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ADOLFO V. ADOLFO motion of the trial court was reversed. Hence, the present case.

March 18, 2015 | GR No. 201427 | Del Castillo, J. | Second Division | JUDGMENTS OF THE
PLEADINGS/SUMMARY JUDGMENT (Rule 34, Sections 1 and 2; and Rule 35, Sections 1 to ISSUE: Can a motion for summary judgement be admitted in the present case?
DIGEST MADE BY: Court held in the negative. Rules of court provides that the court, on the motion of the
Dave U. adverse may direct judgement on the pleadings if the answer filed to tender an issue or
otherwise admits the material allegation of the adverse patty’s pleading. An Answer would
CLUE: Admission Premature “fail to tender an issue” if it “does not deny the material allegations in the complaint or
admits said material allegations of the adverse party’s pleadings by confessing the
PETITIONER: TEOFILO B. ADOLFO truthfulness thereof and/or omitting to deal with them at all. In rendering summary
RESPONDENTS: FE T. ADOLFO judgment, the trial court relied on respondent's failure to reply to petitioner’s request for
DOCTRINE: admission declaring that the subject property is a conjugal asset. It should have known that
until the appeal is resolved by the appellate court, it would be premature to render judgment
An Answer would “fail to tender an issue” if it “does not deny the material allegations in the on petitioner’s motion for judgment on the pleadings.
complaint or admits said material allegations of the adverse party’s pleadings by confessing
the truthfulness thereof and/or omitting to deal with them at all. FACTS:
1. Teofilo Adolfo filed a petition for judicial separation of property (MAN-4821) against his
RECIT- READY SUMMARY: estranged wife, Fe Adolfo. The petition alleged among others that during the marriage,
they acquired through conjugal funds a lot located in Mandaue City. Since reunion
Civil Case No. MAN-4821 Petitioner Teofilo B. Adolfo filed with the RTC Mandaue a Petition between the two was no longer feasible, Teofilo suggested a separation of conjugal
for judicial separation of property against his estranged wife. Parties were married on property which Fe refused. Fe claims that the lot in question is a paraphernal property
November 26, 1966, the union bore one child; that during the marriage, they acquired she inherited from her mother.
through conjugal funds real properties that later on the parties separated due to 2. Another civil case (MAN-2683) was filed by Fe’s sister Florencia Tudtud and her
irreconcilable differences. Since reunion was no longer feasible, petitioner suggested a husband Juanito Gingoyon for the partition of the lot. Florencia and Juanito alleged that
separation of the conjugal property, but respondent adamantly refused. Respondent Fe sold a portion of the property to them. In response, Fe argued that the sale is void
contended that she is the sole owner of the property which is her paraphernal property since the lot in question was conjugal property, and Teofilo did not assent to the sale.
inherited from her mother
Civil Case No. MAN-2683, Respondent sold the property to her brother, her brother
mortgaged it to DBP, foreclosed and DBP sold it to the Garcias and the Garcias sold it to
respondent with new TCT. Respondent executed a deed of sale in favor of the Gingoyons RTC MAN 2683 (Partition Case)
but refused to partition even Gingoyons paid the taxes and selling expenses. That when the ● Trial Court in its decision declared that the subject property was conjugal
sale to the Gingoyons was made, the subject property constituted conjugal property of her property. Therefore, the lack of consent on the part of Teofilo made the sale
marriage with petitioner; when the Garcias executed the deed of sale, the subject property void.
became a conjugal asset; since petitioner did not sign the deed of sale in favor of the
Gingoyons as he was in Davao at the time and knew nothing about the sale, the sale was MAN 4821 (Legal Separation Case)
null and void. RTC nullified the sale.  During the pre-trial conference, Teofilo submitted as part of his evidence the
complaint in MAN 2683 where Fe stated that the assailed property was
Meanwhile during the pre-trial of Civil Case No. MAN-4821, petitioner filed a request to conjugal.
make admissions on the respondent’s statement that the property was conjugal in the  As a result, the petitioner filed a request for admission on Fe’s declaration
partition case. However, the respondent failed to file her answer. As a result, petitioner filed that the property was conjugal property. However, Fe failed to answer or
a motion for summary judgement which was granted by the trial court. Upon appeal, the respond to the request.

