santos1, Ricardo Niehues Buss1*, Francis Barbosa Sanches1, Daniel Martins da
1Federal University of Tocantins, UFT - Logistics Tecnology Course. Araguaína/TO, Brazil.
*Corresponding author:

Key-words: Exports; ABSTRACT

Infrastructure; Development This article aims to discuss Brazilian exports, emphasizing the export profile of the
Factors. Tocantins and its position regarding other states, generally highlighting the main export
markets and products. Another intent is to emphasize its infrastructure, which is one of the
main relevant factors to international competitiveness, as well as to describe the
governmental development actions for the development of the newest Brazilian state. The
importance of this work concretizes by the fact that the export activity is of great relevance
for the country's growth. That is the reason a descriptive, quantitative and qualitative
research of bibliographic and documentary procedure was chosen, in order to contribute
to the deepening of the approach in the subject and the addition of relevant documents, in
order to promote the attention to the state and emphasize the development importance to
export. In general, the work points out as the main exported product, the soybean complex,
and as the main exporter, the municipality of Campos Lindos, having Asia as the main
export destination of the State.

INTRODUCTION is more advantageous than producing in its

domestic market.
In view of the significant importance of
Despite all the efforts made over the years by
increasing the market parcel, the companies in
the government through actions, policies and
general, mainly the large ones, turned to export
economic agreements to promote exports and
activity, with the purpose of increasing profits,
involve the entrepreneurs in both large and small
promoting their products and brands and reducing
businesses, significant advances are still needed to
risks as oscillations in the market and seasonality.
develop this activity in the country, which according
According to VAZQUEZ (2009), export is a
to the Ministry of Development, Industry and
requirement of the national economic policy, which
Foreign Trade - MDIC (2014), is still derisory, being
attends both the exporting trader and the nation
that the parcel of the external market from 2004 to
that imports its products for the reason of buying
2013 did not exceed 1.44 %, and not even get to 15
what it does not produce domestically, or because it
% of GDP. Already at the state level, the

Journal of Geospatial Modelling, v.3, n.1, p. 12-27

participation in exports is also not promising, necessary pillars for the country's development,
highlighting few states such as São Paulo, Minas besides the governmental incentives to leverage
Gerais, and Rio de Janeiro. exports. Following is indicated the methodology
The participation of the export activity in used, which was based on a descriptive,
Tocantins is only 0.38 %, occupying the 18th place bibliographical and documentary research, using
in the Brazilian ranking, being ahead of nine states, the government statistics for data analysis. Next, the
making it necessary to analyze the factors that export profile of Tocantins is analyzed, through the
influence the growth of the state's exports, such as results obtained in relation to the factors that
transportation infrastructure, the municipalities of influence the growth of exports, examining the
highest potential, numbers of companies operating municipalities of the highest potential state.
in the foreign market, product patterns, the main
destination markets and their natural wealth that BRAZILIAN EXPORTS
are considered strategic for the subject approached.
Export is a great strategic activity because it
Thus the general aim of the study is to
significantly favors the generation of employment
understand the export profile of Tocantins,
and income, the foreign exchange, which makes it
presenting subsidies that may improve its
possible to pay off external debts and stabilizes the
development in exports. In order to achieve the aim,
country's economy, contributing to its growth. In
it is necessary to identify the development factors of
addition, reaching out to foreign markets reduces
exports; to describe the transport infrastructure in
the risks of seasonality and eliminates the total
the Tocantins; to present the main products
dependence of companies on a single market. Given
exported by the State and to analyze which are the
this reality, according to the MIDC (2014), despite
Tocantins' municipalities that export most and their
the efforts to leverage Brazilian exports, Brazil had
main markets.
a decline in its exports in 2014, since exported 7%
In this regard, any and all contributions in
less than in the previous year, where it ranked 22nd
order to promote greater conditions to boost this
of the world exporting countries, with China as the
activity are extremely important and valid. The
first and the US second.
generation of regional knowledge about the existing
The export activity has always presented
potential and those that may be exploited by the
barriers and a great factor of global
government and the entrepreneurs may leverage
competitiveness, over the years several actions
even more the exports in the region.
have been planned to leverage Brazilian exports,
In order to answer these questions, the study
however it still takes a lot of effort, by private
begins by presenting the historical aspects of
organizations and mainly the government to
exports in Brazil, followed by the concepts of export
increase the external market, which is still
and the indispensable factors of development and
considered derisory in world exports,
generation of competitiveness, instituted as the
corresponding only 1.33% in the year 2013. The

