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MS4 level Exam 2 Date: Wednesday,March4th,2015

When I was a child I used to cry a lot and eat a lot, but I didn’t use to study as
hard as now. I didn’t use to drive cars because I couldn’t drive. I used to go everywhere
with my parents and I used to be happy all the time.
I used to play with my friends at the park, but we didn’t use to play football, we
used to play basketball, which used to be my favourite sport.
And now, I go out with my friends and we spend nice times in the cinema ,on
Saturdays . I love to stay with my friends . I also used to go to the swimming pool, because
now it is my favourite hobby. When I was younger, I didn’t use to swim because my
parents didn’t let me do it.

Part One (14pts) : A/ Reading Comprehension (7pts)

Read the text and do the following activities.

Activity One:( 2pts)

1- The text is about :

a) weekend’s activities b) past memories c) future plans d) daily activities

2- In which paragraph a day of the week is mentioned?

Activity Two: Complete the table with information from the text.(3pts)

Things the writer used to do? Things the writer didn’t use to do?
1- 1-
2- 2-

Activity Three: Lexis (2pts)

a) Find in the text words that are opposite in the meaning to the following:

1) Laugh =/=……………… 2) older =/= ……………….

b) Find in the text words that are closest in meaning to the following.

1) Best = …………. 2) cheerful = ………….

By Mr.Samir Bounab(
Part One : B/ Mastery of language (7pts)

Activity One: Correct the underlined mistakes.

the pupils used to had lunsh at they school canteen.

Activity Two: Change the following sentences to negative. (3pts)

1) Primary school pupils used to study English.

2) As a child I used to see horror films.
3) My parents used to let me play out a lot.

Activity Three: Find in the text words that have the following sounds.(2pts)

/ei/= say /ai/= hi

1- 1-
2- 2-

Part Two: Written Expression (situation of integration)

 You were talking with your friends about their memories and reminiscences and your turn came to talk
about your memories.

 Write a paragraph talking about your memories and reminiscences (use “used to) .

 Write about your :

 Childhood memories
 School reminiscences

Good Luck

Mr.Samir Bounab
( )

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