GERSHOM MAHORI Information and Digital Skills With Computer Basics

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1. What is a computer?
Computer is a programmed, programmable and programming
device that manipulates information, or data.
It has flip flop circuits combined inside the shift registers used
to store, retrieve, and process data.
It can be used to type documents, play games, videos, edit or
create spreadsheets and presentations by its ability to store and
process information.
A computer can also send email, and browse the Web by its ability
to interconnect with other devices with same network on same web
hyperlinks with connecting transfer protocols.

2. What transpires at the turning on of a computer?

Step 1: the hardware powers up

● After pressing the power button, the computer using its power
supply begins to deliver power to its individual components which
are called the hardware.
● This includes the central processing unit, hard disk drives, solid-
state drives and graphics processors.
Step 2: the CPU initiates the BIOS or UEFI

● Now, the CPU has electricity, so it begins to initialise itself.

● The CPU locates a program generally stored on a chip on the

motherboard, either a BIOS or UEFI.

● Most PCs load what is called a Unified Extensible Firmware

Interface. Older computers, however, loaded something called a
BIOS (Basic Input/output System).

● Some modern day PC manufacturers refer to their UEFI as a BIOS.

Step 3: the BIOS or UEFI tests and initialises your hardware

● The CPU is now ready to run the BIOS or UEFI.

● These programs are designed to test and initialise your PC’s

hardware, including the CPU.

● If there’s something wrong with hardware for example, if there is no

RAM installed on a device, the boot up process will stop, and the
computer will display an error.

● This testing process is known as the POST (Power on Self-Test).

● From a displayed end, the PC manufacturer’s logo is seen on the
screen. That being said, some more recent computers fly through
this process so fast they don’t bother displaying anything during the

Step 4: the BIOS or UEFI hands responsibility over to a boot device

● When the BIOS or UEFI has finished testing and initialising the
hardware and has confirmed everything’s in working order, it hands
responsibility over to the operating system’s boot loader.

● This is known as the ‘boot device,’ and is usually a computer’s disk

drive or solid-state drive, but can also be a USB, network, DVD, or
another device.

● If there is more than one boot device, the BIOS or UEFI will hand
over the start-up process to the device that’s listed first. If there is
no bootable boot device, the process will come to a halt, and an
error message is seen on the screen.

● Modern computers using UEFI firmware are usually configured for a

‘secure boot.’ This ensures the operating system – Windows, Linux,
Mac, as examples – are not running low-level malware.

Step 5: the boot device loads the operating system

● The boot device is a small program, but it has a pretty hefty task –
to load the entire operating system.

● If there is a problem with the boot loader, again, the start-up

process will stop, and there will be a boot loader error message.

● Though, the boot loader is a small program, it has help.

● On Windows, the Windows Boot Manager locates and starts up the

Windows OS Loader.

● The OS Loader loads vital hardware drivers needed to run the

kernel (the core of the operating system) and then runs the kernel.

● This then loads the Registry into memory and initialises any other
hardware drivers labelled with ‘BOOT_START’.
● Then Windows loads the system session, additional drivers,
background services, and the welcome screen, which allows you to
log in.

3. Four different categories of computers

Computers are mainly categorized by their size and capacity.
These are Super Computer, Mainframe Computer, Minicomputer and

A Supercomputer is the very fastest and powerful, and expensive type of
computer for processing data.
Supercomputers’ size and storage capacity are also huge that they can
occupy huge premises designed to process vast amounts of data in a
short time with high productivity.
These are specially made to perform multi-specific tasks.
Therefore, many CPUs work in parallel order on these supercomputers.
This function of a Supercomputer is called Multiprocessing or Parallel
A supercomputer can be heterogeneous, combining computers of different
architectures, is significantly surpassed most existing personal computers.
This made this machine an ultra-high-performance supercomputer.

Each part of a supercomputer is responsible for its own specific task, such
as structuring and solving the most complex problems requiring an
incredible amount of calculations.