Journal of Geospatial Modelling, v.3, n.1, p. 12-27

year 2011 exhibited 1.43% - the largest world 1.08%. Figure 1 exposes the main facts related to
participation from 2004 to 2013, and in contrast, the exports and their evolution over the years in
the year of the smallest participation was 2004 with Brazil.
• Constitution of the Portuguese Court and the beginning of political and economic emancipation.
• Publication of the Royal Charter for opening harbors. And Brazil's independence.
1808-1840 • Main production: coffee, metals, sugar, tobacco, rice, spices and leather.
• Discovery of rubber vulcanization and the highlights for coffee in exports.

• Expansion of International Trade and transport, with steam-powered vessels.

• End of the international slave trade.
1841-1860 • Increase in customs duties and the first positive balance in the balance since Brazil's independence, due to
the growth of coffee exports.

• External borrowing and issuance of treasury bonds to heal war expenses.

1861-1890 • Implantation of railways, transport between production points and harbors.

• The first constitution of the Republic of Brazil and the Entanglement Crisis.
1891-1910 • Consolidation of Brazil as a major rubber producer and beginning of the oil age.

• Main exported products: sugar, cocoa, mate, skins and leather, tobacco, cotton, rubber, and coffee, which
1911-1920 accounts for more than half of exports.
• Agricultural diversification, coffee crisis, and second coffee valorization plan.
• New coffee crisis and third appreciation. And growth in agricultural exports.
• Breakdown of the New York Stock Exchange, affecting the coffee economy in Brazil.
• The crisis of the coffee causes a collapse in the Foreign Trade and the cotton appears as a second most
1931-1950 exported product.
• Increased demand for raw materials and coffee back in the leading position.
• Return of Getúlio Vargas to the power and imbalance of the trade balance.
1951-1960 • The government of J. Kubitschek, agile development, and consolidation of industrialization.
• Campaign for Nationalization of Petroleum and defense of this Brazilian sector.
• Creation of the National Foreign Trade Council, the export financing fund and of the Ministry of Economy,
Finance, and Planning.
1961-1970 • Policy to increase competitiveness, expansion of external markets and diversification of exported products.
• Replacement of imports and a larger share of manufactured products.
• Coffee, cotton, and minerals still are responsible for 70% of exports.
1971-1980 • High and new oil price shock, and end of the economic miracle period.
• Strong recession in Brazil and extinction of government agencies, including CACEX.
1981-1990 • The Foreign Trade Secretariat is designed as the Foreign Trade Department (DECEX) of the Ministry of
Economy, Finance, and Planning.
• The creation of the WTO, Mercosul, Siscomex, DECOM-Commercial Defense, and of the Ministry of Industry,
Trade and Tourism, which took over the foreign trade in the place of the Ministry of Economy, Finance, and
• Decex becomes the Secretariat of the new Ministry, with the name of Foreign Trade Secretariat (SECEX).
And the MICT is called (MIDIC).
• Real plan. The first meeting of foreign trade.
• Strengthening Globalization, world trade and export records.
• Active participation in trade and in trade defenses in emerging countries.

Figure 1. History of Brazilian exports.

According to the data presented in Figure 1, responsible for the largest sales to the foreign
which indicate the main facts related to Brazilian market over the years, also highlighting cotton,
foreign trade, emphasizing the scope of exports, it is rubber, and minerals.
identified that coffee has been the product

