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Mahalingapur Road Kodihal ,

Subject: ENGLISH Date: Ranna- Belagali-587113
Topic: The Mauritius Name:

Ref No: DVVS/22-23/I/WS/English/002
Parent/Guardian signature: ASSESSMENT

I. Choose the correct option:

1.In the World Atlas, Mauritius looked like

A) a big island B) a big city
C) a tiny speck D) a continent.

2.The ancestors of the natives of Mauritius were brought to the island as slaves or labourers
A) to work in sugarcane fields B) to work in factories
C) to cut timber in the jungle D) All of the above.

3. The phrase ‘buccaneering trinity’ refers to

A) the Americans, the Dutch and the French B) the French, the Russians and the English
C) the Polish, the Kiwis and the French D) the Dutch, the French and the English.

4.The buccaneering trinity constantly fought for the possession of the island for
A) its spices B) its sugar
C) the strategic position D) All of the above.

5.The battle of 1810 for the Island ended in favour of

A) the French B) the Dutch
C) the English D) the Americans.

6.In Mauritius
A) it is common to be greeted and smiled at B) people are hostile
C) people do not mix with outsiders D) people fight among themselves

7.The Cabinet Ministers and others in high positions

A) live in ivory towers B) are high handed
C) are like ordinary people D) like to show their power.

8.The Prime Minister of Mauritius lives in

A) a bungalow B) a modest flat
C) a palace D) White house.

9.The trees in Mauritius are

A) gigantic in size B) like bonsai specimen
C) short and gnarled D) tall and abnormal.

10.The cyclone that promptly appears and destroys Mauritius is the ………….. cyclone.
A) Trou aux Biches B) King
C) Beau Bassin D) Ross Belle
II. Answer the following question in a sentence or two.

1.What was the condition of the world atlas which the writer had with him?


2. How did the author perceive the ocean from the aircraft?


3. What did the clouds resemble?


4. What was farfetched, according to the writer?



5. What was peculiar or rather special about Mauritius?



6. Who ‘rub shoulders merrily’ in Mauritius as per the observations of the writer?



7. Why did Radha Krishna Govindan surprise the writer?



8. Why were Radha Krishna Govindan’s ancestors brought to Mauritius?



9.Who was the trinity referred to by the writer?


10.Why did the trinity wage wars?



Modals (also called modal verbs, modal auxiliary verbs, modal auxiliaries) verbs are used to express
certain hypothetical conditions, such as advice, capability, or request They’re used alongside a main
verb to change its meaning slightly. Because they’re auxiliary verbs, they can’t necessarily be used
on their own.

Consider the difference between these two examples:

I swim every Tuesday.

I can swim every Tuesday.

The modals given the boxes are commonly used in English.

Can may might could should would will must

Note : Some modal verbs are outdated and rarely used—like shall and ought to

III. Read the sentences given below and use the correct modals.

1. I _______________ arrange the flowers for the bouquet. (may/can)

2. ____________ I borrow this pen from you? (may/might)

3. The teacher _____________ ask you to bring the homework. (might/can)

4. According to the weather forecast, it _____________ snow heavily tomorrow. (may/shall)

5. Raj hasn’t studied well. He ___________ fail his exam. (might/shall)

6. You ____________ follow the traffic rules. (may/must)

7. It ____________ be difficult to live amidst war. (should/must)

8. My mother _____________ scold me if I don’t go back on time. (will/may)

9. We ______________ take care of our parents. (ought to/ could)

10. I ______________ visit the local grocery store soon. (shall/can)

11. You ________________ be punctual. (should/ought)

12. One ________________ repay all their debts. (must/ought to)

13. ________________ you show me the road to the market? (could/might)

14. The child _____________ be taken to hospital immediately. (must/might)

15. ________________ you have hot chocolate? (shall/will)

IV. Read the sentences and choose the correct modal that’s to be used.

1. My teacher (can/must) speak four languages.

2. (May/should) I use your mobile to call my mother?

3. You (must/could) not speak loudly in the hospital.

4. I (could/must) use a little help in packing all these clothes.

5. Madam (could/may) you repeat what you said?

6. I (can/might) not be able to make it tonight.

7. Sheldon (ought to/must) study more if he wants to pass the test.

8. (Can/May) you come to the promotion with me?

9. My parents (shall/ought to) arrive soon.

10. I (could/must) be late as I have a lot on my plate.

11. Leonard (can/may) easily solve the problem.

12. It (might/should) rain tomorrow.

13. (May/might) all your wishes come true in life.

14. I (could/might) not be any happier.

V. Complete the letter using the correct word to fill in each blank.

Dear Maddy,

I was delighted to know that you are building a new house. As a friend, I ……………………….
like to offer a word of advice that ………………………. largely solve your water problems in
future years. You ………………………. build in a water harvesting system in your house. This
………………………. be done by digging a percolation tank near your house. Drains from the
roof ………………………. carry the rainwater to the tank. This ………………………. help to
recharge groundwater.

Yours sincerely,
Compare and Contrast

When you compare two pieces of writing, you look for things that are the same. When you contrast
them, you look for things that are different.

VI. DIRECTIONS: Kusuma and Kumar have both written about their recent birthday parties. Read both
paragraphs. Then compare and contrast them by writing the things that they did on the lines
below beneath their names. If they did anything that was the same, write it in the middle.

On my birthday, I went on a On my birthday I had a party!
horseback trail ride with Six friends came over, and we
friends. We rode for an hour, played games. Then we had
then stopped for a picnic cake and ice cream, and I
lunch. We had cake, and I opened presents. I had one
opened a few small presents HUGE present, from my
they had brought with them. parents. It was a bicycle!
VII.Choose any topic of your choice and complete the task

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