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com Averages - Past Papers


1) A college has raised 75% of the amount it needs for a new building by receiving an average donation of
Rs. 600 from the people already solicited. The people already solicited represent 60% of the people the
college will ask for donations. If the college is to raise exactly the amount needed for the new building, what
should be the average donation from the remaining people to be solicited?
[CAT 2001]

(1) Rs 300
(2) Rs 250
(3) Rs 400
(4) Rs 500

Answer: (1) Rs 300

2) Three math classes; X, Y, and Z, take an algebra test.

The average score in class X is 83.
The average score in class Y is 76.
The average score in class Z is 85.
The average score of all students in classes X and Y together is 79.
The average score of all students in classes Y and Z together is 81.
What is the average for all three classes?
[CAT 2001]

(1) 81
(2) 81.5
(3) 82
(4) 84.5

Answer: (2) 81.5

3) A set of consecutive positive integers beginning with 1 is written on the blackboard. A student came along
and erased one number. The average of the remaining numbers is 35 What was the number erased?
[CAT 2001]

(1) 7
(2) 8
(3) 9
(4) None of these

Answer: (1) 7

Details for Questions 4 and 5 are provided below

The batting average (BA) of a test batsman is computed from runs scored and innings played - completed
innings and incomplete innings (not out) in the following manner:
r1 = number of runs scored in completed innings;
n1 = number of completed innings;
r2 = number of runs scored in incomplete innings;
n2 = number of incomplete innings
r + r2
BA= 1
To better assess batsman's accomplishments, the ICC is considering two other measures MBA 1 and MBA2
defined as follows:

1 Averages - Past Papers

MBA1 =
r 1 n2
n1 n1
r1 + r 2
r r
max 0, 2 − 1
n2 n1 )]
MBA2 =
n1 + n2
[CAT 2001]

4) Based on the information provided which of the following is true?

(1) MBA1 ≤ BA ≤ MBA2

(2) BA ≤ MBA2 ≤ MBA1
(3) MBA2 ≤ BA ≤ MBA1
(4) None of these

Answer: (4) None of these

5) An experienced cricketer with no incomplete innings has a BA of 50. The next time he bats, the innings is
incomplete and he scores 45 runs. It can be inferred that:

(1) BA and MBA1 will both increase

(2) BA will increase and MBA2 will decrease
(3) BA will increase and not enough data is available to assess change in MBA1 and MBA2
(4) None of these

Answer: (2) BA will increase and MBA2 will decrease

6) A boy finds the average of 10 positive integers. Each integer contains two digits. By mistake, the boy
interchanges the digits of one number say ba for ab. Due to this, the average becomes 1.8 less than the
previous one. What was the difference of the two digits a and b?
[CAT 2002]

(1) 4
(2) 2
(3) 6
(4) 8

Answer: (2) 2

The question below is followed by two statements, I and II. Select the option that correctly reflects the
sufficiency of the statements in answering the question.

7) The average weight of a class of 100 students is 45 kg. The class consists of two sections, I and II, each
with 50 students. The average weight, WI, of Section I is smaller than the average weight, W II, of Section II.
If the heaviest student, say Deepak, of Section II is moved to Section I, and the lightest student, say Poonam,
of Section I is moved to Section II, then the average weights of the two sections are switched, i.e., the
average weight of Section I becomes WII and that of Section II becomes WI. What is the weight of Poonam?

I. WII – WI = 1.0
II. Moving Deepak from Section II to I (without any move from I to II) makes the average weights of the two
sections equal.
[CAT 2007]

(1) Statement I alone is sufficient, but not Statement II

(2) Statement II alone is sufficient, but not Statement I
(3) Both the statements taken together are sufficient, but individually are not
(4) Both the statements are insufficient

2 Averages - Past Papers

Answer: (3) Both the statements taken together are sufficient, but individually are not

8) Consider the set S = {2, 3, 4, ..., 2n + 1}, where n is a positive integer larger than 2007. Define X as the
average of the odd integers in S and Y as the average of the even integers in S. What is the value of X – Y?
[CAT 2007]

(1) 0
(2) 1
(3) n/2
(4) n + 1/2n
(5) 2008

Answer: (2) 1

9) Ten years ago, the ages of the members of a joint family of eight people added up to 231 years. Three
years later, one member died at the age of 60 years and a child was born during the same year. After another
three years, one more member died, again at 60, and a child was born during the same year. The current
average age of this eight member joint family is nearest to:
[CAT 2007]