Journal of Geospatial Modelling, v.3, n.1, p. 12-27

In spite of the actions to diversify the list of ethanol, machinery and equipment, pulp and paper,
products exported in Brazil, is perceived that the coffee, footwear and leather, electrical equipment,
main products such as: coffee, cotton, rubber, metals and precious stones and textiles. Comparing
minerals, sugar, and tobacco continue to be the the month of January-February comparing the year
productive base of Brazilian exports. The crisis of 2015 to 2014, there was a 13.1% reduction in the
coffee and oil generated a great impact on the daily average of exports, being the products that
country's economy, marking the period from 1971 suffered the most fall were: fuel oils (-52.2), crude
to 1980 with the end of Brazilian prosperity, which oil (-49.4%), iron mineral (-48.6%) and soybeans (-
re-established itself only from the 90's, presenting 19.9%). Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean and
positive results with a record of Brazilian exports the European Union remain as the main destination
between the years of 2001 to 2008, due to the blocks.
previous increase of partners and the
differentiation of exported products.
The period of 2009, despite having
consolidated with the largest number of exporting "Export is the activity that provides the
companies, has regressed exports in millions. In the country's opening to the world." (VAZQUEZ, 2009,
following years, Brazil remained stable, without p.181). In other words, globalization allowed
much variation, considering that the year of 2011 countries to explore other fields and their products
presented the greatest highlight in terms of reach new markets through export activity,
evolution in millions of exports in the period that increasing their market share and economic gains.
corresponds 2009 to the year 2014. As a result, the number of competing companies has
Comparing the first half of 2014 with the year grown significantly, generating greater
2013, Brazil suffered a 3.4% decline in exports due competitiveness among countries.
to the fall in the price index generated by the Yet, despite all market development, there is
recession of the commodities quotation. However, need to have deep reforms in management and in
in volume exports increased 1.4% in relation to public infrastructure, greater capacity to generate
2013, and in that same year, Brazil remains in the resources, significant improvements in basic
same position in the ranking of the main minerals education, health, and overall improvement.
exporting countries, occupying the 22nd position, (TADEU, 2011).
as in the previous year. (MDIC, 2015). From this perspective, Brazil still needs a lot
Also according to MDIC (2015), the main of effort to increase its competitiveness. According
products exported in Brazil in 2014 were in to the study Global Competitiveness Report (2015),
descending order: soybean complex (grain, bran a study published by the WEF, Brazil lost another
and oil), minerals, oil and fuels, transport material, position in the global ranking of competitiveness,
meat, chemicals, metallurgical products, sugar and occupying in 2014 the 57th place, within which are

Journal of Geospatial Modelling, v.3, n.1, p. 12-27

evaluated different factors of competitiveness of harbors and roads quality - 122º, in the air
144 countries. transport - 113º, and of the railways - 95º.
The Global Competitiveness Report (2015) Besides the transport infrastructure,
also defines the basic pillars for a nation's communication infrastructure is also essential for
competitiveness, such as transport infrastructure, the proper functioning of operations in any
communication infrastructure, institutions, the transaction. However, the different situations
macroeconomic environment, education, and regarding the service provided and the proper
health. In Brazil these pillars are not high, impairing functioning of the media from one country to
the economic growth in the long term and the another are many, and in some cases unreliable.
exports development. Comparing the global Such as interruption of conversation in the
competitiveness index with the BRICS countries telephone service and lack of signal to dial. In the
(Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa), China postal service's problems of fraud, loss, and
stands out in the 28th position, followed by Russia - commitment of goods. And on the internet, despite
53rd, Brazil - 57th, India - 71st and South Africa being a strong communication mean, it is also
does not appear in the ranking of the 144 most vulnerable to traffic compromising. (DAVID and
competitive countries in the world. STEWART, 2010).
According to DAVID and STEWART (2010, In spite of all these factors that can
p.31), "infrastructure is a collective term that refers compromise the relations in the foreign market,
to all available elements (of public or private Brazil in the communication aspect provided an
property) to facilitate transport, the acceptable result, occupying the 37th in the ranking
communications, and the trade." in mobile phone subscriptions, and the 51st place in
The transport infrastructure pillar is one that the number of fixed telephone lines. (GLOBAL
most compromise the movement of goods from COMPETITIVENESS REPORT, 2015).
Brazil to the foreign market, because without a good Still, according to the data presented in the
infrastructure it is not feasible to export products Global Competitiveness Report (2015), referring to
with a good competitive cost because it would be 2014, in the institution's pillar, the country also
unsatisfactory for the client that the goods arrive does not occupy a prominent position in the 94th
late, damaged and with a high price. collation. The main causes are the weight of
According to the Global Competitiveness government regulation in the 143rd position,
Report (2015), the Brazilian transport government waste - 137th, confidence in politicians
infrastructure occupied the 77th position in 2014, - 140th, government transparency - 128th, misuse
presenting an unpromising result. The most of public resources - 135th and irregular payments
unsatisfactory were in the general quality of the on exports and imports in 72nd place. In addition,
infrastructure in the 120th position, and in the agents related to crime: the cost of violence and
crimes for business - 124, reliability in police

