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ASSIGNMENT 1.......................................................................................................................................4
Different Categories of Events:................................................................................................................4
1. Corporate Events...........................................................................................................................4
 Conferences................................................................................................................................4
Real Life Example.............................................................................................................................5
Real Life Example:............................................................................................................................5
 Trade Shows...............................................................................................................................5
Real Life Example:............................................................................................................................5
2. Social Events..................................................................................................................................5
Real Life Example:............................................................................................................................6
3. Charity Events...............................................................................................................................6
Real Life Example.............................................................................................................................6
Current Trends:........................................................................................................................................6
Analysis of The Current Trends:.............................................................................................................6
Adapting to Stay Innovative:....................................................................................................................7
Designing a Poster.....................................................................................................................................7
ASSIGMENT 2..........................................................................................................................................9
Management Roles....................................................................................................................................9
 Event Coordinator.........................................................................................................................9
 Event Planner...............................................................................................................................10
 Client Service Manager...............................................................................................................10
 Event Manager.............................................................................................................................10
 Event Assistant.............................................................................................................................10
 Others...........................................................................................................................................10
Current Job Opportunities.....................................................................................................................10
 Digital Analytics’ Manager.........................................................................................................10
 Customer Experience Manager..................................................................................................10
 Event Sustainability Coordinator...............................................................................................10

 Sponsorship Manager..................................................................................................................10
Management Skills..................................................................................................................................11
 Critical Thinking Skills...............................................................................................................11
 Required Skill Set........................................................................................................................11
 An Eye for a Design.....................................................................................................................11
 Effective Marketing.....................................................................................................................11
 Vision and intuition.....................................................................................................................11
Safety & Security.....................................................................................................................................11


Unquestionably, the most socially evolved species across the planets are us humans. As a result
of living collectively, events have played a significant role in sharing of happiness, joy and even
sorrow with our loved ones’ times and times again. Being social animals, we have the tendency
to develop relations and interact with individuals beyond our family structure, which gives rise to
the demand for social gatherings and events. In the modern age, either due to societal
pressures/norms or boosting of one’s achievements in front of hundreds of thousands of people,
the trend of organizing events has increased significantly. If we look into the past, the mere
concept of hiring a whole village to organize your event would seem alien to the people in those
simpler times. However, now people live in a more complex, developed and fast-moving era.
Due to which notions like event management has gained global recognition. Many businesses are
now changing their current business operations and shifting towards event management as there
are better opportunity and prospects emerging in this industry. According to Britain For Event,
the net worth of the event industry is approximated to be 36 billion pounds per annum of the UK
national economy. (Bladen at el, 2012). Going into further detail, out of these 36 billion pounds,
corporate events comprised of almost 30.3 billion pounds whereas cultural festivals, sports and
other outdoor events comprised of the other 5.7 billion. (Bladen at el, 2012)
Due to this emerging and fast-growing trend of events, a good event management team is all that
people need from conception to completion of their events. (Smith, 2017) Event management is
now not only concerned with the nuts and bolts of organizing an event, the effort goes beyond
that. It has now become all about deliverance of a creative campaign that forms the root of the
event and runs through it from start ill the very end. But, in order to organize a successful event,
exceptional event management skills have to be developed which are acquired through thorough
study and experience in the relevant field. Traditional event planning methods no longer fit the
criteria of modern event organization objectives. (Amankwah, 2016)

Different Categories of Events:

1. Corporate Events:
In broader terms, any activity that has been organized by an entity and is projected towards its
employees, clients and stakeholders is termed as a corporate event. Most of the corporate events
have a concrete goal attached to them, that is why the company is willing to spend thousands of
pounds on their execution. From launching of a new product to celebrating the achievements of
your company and its staff, corporate events are deemed to exist. Going into further details, a
corporate event is divided into the following four categories:
 Conferences:
An event with a huge gathering, that mostly is held over a couple of days and is focused
on a central idea. Conferences are extensive events as there are multiple speakers present
and a number of sessions are held across various venues. Activities held in such an event

include speakers (panel discussion), networking opportunities (interviews, roundtables)
as well as various contests and exhibitions. In addition to these, many post/pre conference
get-togethers are also included.
Such events are crucial for an entity when they want to raise awareness about
themselves or a new product that they may have launched. They help in elevating the
overall position of the firm in the public eye. A suitable venue for such an event which
comprises of a large gathering are convention centers.
Real Life Example: Java One is an enormous gathering of all Java programmers, held
by Oracle. It takes place in San Francisco in September mostly. The conference attracts
more than 50,000 participates every year and provides an excellent event attendee
experience by coming up with innovative ideas. (Anon., 2019) They recently made a
commitment to observe events that are environmentally friendly. They offer planet-
friendly menus as well as food donation options, such tactics help them maintain a
positive public image and the company is able to portray a socially responsible corporate
 Seminars:

