Analysis of The Functioning of The Supply Chain Management of Broiler Chicken

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ISSN 2526-1746



Luan Fernandes Rodrigues1; Roberta Gomes Marçal Vieira Vaz1; Ricardo Niehues Buss1*, Daniel
Martins da Silva1
1Federal University of Tocantins, UFT - Logistics Tecnology Course. Araguaína/TO, Brazil.
*Corresponding author:

Key words: ABSTRACT

Agribusiness; Supply The agribusiness sector has gotten significant performance in the national economy. Within
chain; Broiler Chicken the agribusiness, the broiler chicken production has outstanding performance, due to its
Production Chain, association with the production of corn and soybean grains and by the organization of its chain
Integrated System. through the integrated production system. With the increasingly globalized market, the
production of broilers chicken has reached levels that the agents within the chain must look
for strategic plans to obtain the maximum profit, being the supply chain management an
administrative tool that seeks productive efficiency, costs decrease within the chain and
obtainment of higher value added of the product. The methodology used was a literature
review for approach concepts of supply chain management, visualize the functioning and
composition of the productive chain of broiler chicken with the aim of analyzing and
understand this chain, and identify its agents, making the interaction with management
concepts of the supply chain. Being the market increasingly demanding in terms of product
quality, looking for ways to optimize the production process makes them reduce costs and to
become economically sustainable in long-term. It is also important to highlight the significance
that should be given to the distribution of income in all links of the chain, allowing the
maintenance and investments of all agents in the production activity.

INTRODUCTION activities that have been constantly highlighted we

find the trade in grains and meat, especially
Agribusiness is an economic sector of the
soybeans and poultry, cattle and swine trade
country that has stood out in the national and
(CEPEA, 2013; VASCONCELOS and SILVA, 2015).
international scenario, being responsible for
The broiler chicken production chain
22.80% of the national GDP with R$ 1.02 trillion in
comprises the agribusiness sector and has gained
2013 according to the Brazilian Confederation of
international recognition due to the organization
Agriculture and Livestock (CNA) and which has
and dynamism presented by its chain in the format
come in imminent growth in the recent years. This
of the integrated production system. With this, it is
constant development makes Brazil one of the
important to have a good interaction and
largest food producers in the world. Among the
relationship between the agents involved in the

Journal of Geospatial Modelling, v.3, n.1, p. 1-11

production, seeking the mutual benefit of all interacting with management concepts over the
involved parties, ensuring sustainability and long- supply chain. Thus, seeks to obtain a broad
term survival of the system (BELUSSO and understanding of all the agents that integrate the
HESPANHOL, 2010; CALDAS et al., 2015). productive chain of broiler chicken, as well as to
The production of broiler chicken is visualize possibilities of interaction of the
interconnected with the production of corn and administrative concepts of supply chain
soybeans, and with the possibility of record management with the general model of the chicken
harvests in the coming years of these crops, an production chain and to focus on the importance of
increase in chicken production is also foreseen for the breeder/slaughterer relationship for an
the coming years. The increase in chicken effective operation of the activities.
production will have a major impact on production The methodology used was a
costs, being the feeding factor responsible for about bibliographical review to approach the concepts of
70% of the costs of animal breeding, being supply chain management and visualization of the
important the development of improvements that functioning and composition of the productive
seeks the maximizing of these processes and chain of broiler chicken, also approaching the
consequently cost reduction (RIZZO et al., 2010). importance of this chain to the national economy
Besides the nutritional aspect, other management and future perspectives.
strategies may be adopted so that the profitability This review is justified by the increase of the
of the system enables the survival of all the agents competitiveness of the market that requires a
in the market, something of great importance for standardization and improvement of the quality of
the proper functioning of the productive chain. the products offered by the distributors or retailers,
The management concepts have arrived at influenced by the fact that the economy has become
the management of the animal breeding farms, globalized and enabled the increase of exports of
considered as companies of the rural scope, through these products. FAÇANHA et al. (2010) discussed
the change of the concept of "inside the gate" in the the trade barriers made by countries for the
Rural Administration also gave space to the system acquisition of products, requiring hygienic-sanitary
of "outside the gate" in the management of the and qualitative standards of the products and even
activities inside of it, consequent effects of animal breeding (for example, production with
Globalization, which may mention the increase in environmental sustainability). These processes
competitiveness and consumer demands, may assess the production costs, making it
influencing the economic factors involved in the necessary to adopt the strategies that make feasible
marketing of products as market price. or make effective the activities between productive
This study aimed to analyze and understand links, generating greater profits for the system.
the functioning of the broiler chicken production
chain and to identify the agents in the system, SUPPLY CHAIN