(1) 23 years
(2) 22 years
(3) 21 years
(4) 25 years
(5) 24 years

Answer: (5) 24 years

10) A class consists of 20 boys and 30 girls. In the mid-semester examination, the average score of the girls
was 5 higher than that of the boys. In the final exam, however, the average score of the girls dropped by 3
while the average score of the entire class increased by 2. The increase in the average score of the boys is
[CAT 2017 Slot 1]

(1) 9.5
(2) 10
(3) 4.5
(4) 6

Answer: (1) 9.5

11) The average height of 22 toddlers increases by 2 inches when two of them leave this group. If the
average height of these two toddlers is one-third the average height of the original 22, then the average
height, in inches, of the remaining 20 toddlers is
[CAT 2017 Slot 2]

(1) 30
(2) 28
(3) 32
(4) 26

Answer: (3) 32

3 Averages - Past Papers

12) In an apartment complex, the number of people aged 51 years and above is 30 and there are at most 39
people whose ages are below 51 years. The average age of all the people in the apartment complex is 38
years. What is the largest possible average age, in years, of the people whose ages are below 51 years?
[CAT 2018 Slot 1]

(1) 27
(2) 26
(3) 28
(4) 25

Answer: (3) 28

13) A CAT aspirant appears for a certain number of tests. His average score increases by 1 if the first 10 tests
are not considered, and decreases by 1 if the last 10 tests are not considered. If his average scores for the first
10 and the last 10 tests are 20 and 30, respectively, then the total number of tests taken by him is
[CAT 2018 Slot 1]

Answer: 60

14) Ramesh and Gautam are among 22 students who write an examination. Ramesh scores 82.5. The average
score of the 21 students other than Gautam is 62. The average score of all the 22 students is one more than
the average score of the 21 students other than Ramesh. The score of Gautam is
[CAT 2019 Slot 1]

(1) 53
(2) 49
(3) 48
(4) 51

Answer: (4) 51

15) The average of 30 integers is 5. Among these 30 integers, there are exactly 20 which do not exceed 5.
What is the highest possible value of the average of these 20 integers?
[CAT 2019 Slot 2]

(1) 5
(2) 4.5
(3) 3.5
(4) 4

Answer: (2) 4.5

16) Let A, B and C be three positive integers such that the sum of A and the mean of B and C is 5. In
addition, the sum of B and the mean of A and C is 7. Then the sum of A and B is
[CAT 2020 Slot 1]

(1) 5
(2) 4
(3) 6
(4) 7

Answer: (3) 6

4 Averages - Past Papers

17) In a group of 10 students, the mean of the lowest 9 scores is 42 while the mean of the highest 9 scores is
47. For the entire group of 10 students, the maximum possible mean exceeds the minimum possible mean by
[CAT 2020 Slot 2]

(1) 4
(2) 6
(3) 5
(4) 3

Answer: (1) 4

18) A batsman played n + 2 innings and got out on all occasions. His average score in these n + 2 innings
was 29 runs and he scored 38 and 15 runs in the last two innings. The batsman scored less than 38 runs in
each of the first n innings. In these n innings, his average score was 30 runs and lowest score was x runs. The
smallest possible value of x is
[CAT 2020 Slot 3]

(1) 1
(2) 4
(3) 2
(4) 3

Answer: (3) 2

19) Suppose hospital A admitted 21 less Covid infected patients than hospital B, and all eventually
recovered. The sum of recovery days for patients in hospitals A and B were 200 and 152, respectively. If the
average recovery days for patients admitted in hospital A was 3 more than the average in hospital B then the
number admitted in hospital A was
[CAT 2021 Slot 1]

Answer: 35

20) Onion is sold for 5 consecutive months at the rate of Rs 10, 20, 25, 25, and 50 per kg, respectively. A
family spends a fixed amount of money on onion for each of the first three months, and then spends half that
amount on onion for each of the next two months. The average expense for onion, in rupees per kg, for the
family over these 5 months is closest to
[CAT 2021 Slot 1]

(1) 20
(2) 26
(3) 18
(4) 16

Answer: (3) 18

21) In a football tournament, a player has played a certain number of matches and 10 more matches are to be
played. If he scores a total of one goal over the next 10 matches, his overall average will be 0.15 goals per
match. On the other hand, if he scores a total of two goals over the next 10 matches, his overall average will
be 0.2 goals per match. The number of matches he has played is
[CAT 2021 Slot 2]

Answer: 10

5 Averages - Past Papers

22) The arithmetic mean of scores of 25 students in an examination is 50. Five of these students top the
examination with the same score. If the scores of the other students are distinct integers with the lowest being
30, then the maximum possible score of the toppers is
[CAT 2021 Slot 3]

