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Project 3 (4th) – Unit6 vzorový test

I. Make expressions to match the pictures.


Her back hurts.

1 2 3

___________________ ___________________ ________________

4 5 6

___________________ ___________________ ________________

II. Look at the signs. What must or mustn´t you do?


You mustn´t take photos.

1. ______________________

2. ______________________

3. ______________________

4. ______________________

5. ______________________

ZŠ Pardubice - Studánka Stránka 1

Project 3 (4th) – Unit6 vzorový test

III. Write advice for each situation. Use should or shouldn´t.

I´m thirsty.
You should have something to drink.

1. I´ m hungry.
2. I´m very cold.
3. This bread is old.
4. I´m tired.
5. I feel sick.

IV. Complete the sentences with these verbs in the past simple tense.

switch off look for look after look at

get off switch on run away

1. My father sat down on the sofa and switched on the TV.

2. We ____________ our mobile phones in the theatre.
3. I went into town yesterday. I ______________ the bus in the town centre and I went to a
clothes shop.
4. Peter was in the gallery. He ____________ the paintings and decided to buy one.
5. My neighbours were on holiday so I _______________ their dogs.
6. Lucy lost her keys. She ____________ them and finally she found them.
7. I was scared so I decided to _______________ .

V. Match the halves of the statements and questions to make dialogues.

1 Shall we go I see.
Sorry, bowling today?
Why I can´t.
I haven´t got good shoes.
Oh, not?

2 Do you want to to go last Friday.

Sorry, a pity!
But you wanted go swimming?
Yes, but I´m afraid I can´t.
Oh, that´s I can´t now.

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Project 3 (4th) – Unit6 vzorový test


I 1 She´s got a headache.

2 She feels sick. / She doesn´t feel well.
3 She´s got a sore throat.
4 He´s got a cold.
5 She´s bored.
6 He´s cold.

II 1 You mustn´t smoke.

2 You must be quiet. / You mustn´t talk.
3 You mustn´t ride a bike.
4 You must stop. / You mustn´t go.
5 You mustn´t go fishing. / You mustn´t fish.

III Possible answers

1 You should have something to eat.
2 You should put a jumper on.
3 You shouldn´t eat it.
4 You should go to bed.
5 You shouldn´t eat so much.

VI 2 switched off
3 got off
4 looked at
5 looked after
6 looked for
7 ran away

V 1 Shall we go bowling today?

Sorry, I can´t.
Why not?
I haven´t got good shoes.
Oh, I see.

2 Do you want to go swimming?

Sorry, I can´t.
But you wanted to go last Friday.
Yes, but I´m afraid I can´t now.
Oh, that´s a pity!

ZŠ Pardubice - Studánka Stránka 3

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