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Periodontal Postulates Controversies exist in many spheres

for the Prosthodontist of dentistry regarding treatment
modalities. This is particularly so in
prosthodontics, in the fields of occlu-
sion, partial denture design and full
coverage restorotions, to name but
a few.
Some of these problems lend them-
selves to scientific investigation and
the results are widely documented.
Edward Lei-inson, There are many instances, however,
University of Prelorro where the usefulness of a given pro-
Oral & Denial Hospilal
14 Horcouft HoLise, cedure can only be determined fram
I9o Coren disti Squoie
tondon. W.I. an evoluotion of clinical results.
Medicine has mony analagous situ-
ations - the sucess of organ trans-
plant procedures, for example, is
determined by the clinical results
In dentistry, attention should be
focused on the periodontol tissues,
whereby the usefulness of any treat-
ment modality, be it orthodontic,
prosthodontic or endodontic, is
In order to clarify this assessment,
the following five postulates have
been formed.

First Postulate
Certain clinical procedures ore
based on Concepfs and provide
empirical therapy.

Second Postúlale
When controversy exists, the
periodontal tissues are the yardstick
whereby concepts are evaluated.

Third Postulate
Unless the patient is susceptible to
periodontal disease, absence of
reaction of the periodontal tissues to
^ig I fiodiogrnplüolo 68 a given procedure has no signifi-
ieo'oW 'emole wi(h good
pe"odon(of support in )lie conce.
presence o'less (hon idea)
reitorcitrte denl:stry The following case report illustrates
this (Fig. 1 ). The patient, female oged
68 yeors, presented for routine den-
tal treatment, her only interest being
a prophylaxis which had not been
done in five yeors. Three short-
rooted teeth carried o lorge lower
fixation including a cantilever.
Examinotion of the upper restora-
tions showed overhanging margins,
incomplete cement removol and a
crown undermined witfi caries.
Despite these foctors, and a bizarre
pattern of occlusal contacts, little
periodontol support had been lost.
The only inference that can be drawn
is that of relotive immunity to
periodontal disease.
fig. 2 Radiographs olodv-
ancsd periodonial disease in Rg. 3 Radiographs oí some
0 ^6 yeo'o!d iemate Roirtrne palieni 6 yean later. Bone
derita! prophylaxis was cor- levels have remained al a
ned ovi Iwice yeai!y 'or many conitonl level wJth (he ire
yeais. menI rendered

Fourth Postulate Fifth Postulate Conclusion

Only patients of proven susceptibility When the periodontal tissues are When reviewing clinical material to
to periodontal disease can provide octively breoking down under one evaluate the efficacy of any treat-
clinical evidence for evaluating o treatment modality and the break- ment modality, the relotive immunity
treatment modality. These are down is reversed by substitution of of the patient to periodontal disease
patients who have, or have had, the another, then systemic factors may should be an overriding considera-
disease. be deemed to be of secondary tion. D
This female potient, aged 46 [Fig. 2), importance and the substitute treat-
who presented with advanced pe- ment beneficial.
riodontal disease, was treated by The patient, aged 42, whose rodio-
strotegic extractions, periodontal graphs are shown in Figure 4, hod
surgery and major restorative den- been institutionalized for tuberculosis
tistry. SIX years later, rodiographs for two years. Additionally, he had
show that the progress of periodon- suffered a smoll myocardial infarc-
tal disease has been aborted and tion at age 38. His executive position
the periodontal support stabilized. wos the cause of constont stress. His
This result is acceptoble as clinical earlier dental histary [ten yeors
evidence in fovor of the treatment before) was one of initial hygienic
provided ¡Fig. 3|. meosures, root planings under locol
anesthesia and upper and lower
Many diseases have o multifactoriol
removable partial prostheses, A
etiology where local and systemic
"routine" prophylaxis had been car-
factors combine to cause break-
ried out four times a year since then.
down. A dentist faced with con-
Deterioration of his periodontium
tinued breakdown following restora-
was attributed to his negative sys-
tive treatment, or when breakdown
temic history.
supervenes following treatment, may
suspect thot systemic factors ore Five years after treatment, radio-
responsible. graphs of the same patient (Fig. 5)
shows an apparently well-heoled

The authai wishes to acknowledge the

contributions ot the editors and Dr. Harlan
Figure 4 and 5 see page 50/51 Goodwin and Dr. Mourice Michoud.
Rg 4 Radiographs ol a J2
or old mole with odvanced
eiiodonJo) diseose. Hesui-
•d irom numerous pliysicol
e-trocirûTis, oîseoLTS gra/lrng,
os(eclon]y ono upper ono
lower ííxed prostheses.

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