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Subject: ENGLISH Date: Mahalingapur Road Kodihal ,

Topic: The best advice I
Name: Ranna- Belagali-587113
ever had’.

Grade : IX
Ref No: DVVS/22-23/I/WS/English/001
Parent/Guardian signature: ASSESSMENT

I. Choose the correct option:

1.According to Mrs. Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit, the best advice she ever had came from
A) Jawaharlal Nehru B) Maulana Azad
C) Mahatma Gandhi D) Lala Lajpat Rai

2. Mrs. Pandit was passing through a period of anguish because

A) she had lost her property B) she had no individual existence
C) she had lost her husband D) she had participated in the struggle for freedom

3. The galling position Mrs. Pandit resented was

A) she was a.widow B) she was not entitled to any share of the family property
C) she had no individual existence D) she was without a son.

4.Mrs. Pandit was bitter towards her family members because

A) she lost her husband B) women were recognized through their relationship to men
C) they supported the antiquated law D) her belief in humanity was at a low ebb.

5.Mrs. Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit realised the importance of Gandhiji’s advice when she
A) went to America B) refused to have anything to do with her relatives
C) telephoned her brother-in-law D) met and made peace with her family members

6.Mrs. Pandit lifted the debate back to where it belonged by

A) refusing to retaliate to personal attacks B) refusing to score a cheap point
C) arguing the case on its merits D) walking out of the meeting

7. When Mrs. Pandit found that her cook had not prepared food, she
A) dismissed him B) dismissed the maid and the housekeeper
C) cooked food with the help of others D) apologized to the guests.

8.The opposite of the word ‘Courteous’ is

A) uncourteous B) non courteous
C) discourteous D) in courteous

II. Choose the words from the boxes and fill in the blanks

React, Reach, Rebuild, Recur, Rely, Rearrange, Rest, Rewrite, Red,

Reread, Recalculate, Rescue, Reeks and Rent

1. You bought this for me? I knew I could always ______ on you.

2. You’ve not understood what it conveys. It’s time to ______ the book.
3. The books are all over the place. Please ________ them!

4. There’s a chance this incident might ________.

5. I can’t _______ the towel. Can you please hand it over to me?

6. Have you paid the _______ this month?

7. Her lipstick is ______.

8. I can’t decipher what you’ve written. Please _______ it.

9. Oh no, your lego blocks have fallen down. You must ______ it.

10. The place does _______ of fish!

11. When you’re angry, it’s best to not immediately _______.

12. I’m stuck! Can you _______ me?

13. You look tired. Please get some _______.

14. Your answer is wrong. _________ the sum.

III. Here is a list of words that start with the prefix Re. Find the meaning of the words using dictionary
and create a sentence of your own .













IV. Convert the following verbs in to nouns:

A wide variety of verbs can be changed to nouns with the addition of the suffixes:

1. Add "-ance" or "-ence." Example : appearance consequence

2. Add “ment ” Example : appointment
3. Add "-ation" or "-sion. Example : information ,Conversion


Achieve Create

Conclude Evaporation

Collect Expect

Add Explain

Amuze Explore

Attend Fascinate

Attract Permit

Derive Irritate

Decide Move

Educate Acknowledge

Disturb Improve

V. Use the correct noun form of the verb given in the bracket and fill the blanks.

1. They have a big ________________(decide)to make.

2. We received an______________(invite) to the wedding through the post.

3. The new road signs are causing a lot of _______________(confuse)

4. My grandmother gave me some good _____________(advise).

5. We made _______________(Predict) about what the world will be like in 50 years.

6. I'm trying to find an _________________ (explain)for what happened.

7. I gave ______________(permit) to enter into the classroom.

8. ________________(disturb) in the classroom irritated the teacher.

9. His voice has an ________________(attract) to listen to the songs

10. The ____________(add) problems were easy.

VI. Visit any three neighbours and complete the given task.

Name of the person


The best advice they got Name:

from his father or mother or
any other Advice:

How it helped the person

to grow

Write one advice they

would like to give you.

Name of the person


The best advice they got Name:

from his father or mother or
any other Advice:

How it helped the person

to grow

Write one advice they

would like to give you.

Name of the person


The best advice they got Name:

from his father or mother or
any other Advice:

How it helped the person

to grow

Write one advice they

would like to give you.

 Which advice you like the most and why?

VII. There are problem faced by your friend in the Column A. You need to write an advice in
column B to overcome the problems face by your friend.

I spend too much time playing with my phone.

I'm always late for class.

I waste too much time watching TV.

I don't feel confident to speak English but I want

I never finish my homework on time.

I want to stop eating junk food.

I'm lonely.

I don’t like teacher scolding at me

VIII. Write 10-15 lines about the topic given below:

Money can’t Buy everything

IX. Create 10 questions from the lesson ‘The best advice I ever had’.
(Note: It should not include textbooks question)

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