Journal of Geospatial Modelling, v.3, n.1, p. 12-27

services - 83, and organized crime - 119, leave Brazil In other words, it is evident the need to
in a position of concern and in s Brazilian significantly improve the infrastructure of
dissatisfaction. hospitals, medical centers, quality of care and
The third pillar highlights the Macroeconomic education so that Brazil may progress and achieve
Environment of Brazil, whose balance is essential more effective results.
for business growth. In this pillar, Brazil was in 85th For this development occur it is necessary to
position in 2014, with a poor development in invest in human capital, since it is the people who
factors inflation and gross national savings in the promote it, it is not a result of the economy growth,
110th and government gross debt in 109th place. but of the people's desire to achieve a better quality
Despite the poor performance in these respects, of life for all, so that, the quality of human capital
Brazil has performed well in the 38th Credit, being directly reflects the quality and proportion of
among the 50 since 2011, and always among the 50 development. In this way, the formation of skills,
best countries in this topic. knowledge, and competence in people are
And in the last basic analyzed pillar, being paramount to provoke the development of the
education and health, Brazil achieved an country. This investment is generated when actions
improvement in its position, reaching the 77th and resources are applied to a good education in
place in 2014. In education, although the number of factors related to the quality of life, such as
enrollments in primary education is great in the sanitation, food, health, housing, transport, and
18th, the quality of education does not have the safety, without which education alone cannot
same perspective, occupying the 126th place in the achieve the aims (DE PAULA, 2008).
ranking. In the health aspect, it presented relatively According to the Global Competitiveness
better positions, in relation to education in the 69th, Report (2015), there are also other significant
life expectancy 78th and infant mortality in 65th factors considered to be determinants of efficiency,
place. being they efficiency in the goods market, financial
According to DE PAULA (2008, p. 9), another market development, technological readiness and
factor that inhibits the development of Brazil is that market size.
the generation that has, today, between 30 and 40 The efficiency pillar in the goods market did
years, were not induced and trained in education to not show good results, for example, it takes about
open and manage their own businesses, but 108 days to start a business, leaving Brazil in a bad
internalized the prospect of obtaining a position in position, ranking 142nd in the world. Excessive
a state-owned company or in the public service. taxation is discouraging business investments
Still, according to the author, this reality is changing. occupying the 139th place, and the complex
"The young people know that the public sector has customs procedures - 138th. The development of
no tendency to expand. So, they need to prepare to the financial market is medium, highlighting the
take positions in the private sector. " strength of banks in 13th place and the regulation

Journal of Geospatial Modelling, v.3, n.1, p. 12-27

of the stock market in 17th place. The greatest According to MAIA (2008 p.21) "It is often
weakness of Brazil in this topic is the index of legal said that it is difficult to export goods and
rights, in which the country had a score of 3 in an impossible to export taxes. Therefore, major
index of 0 to 10, being the 113th of the ranking. countries do not tax their exports. " Thus, the
In the technological readiness pillar, the Federal Constitution of 1988 established that some
country's position in the global technological taxes do not incur on exports.
frontier is classified according to its infrastructure According to FREITAS and MEIRELES (2010)
and companies. Brazil still needs many advances in there are a number of benefits for exporting
this pillar. In terms of technological absorption, it companies, the so-called tax incentive that are: IPI -
ranked 59th and the availability of recent Industrialized Product Tax, ICMS - Tax on Goods
technologies ranked 77th, but the index for foreign and Services Movement, PIS - Social Integration
direct investment and technology transfer enabled Program, IOF - Tax on Financial Transactions and
to the country the 39th place. COFINS - Contribution to Social Security Financing.
Regarding the size of the market, being one of In addition to these, there are other export relief
the main advantages of Brazil, considering that the schemes, such as: REINTEGRA - Special Regime for
country has the 6th largest domestic market in the the Reintegration of Tax Values for Exporting
world and the 7th highest GDP, in addition to having Companies, RECOF - Special Customs Regime for
a high potential for growth and exports, ranked in Industrial Warehousing and RECAP - Special
24th position. However, due to the low Regime for the Acquisition of Capital Goods for
competitiveness of Brazil compared to other Exporting Companies (MDIC, 2013).
countries, they reflect in the export rate in relation
to GDP, one of the worst places in the world in 140th EXPORT INCENTIVES
place. And despite the country has excellent
It is true that Brazil still needs to significantly
domestic conditions and a significant export power,
increase its foreign trade policy. According to
the results with these advantages are not generated
VAZQUEZ (2009), Brazil must observe several
in good solid results for the Brazilian economy.
factors to improve its position in the ranking of
In addition to the basic and of efficiency
exporting countries, such as improving the
pillars, the tax exemption is another factor that
country's image in the foreign market, expanding
favors exports, providing equivalent price
regional integration with cooperation, inserting
conditions in the foreign market. With fiscal
foreign trade policy into educational, agricultural,
incentives, the burden of the heavy tax burden,
industrial and economic sectors policy, to enable
according to CASTRO (2007), decreases, allowing a
entrepreneurs to export and qualify their
competitive reach of Brazil in the many markets.
respective products, as well as to mitigate
Such incentives often allow that prices in the
bureaucracy and encourage internationalization,
domestic market to be higher than outside.

