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Military Institute of Science and Technology

B.Sc. in Civil Engineering
Student Group: 72 < Earned Credit Hour <= 108, Final Examination (Fall) : Dec 2020

Subject: CE - 333, Environmental Engineering II

Total: 2.00 hours Full Marks: 240

Section A: 1.00 hour Section A: 120

a. Use SEPARATE answer scripts for each section.
b. Question – 1 and Question – 4 (Viva Voce) in Section A are compulsory.
c. Answer any OTHER ONE question from this section (From Q - 2 & Q - 3).
d. Figures in the margin indicate full marks.
e. Assume reasonable data if necessary.
f. Symbols used have their usual meanings.


Question – 1 (Compulsory)
a. Discuss briefly the problems of discharging untreated wastewater 10
into the river.

b. List the purposes of sewage treatment. 7

c. Differentiate between the following terms (any three): 9

(i) Black water and grey water
(ii) TSS and VSS
(iii) Nitrification and denitrification
(iv) CBOD and NBOD
(v) Pressure Sewers and Vacuum Sewer

d. A trunk swear is to be sized for a 25 km2 (2500 ha) city with a 20

naturally sloped towards the major river with a gradient of 1 in 1000.
It will be 60% residential, 30% commercial, 10% industrial. The
residential area will have 40% large lots, 55% small single family
lots and 5% multi-story apartments.
The average domestic wastewater flow rate is 800 L/d/capita
(9.26×10-6 m3/sec/person), the average commercial flow rate is
25,000 L/d/ha (2.89×10-4 m3/sec/ha) and the average industrial flow
rate is 40,000 L/d/ha (4.63×10-4 m3/sec/ha). I & I is 1,000 L/d/ha for
the entire area.
Estimate the peak and minimum flows to be handled by the trunk
Given :
Qpeak/Qavg = and Qmean/Qavg = , where ‘P’ is the total city
population in thousands. Also design the sewer based on the
estimated flow and the saturation densities for the residential areas
given in the table below:

Type of area Density (persons/ha)

Large lots 5-7
Small lots, single-family 75
Small lots, two-family 125
Multistory apartments 2,500

e. Draw a schematic diagram representing an ETP of a Textile industry 6

employing only the physic-chemical processes.

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Question – 2
a. From an engineer’s point of view, explain how a sewer system 10
design differs from the design of a water supply system. Where
should one start laying out the sewer network?

b. A 125 mm thick, 1200 mm dia RCC pipe is laid in a trapezoidal 12

trench with side slope 1:1.5 (V:H). The pipe rests on a 150 mm thick
hard core overlain by 150 mm sand bed. The RL of the finished level
(Road) is +3.000 m. The trench is backfilled with wet sand and
dump clay (density 1920 kg/m3). Determine the load on the sewer

c. The following data on characteristics of sewer are collected from the 16

Tongi Industrial Area:
(i) BOD5 at 20°c = 380 mg/L
(ii) Flow, Q = 1 m3/sec
(iii) Temperature of the sewage = 27°c
A circular concrete sewer of diameter 600 mm is to be installed in
Tongi Industrial area at a slope of 0.0009. It is essential that the
sulfide Generation Potential (Z) be determined under half full
condition prior to construction of the sewer conveyance system.

d. What are the objectives of water supply and drainage systems of a 6


Question – 3
a. You have been given the responsibility to plan crossing of a sewer 10
line across the Dhaka-Chittagong highway near Vulta interchange to
convey the sewer along the newly constructed canal. Which agencies
do you need to contact during planning and construction stages?

b. Prepare an Environmental management Plan (EMP) for a road 8


c. Given: 16
40 story building 11ft floor to floor.
 60 psi at public main
 Flush-valve fixture except on the top most two floors where
flush tank fixtures are used.
 Maximum pressure at any fixture is not to exceed 50 psi.
 Fixture pressure varies from 4 psi to 7 psi for flush-tank
 Fixture pressure varies from 8 psi to 15 psi for flush valve
 Pressure loss in the water meter is 5 psi.
 Public main is 65ft away from the foot of the riser.
 The pressure loss is 9 psi/100ft for a 3-inch main and that is 2
psi/100ft for a 4-inch main.
Assume reasonable values for missing data if required. Determine
zoning of the building for water supply.

d. Write short notes on : 10

(i) Resource recovery from solid waste, (ii) Water seal, (iii) Water
supply fixture unit, and (iv) Sewer Test.

Question – 4 Viva Voce (Compulsory) 24

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