Journal of Geospatial Modelling, v.3, n.1, p. 1-11

The production and commercialization of going from the raw material to the final customer,
the products receive more pressure from the in addition to the exchange of information among
market, due to the increasingly fierce competition, the members of the chain, knowing that materials
influenced by a series of factors such as the diffusion and information travel along the chain (BALLOU,
of new technologies for the transmission of 2008).
information and the increase of the importance of The supply chain conglomerates all stages of
the logistics in the transport and storage services of customer care requirements, including producers,
the products generated in the industry (SOARES et suppliers, transporters and the customer itself as
al, 2008). According to VALE, AMÂNCIO and LIMA participatory agents in this process and the
(2006), companies had the need to seek innovations management of this chain involves all the control of
and adaptations to remain competitive in the the flows that exist between each phase, seeking
market due to this evolution, forcing the search for greater economic return of the investment in
partnerships with other organizations, forming production (CHOPRA and MEINDL, 2003).
business networks that aim the maintenance, aid, Thus, supply chain management will
and innovation of your services and products. become essential for business planning due to its
The integration of other companies into a function of seeking advantages in the process of
production process and commercialization of a generating the product, such as reduction of
particular product linked to the search for better expenses at some stage or during the production
conditions that promote cost reduction, profit- process, as well as giving guarantees to offer
making and competitiveness with competing products of the best quality to the consumer. The
companies led to the development of the idea of importance of generating knowledge and managing
supply chain and interest of its management.) The them seeking an entrepreneurial management in a
integration of the supply chain has changed the way company and its supply chain is one of the
of conducting business, encouraging managers to cooperating technologies for a better performance
offer to the customer's products or services with of the companies in the business world (FELÍCIO
greater advantages than competitors, highlighting JÚNIOR, 2005).
that this result is obtained in an integrated manner
2003; VOILA and TRICHES, 2015).
The main aim of supply chain management,
The Supply Chain is a considerably new
according to RODRIGUES and SANTIN (2004) is to
term, revealing its importance from the beginning
do the integration between all the processes that
of the thinking of integrated logistics between
involve since the manufacturing until the product
companies that took place in the 1950s. The supply
distribution, aiming cost reduction of the
chain is comprised as all activities that have relation
production and values aggregate through the
with the flow and transformation of merchandise
functions to attend the needs of the final consumer

Journal of Geospatial Modelling, v.3, n.1, p. 1-11

with the shortest time possible, from the order reasons for the operation of the chain is the
attendance to the product delivery. alignment of the aims around the level of the
The integrated logistics vision in the supply desired service (PRADELLA and SILVA, 2005).
chain has made the company that generates a given
product has the concern both with its suppliers of SUPPLY CHAIN STRUCTURE
raw material, as well as with the retail companies,
In its basic composition, the supply chain is
being that to have a greater efficiency of the supply
made up of suppliers, manufacturers and the final
chain is needed that the agility and speed in the
client, may be able to have intermediate or
exchange of information and also in the availability
complementary agents to those mentioned above,
of materials so that it may attend the final consumer
such as the existence of distributors and retailers
between the manufacturer and final client
A paradigm that was broken by the origin of
relationship, and may also have outsourced
the integrated management was that of limited
companies responsible by specific services within
vision only in the interests of a company, without
the company's production as transportation and
the concern for the environment outside of such
information technology.
company. In the modern context of the market,
Figure 01 below shows the format of Supply
plans seeking the relationship with other
Chain Management as well as the integrated
organizations is an advantage that may be exploited
logistics processes, such as inbound logistics,
to increase the competitiveness of companies in the
internal logistics, and outbound logistics.
market, externalizing their actions and expanding
goals for other agents involved (MENDONÇA,
Flow of materials
Flow of infor mation
Thus, the importance of obtaining
advantageous prices from suppliers and having
distribution channels with efficient functioning to I nbound Outbound Final client

