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Mahalingapur Road Kodihal ,

Subject: ENGLISH Date: Ranna- Belagali-587113
Topic: The Collectors Name:

Ref No: DVVS/22-23/I/WS/English/001
Parent/Guardian signature: ASSESSMENT

I. Choose the correct option:

1. In the play ‘The Collectors’, a group of teachers and children went out for
A) a picnic B) an excursion
C) a visit to a historical place D) an adventure walk.

2.The group decided to take shelter in a lonely house because

A) it was raining hard B) they were tired of walking
C) they were hungry D) it was dark.

3.The children found the kitchen unusual because there were

A) no pots, pans or plates B) no windows
C) no cupboards D) no vegetables

4.Mrs. Brown warned the children

A) not to touch the cupboards B) not to play in the kitchen
C) not to go out D) not to open the fridge.

5.Pete went into the sitting room to talk to Mr. Hunt. But he found Mr. Hunt
A) sleeping soundly B) staring blankly at nothing
C) talking to the other teachers D) talking to the Browns

6.The kitchen reminded Pete of a

A) school B) theatre
C) hospital D) laboratory

7.The group did not want to go to the village because

A) they did not want to walk nearly three miles in the rain
B) the Browns invited them to their house
C) Mr. Hunt knew the Browns
D) it was night already.

8. Mrs. Brown said that the back door and the windows were locked because
A) Mr. Brown did not want his equipment stolen.
B) they did not want anybody to come in.
C) they did not want to be seen by anyone.
D) they were hiding from the police.

Where are you now? What words can you use to describe the place where you are?

II.Complete the 15 sentences using the words given on the left.

1. That restaurant must serve really good food. It’s really ________________.

There are so many people there.

2. There are lots of clothes and books and toys all over my son's bedroom.

It’s very ________________.

3. I really like my apartment. It isn’t dark. It has large windows, so it’s very


4. After my son cleaned his room it was ______________.

5. No one is in the classroom. It’s ________________.
6. That house costs a lot of money. It’s ______________.
7. It’s not an ugly building. In fact, it’s really quite ________________.
8. Sixty thousand people can sit in that football stadium. It’s not small, it’s
9. We didn’t eat at that restaurant because it wasn’t clean. It was
10. There is an ________________ office building near my home. It wasn’t
there last year.
11. Our home is too small. We want to move to a more ________________
12. There is a small _______________ market in our town. It’s the same as
markets a hundred years ago.
13. I need a quiet place to study. This place is too ________________.
14. It’s a ________________ building. It has 35 floors.

15. That supermarket isn’t a traditional market. It’s very ________________.

III. Here’s our list of 12 adjectives to describe a person. Find out the meaning and use them

in sentence.

1. Absent-minded :


2. Charismatic :


3. Clumsy :


4. Easy-going :


5. Generous :


6. Haughty :


7. Jovial :


8. Lanky :


9. Hot-headed :


10. Enthusiastic :


11. Attractive :


12. Fastidious :

IV. Complete the words in the sentences by adding the correct prefix from the table.

bi dis over il im pre re under un in

1. This is the most …………comfortable sofa I’ve ever sat on.

2. His parents have punished him due to his ………. obedience.

3. I can’t understand Pam’s letter; her handwriting is definitely …….…legible.

4. In the 19th century most people couldn’t read or write; they were ……….…literate.

5. Patrick used to be rather rude and ………polite as a child, but now he’s a kind teenager.

6. Some parts of this region haven’t got many people. They’re ………….…populated.

7. I can’t believe what you say. In fact, I think this is the most ………………believable story you’ve

ever told.

8. Sorry, but what you propose is ………………… possible.

9. My parents were completely …………….satisfied with my school results.

10. She needs to see a psychiatrist. We think she’s going ………….……sane

V. Complete the sentences by using a word with a suffix that can be formed from the one in


1.Not all snakes are ______________ (danger) to human beings.