Answer: 92 or 460

23) Rajiv is a student in a business school. After every test he calculates his cumulative average. QT and OB
were his last two tests. 83 marks in QT increased his average by 2. 75 marks in OB further increased his
average by 1. Reasoning is the next test, if he gets 51 in Reasoning, his average will be _____?
[XAT 2008]

(1) 63
(2) 62
(3) 61
(4) 60
(5) 59

Answer: (1) 63

24) A rural child specialist has to determine the weight of five children of different ages. He knows from his
past experience that each of the children would weigh less than 30 Kg and each of them would have different
weights. Unfortunately, the scale available in the village can measure weight only over 30 Kg. The doctor
decides to weigh the children in pairs. However his new assistant weighed the children without noting down
the names. The weights were: 35, 36, 37, 39, 40, 41, 42, 45, 46 and 47 Kg. The weight of the lightest child is:
[XAT 2009]

(1) 15 Kg.
(2) 16 Kg.
(3) 17 Kg.
(4) 18 Kg.
(5) 20 Kg.

Answer: (2) 16 Kg.

25) In a list of 7 integers, one integer, denoted as x is unknown. The other six integers are 20, 4, 10, 4, 8, and
4. If the mean, median, and mode of these seven integers are arranged in increasing order, they form an
arithmetic progression. The sum of all possible values of x is
[XAT 2011]

(1) 26
(2) 32
(3) 34
(4) 38
(5) 40

Answer: (5) 40

26) Prof. Bee noticed something peculiar while entering the quiz marks of his five students into a
spreadsheet. The spreadsheet was programmed to calculate the average after each score was entered. Prof.
Bee entered the marks in a random order and noticed that after each mark was entered, the average was
always an integer. In ascending order, the marks of the students were 71, 76, 80, 82 and 91. What were the
fourth and fifth marks that Prof. Bee entered?
[XAT 2011]

6 Averages - Past Papers

(1) 71 and 82
(2) 71 and 76
(3) 71 and 80
(4) 76 and 80
(5) 91 and 80

Answer: (3) 71 and 80

27) Ramesh analysed the monthly salary figures of five vice presidents of his company. All the salary figures
are integers. The mean and the median salary figures are 5 lakh, and the only mode is 8 lakh. Which of the
options below is the sum (in lakh) of the highest and the lowest salaries?
[XAT 2012]

(1) 9
(2) 10
(3) 11
(4) 12
(5) None of the above

Answer: (1) 9

28) The mean of six positive integers is 15. The median is 18, and the only mode of the integers is less than
18. The maximum possible value of the largest of the six integers is
[XAT 2013]

(1) 26
(2) 28
(3) 30
(4) 32
(5) 34

Answer: (4) 32

29) Prof. Suman takes a number of quizzes for a course. All the quizzes are out of 100. A student can get an
A grade in the course if the average of her scores is more than or equal to 90. Grade B is awarded to a
student if the average of her scores is between 87 and 89 (both included). If the average is below 87, the
student gets a C grade. Ramesh is preparing for the last quiz and he realizes that he will score a minimum of
97 to get an A grade. After the quiz, he realizes that he will score 70, and he will just manage a B. How
many quizzes did Prof. Suman take?
[XAT 2014]

(1) 6
(2) 7
(3) 8
(4) 9
(5) None of these

Answer: (4) 9

30) A teacher noticed a strange distribution of marks in the exam. There were only three distinct scores: 6, 8
and 20. The mode of the distribution was 8. The sum of the scores of all the students was 504. The number of
students in the most populated category was equal to the sum of the number of students with lowest score
and twice the number of students with the highest score. The total number of students in the class was:
[XAT 2014]

7 Averages - Past Papers

(1) 50
(2) 51
(3) 53
(4) 56
(5) 57

Answer: (5) 57

The question below is followed by two statements, I and II. Select the option that correctly reflects the
sufficiency of the statements in answering the question.

31) The median of 11 different positive integers is 15 and seven of those 11 integers are 8, 12, 20, 6, 14, 22,
and 13.

I: The difference between the averages of four largest integers and four smallest integers is 13.25.
II: The average of all the 11 integers is 16.
Which of the following statements would be sufficient to find the largest possible integer of these numbers?
[XAT 2015]

(1) Statement I alone is sufficient, but not Statement II

(2) Statement II alone is sufficient, but not Statement I
(3) Both the statements taken together are sufficient, but individually are not
(4) Both the statements are insufficient
(5) Either of the statements alone is sufficient

Answer: (5) Either of the statements alone is sufficient

32) A firm pays its five clerks Rs. 15,000 each, three assistants Rs. 40,000 each and its accountant Rs.
66,000. Then the mean salary in the firm comprising of these nine employees exceeds its median salary by
[XAT 2019]

