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Subject: ENGLISH Date: Mahalingapur Road Kodihal ,

Topic: The Africa Name: Ranna- Belagali-587113

Grade : IX
Ref No: DVVS/22-23/I/WS/English/002
Parent/Guardian signature: ASSESSMENT

I. Choose the correct option:

1.The poet came to know about Africa through his

A) mother B) grandmother’s songs
C) school books D) teacher.

2.‘I have never known you’ says the poet because he was
A) bom and lived in a different country B) not aware of its existence
C) never interested in knowing about his country D) not told about it.

3.In the line, ‘But your blood flows in my veins’, the poet
A) is unhappy about his ancestry B) feels proud of his African descent
C) regrets it D) resents being an African.

4.The poet presents ………….. picture of Africa in the first seven

A) a realistic B) an idealized
C) a struggling D) a hopeless

5.In this Poem, an African is Portrayed as a ………… Person.

A) timid B) shy
C) tough D) weak

6.The last eight lines of the poem present a

A) picture of hope in the future B) picture of hopelessness
C) picture of exploitation D) picture of humiliation.

II. Answer the following question in sentence or a two.

1. Whose back is bent, according to the poet?

2. Why does the back break, according to the poet?

3. How do the people of Africa react to the whip under the midday sun?


4. Who answers the poet?


5. What does that voice call the poet?


6. What does the tree refer to?

7.How does the tree appear?


8. How does the poet establish his link with Africa?




III. Read the following passages carefully and answer the questions that follows.


Abraham Lincoln was born on February 12, 1809, in a log cabin in Kentucky. A cabin is a small
house made of wood. When he was
seven years old, his family moved to
Indiana. In 1830, the family moved to
Illinois. As a boy, Abraham Lincoln loved
books. He always borrowed books from
his neighbours. He read them for a short
time and then took them back to their
owners. He grew very tall. He was 6’4” tall. He weighed 180 pounds. Abe Lincoln studied law in
his free time. He was also interested in politics. He ran for political office. He lost in 1832. Later,
he was elected to the Illinois legislature 4 times – in 1834, 1836, 1838, and 1840. People in the
legislature make the laws. He became president of the United States in 1861.He was the 16th
president of the U.S. There was a war between the North and the South in the U.S. It was the
Civil War. Lincoln called men to fight for the North. The North won the war. There were slaves in
the South. Slaves work for no money. They must work. They are not free to do what they want.
Lincoln set the slaves free in1863. He let them go so they did not have to be slaves anymore.
Lincoln is famous for that.
1) Where was Lincoln born?

A. Illinois B. Indiana C. Kentucky D. Tennessee

2) Lincoln moved to Indiana at age...

A. 4. B. 6. C. 7. D. 12

3) What did Lincoln do in his free time?

A. He helped his neighbours. B. He enjoyed running.

C. He studied wars. D. He studied law.

4) When did Lincoln become president?

A. 1838 B. 1840 C. 1861 D. 1863

5) Abraham Lincoln was the _____ president of the United States.

A. 1st B. 6th C. 12th D. 16th


Nelson Mandela was a very important person in the world.

He was from South Africa where he led an anti-apartheid
(say: anti-a-part-hite) movement. He also spent twenty-
seven years in prison for fighting against the government
and was the first black South African President. Apartheid
was the separation of black and white people in South Africa. Early Life Nelson Mandela was
named Rolihlahla Mandela when he was born in Mvezo (say: m-vay-zo), South Africa in 1918.
He was given the name Nelson by his teacher on his first day of school. He did well at school
and went to the University of Fort Hare, however, he was expelled because he joined a student
protest. When he returned home, his family told him he would have to marry someone if he did
not return to Fort Hare to finish his degree. Mandela ran away to the city of Johannesburg (say:
Joe-hanez-burg) where he managed to finish his degree through the University of South Africa
and eventually became a lawyer. Politics and Prison From 1942, he was more involved with
politics and by 1944, he helped start the youth section of the African National Congress (ANC),
a political party in South Africa. Later, he was chosen to lead the plan to fight against
apartheid. The next years were full of fighting and arrests because of apartheid and in 1962, he
was arrested again and in 1964, was given a long prison sentence. During his time in prison, the
rest of the world was also trying to stop apartheid in South Africa. Freedom and the President In
1984, Nelson Mandela was the world’s most famous prisoner and the song ‘Free Nelson
Mandela’, which was used to tell people to let him out of prison, was a UK number one record.
By 1988, things were starting to change in South Africa when black students were allowed to go
to white universities. In 1990, South Africa’s new President set Nelson Mandela free. The two men
agreed that Nelson Mandela4 Nelson Mandela the future should be peaceful and people
should work together. In 1994, black people were allowed to vote in a government election for
the first time and they voted Nelson Mandela as their first black president. His work as president
was very important and he used sport to bring people together. South Africa hosted and won
the 1995 Rugby World Cup and Nelson Mandela wore the South African Springboks shirt which
black people had not worn before. Later Years Nelson Mandela was known as a great man for
the work he had done in his lifetime and was awarded the Nobel peace prize in 1993. He gave
up politics in 2004 to spend quiet time with his family as he got older. He lived with his third wife
in Johannesburg where he died on the 5th December 2013.

1. When was Nelson Mandela born?


2. What is apartheid?


3. What does ANC stand for?


4. Nelson Mandela was the only person working against apartheid.

Do you agree with this statement? Use evidence from the text to support your answer



5. How did things change in South Africa in the 1980s and 90s? List three ways.




6. If you had had the chance to meet Nelson Mandela, what would you ask him and why.




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