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We live in a world where Billions of trees are lost each

Year; this is caused by many things like forest-fires or the
clearing out land for various reasons. This Deforestation
is a major contributor to global warming for two reasons:
1-The burning of the trees in forest fires produces many
metric tons of CO2 gas and other pollutants.
2-The lack of trees resulting from these incidents
dramatically reduces the amount of CO2 being consumed
and turned into O2.
The solution being proposed here is one of many tactics
which are being developed to combat climate change; If
we think about it, other than completely halting our
emissions by using alternative forms of energy AND food
production, which will be able to stop but NOT reverse
the damage that has been done by us, the only way to
heal the wounds of climate change is to regenerate the
earths lungs, the trees, bushes, and all other kinds of
plants which were responsible for the maintenance of
our atmosphere, now replanting all the lost forests is an
archaic solution when compared to the possibilities that
mankind has exposed, the solution which will save all...
goes as follows; Genetically modified plants which can
absorb more CO2 than regular plants AND grow faster all
while having resistance to pests and diseases.
These plants will be one of our last hopes to reverse
climate change and save countless lives human and
otherwise, now we can hear some people saying: “but
what will happen after the trees reverse the affects, will
they make too much oxygen and set the atmosphere on
fire”, Now, this shouldn't happen for two reasons;
1-The production could be equalized by a measured
consumption of oxygen.
2-The trees can be programmed to have a lifespan which
will last exactly until the affects have been extinguished.
This solution is being planted in your minds this very
moment, the fact that you now hold this idea in your
mind combined with the chances of you or someone you
tell investing time and resources into this solution means
that it is already starting to flourish.
But, it's still not too late to change our ways as a species
and take control of this situation before the tables start
to turn, whether it be the earth exterminating all of us as
a consequence of our pitiful actions, or we finally decide
one day that we don’t want to see a grim future where
we get snuffed out by our own actions and finally decide
to change our ways, one way or another, nature will one
day reclaim the throne over the biomass.

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