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Transition refers to the process or a period of changing from one state or condition to another.
This definition is suitable for the topic at hand since sudents will be moving from a high school
set up to a hugh level educational institution in which they will be studying for degrees and
where academic research is done. The different set of skills that a student needs for a successful
transition include critical thinking ,understandung ,time management ,stress management ,self
discipline ,responsibility and research and development. These skills can be linked to a theory
which was developed by William Perry in 1960. The theory helps to explain the stages of
development in a college student. The stages of development are grouped into nine positions
which are going to be explined further in the essay.

William Perry’s Theory of Cognitive Development helps to explain one of the key skills that a
student needs which is research and development. This was explained on the late multiplicity
stage of hus theory. This is the stage where students begin to see their peers as possible sources
of information. They now understand that they cannot entirely rely on the authorities for
information. They begin to carry out research so as to find the right solutons for a particular
problem. This was further supported by Hall and Bass (2018) who insisted that research and
development helps students to move past high school experience and adapt faster to college
experiences. They will now be equiped with research skills unlike in hssgh school where
information is provided for them by teachers. Students therefore need research skills to make
university life viable for them.

Critical thinking is one of the skills that are needed by a student for a successful transition from
high school to university life. Lai and Huitt (2015) believe that this is a key factor in the
transition of a student since the new experience requires them to analyse different situations.
This is supported by William Perry’s Theory under the relativism stage. This is a stage in which
a student has to support every answer with reasoning. The contexual meaning of the solution
should be seen. Critical thinking and analysis therefore allows students to analyse more so as to
give logical reasoning to each and every solution that they provide. This skill will help students
to succefully transition to university life as they will be faced with situations that require them to
give analysis.

According to Nickerson (2008), understanding of concerpts is a skill that every student should
possess. This has been seen as one of the skills that enable them to successfully transition from
high school to university life. Students should be able to fully understand the new concerpts of
learning in the new environment. This will therefore enable them to adapt quickly to changes.
This skill is supported by William Perry’s Theory on the late multiplicity stage. This stage shows
that there exist wrong and right solutions in which students should show understanding of
concerpts so as to be able to provide the right solutions. The skill therefore equips them with
sufficient knowledge so as to differentiate right solutions from wrong ones.

The other skill which was highlighted by Saba and Tracey (2012) as a key transition skill is self
efficiency or independency. This is the ability to make your own voice and trusting your own
judgement. This skill enables students to make their own choices and not only rely on authorities
for information and conclusions. Students can analyse on their own and make their own
independent conclusions and views on a certain topic or problem. This skill is explained by Perry
on the relativism stage of his theory. At this stage students are able to make choices and commit
to their choices. They make their own independent opinions and listen to their inner voice.
Students are the able to move past their high school experience and begin a whole new
experience as a college student.

The other key transiton skill that is identified by Anderson (2018), which enables smooth
transition is being able to listen attentively. Students need to listen to instructions and guidelines
provided to them by their authorities. This helps them to fully grasp concerpts and increase
knowledge. The skill is further explaained by William Perry under the dualism stage. At this
stage, students believe that all problems are solvable and authorities are always right. They
belive that the information provided by authorities is precise and always the right solution. This
skill will therefore result in students being able to listen to authorities and learn the right
solutions provided to them according to the knowledge of the authorities.

Responsibility is a very essential skill that is needed by every learner. This was highlighted by
Giddens (2019) as one of the skills students need for a successful transition from high school
university life. He pinpointed that students need to be responsible for themselves and the choices
that they make. They no longer live with parents or guardians so responsibility is essential. This
was also supported by William Perry on his theory at the commitment stage. This is a stage
where students begin to make their own choices and commit to them. They also descover that
comitment is an ongoing and unveiling process. The stage theefore enables students to make
choices and be responsible for them. This therefore enables them to succesfully move past high
school experiences and open up new chapters of their life.

Time management is also one of the skills that every learner needs to possess. This is an essential
skill and was highlighted by Macan (2012), who saw it as a must for all learners. He postulated
that students need to master their lecture timetables and manage their time wisely. They will also
need to make time for themselves to read as well as to manage their leisure activities. This will
enable them to create adequate time for study, assignments as well as leisure. It is believed that
students who manage their time wisely are most likely to pass their studies and make it in
life.Williiam Perry explained this on the commitment stage of his theory. Commiment needs
time and therefore students need to be able to manage their time wisely.

The other skill that students coming from high school need to master is stress management. This
is very crutial since college life can be very stressful at times. Students therefore need to manage
situations in a more mature manner thus enabling them to manage stress that may arise. At this
stage students begin to engage in romantic relationships which may therefore lead to stress and
depression. They therefore need to know how to manage these situations and be free from any
stress. Stress management therefore plays a pivotal role in students at college.

In conclusion, William Perry’s Theory of Cognitive Development help to explain the stages that
college students go through. Students need to be equiped with different skills so as to enable
them to smoothly move through the different stages of life. These skills include time
management, critical thinking, self efficiency, stress management as well as responsibility. These
skills were all explained by the different stages on William Perry’s Theory. The application of
these skills by college students will help them throughout college life.

Bernard M Bass (2016), European Journal of Work and Organisational Psychology

Broxyn H Hall (2018), Oxford Review of Economic Policy

Raymond S Nickrson (2008), American Journal of Edustion

Tanzila Saba (2012), Human Centril Computing Information Sciences

Terence JG Tracey (2010), Journal of Counseling Psychology

Therese Hoff Macan (2012), Journal of Applied Psychology

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