I ntegr ated logistics

attend the demand of products as well as the I nter nal
Supply logistics Distr ibution L ogistics
adoption of better practices by the manufacturing
company, emphasizing the shared interest of the Figure 1. Supply Chain Management and Integrated Logistics.

development of all the components of the chain

In the chain structure, there is a flow of
(VOILA and TRICHES, 2015).
materials going from the supplier to the final
In the interrelationship between
customer, having the transfer of product from each
companies, the manufacturers aim to keep storage
agent in the chain. Parallel to the material flow is
management constant and to have availability of
observed a financial and information flow,
materials at moments that are required and of
responsible for the economic transfer of the
adequate quality from suppliers. One of the main
product to the agents and data of the market

Journal of Geospatial Modelling, v.3, n.1, p. 1-11

demand (client needs). It is also important to The productive chain of broiler chicken in
expose the existence of a more complex system that Brazil has been outstanding in agricultural activities
promotes the return of the product and its waste for for its national and international economic
recycling and reuse, being denominated as Reverse performance. Brazil is one of the largest producers
Logistics. and is the largest exporter of chicken meat in the
On supply chain agents, SCHIER, world, including products derived from it that
LOMBARDO and CARDOSO (2012) characterize undergo industrialization and have higher benefit.
suppliers such as those who offer materials or
services and who have great relevance in the
production process, requiring a rigorous selection
to form partners, seeing the demands of quality of
the requirements of the market that keeps
companies fit for growth and business progress.
The relations between each of the stages
within the chain may also be analyzed through
cyclic vision, where the link between the supplier
Figure 2. Brazilian Chicken Meat Production from 2000 to 2012
and the manufacturer is called the supply cycle. This
(in millions of tons). Source: UBABEF (2013)
cycle integrates the manufacturer and the supplier
and is understood as the fundamental means for the According to the 2013 annual report of the
availability of materials at the right time, without Brazilian Poultry Union (UBABEF) showing data on
problems of delay in the manufacture (CHOPRA and poultry production in the country in 2012, the
MEINDL, 2003, RIBEIRO et al., 2008). national production of chicken meat in 2012 was
BOWERSOX, CLOSS and COOPER (2006) say 12.65 million tonnes (about 1.054 million of
that interest in supplier development and tons/month), ranking third in terms of the world,
narrowing of interactions is needed, by working staying behind the United States (16.476 million
with them for continuous improvements and tons) and China (13.7 million tons), being 98% of
developing the interest in the purchasing products in natura and 2% of products resulting
organization's progression so that may succeed in from processing. It may be observed in Figure 02
the purchasing materials with adequate quality and that the national production presented a slight fall
quantity, ensuring good progress to attend the final between the years 2011 and 2012, which contrasts
consumer and generating economic efficiency for with the growth presented in the previous years
the company. (2000 to 2011), being this fall mainly due to the
problems in the production of soybeans and corn in
BROILER CHICKEN PRODUCTION CHAIN the country and in other countries, resulting in the
increase of the prices of these inputs that integrate