Mainframe Computer

Mainframe computers can handle the workload of more than 100 users at
a time on the computer.

The storage capacity of the mainframe is enormous, with a high-speed

data process as well.

As well as handling hundreds of input and output devices at a time.

The mainframe is a highly efficient computer capable of simultaneously
solving complex calculations and continuously for a long time.

These computers have several microprocessors that have the ability to

function the data at too high performance and speed.

Mainframes are more powerful than supercomputers because the

mainframe supports many processes simultaneously. On the other hand,
supercomputers can run a single program but faster than a mainframe.

Mini Computer

Minicomputer is a digital and multi-user computer system with the

connection of more than one CPU.

Many people can work on these computers simultaneously instead of a

single person and it can process with other accessories like a printer or

Minicomputers are the medium type of computers that have more

functionality power and are expensive than microcomputers.

On the other hand, the size, storage, and speed of minicomputers

are large but less than the mainframe and supercomputers.

Minicomputers are made for performing multiple computing tasks at a

single point of time, instead of assigning many microcomputers for a single
task, which will be time-consuming and expensive.

A minicomputer is a multithreaded system capable of supporting from one

to up to 200 users simultaneously.

Micro Computer

The most common computers at home are microcomputers.

They were introduced at the invention of the microprocessors in the year


Were the first to make it possible to use computers for people personally.

Have a low cost and reasonable price known as Digital Personal

Have minimal in size and storage capacity.

i)Linux OS and Windows OS


Linux is an open source operating Windows are the not the open
system. source operating system.
Linux is free of cost. it is costly
It is file name case-sensitive. While it’s file name is case-
In Linux, monolithic kernel is used Micro kernel is used.
Linux is more efficient in windows are less efficient
comparison of windows.
There is forward slash is used for While there is backslash is used for
Separating the directories. Separating the directories.
Linux provides more security than Provides less security than Linux.
Linux is widely used in hacking While windows does not provide
purpose based systems. much efficiency in hacking.
Root user is the super user and Administrator users have all
has all administrative privileges. administrative privileges of
Linux file naming convention in In Windows, you cannot have 2
case sensitive. Thus, sample and files with the same name in the
SAMPLE are 2 different files in same folder.
Linux/Unix operating system.

Similarity of Linux OS and Windows OS

● Both Windows and Linux run mission-critical applications.
● Both Windows and Linux can be hacked by malicious Internet users.
● Both Windows and Linux can be used to host online game matches on the
● Both Windows and Linux have plenty of development tools to write software.
● Both Windows and Linux work on embedded devices.
● Both Windows and Linux can be secure, if you know what you are doing.
● Both Windows file-systems and Linux file-systems suffer from hard drive
● Both Windows and Linux can boot quickly.

ii) the windows Desktop PC and MAC PC


Created by Apple Incorporation Created by Microsoft


Has it’s security which is an We need to buy separately

inbuilt feature

Mostly used for graphics and Used for business purposes


It is costlier It is cheap than MAC PC

Has more applications Fewer applications than MAC PC

Is a long-term investment May cost little money after some


May cost little money after Can be found in few languages

some years

Available in more languages Difficult troubleshooting

Highly updated Updates are fewer

Stands second in the most used Stands first in the most used
operating system operating system

Updated by software update Updated by windows update

Designed to be specifically used Designed to be used for every PC

only for Apple products in general

● Mac computers and PCs use the same hardware components.

Both have RAM, graphic cards, hard drives, and port.
● Both have interfaces which allow you to use a mouse to
browse folders and files. You also use apps on both systems
to accomplish specific tasks.
● Both are compatible with Microsoft Office.
● Compatible with most browsers.
● Both PC and Mac have a virtual assistant.
● Luckily both Mac and PC are compatible with cloud services
like Google Drive and DropBox.
● Macs can read most DVDs and CDS that are in Windows
● Compatibility with peripheral devices like printers, speakers,
keyboards, and mouse.

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