Journal of Geospatial Modelling, v.3, n.1, p. 12-27

providing to Brazilians factors that provoke interest discover resolutions of problems presented
for exports. through scientific methods. In the study, a
According to MDIC (2012), were developed descriptive research was chosen, since the
by SECEX - Foreign Trade Secretariat with the historical facts related to the export of Brazil and
support of DEAEX - Department of statistics and the relevant data of the exports in the Tocantins, as
export support, actions and programs with targets well as in their respective municipalities of
from 2012 to 2015 to provide to the Brazilian exporters were observed, registered and
export incentive factors, some of them are the interpreted.
diffusion of the export culture, the dissemination of As for the procedures, according to ANDRADE
foreign trade information, the improvement of the (2009), the research is documentary and
systems of management of foreign trade and the bibliographical because it is based on primary
Brazilian commercial defense, and the expansion of sources as well as public archives and statistical
access to international markets. sources of government agencies, as well as on
Some initiatives to achieve these actions have secondary sources such as books, magazine papers,
already been achieved, such as the launch of 12 and internet, thesis and monographs. The
Learning to export (Aprendendo a exportar), which approached used is both quantitative and
is a tool that teaches step by step the export in qualitative, that according to OLIVEIRA (2005) the
several segments to the entrepreneur, the first method is revealed through what can be
Showcase of the exporter (Vitrine do Exportador), measured in numbers, demonstrating the
which virtually discloses companies and Brazilian information collected in a quantifiable way to
products in the international market, Commercial obtain an analysis of the data, and the second
radar (Radar Comercial) computerized commercial method can be explained in depth without the need
tool that allows the identification of countries and for quantification.
products opportune in the foreign market, and All the procedures used support the research
SISPRON - Interactive System for business use with base, which used the Ministry of Development
zero reduction of the income tax rate in the conduct Industry and Foreign Trade as the main source,
of market survey and product promotion. through data from the Foreign Trade Statistics -
DEAEX, as trade balance of Brazil and Tocantins,
METHODOLOGY identifying the participation of the Brazilian states,
the main destination countries and economic
It is understood that methodology is all the
blocks, the main products and total export value in
steps performed in the elaboration of a work, where
the year 2014. Also, was evaluated the Brazilian
techniques, methods, and materials are employed.
trade balance for the federation units where
(OLIVEIRA, 2005). According to Andrade (2009),
Tocantins information was collected and their
the research is characterized as the set of
procedures, based on the logical reasoning to