Journal of Geospatial Modelling, v.3, n.1, p. 1-11

the feeding of these animals as main sources of breeding system. (GARCIA, 2009; VIEIRA;
energy and protein. CAPACLE; BELIK, 2006).
According to UBABEF (2013) of the total
produced chicken meat, 69% were for the domestic
market and 31% to exports (3.918 million tons),
dividing these products into cuts (2.143 million
tons), whole (1,418 million tons), industrialized
(180 thousand tons) and other products (177
thousand), generating a revenue of US $ 7.7 billion.
The main importers of Brazilian chicken meat in
2012 were Saudi Arabia (628.6 thousand tons),
Japan (382.6 thousand tons), Hong Kong (306.8
thousand tons), the United Arab Emirates (239.2
Figure 3. Chicken Slaughter by State in 2012. Source: Adapted
thousand tons) and China (227.4 thousand tons).
from UBABEF (2013)
In the Southern Region predominates most
of the national production (Figure 03), being
In this context, there is the importance of
responsible for 61.8% of production (30.39% from
chicken production chain in the economy of the
Paraná, 17.29% from Santa Catarina, 14.12% from
country, being a job-generating activity (according
the Rio Grande do Sul) and 73.4% of the exports of
to UBABEF, the activity is responsible for 3.5 million
the country's broiler chicken products (28.74%
direct and indirect jobs) and one of the most
from Paraná, 26.12% from Santa Catarina; 18.54%
profitable national agribusinesses in recent years.
from the Rio Grande do Sul). The per capita
According to BERNARDINO (2009), this evolution is
consumption of chicken meat in the country in 2012
due to the improvement in the qualitative
was of 45 kg per person.
parameters of the production through the
Although the highest proportion of
progression in the studies of genetic engineering,
domestic broiler chicken production is located in
management, and poultry nutrition, seeking to
the Southern Region, is the result of its pioneering
understand the requirements of the final consumer.
in this area, it is expected an increase in the
Therefore, the prospect are that the broiler
production in the Central-West Region due to be
chicken market in the country present an growth
found in this region the largest producer of corn and
influenced by the increase in meat consumption,
soybean in the country, basic ingredients in their
which in turn is driven by a series of factors, such
ration, and, consequently, seek lower expenses with
as: the lower price of the product resulting from
the nutritional part, responsible for the greater
better productivity in the breeding systems, the
proportion of the production costs of an animal
increase of the population income, and the diversity

Journal of Geospatial Modelling, v.3, n.1, p. 1-11

of chicken products available for commercialization function of meat processing and commercialize
(GENTILINI et al., 2013; VOILA and TRICHES, 2015). with retail markets (supermarkets and butchers, for
example) until arriving at the final client (ZANELLA
FUNCTIONING OF THE CHICKEN BROILER CHAIN Emphasizing the biological chain, the same
author describes that the grandparent hatcheries
The Broiler Chicken Production Chain is
are usually controlled by multinational companies
made up of several agents from the suppliers of
and are responsible for the importation in search of
genetic material for breeding animals to the
improvements in the genetic pattern of the species
grandparent stock to the commercialization of the
produced here in the country through the crossing,
product and it may be illustrated in Figure 04.
the parent hatcheries form the breeding matrices
and, from these, the best eggs are selected to be
Factor y of equipment
Gr andparent hatchery
taken to the hatcheries and, finally, the chicken
and of chemical and
phar maceutical
supplies Parent hatcher y
breeders are responsible for receiving the chicks

Biological Chain
and needed management for growth and fattening
Feed mill H atcher y
of them hygienically until they reach the slaughter

Other supplier s Chicken breeder

The grandparent hatchery, the
refrigerators, and the supermarkets are the three-
Slaughterhouses Refr iger ator
existing links in the broiler chicken production
W hole Chicken I ndustr ialized
W hole Chicken chain that have a greater power to set prices in
chicken cuts chicken cuts
Foreign relation to other agents (VIEIRA et al, 2006;
mar ket
ZANELLA et al, 2013).
Super mar ket M ar ket place Butcher y Poultr y Other s
The broiler chicken chain has been
Figure 4. Broiler Chicken Production Chain. Source: Adapted
from Martins, S. S. (1996) organized through the integration system, where
there is a partnership through contract between
The productive chain of chicken meat can be breeders and slaughterhouses that allows the
subdivided in: biological chain, being found in it the structural development of breeding by inserting
grandparent hatchery, the parent hatchery, the new technologies, greater technical assistance and
hatcheries and the chicken breeders; nutrition security for the monetary gains of the creator,
chain, where the activities of corn and soybean besides also having an economic return for the
planting and processing of ration in factories are company that industrializes and distributes the
involved, being this ration provided to the animals product because there will be a better quality and
in the breeding; and distribution chain, including uniformity in the raw materials coming from these
refrigerator and slaughterhouses, which has the suppliers and the opportunity to have a greater