Seminars are quite similar to conferences; however, their distinctive feature is that they
are solely dedicated towards training. Gathering consist of smaller number of people as
the nature of the event is academic unlike conferences. Most commonly, a single or
maybe a couple of speakers are present and their goal is to transfer highly relevant
information to the target audience. The major objective behind conducting a seminar is
carrying out employee trainings or giving out certifications to company’s employees
Real Life Example: The OOIDA conducts various one- or two-day seminars throughout
the year, called “Truck to Success”. Attendees include people from various fields of life.
The speakers guide them through a number of exercises, discussions and tips that aid
them in starting their own businesses.
 Trade Shows:
Such events are organized for the purpose of showcasing your newly launched products,
generating sales leads or increasing brand awareness. They are interactive in nature and
usually involve huge number of people. The ideal type of venues for this type of events
are convention centers, auditoriums and conference centers.
Real Life Example: The LA Natural Product Expo is considered to be an amazing event
for all the small and medium beauty and food companies. In addition to sampling of
foods, organic cosmetics and beauty products, the attendees are offered a number of
educational opportunities as well.
2. Social Events:

These events include weddings, themed parties, award functions and reunions. Reunion are
mostly very personal occasions. These events vary from family get together on important
occasions like birthdays or anniversaries to meet-up with old friends. In this aspect, creative
ideas regarding decorations, catering, photography play a significant role in making such
social events memorable.
Real Life Example: The Academy Awards (also known as the Oscars) held every year are
one of the most popular social events to exist of international concern.
3. Charity Events:
The main purpose behind such events is to raise money for a social cause and play your role
in being a socially as well as morally responsible person. The money raised might be given to
different charities or non-profit organizations. Activities like a raffle or an auction are
generally conducted to encourage the attendee to contribute generously.
Real Life Example: Ariana Grande, a famous pop-star, conducted a benefit concert by the
name of “One Love Manchester” on 4th June, 2017. The concert helped raise about 13 million
dollars. The proceeds were then given to the victims of the bombing that took place at her
last concert and killed about 22 people. (Bradford, 2018)

Current Trends:
The events industry has seen a number of trends over the last couple of years. In this age of
globalization, social media has a major part to play in all the changing trends of event
management, from queuing at the Box Office to now using internet for buying tickets
immediately. Now a days the attention to detail is even more important, experimental and
immersive events have come out to be a popular trend as well.
An event management software is being utilized by a number of even management
organizations. These help in ensuring that past trend of waiting in a que to get into the venue
is replaced by check-ins that only require providing your name and entering into the
addition to seamless check-ins, personalization has also changed the way event were
conducted. Using CRM (Customer Relation Management) software, event managers are able
to filter the attendees based on their interest & likings for example their desired dietary
preference or the previous event they attended. Through CRM, they are able to segment their
attendees based on similar interests and are able to personalize the marketing of their event
on the basis of these groups. Through this the event management is able to add a
personalized touch that contributes in building loyal and beneficial customer relationships.

Analysis of The Current Trends:

Utilization of human centered technology like Virtual reality, robotics & Artificial
Intelligence are a few innovations that are creating limitless opportunities for businesses to
explore. Event management business is no exception. With the incorporation of such
technologies, people are deemed to be interested in attending your event. For example, any
event of Apple and Tesla is filled with innovative usage of technology whether it be in their

presentations or their product launch conferences. Furthermore, many event organizers are
starting to hop on the recent trend of offering less seating arrangement then what is required.
The main objective behind this is to create an engaging environment during events. People
tend to get relaxed and lazy otherwise, therefore by offering less seating the event managers
are able to make people more mobile. This encourages further interaction and networking
opportunities among the attendees.