Journal of Geospatial Modelling, v.3, n.1, p. 12-27

respective municipalities that exported in the same and Maranhão, being extremely important for the
period mentioned above. disposal of soybeans, which appear as the main
Information such as the number of exporting product exported in Tocantins and in Brazil.
companies, main municipalities, destinations, and However, the navigability of this river basin is only
products were organized and analyzed in tables, feasible for six months of the year, because it has
extracting the most important municipalities stones, sandbars, and indents. (PORTAL DO
through the Pareto Principle, which is a method in TOCANTINS, 2008; MT, 2015)
which data are separated into three important The North-South Railway - FNS and East-
groups through calculations, with A being the most West Integration Railroad - FIOL are also
relevant, followed by B and C. In group A, five fundamental to the state logistics, according to the
municipalities were classified, representing 67% of MINISTRY of TRANSPORTATION (2015) the FNS -
exports; in group B there are six, corresponding to of Bacarena/PA - Rio Grande/RS, is considered the
31% and in group C there are twelve municipalities backbone of the logistics in Brazil, since it was
representing for 2%. planned for national integration, and when it is
completed, it will have 4,155 km of extension and
PRESENTATION AND ANALYSIS OF RESULTS will cover, besides the Tocantins, the states of Goiás,
São Paulo, Minas Gerais, Mato Grosso do Sul, Paraná,
Santa Catarina and the Rio Grande of the South. Only
The Tocantins is the newest of the 26 in the Tocantins 814 km have already been built
Brazilian states and was created by the National passing through Aguiarnópolis, Palmas and Córrego
Constituent Assembly, being dismembered from the do Chicote, and the 504 km from Arguiarnópolis to
State of Goiás. Its population estimated in 2014 is Palmas are already in operation. The East-West
1,496,880, and its territorial area (km²) is Integration Railway, which will have, when to be
277,720,569. It is located in the northern region of concluded, 1,527 km long, establishing a link
the country, bordering the states Maranhão, Pará, between Ilhéus harbor and the cities of Caetité and
Goiás, Piauí, Bahia and Mato Grosso. (IBGE 2013). Barreiras in Bahia and Figueiropólis in the
Besides being in a strategic position, it is also Tocantins, an interconnection point with the FNS,
considered one of the five most water-rich states in which is also highly relevant to the state.
the country, because it has considerably deep The BR-153 is the main state highway, being
rivers, mainly the Araguaia and Tocantins rivers, considered one of the main routes of connection of
two large navigable rivers that together form the Brazil, having 799.3 km of extension, starting in São
Araguaia-Tocantins basin, which has an area of Geraldo do Araguaia, in the border of Tocantins
767,000 km², being one of the eight most important with Pará, and ending in Talismã, the border with
Brazilian macro basins in the country, which also Goiás. The Tocantins municipalities that export and
covers other states such as Goiás, Mato Grosso, Pará guide the BR-153 are: Araguaína, Nova Olinda,

Journal of Geospatial Modelling, v.3, n.1, p. 12-27

Colinas do the Tocantins, Presidente Kennedy, destination block, corresponding to 49.53%,
Guaraí, Fortaleza do Tabocão, Miranorte, Paraiso do followed by the European Union with 30.89%.
the Tocantins, Santa Rita do the Tocantins, Gurupi, (MDIC, 2014). Figure 2 shows the main destination
Cariri do the Tocantins, Figueiropólis, and Alvorada. countries of Tocantins exports.
Other important highways to the state are the BR- It is observed in Figure 2, that China is the
010, which is 789.1 km long, BR-230 with 146.4 km, country that has the largest share of exports of the
BR-235 with 322.8 km and BR-242 with 607.2 km. state, followed by Spain, the Netherlands, Russia,
(MT, 2015; DNIT, 2009). and Thailand, which together represent a total of
74%. The other 19 destination countries that do not
- PROFILE EXPORTER appear on the graph correspond to 8% of exports,
among them are Kazakhstan, Vietnam, South Korea,
Among the main exporting states in Brazil are
Italy, and Japan.
São Paulo, Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro, Paraná,
Mato Grosso, Pará, Espírito Santo, Bahia, Santa
Catarina, Goiás, Mato Grosso do Sul and Maranhão,
representing 94.85% of exports, followed by Ceará,
Rondônia, Pernambuco and the state of Amazonas,
which together hold 2%. Among these, the state of
São Paulo stands out with 22.86%, followed by
Minas Gerais 13.03%, and Rio de Janeiro, which
holds 10.05%. Tocantins appears in 18th place with
the participation of only 0.38%, followed by
Alagoas, Amapá, Distrito Federal, Piauí, Rio Grande
do Norte, Sergipe, Roraima, and Acre, representing Figure 2. Main Destination Countries of Tocantins Exports in
a total of 0.96% (MDIC, 2014). 2014. Source: adapted by MDIC (2014).

