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15/4/22, 19:52 (AC-S03) Week 3 - Pre-Task: Quiz - Adverbs of Frequency and the Present Simple: INGLES II (33316)

(AC-S03) Week 3 - Pre-Task: Quiz - Adverbs of

Frequency and the Present Simple
Apr 17 at 11:59pm
Apr 11 at 12am - Apr 17 at 11:59pm
7 days
Time Limit
20 Minutes
Allowed Attempts

Complete the text with the correct form of the verb.


Question: Maria _________ (train) every week.

Answer: Maria trains every week.

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Attempt History
Attempt Time Score
LATEST Attempt 1
19 minutes 12 out of 20

Score for this attempt:

12 out of 20
Submitted Apr 15 at 7:52pm
This attempt took 19 minutes.

Question 1 12
/ 20 pts

Adam Smith is an American professor. On a normal day, he always

gets up
(1. get up) at six thirty in the morning and he

usually has
(2. have) milk with coffee for breakfast. He

(3. teach) Spanish at UCLA every day. He 1/3
15/4/22, 19:52 (AC-S03) Week 3 - Pre-Task: Quiz - Adverbs of Frequency and the Present Simple: INGLES II (33316)

does not have

 (4. not - have) lunch at home. He often

(5. arrive) home very tired. At home, Adam

(6. check) students’ projects twice a week.

Sometimes, he spends
(7. spend) time with his siblings.

For dinner, he never has

 (8. have) any coffee,

because he can´t sleep. Finally, he send

(9. send) e-

mails and then he often goes

(10. go) to bed early. 

Answer 1:

Correct! gets up

Answer 2:

Correct! has

Answer 3:

Correct! teaches

Answer 4:

ou Answered does not have

orrect Answer doesn’t have

Answer 5:

ou Answered arrive

orrect Answer arrives

Answer 6:

ou Answered checkes

orrect Answer checks

Answer 7: 2/3
15/4/22, 19:52 (AC-S03) Week 3 - Pre-Task: Quiz - Adverbs of Frequency and the Present Simple: INGLES II (33316)

Correct! spends

Answer 8:

Correct! has

Answer 9:

ou Answered send

orrect Answer sends

Answer 10:

Correct! goes

Quiz Score:
12 out of 20 3/3

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