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I would like to start off this presentation by addressing a

few things.
1- I'm not here to convince anyone how to do anything
this is just my opinion.
2- If at any point you feel I made a mistake or offended
anyone in any way, please tell me about it after the
presentation so I can prevent such things from
happening in the future.
3- Please keep an open mind, don’t argue in the moment,
take notes if you’d like, and just think about what I just
said, don’t be hasty, process it.
Anyways, onto the main presentation.
Let’s start off with this image of a “happy” family, now
other than the fact that they all look completely lifeless, I
want to express some of my ideas by using this as my
first template.
Let’s talk about the act of watching TV, most people
participate in or consume some form of entertainment
multiple times a day, “there is nothing wrong with this” I
hear you say, well there is a lot wrong with it, it just
depends on how you see the world, the problem with
these acts of pleasure is that they are a flaw of the
modern human lifestyle, we are not a species built for
We are not built for most of the things we partake in
throughout our daily lives, we are animals, the only thing
that differentiates us from other species on the
evolutionary pyramid is that we’re smarter, let’s take
sitting as an example, we usually have to sit down to do
any tasks that are of significance and require large
portions of time and heavy focus, now how does our
body reward us for our productivity, by almost
completely giving up on maintaining its ideal blood flow
and distribution, and giving you clots,(but this is
obviously a huge exaggeration and an ill-informed
description so don’t take it as a precise fact). We are not
built for this, but we do it anyway because we have to,
but there are a lot of things we don’t have to do, like
Entertainment, the act of being idle and spending
continuous or distributed quantities of time, consuming
relatively useless content, or partaking in activities that
are of no true value, it is a complete punch in the face to
our evolutionary progress. now I know that sometimes
you just feel tired and just want to wind down and watch
something, is a complete punch in the face to our
evolutionary progress. now I know that sometimes you
just feel tired and just want to wind down and watch
something, but if you spent your wind down time
thinking about how you could plan your objectives so
that you don’t feel burnt out, or by taking advantage of
that time to develop better habits or learn a new skill or
maybe just sit down and think, when was the last time
we did we did that?
Now onto our second point and picture.
I’m going to use the medical field as my example,
because it is the most infamous when it comes to this
This is a doctor, he has wasted his entire life trying to
become what he is today, now we tend to think of
doctors as one of the pinnacles of our society, and that’s
partly true, they help you when you get a boo boo, and
that’s essential, but investing your life in a medical career
isn’t really known for its honor or sacrifice nowadays,
most people go into the medical field for three reasons.
1- Because it has become a go-to, this is a consequence
of the next 2 points.
2- The money: don’t think about what good you could do
to humanity; you just want to retire at 60 and drive fancy
cars with women thrice as young as you.
3- Parents; a consequence of the last point, this results in
two driving forces, the first being; THE PRESTIGE, some
parents do want what's good for you, but they also want
to use you to flex on relatives, and feel like they can have
a higher standpoint as a result of your position. And less
often but still an occurrence; it's because they want to
benefit from all the cash you make.
Now on to my actual main point about this image.
We have WAY too many people applying to medical
fields, now that’s not a bad thing, but it's not a good
thing, for a few reasons. The first; is a consequence of
the previously stated points, the people applying to these
fields are not doing it with a true passion, so it’s quantity
over quality. The second point is that the saturation of
medical personnel has resulted in an imbalance of flow
to the actual useful fields that these people could have
gone into.

And the final reason is an Ouroboros of accidental

misinformation; the inflow of people into these fields
creates an illustrious vacuum which is a result of the
prestige that these fields have, which drives people who
may be excluded from the initial points I made but still
think they're actually going to do something useful with
their pursuit.
Next, I want to talk about what we call “Humanity”.
Take a look at this vile creature. Oh, you think it's cute,
What if I told you that you were basically programmed to
think that. That’s right, we only evolved the ability to
think something is cute as a safeguard incase a mother or
father went ape-mode or didn’t feel like they needed to
take proper care of this little ball of mush.
What we feel is simply a chemical reaction, nothing
more, our “Humanity” is just a construct we have
programmed ourselves to believe, the ideal human is not
driven by emotion, but instead by objectivity, a task, a
big picture understanding of our true potential, but, in
my almost 17 years on this giant rock, I have never met a
single person who has even come within seeing distance
of this idea.
We as a species have almost completely ignored our
potential, instead we focus on our individual self, and
entertainment. Just ask yourself for one moment, are my
emotions actually important, well whatever YOUR
conclusion is, doesn’t really matter, because the answer,
as far as we know, is a big NO.
In this slide, we see what most would call suffering, (I
would've used a more graphic image but I felt that would
be inappropriate). Let's take another second to think
about what suffering truly is, oh wow, what a surprise, it
just ties back to my previous point about these things
simply being a construct, an illusion, such is reality.
It’s easier for us to say “suffering doesn’t really matter”,
When we aren’t or haven't truly experienced it, but being
bored is what most people would perceive as a form of
suffering, but boredom isn't a bad thing, it is a result of a
bad thing, constant distraction, whether it be work or
entertainment, we have become almost incapable of just
sitting down and taking 10 minutes to just think things
through, instead we sit down, look at the floor for 30
seconds, and then go on SOCIAL MEDIA. This brings me
nicely into my next point.
Ah yes, social media, the 21st century's second-biggest
mistake, right after me, has connected people from all
across the world, in ways they never knew they didn’t
want. Generally, I regard social media as a cesspool of
human degeneracy and impotence, we are not a species
made for critical thinking, and that has been made
extremely apparent by social media.
I'll use Instagram as this point’s punching bag;
I will express this from the perspective of a teenage girl,
as they are the core demographic.
“Ok, time to check the ol’ insta page, wait...wait what,
the post of me with all my friends at a place no one has
heard of doing a pose no one can name didn’t blow up,
ok... Ok it’s fine, I’ll just slash my wrists sideways for
attention, that’ll get em”.
This app is a disorder that almost everyone has, if you
use it to see what other people look like and how you
stack up, you’ll get your confidence bashed into a pulp
and then thrown in the sun.
Don’t use social media if you want to a real person.
My final point, is a statement, I hope we will revere.
We, have come a long way, we’ve seen what makes the
atom tick, and the stars shine, we have gone across the
universe and back, only to find, that we are alone, this
universe is cruel, it tends towards chaos, we,
unfortunately have fallen victim to this, we humans are
resilient, but that doesn’t mean that we should slow
down, it doesn’t matter if you're a farmer, or an
astronaut, there is always a way to make a difference, we
won’t give up, but we will give in, the cosmos might
swallow us, or the earth, if we just take a few steps back,
and look at the big picture, all the war, the poverty, the
greed, it has captured us and we didn’t even realize it,
but I will leave you with a comforting fact, we, all of us in
this room, will most likely be dead before we see a world
that isn’t cruel.
Now I have one more thing to say, I still have a lot more
ideas that didn’t make it into this presentation, if u want
to know more, just ask me later.

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