It is important to note that exports in the

Despite Brazilian policies aimed at increasing
Tocantins had a positive variation of 22.42% from
the participation of the secondary and tertiary
the year 2013 to 2014, different from the states of
sector, we can observe in the historical evolution of
São Paulo and Minas Gerais, which had a negative
Brazil that its exports have always been related to
variation of 8.39% and 12.31%, respectively.
the primary sector.
The main export destination blocks are Asia
In 2014 the products that presented the
(excluding the Middle East) with a 32.7% share,
largest contribution in exports from Brazil,
Latin America, and the Caribbean - 20.5%, the
according to the MDIC (2014) still are: soybean
European Union - 18.7% United States - 12.1% and
complex, corresponding to 14% of exports,
Mercosur - 11.1%. In the state of Tocantins, Asia
minerals with 12.6%, oil and fuels representing
(excluding the Middle East) remains as the main

Journal of Geospatial Modelling, v.3, n.1, p. 12-27

11.2%, and other products such as transportation 72.9%, followed by bovine meat, which has a
materials, meat, chemicals, metallurgical products, 20.35% share. Together these two products account
sugar and ethanol, machinery and equipment, for almost the state's total parcel of exports. (MDIC,
paper and pulp, which corresponded to 41.4%, 2014). Figure 3 presents the main products and
meat - 7.5% and chemicals - 6.7%. municipalities of the state in the scope of export.
As in Brazil, soybeans still hold the largest
share of international trade in the Tocantins, with

1. Soybean, even crushed – 95.69%.
Campos Lindos 201,180,737 20.89
2. Corn – 4.31 %.
1. Pies and other solid residues from the
extraction of soybean oil - 52.90%.
Pedro Afonso 2. Soybeans, even crushed - 40.62% 155,148,065 16.11
3. Soybean oil and its fractions, even refined,
but not chemically modified - 6.8%.
1.Meat of bovine animals, frozen - 81.10%.
2. Meat of bovine animals, fresh or chilled -
3. Gut, bladders, and stomachs of animals,
except fish, whole or in pieces, fresh, chilled,
Araguaína frozen, salted, dried or smoked - 2.50%. 128,262,976 13.32
4. Edible offal of bovine, swine, sheep, goats,
horses, asses, mules or hinnies animals, fresh,
chilled or frozen - 1.25%.

1. Soybean, even crushed -99.30%.

Guaraí 2. Corn -0.70%. 83,406,361 8.66
Cariri do Tocantins 1. Soybean, even crushed -100%. 76,254,913 7.92

Figure 3. Main exporting municipalities and products of the State of Tocantins in 2014. Adapted by MDIC (2014).

These five municipalities classified by the The 18 municipalities that do not appear in
Pareto diagram as the most important, represent the table are those that were classified as B and C
approximately 20% of the exporting municipalities according to the Pareto Diagram, because they have
of the State, holding about 70% of total exports. medium and small relevance, corresponding to 33%
Among them, the one that stands out most is in total, having as main products exported the
Campos Lindos, whose main product is soybean, soybean complex, meats and derivatives, fruit
which also appears in Pedro Afonso, Guaraí and juices, activated coals, chemical elements and
Cariri do the Tocantins. In terms of product radiative isotopes, pumice stone, emery, natural
differentiation and greater distribution of share in grenade, wilting and basketwork and cotton.
percentage, the most outstanding are Araguaína Below the map presents the participation in
and Pedro Afonso. millions of the 23 municipalities that exported in

