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Republic of Education

Department of Education
Division of Rizal
Sitio Lambak, San Juan, Taytay, Rizal
SCHOOL YEAR 2022-2023


Quarter: 1st Quarter Learning Area: Science 

Week: Week 3
MELCs: demonstrate and express understand of classifying substances as elements or compounds
Grade Level: Grade 7
Day Objectives Topic/s Classroom-Based Activities Homebased Activities
Answer the Learning Task 2 on page 17 Module 1
A. Preliminary Activities: Elements and compounds
Write your answers on your Science
1 1. Prayer Notebook/Activity Sheets.
Integrity A, rm 29 2. Reminder of New Normal Classroom Protocols
(MON) 3. Checking of Attendance
Integrity B- rm 17 4. Emoticon chart
(TUES) 1. Define what is
Honesty A, rm 35 compound and B. Enrichment Activity
Elements and
(MON) properties Ask the students about if they were familiar with “kalburo”
Empathy B, rm 17
(MON) C. Motivation (Engage)
Honesty B. rm 60 The students will then watched a video of farmer that is using a
(MON) kalburo in the bananas
Empathy A, rm 39 Guide questions:
(MON) 1. What did you do notice after watching the video?
2. Did it help you in answering the question about on how
farmers can make the bananas ripe faster?

D. Discussion of Concepts (Explore) Answer the Learning Task 3 on page 18 Module 1

1. Individual Activity Elements and compounds
Write your answers on your Science
Students will then answer the activity. They need to classify the Notebook/Activity Sheets.
elements given in the table. .

2. Let the students share some of their opinions on class.

E. Developing Mastery (Explain)

The teacher will lead the class to the discussion of what is
compounds (presentation of ppt)

F. Application and Generalization (Elaborate)

The learners will answer the following questions;
a) What is compound?
b) How important it is for us to know this?
c) Can you give a sample of compound that you can found at
home ?

G. Evaluation
The learners will fill in the table.
2 Distinguish what is mixture Substance and A. Preliminary Activities: Answer the Learning Task 2 on page 22 found in
Integrity A, rm 29 Mixture Science 7 SLM Quarter 1 Module 1: Substance and
(TUES) 1. Prayer Mixture
Integrity B, rm 17 2. Reminder of New Normal Classroom Protocols Write your answers on your Science
(TUES) 3. Checking of Attendance Notebook/Activity Sheets.
Honesty A. 35 4. Emoticon chart
Empathy B, rm 39
(THURS) B. Recall (Elicit)
Honesty B rm 24 Ask the students to analyze the given pictures posted on the TV
(THURS) screen/board
Empathy A rm 39
C. Motivation (Engage)
The student will then answer the following table
Directions: Raise your thumb if its substance and make a Answer the Learning Task 4 on page 24 found in
Science 7 SLM Quarter 1 Module 1: Substance and
peace sign if its mixture. Mixture
Write your answers on your Science
Materials Substance Mixture Notebook/Activity Sheets.
1. Salt water
2. Juice
3. Salt
4. Gold

Guide questions:
1. How are mixture different from substance?
2. Cite some examples of mixture that we can found at school

D. Discussion of Concepts (Explore)

1. Ask the students to make a venn diagram that shows the
difference about mixture and substance

E. Developing Mastery (Explain)

The teacher will lead the class to the discussion of the mixture and
its components . (presentation of ppt)
F. Application and Generalization (Elaborate)
The students will fill in the blanks to complete the diagram.



Elements Compounds Homogenous Heterogenous

Direction: Write a statement about each of the classification of matter

1. Pure Substance
2. Mixtures
3. Elements
4. Compounds
5. Homogenous
6. Heterogenous
G. Evaluation
The learners will answer a 5 item quiz based on the topic
A. Preliminary Activities: Answer the Learning Task 4 on page 13 found in
Science 7 SLM Quarter 1 Module 1: Substance and
1. Prayer Mixture
2. Reminder of New Normal Classroom Protocols Write your answers on your Science
3. Checking of Attendance Notebook/Activity Sheets.
4. 4. Emoticon chart .
B. Recall (Elicit)
Integrity A- rm 29
Ask the students to analyze the given pictures and tell if it’s a
mixture or a pure substance
Integrity B- rm 29
C. Motivation (Engage)
Honesty A- rm 35
Distinguish the properties of Substance and The teacher will then play a advertisement, student will find all the
Mixture Mixture things that are mixture and substance in there.
Empathy B rm 39
D. Discussion of Concepts (Explore) Answer the exit quiz found on pages 25 of Science 7
Honesty B. rm 24
SLM Quarter 1 Module 1: Substance and Mixture or
Individual task:; refer to teacher-made quiz.
Empathy A, rm 39
Student will identify the materials if it’s a mixture or pure
Material Mxture or pure
substance/why E.

1. Orange juice

2. Halo-halo

3. Carbon atom

4. Steel

5. Sugar
Developing Mastery (Explain)
The teacher will lead the class to the discussion about properties of

F. Application and Generalization (Elaborate)

The learners will make a story that involve mixtures.

G. Assignment
Define and describes saturated and unsaturated solutions

Prepared by:
Wella Alyana I. Celestino
Science 7 Teacher

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