2. Once again he's proving himself to be a player of great __________ (able).

3. The police took quick ____________ (act) to deal with the robbery.

4. I find the constant barking of the neighbour’s dog an _____________________ (annoy).

5. He is always worried about his ________________ (appear).

6. He was rushed to the hospital but was dead on __________ (arrive).

7. We must pay ______________ (attend) in class.

8. We pay our telephone bill at the _____________ (begin) of the month.

9. The naughty boys were punished for their bad ___________ (behave).

10. Saving a drowning man is regarded by most as an act of ___________ (brave).

Conditional sentences
There are four different types of conditional sentences in English. Each expresses a different degree of
probability that a situation will occur or would have occurred under certain circumstances.

 Zero Conditional Sentences

 First Conditional Sentences
 Second Conditional Sentences
 Third Conditional Sentences

How to Use Zero Conditional Sentences

Zero conditional sentences express general truths—situations in which one thing always causes another.
When you use a zero conditional, you’re talking about a general truth rather than a specific instance of

Consider the following examples:

1. If you don’t brush your teeth, you get cavities.

2. When people smoke cigarettes, their health suffers (Using ‘if’ or ‘when’ is acceptable here)

First, when using the zero conditional, the correct tense to use in both clauses is the simple present tense.
A common mistake is to use the simple future tense.
This won’t come
INCORRECT: When people smoke cigarettes, their health will suffer.

How to Use First Conditional Sentences (Key word :Will)

First conditional sentences are used to express situations in which the outcome is likely (but not
guaranteed) to happen in the future. Look at the examples below:

1. If you rest, you will feel better.

2. If you set your mind to a goal, you’ll eventually achieve it.
This won’t come
INCORRECT: If you will rest, you will feel better.

How to Use Second Conditional Sentences (Key words: would, should, could and might)
Second conditional sentences are useful for expressing outcomes that are completely unrealistic or
will not likely happen in the future. Consider the examples below:

1. If I inherited a billion dollars, I would travel to the moon.

2. If I owned a zoo, I might let people interact with the animals more

Its is not in past participle form

INCORRECT : If I inherit a billion dollars, I would travel to the moon.
How to Use Second Conditional Sentences (Key words: had ,have would, should, could and might)

Third conditional sentences are used to explain that present circumstances would be different if

something different had happened in the past. Look at the following examples:
1. If you had told me you needed a ride, I would have left earlier.
2. If I had cleaned the house, I could have gone to the movies.
This won’t come Had

INCORRECT : If you would have told me you needed a ride, I would have left earlier.

have is missing

INCORRECT : f I had cleaned the house, I could __ go to the movies

Its is not in past participle form.

VI. Identify the conditional used in the following sentences.

1. If I don't drink coffee in the afternoon, I feel sleepy

2. I will tell her if I meet her

3. If I had been there, I would have helped

4. If you had run a bit faster, you would have won

5. If he had gone to university, he would have got a better job.

6. If you eat too much, you get fat.

7. If I have enough time tomorrow, I will come and see you.

8. If you had listened to me, the accident wouldn't have happened.

VII. Fill in the correct forms of the verbs in brackets, according to the type of the IF-sentence shown
at the end!

1. If he __________________ (EAT) everything he _____________________ (BE) ill. (3)

2. The police __________________ (ARREST) him if they __________________ (CATCH) him (1)

3. What __________________ (HAPPEN) if my parachute __________________ (NOT OPEN) ? (1)

4. I __________________ (BE) angry if he __________________ (MAKE) more mistakes . (2)

5. If he __________________ (NOT BE) late we __________________ (GO) without him (3).

6. If I __________________ (LEND) you 10 pounds, __________________ (YOU, GIVE) it back to me ? (1)

7. If you __________________ (NOT LIKE) this one, I __________________ (BRING) you another one. (1)

8. If I __________________ (KNOW) that I __________________ (VISIT) you . (3)

9. I __________________ (NOT DRINK) that wine if I __________________ (BE) you. (2)

10. If we __________________ (HAVE) more rain our crops __________________ (GROW) faster (3)

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