Adapting to Stay Innovative:

The beginning of this new decade is expected to bring with itself, changes in technology,
events and consumer expectations relating to those events. With the advancement in
technology and the evolvement in consumer behaviors, the events have also evolved. Now
the world is coming up with changing and innovative trends. The event management firms,
from becoming more sustainable towards the environment to offering personalized attendee
experience are doing it all. By incorporating useful software like CRM, Event Management
and All in One Integrated software are able to plan ahead and build beneficial customer
relations. In such times, if an event organizing firm is unable to deliver enjoyable and
rememberable experiences to its attendees, they would not answer the event-goer’s needs and
will definitely fail as a firm. (Meehan, 2020)

Designing a Poster

The trend of carrying out corporate, social as well as voluntary events in UK has been on the
rise from the past couple of years. Whether it be to promote your business, launch a new
product, raise money for a charity or even a personal occasion like a wedding, events play a
major role in our society.
Perfection in this industry means evolving just as the customers evolve, thereby applying
an audience-oriented mindset, using human centered technology as well as providing a VIP
experience to your attendees by adding personalization technique will help in achieving
attendee engagement and a successful event.

The rapid growth in the event organizing sector has contributed to the world-wide demand for
training programs relating to event management. People want to know what skills are required
from them to execute a successful event and make your mark in this sector. However, planning
an event is not a child’s play, it requires a lot of skills, discipline and effective planning to be
prosperous in this profession. (McManus, 2015)
In order to describe the whole process in a nutshell, a client comes to the event manager with a
vague idea to host an event. It is then the event planner’s job to turn that idea into a beautiful
reality. When it comes to planning an entire event the first steps that an event planner makes are
that he comes up with an engaging and effective marketing plan (Ashleigh, 2013). After the
marketing plan has been prepared, he then needs to look for sponsors and work on the logistics
(the event’s venue, the date and time it will take place at). After this, he works on specific details
like décor, catering and entertainment. From designing a basic framework to finalizing every
aspect of the event, the event planner does it all. Not only this, he also needs to deal with the
stakeholders effectively. A myriad of roles is played by an event organizer. Thereby, for an event
planner to carry out a successful and memorable event, he needs to possess a host of skills.
(Anon., 2018)
Management Roles:

 Event Coordinator: They have the highest level of authority and are responsible for
managing and coordinating the duties of all the staff members below them. They need to
possess excellent organizational and leadership skills.

 Event Planner: They are responsible for handling the logistics as well as making sure
that the event preparations are going as planned (catering, transportation, décor). They
also need to ensure that the budget is being utilized optimally.
 Client Service Manager: His duties include making sure that all the client’s needs are
being fulfilled. He needs to obtain valuable feedback from the client, answer their queries
and handle their complaints.
 Event Manager: just as the name indicates, his duty is to manage every aspect of the
event in such a manner that ensures the smooth and successful running of the event. He
needs to be active, practical and an effective communicator.
 Event Assistant: An event assistant is there to assist the manager in carrying out any
activity related to the event. In case of the absence of Event Manager, it is his assistant’s
duty to carry out the operations and instruct the crew member regarding their job
 Others: Other management roles in the event organization firm includes the creative
director, the videographer, the lighting and sound operators, the catering manger and the
ticket sales manager.
Current Job Opportunities:
With the evolution in technology and changes in consumer expectation, the event industry has
also evolved. Along with all the advancements in event industry comes a series of new career
opportunities for young and creative minds to explore their potential in (White, 2018)
 Digital Analytics’ Manager:
In this modern age, everything is digitalized and the event industry operations are no
exception. The job description of a Digital Analytics Manager is to collect data from digital
sources and analyze it to find useful insights and relevant information. Such insights help in
increasing the productivity, the revenues as well as aids in building beneficial customer
 Customer Experience Manager:
For any business, responding to the demands of their customers and providing them with all
their needs is the number one priority. It is attributes like customer services that can make or
break your business image. A Customer Experience Manager is directly committed to
providing top class service to the attendees of an event. From answering their queries to
obtaining their feedback and managing their complaints, all these activities that make
customers their main fuss revolve around a Customer Experience Manager.
 Event Sustainability Coordinator:
As mentioned in assignment one, many companies like Oracle are now committing to make
their events environmentally friendly and reducing the probability of any harmful affect their
events might have on the environment. Therefore, by hiring an Event Sustainability Manager,
this initiative of going green is well executed. The Event Sustainability Coordinator is
responsible in determining and executing initiatives that provides an environmentally
conscience event.

