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Name : Nailah Salma Kafria

Class : I-D

NIM : 1222040134


Most people think that Fish and Chips originated in England, this is not actually true. The
real history of Fish and Chips is traced back to 15th Century Portugal where the dish really was
invented. Like so many other famous dishes, fish and chips was created out of necessity, not
culinary genius. 

Just a little pun. But did you know that the first Friday in June every year is National Fish
& Chips Day? This year (2021) it will be celebrated on June 4. Here at Skull Creek Dockside we
serve a classic rendition of the dish and thought it would be fun to investigate the origins of what
we believed was a classic British dish. Well, we were a little surprised with what we found out
and we think you will be too.

The pairing of fish and chips has long been considered a British staple. The irresistible
combination of a hunk of battered cod resting atop a mound of steaming hot chips (french fries in
America) is the quintessential British comfort food. Whether eaten on a plastic tray on your lap
in front of the “telly” or gobbled down from a makeshift paper cone on the way home from the
pub, a meal of fish and chips is like a serving of deep fried nostalgia in the UK – and let’s not
forget a sprinkling of salt and vinegar.

At the dish’s peak of popularity in the late 1920s, there were 35,000 fish and chips shops
in the United Kingdom (England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland). Today, there are still
10,500 “chippies” in the U.K. serving 360 million meals of fish and chips every year. That’s the
equivalent of six servings of fish and chips to every British man, woman, and child.

The golden fried combo is so deeply entrenched in British culture that it can be hard to
imagine a time when there wasn’t a fish and chip shop in every neighborhood. But travel back a
mere 200 years and you would be hard pressed to find a combination of fried fish and chipped
potatoes anywhere in the British Isles. Yes, the origin story of fish and chips is a bit more
complex than the nationalist sentiment might imply.

1. What you know?

At the first, i know that Fish and chips from English, but the text told me it was’nt true.
Because, it was from Portugal at 15th Century. And a unique fact there is a fish and chips day on
first Friday on June.
2. What you want to know more?

I want to know more about the discovery of fish and chips more detail, who is the
inventor and how he/she found the idea, and the development step until fish and chips be the
famous dishes in the world. And also how to make it and the taste of real fish and chips on

3. What have you learnt ?

I learn about the fish and chips real source (origin story) there is the national day
of it, And fish and chips use sprinkle of vinegar. And also i was so surprised fish and
chips be that ‘famous’ because in the late of 1920, there were 35.000 fish and chips shop.
And today there are still 10.500 and serves 360 millions every year. But at 200 years ago,
a combination of fish and chips would be hard to found. So, the detail of the origin story
so complex.

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