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Pikachu is the evolved version of Pichu and can evolve into Raichu.

Pikachu is a short, chubby rodent

Pokémon. It is covered in yellow fur with
two horizontal brown stripes on its back.
It has a small mouth, long, pointed ears
with black tips, brown eyes, and two red
circles on its cheeks. There are pouches
inside its cheeks where it stores
electricity. It has short forearms with
five fingers on each paw, and its feet
each have three toes. At the base of its
lightning bolt-shaped tail is patch of
brown fur at the base. A female will have
a V-shaped notch at the end of its tail,
which looks like the top of a heart. It is
classified as a quadruped, but it has been
known to stand and walk on its hind legs.

Pikachu is able to release electric

discharges of varying intensity. Pikachu
has been known to build up energy in its
glands, and will need to discharge to
avoid complications. It is also able to
release energy through its tail, which
acts as a grounding rod, as well as
recharging fellow Pikachu with electric
shocks. Pikachu can also electrify itself
to use its signature move Volt Tackle.
When threatened, it looses electric
charges from its sacs, and a group can
build and cause lightning storms. It is
found mostly in forests, where a sure
sign that Pikachu inhabits a location is
patches of burnt grass.

It has been shown that Pikachu sometimes travel in groups. It

raises its tail to check its surroundings, and is occasionally struck
by lightning in this position. Living in forested areas, Pikachu is
found foraging for berries it roasts with electricity to make them
tender enough to eat. It has been observed eating and sometimes
destroying telephone poles, wires, and other electronic equipment.
Sheet One
1) What does Pikachu evolve from?

2) What colour is Pikachu’s fur?

3) Where does Pikachu store electricity?

4) How many fingers does Pikachu have on each hand?

5) Where is Pikachu mostly found?

6) What is a sure sign that Pikachu lives there?

7) How does Pikachu check its surroundings?

8) What does Pikachu eat?

9) What does Pikachu destroy?

10) What can Pikachu evolve in to?

Sheet One Answers
1) What does Pikachu evolve from? Pichu

2) What colour is Pikachu’s fur? Yellow

3) Where does Pikachu store electricity? In pouches inside its


4) How many fingers does Pikachu have on each hand? Five

fingers on each hand

5) Where is Pikachu mostly found? They are mostly found in the


6) What is a sure sign that Pikachu lives there? There will be

patches of burnt grass

7) How does Pikachu check its surroundings? It will raise its tail
to check its surroundings

8) What does Pikachu eat? Berries that it has found foraging

9) What does Pikachu destroy? Telephone poles, wires and other

electronic equipment

10) What can Pikachu evolve in to? Raichu

Sheet Two
1) What can Pikachu evolve in to?

2) Where does Pikachu have brown stripes?

3) What is similar between Pikachu and humans?

4) How do females differ from males?

5) Why does Pikachu need to discharge electricity?

6) How do Pikachu recharge one another?

7) What can a group of Pikachu do?

8) How do Pikachu prepare their food?

9) What is the common theme of what Pikachu destroys?

10) Why does Pikachu electrify itself?

Sheet Two Answers
1) What can Pikachu evolve in to? Raichu

2) Where does Pikachu have brown stripes? There are two

horizontal stripes on their back

3) What is similar between Pikachu and humans? Both have five

fingers on each hand

4) How do females differ from males? They will have a V-shaped

notch at the end of its tail which looks like the top of a heart

5) Why does Pikachu need to discharge electricity? Because

otherwise it will suffer complications

6) How do Pikachu recharge one another? By electric shocking


7) What can a group of Pikachu do? They can build and cause
lightning storms

8) How do Pikachu prepare their food? They roast it with their


9) What is the common theme of what Pikachu destroys? They

are all electrical items because Pikachu is an electrical

10) Why does Pikachu electrify itself? So that it can use its
signature move Volt Tackle
Sheet Three
1) What is a rodent?

2) Why do you think Pikachu is yellow?

3) What is a quadrupled animal?

4) Why does Pikachu release electrical charges of varying


5) How does Pikachu protect itself?

6) Why is burnt grass a sign that Pikachu have been there?

7) Why can a group of Pikachu cause lightning storms?

8) Why do Pikachu eat berries?

9) What is the common theme of what Pikachu destroys?

10) What are the electrical pouches on Pikachu’s cheeks called?

Sheet Three Answers
1) What is a rodent? Definition may vary slightly but alludes to a
gnawing mammal including mice, rats and squirrels

2) Why do you think Pikachu is yellow? Answers may vary but

allude to the idea that electricity is drawn as being yellow and
Pikachu is electrical

3) What is a quadrupled animal? An animal that moves around on

all fours

4) Why does Pikachu release electrical charges of varying

intensity? Because the strength needed will vary depending on
what they are using the electricity for e.g. small for cooking
berries to high for attacking/ defending themselves

5) How does Pikachu protect itself? By letting off loose electrical

charges from its sacs

6) Why is burnt grass a sign that Pikachu have been there?

Because they will have burnt the grass through letting off
electrical charges

7) Why can a group of Pikachu cause lightning storms? Because of

the sheer strength of the electricity when they all unleash
their electrical power

8) Why do Pikachu eat berries? Berries would be one of the most

common found foods in the forest

9) What is the common theme of what Pikachu destroys? They

are all electrical items because Pikachu is an electrical

10) What are the electrical pouches on Pikachu’s cheeks called?


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