 Sponsorship Manager:
Stewarding sponsors can have a considerable effect on any event’s success. The Sponsorship
Manager is responsible for hunting down potential sponsors and asking them to invest in
their event. By hiring a person that is solely dedicated to this will make sure that mutually
beneficial relationship is developed between them and the sponsors as well as play a major
role in generating revenue for the event.
Management Skills:
The following are some of the skills that are required to work within events environment and
deal with stakeholders:
 Critical Thinking Skills: Critical as well as problem solving skills are a must in this
profession. In order to manage an event effectively, the organizers need to make sure no
problems are created. On the occurrence of a problem, they need to recognize it
immediately and make sure that it solved then and there. In addition, they need to think of
ways to avoid similar problems in the future operations i.e. he needs to have a problem
focused approach in order to tackle any negative occurrences at an event that may affect
the organization’s image.
 Required Skill Set: In addition to critical thinking, an event manager needs to possess
the following key skills:
o He should have a leader-like and goal-directed behavior.
o He should maintain a fine balance between being available to his clients at all
important times and being over-committed to the event.
o Something will always go different then what was planned, therefore, the
organizer should be flexible enough to adapt to challenging situations.
o He is able to manage in time effectively by systematically allocating time to each
activating according to its importance.
 An Eye for a Design: Designing events that are interest and intriguing to your
attendees is on the priority list of all event management companies. Building mind maps
and using design thinking can prove to be innovative approaches to event planning that
are effective and broadly accessible.
 Effective Marketing: Marketing helps you in reaching towards your intended
audience. Press releases, event posters and advertising your events through print
(Newspapers) and electronic mediums (Creating a Facebook event or a website) can all
aid in delivering the message to your target audience about your event. Therefore, the
event organizing firms should be able to possess good marketing skills which are crucial
for a successful event.
 Vision and intuition: As an event organizer, you should be able to visualize the idea
your client presents you with and turn it into its desired reality in the form of a great
Safety & Security:
In order to execute a safe and secure event, the event management needs to go through a
couple of steps. First, they need to provide an Event Safety Management Plan. Then they
need to conduct a risk assessment meeting where the event manager is supposed to elicit all

the safety hazards or any possible health hazards related to the event (Pershkle, 2016). The
management needs to provide all necessary safeguards in order to prevent any exposure to an
injury or illness. Specifically, for an outdoor event, pest control is significant. An Emergency
plan should be prepared by the event coordinator in order to deal with any unfortunate
occurrence at the event.
The organizers are also supposed to conduct site inspections where they should look for
any potentially dangerous or health hazardous elements that can lead to injuries or any other
unfortunate event. In addition to this, sanitary facilities should be made available and should
be present in good numbers to accommodate all the users. While it is important that all
attendees are able to have fun and enjoy themselves, their safety and security is far more
important than this. Therefore, for this purpose, it is vital that at the venue if something
untoward takes place, personnel with adequate training in this aspect must be present to
handle the situation at hand. In case of large event, a fire brigade, an ambulance and
paramedical should be present to ensure the smooth running of the event. The sanitary
stations should be positioned in such a way that they are accessible to various event

The event industry has become one of the most popular and glamorous profession in the recent
times. This also means there are great prospects that this industry has to offer and bigger
opportunities for young talent to explore. However, a lot of management skills goes into making
an event successful. From the event coordinator to the event assistant, every single body is
involved in making sure that the event runs smoothly. In addition, all possess unique and
effective management skills that help them prosper and deal with different stakeholders. Living
in modern times, the event industry has also evolved which means that there are a variety of
innovative and intriguing career paths that are developing, sustainability coordinator, customer
experience managers are just some emerging example. Lastly, in order to ensure that the event is
executed safely, a lot of measures are adopted by the event management firms.

Amankwah, M., 2016. Eventbrite Blog. [Online]
Available at:

Anon., 2018. Duties and Responsibilities of Event Mnagement. [Online]

Available at:

Anon., 2019. 77 Events ideas and formats for nest great event. [Online]
Available at:

Ashleigh, 2013. Event Management Team Roles, s.l.: s.n.

Bladen at el, 2012. Britain For Events.

Bradford, A., 2018. Planning of Successful Charity Events, s.l.: s.n.

McManus, 2015. Skills of Event Planners. In: s.l.:s.n.

Meehan, L., 2020. Social Tables. [Online]

Available at: s://

Pershkle, K., 2016. First Time Event Planning Guide.

Smith, K., 2017. Oustanding Event Management Skills, s.l.: s.n.

White, K., 2018. Event Skift. [Online]

Available at:


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