Journal of Geospatial Modelling, v.3, n.1, p. 12-27

2014. Figure 4 presents all the exporting Fortaleza do Tabocão and Silvanópolis all have
municipalities of the state of Tocantins. soybean as the main product.
According to Figure 4, the entire state
microregion has, in a greater or lesser volume of
exports, some municipality that exports, being
the largest concentration in the microregions of
the central-north, central-west and northeast of
the state.
The number of exporting companies
located in these municipalities in 2014 are 53,
among then those that most outstanding in terms
of exported value above 50 million are: Minerva
S/A in Araguaína; ABC-Industria e comercio S/A
and Bunge Alimento S/A in Campos Lindos;
Pedro Afonso Açúcar and Bioenergia S/A in
Pedro Afonso; Multigrain S/A from Fortaleza do
Tabocão; Bunge Alimentos S/A from Guaraí;
Figure 4. Map of Tocantins: Participation in Millions of the
Cooperative of the producers of meat and
Exporting Municipalities in 2014 (US$ FOB). Source: Research
data (2015). derivatives of guru in Gurupi and the Fiagril LTDA
from Silvanópolis.
In 2014, the largest number of exporting The municipalities that stood out most in
municipalities in the state since 2006, a total of 23 terms of a number of companies were Ponte Alta
municipalities, being that in 2006 there were only does the Tocantins with 16 companies, all with
12. It is important to note that other municipalities revenues of up to 1 million, followed by Porto
in the Tocantins, such as Tupirama and Paranã, Nacional with 06 and Campos Lindos with 04
have already had a share in exports in 2013, and companies. In general, 8 state companies had
Wanderlândia from 2001 to 2003 between the revenues above 50 million on exports, 11 of them
years of the same period quoted above (2006- from 10 to 50 million, 7 from 1 to 10 and 28
2014). companies below a million.
It can be seen that Campos Lindos, Pedro
Afonso, and Araguaína are the state's largest RESULTS ANALYSIS
exporters, whose main products are soybean and
It is understood that the characteristics of the
derivates, alcohol and refrigerated and frozen
country, directly reflect the profile of the state of
bovine meat. The municipalities that export from 50
Tocantins, presenting similarities as the main
to 99 million is Cariri do the Tocantins, Guaraí,
product, block, and country of destination, which in

Journal of Geospatial Modelling, v.3, n.1, p. 12-27

both are soybean, Asia and China. It is also noticed Besides the actions that are fundamental to
the great agricultural export potential of this state develop the export activity, the Tocantins possesses
that only two products: soybean and bovine meat natural richness, like navigable rivers and an
represent 93.25% of the total exports of Tocantins. excellent geographical position highly promising
It is important to emphasize the growth in the for the flow of the products by diverse modalities.
State's exports from 2013 to 2014 when compared In the period from 2011 to 2014,
with other states with higher export volume. interventions were carried out in the country and in
The municipalities that stand out as major the Tocantins to complete strategic highways,
exporters are Campos Lindos, Pedro Afonso, increase the agricultural frontier and national
Araguaína, Guaraí and Cariri do the Tocantins. It is integration, as well as completed railway works to
also observed that actions are needed to stimulate structure broad-gauge transportation axes, to
exports at the state level and improvements in the increase capacity of load and multimodal
basic pillars of the country, so that states can integration, in addition, adjustments were made to
generally achieve significant results in the eliminate or reduce the problems of the flow of
communication, institutions, macroeconomic trains in urban areas. And in the waterway
environment, education and health and transportation, maintenance and adaptation works
infrastructure aspects, mainly logistics. were carried out on the Brazilian waterways.
In order to promote development, a number However, many investments and immediate actions
of national incentives to encourage export activity are still needed, such as the construction of harbors
have been carried out, such as virtual tools and tax and terminals, bridges, locks, completion of FNS
incentives, that is, tax relief, which is extremely stretches, construction of the East-West integration
important to promote international railroad - FIOL, and duplication of roads, adequacy,
competitiveness. and paving. (MT, 2015).
However, even with all the exemptions, All these factors are essential to promote the
Brazilian legislation often does not respect these export culture and increase the participation of the
incentives, instituting many requirements that state, which, although small, has great
harm the exporter and significantly affect the opportunities for growth and enormous potential to
competitiveness of the products, another factor that be exploited.
does not favor is the lack of knowledge of the
entrepreneurs regarding the reimbursement of CONCLUSIONS
taxes and exemptions from them. Therefore, it is
It is evident the development of Brazil in the
important to aim for the efficiency of the tax system,
export activity, which had its mark with the
to avoid the cumulativeness of taxes and the de-
publication of the Royal Charter for opening the
bureaucratization of the same, to not harm the
harbors and that for many years had coffee as the
competitiveness of the country.
main product of the foreign market, where through

Journal of Geospatial Modelling, v.3, n.1, p. 12-27

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