Final Exam - in Curr - Planning

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SUBJECT TITLE: Curriculum Planning Development and Supervision

TERM: First Semester

PROFESSOR: Letecia R. Guerra, Ph.D

Student: Aiza A. Baleña

Final Examination in Curriculum Planning and Development

1. Discuss briefly the three phases of Instructional Supervision Program based on

the three types of approaches being adopted.

Answer: The three phases s of instructional supervision program are:


-to start up, the supervisor make clear the specific purpose of the

supervision. The purpose is derived from the express need of the teacher or

the requirement of the DEPED through the specific issuance or memo.

Appropriate approval of the Start Up Visit has to secured and the

preparations for the build up should be made during the Start Up phase.


-To build –up, the supervisor may either be in the school site to have a face

to face interaction with the teacher or on line ( if facility is available) and

both parties to agree. Appropriate procedure for the school visit should be

observed it. It usually begin with the pre-conference to establish rapport

and clarify the purpose of the visit. Build-Up activities may vary according to

the purpose of the visit.


- Phase III must provide closure of the single or series of activities from

Phase I to Phase II . An exit conference is required as a cleaning house,

reflection on the supervisory process. The evaluation phase takes care of

the accountability of all concerned: the teacher , the supervisor and the

other stakeholders in the school community. The celebration of Teacher,

Supervisor, School or PLC is an important activity in phase III. This will

acknowledge the effort of the whole learning community for the support of

the professional development of the Teacher Celebrations may come in

different innovative forms like photos, exhibits, portfolio display, day of

recognition like demonstration of best teaching lesson plan, teacher

testimonies, and many others. The celebration brings closure to the

supervisory activity. The closure is a temporary pause of the process.

Teacher support will move – on from supervision to a wider involvement of

the Professional Learning Community (PLC) where the professional

nurturance will continue. The transformative leadership role of the

supervisor in the Professional Learning Community will be enhanced.

2. Explain the main purpose of Instructional Supervision.

Answer: the main purpose of instructional supervision are:

 It reinforce and enhance teaching practices to improve student learning.

 Provide meaningful feedback and direction to learners.

 Hold teachers accountable for providing an appropriate and well-planned


 It provides objective feedback to teachers.

 Diagnose and solve teaching problems.

 Help teachers develop their strategies and skills.

 Evaluate teachers for promotions or appointments.

 Help teachers maintain a positive attitude.

And also, the purpose of instructional supervision is to provide safe, supportive

opportunity for individuals to engage in critical reflection in order to raise

issues, explore problems, and discover new ways of handling both the situation

and oneself. A critical aspect of supervision lies in its potential to educate.

3. Describe the types of Job-Embedded learning and its effect to the teachers.

Answer: Job-Embedded Learning refers to the learning that is grounded in the

daily work of teachers. It is characterized as learning by doing and encourages

teachers to actively engage in and reflect on their practices.

Its effect to teachers is that teacher as learners benefit from multiple

opportunities to learn. Those opportunities are created when teachers are

afforded the time, space, structures, and support to engaged Job-Embedded

4. Compare and contrast the types of instructional supervision in education in the





Aim To help improve Evaluation of instruction


Basis Classroom data Observer’s Rating

Focus Limited specific content Broad General Concern

Frequency Based on need Based on policy

Philosophy Promote independence Promotes dependence

Process Cyclical Linear

Responsibility Shared between teacher Supervisor’s

supervisor Responsibility

5. Why are teachers important in the implementation of the curriculum?

Answer: teachers are important in the implementation of curriculum because

teachers serves a mentor and the ones who facilitate the learning process of the

students. Curriculum will be the guide of the teacher on how to deliver every lesson

to learners.

6. Give the major role of Instructional Supervisors in instructional supervision.

Answer: The major role of instructional supervision is, it plays a vital role in the

professional learning, support and assessment of pre-service teachers and in the

task and activities that pre-service teachers undertake while enhancing and

refining their classroom practice.

The major roles of supervisor in instructional supervision are;

 Coach- serves as a coach in employees when explaining, encouraging, planning,

correcting employees.

 Educator- act as educator when employees and team members are new to a


 Counsel-directing is used when performance problems continue and assumes

you have educated, coached and counselled.

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