Requirement Engineering - BRD Template Notes

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Requirement Engineering

Name: Faria Tuz Zohora

ID: 012221044
Project: Medical history management system - Medilog
Project scope

Medilog is a webapp that allows its users to create a profile and store their medical
data. A summary of the medical data stored is as follows:
● User profile- allergies, diseases, blood group, surgical history, etc.
● Doctor's visit- Doctor name and Hospital name, symptoms, prescription, tests,
● Hospital admission- Hospital name and Doctor name/names, symptoms,
prescription, tests, diagnosis
● Diagnostic reports- pathology, radiology
● Vaccination- chart, record, reminder

In addition to the medical data stored, users can set up their profile and connect
family members (genetic parents) to retrieve family history.
A profile can be created using a birth certificate, passport or NID to make sure
everyone can use the app and each user can create only one profile.
Users, doctors and hospital administrators can upload information to the app or view
data whenever necessary with the help of user ID, user barcode or user fingerprint.

Business goals

Even in the era of technological revolution only a few hospitals in Bangladesh

provide digital backup for medical data and even fewer store that data for future use.
Most of the patients carry files full of reports and prescriptions with them on every
visit to the doctor. As papers are lost, vital information about patient history is also
Medilog stores all medical information of a patient.
● It will provide easy access to every record in a time sorted manner to help
doctors make better decisions and be well informed.
● It will keep all medical history and records associated with individual patients,
not only for specific hospitals or specific organizations.
● It will help patients who are unable to speak in emergency departments as
doctors can use a patient's fingerprint to access their information and history
or in cases, get their identity.
● It will provide backup if prescription or reports in paper are lost.
● It will reduce paper waste as patients can choose to get their reports and
prescription through the app. When providing samples for tests, patients can
provide the hospital their profile barcode and the hospital can update results
in the app.
● It will control spread of infectious disease by showing what vaccines need to
be taken, keeping vaccination records and providing reminders to patients
when the next dose is due.
● It will provide important patient information quickly such as blood group,
allergies, diseases (diabetes, epilepsy, heart condition,etc) through patient

Functional requirement

1. Each type 1 user, patient should be able to create only one profile and login
using ID-password, scanning barcode or fingerprint.
2. Any user can login to patient profile with the use of patient's fingerprint or by
scanning patient's barcode.
3. Patient profile should have access to important information such as blood
group, allergies, diseases such as diabetes, heart condition, epilepsy,
surgeries, etc in the first page after logging into profile.
4. Navbar should have medical history about doctor's visit, hospital admissions,
diagnostic investigation results and vaccination.
5. Doctor's visit page should have a table with date, department, doctor's name
with hospital name and clickable details.
6. Details page should have symptoms, prescription advised, investigation/tests
adviced and diagnosis.
7. Hospital admission page should have a table with date range, department,
hospital name and clickable details.
8. Details page should have a reason for admission (symptoms), list of doctors
who worked with the patient, prescription advised, investigation/tests adviced
and diagnosis. 
9. Investigation results page should have an add new button and a table with
date, pathology/radiology, test name, diagnostic center name and clickable
10. Result page should have an image of the report.
11. Add new button will show a form with date, pathology/radiology selection, test
name, diagnostic center name and upload image for test results. Once
submitted these information will be visible on the investigation result page.
This should not be editable.
12. Vaccination page should have a clickable chart button, reminder button and a
table with date, vaccine name, brand and dose number.
13. Chart page will show a list of vaccines with names of vaccines that have not
been taken in color pink to highlight them.
14. Reminder page will show a table with eligibility date, vaccine date and
clickable done.
15. Done page will show a form with date and vaccine brand name. When
submitted, it will be shown on the vaccination page, change color on the chart
page and be removed from the reminder page.
16. There should be an option to add new and edit doctor's visits and hospital
admissions. Editing data will require user ID and password.
17. Each profile should have a unique barcode to access the profile. This bar
code should be easily downloadable as jpg or png. This barcode can be
changed by patiemt for security purposes.

Non functional requirement

1. Should be easily and quickly accessible.

2. Should have a simple understandable user interface
3. Should be user friendly.
4. Should not lag with increasing upload of or addition of information.
5. Should be able to store high amounts of data.


User type 1 - Patient

User type 2 - Doctor
User type 3 - Hospital Administrator
Client - Product owner
Designer team
Developer team
Project manager
System analyst

Project risks

Security- Easy access to data may lead to data thefts and unethical use of private
user information.

Usability- Not all patients who need this product will be able to use this product due
to their health or age.

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