● On the other hand, “whether x x x the issues raised by the Answer are genuine is
 As a result, Teofilo filed a motion for judgement based on the pleadings
not the crux of inquiry in a motion for judgment on the pleadings. It is so only in a
since Fe failed to answer his request for admission. He argued that her
motion for summary judgment. In a case for judgment on the pleadings, the
failure to answer his request resulted in the matters contained therein to be
Answer is such that no issue is raised at all. The essential question in such a case
deemed admitted under Rule 26, Section 2 of the Rules of Court.
is whether there are issues generated by the pleadings.” “A ‘genuine issue’ is an
 RTC granted the motion for judgement on the pleadings where it ruled in
issue of fact which requires the presentation of evidence as distinguished from a
favor of Teofilo.
sham, fictitious, contrived or false claim. When the facts as pleaded appear
uncontested or undisputed, then there is no real or genuine issue or question as to
CA MAN 2683 (Partition Case)
the facts, and summary judgment is called for.
● Upon appeal, the appellate court reversed the trial court decision declaring
● In rendering summary judgment, the trial court relied on respondent's failure to
that the subject property was paraphernal property.
reply to petitioner’s request for admission declaring that the subject property is a
● CA’s decision attained finality.
conjugal asset. It should have known that until the appeal is resolved by the
appellate court, it would be premature to render judgment on petitioner’s motion
MAN 4821 (Legal Separation Case)
for judgment on the pleadings. On the part of petitioner, it must be said that he
 Upon appeal, the appellate court reversed the trial court’s decision. Court
could not have validly resorted to a motion for judgment on the pleadings or
held that while Fe’s failure to answer the request for admission resulted in
summary judgment. While it may appear that under Rules 34 and 35 of the 1997
the matters therein to be deemed admitted, her claims and exhibits clearly
Rules, he may file a motion for judgment on the pleadings or summary judgment as
contradict what Teofilo sought to be admitted in his request.
a result of the consequent admission by respondent that the subject property is
 Trial court disregarded the fact that the issue of whether the subject
conjugal, this is not actually the case.
property is conjugal was still unresolved.
● While it is true that a judgment cannot bind persons who are not parties to the
 Hence, the present petition.
action, petitioner cannot, after invoking the proceedings in Civil Case No. MAN-
2683 to secure affirmative relief against respondent and thereafter failing to obtain
ISSUE/S: such relief, be allowed to repudiate or question the CA's ruling. The principle of
estoppel bars him from denying the resultant pronouncement by the appellate
1. Can a motion for summary judgement be admitted in the present case? - NO court, which became final and executory, that the subject property is respondent’s
paraphernal property.
RULING: ● Upon the final and executory decision of the CA that the subject property is indeed
a paraphernal property of the wife, petitioner's case is not meritorious anymore.
WHEREFORE, the Petition is DENIED. The October 6, 2009 Decision and March 2, 2012 Hence, there being no conjugal property, the petitioner cannot seek the division of
Resolution of the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. CV No. 01783 are AFFIRMED WITH such property. The petition DENIED.
MODIFICATION in that Civil Case No. MAN-4821 is ordered DISMISSED.

1. NO
● Court held in the negative. Rules of court provides that the court, on the motion of
the adverse may direct judgement on the pleadings if the answer filed to tender an
issue or otherwise admits the material allegation of the adverse patty’s pleading.
An Answer would “fail to tender an issue” if it “does not deny the material
allegations in the complaint or admits said material allegations of the adverse
party’s pleadings by confessing the truthfulness thereof and/or omitting to deal
with them at all.

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