(1) 14000
(2) 14600
(3) 15200
(4) 15480
(5) 14720

Answer: (1) 14000

33) If H1, H2, H3, …, Hn, are n Harmonic means between a and b (≠ a), then value of
H1+ a Hn +b
+ is equal to
H1− a Hn −b
[IIFT 2008]

(1) n + 1
(2) 2n
(3) 2n + 3
(4) n – 1

Answer: (2) 2n

34) The mean salary in ICM LTD. was Rs. 1,500, and the standard deviation was Rs. 400. A year later each
employee got a Rs. 100 raise. After another year each employee’s salary (including the above mentioned
raise) was increased by 20%. The standard deviation of the current salary is:
[IIFT 2008]

8 Averages - Past Papers

(1) 460
(2) 480
(3) 580
(4) None of the above

Answer: (2) 480

35) In a B-School there are three levels of faculty positions i.e. Professor, Associate Professor and Assistant
Professor. It is found that the sum of the ages of all faculty present is 2160, their average age is 36; the
average age of the Professor and Associate Professor is 39; of the Associate Professor and Assistant
8 62
Professor is 32 ; of the professor and assistant professor is 3 , had each professor been one year older,
11 3
each Associate Professor 6 years older, and each Assistant Professor 7 years older, then their average age
would increase by 5 years. What will be the number of faculty at each level and their average ages?
[IIFT 2010]

(1) (16, 24, 20 : 45, 35, 30 years)

(2) (18, 24, 20 : 42, 38, 30 years)
(3) (16, 20, 24 : 50, 30, 30 years)
(4) None of these

Answer: (1) (16, 24, 20 : 45, 35, 30 years)

36) At a reputed Engineering College in India, total expenses of a trimester are partly fixed and
partly varying linearly with the number of students. The average expense per student is Rs.400 when there
are 20 students and Rs.300 when there are 40 students. When there are 80 students, what is the average
expense per student?
[IIFT 2012]

(1) Rs.250
(2) Rs.300
(3) Rs.330
(4) Rs.350

Answer: (1) Rs.250

37) The average of 7 consecutive numbers is P. If the next three numbers are also added, the average shall
[IIFT 2013]

(1) remain unchanged

(2) increase by 1
(3) increase by 1.5
(4) increase by 2

Answer: (3) increase by 1.5

38) A final year MBA student gets 50% in the exam and 80% in the assignments. If the exam should count
for 70% of the final result and the assignment for 30%, what will be the final score of the student, if
professors decide to use weighted harmonic mean to uneven performances?
[FMS 2009]

(1) 56.34%
(2) 60.53%
(3) 64.83%
(4) 66.59%

9 Averages - Past Papers

Answer: (1) 56.34%

Details for Question 39 is provided below

The endeavor of any responsible government is to keep a balance between the economic development and
social development of the country. The economic development of a country can be measured in terms of
GDP, whereas the social development of the country is measured in terms of Human Developmen Index
(HDI). HDI is a simple average of three indiceslife expectancy index, education index and GDP/SDP index.
The education index is the combined index of two indices:
(i) Adult literacy rate with 2/3 weights and
(ii) Combined gross enrollment rate with 1/3 weight. Consider the following data on India and China:

India China
Life expectancy index 57.2 80
Education index
Adult Literacy Rate 48.7 86.7
Combined gross enrolment 59.1 100
GDP/State Domestic product 19 30.5
[FMS 2009]

39) What are the education index for China and the Human Development Index (HDI) for India?

(1) Education index for China 94.13 and HDI for India 42.19
(2) Education index for China 94.63 and HDI for India 42.39
(3) Education index for China 91.13 and HDI for India 42.79
(4) Education index for China 91.63 and HDI for India 42.49

Answer: (3) Education index for China 91.13 and HDI for India 42.79

40) Given the set of n numbers, n > 1, of which one is 1 – (1/n), and all the others are 1. The arithmetic mean
of the n numbers is
[FMS 2010]

(1) 1
(2) n −
(3) n − 2
(4) 1 − 2

Answer: (4) 1 − 2

41) A man drives 150 kilometres to the seashore in 3 hours and 20 minutes. He returns from the shore to the
starting point in 4 hours and 10 minutes. Let r be the average rate for the entire trip. Then the average rate for
the trip going exceeds r, in kilometres per hour, by :
[FMS 2010]

10 Averages - Past Papers

(1) 5
(2) 4
(3) 4
(4) 2

Answer: (1) 5

42) A total of 28 handshakes was exchanged at the conclusion of a party. Assuming that each participant was
equally polite toward all the others, the number of people present was:
[FMS 2011]

(1) 14
(2) 28
(3) 56
(4) 8

Answer: (4) 8


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