Journal of Geospatial Modelling, v.3, n.1, p. 1-11

follow up of the stages of that production (FREITAS aggregation value and with adequate quality, being
& BERTOGLIO, 2001). a way to keep the economic growth of the sector.
The integration system seeks to achieve the Evaluating the progress of a total quality
following targets: fixed revenue without plan in the integrators of a large broiler chicken
interference from price changes in the market for agroindustry, BERTA, FERREIRA and TALAMINI
the integrated, improving the quality of the product (2008), concluded that the quality management in
aiming at techniques that allow this improvement this production chain has an importance both in the
in all stages of production, as well as economic improvement of the final quality of the product, as
sustainability of the system with distribution of also influences in a better use of it, during its
income for all the agents and favor the growth of processing, reducing the losses, responding better
production attributes that make the company to the market, increasingly demanding with
competitive in the world poultry meat market qualitative standards that please the final
(MARTINS, 2008; ZANELLA et al., 2013). consumer.
With the globalized market, the productive For this reason, the productive chains have
activities must adapt and the companies have to to adopt administrative and management measures
modernize their production actions, and changes that favor the growth of production and the system
must be made in all agents of the production chain with all the agents, taking attend the market
of chicken meat, including the weakest links. This demand. ARAÚJO et al. (2008) suggest that all the
system, also defined as vertical integration, allows a agents of the chain must be able to have adequate
better management of the producers on their monetary income for their function, allowing it to
function in the productive activity part, besides maintain its activities and new investments in its
favoring a cost reduction in the relation between system, thus increasing the market competition
the chain agents, being able to make that power, guaranteeing its economic sustainability.
management arrangement to adapt to the new Then, it is necessary the existence of a unit
market requirements (VIEIRA JUNIOR et al., 2006; of thought that seeks cooperation among all the
ASCHE et al., 2018). agents of the broiler chicken supply chain, aiming at
For GARCIA (2009), the dynamism in the the operational processes within the company be
production of chicken meat is noticed in the efficient and the relationship between producers
application of technology and of new methods both and integrators generate mutual benefits, obtaining
in the product and in the processes for its satisfactory results for all (SAKAMOTO & BORNIA,
generation, being able to mention the several 2005).
diversifications that the chicken meat has for sale of BORGES, ORTIZ and NUNES (2009)
the product as a specific cut of the carcass (thigh, observed disharmony in the relationship between
breast) and other products with higher processing the integrating company and breeders in a poultry
(sausage, nuggets, etc.), each with a differentiated integration system in the southwestern of the state

Journal of Geospatial Modelling, v.3, n.1, p. 1-11

of Paraná, being the deliveries the most harmed by efficient and that becomes sustainable, given the
being threatened and suffer only if they do not best possible way the needs of the final client.
always invest in their breeding system and do not Therefore, the relationship between producer and
dispose profits for their personal rental. Situations company through the integration system should be
like this should be avoided within the productive valued as well as the other relations along the chain,
chain because it could lead to long-term losses for making mutual growth exist in the links of the
all agents. production of broiler chicken.
Therefore, the integration system The current market prospects makes with
stimulates the close relationship between each the producer have to adapt to the new realities in
agent and mutual assistance among them, leading to order to remain competitive and profitable, making
the success of this activity at the national context, that the activities planning be of utmost importance
overcoming the crises coming from the national and in order to see the progression of the system and to
international markets (JESUS JUNIOR et al., 2007). reduce unforeseen events over time, giving greater
The organization given by the coordination reliability for the producer to remain active in the
between the links of the chicken chain also favors production system. The companies should also
the flow of information within it, making the adopt new policies for planning, suggesting the
consumer market demands to be detected quickly supply chain management as one more equipment
in relation to the product, which makes the to seek greater profitability in the activity, knowing
coordination of this chain as a determinant factor of that the globalization of the market made it as there
success or failure of the activity in the country was greater rivalry in the commercial activities,
(LEITE et al., 2010; ZANELLA et al., 2013). forcing to look for productivity improvements and
reduction of losses coming from the production
Research may be carried out with the
The Broiler Chicken Production Chain
purpose of visualizing the management practices of
acquired a relative stability over the years
the integration system and how the relationship
regarding other animal production activities,
between breeders and slaughterers in the Region,
organizing in such way that allows a greater control
looking for possibilities of improvements in their
of information by institutions at national level,
productive performance, improving the production
bringing recognition of the international market of
in the state.
their productive efficiency.
With the agribusiness being important to
For the good performance of the chain, it is
the national economy, including the production of
necessary a good interaction between all the agents
chicken meat, mainly by the existing development
involved in the generation of the product, since the
of this economic sector in the international market,
suppliers of raw material and supplies to the
the commercial policies should require greater
distributors, aiming that the whole system is

Journal of Geospatial Modelling, v.3, n.1, p. 1-11

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