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Test Paper: 8th form

1. Read the article and fill in the gaps with a sentence a-e. There is one sentence you don’t need (8 p).

a) Finland, Brazil and France guarantee six weeks d) So, a long vacation can be undesirable, scary,
of time off. unrealistic or just impossible for many U.S. work-
b) “I dream of taking a cruise or a trip to Europe, but
I can’t imagine getting away for so long.” e) Working makes Americans happier than
c) That makes the U.S. the only advanced nation in
the world that doesn’t guarantee its workers annu-
al leave.

Why is America the ‘no-vacation nation’?

By A. Pawlowski,
According to A. Pawlowski, if you like to take
lots of vacations, the United States is not the place
paid vacation. 2____ Most U.S. companies, of course,
to work. Besides some national holidays, the
typical American worker gets two or three weeks
off to relax and see the world - much less than what do provide vacation to attract and keep workers.
people in many other coun-tries have. Only 57% of But many Americans do not want to be absent from
U.S. workers use all their va-cation days, compared work because they think that they might look
with 89% of workers in France. Germany, irresponsible or they worry they won’t be able to
Australia, Slovenia, Japan require employ-ers to manage their work after a vacation. Then, this is the
way Americans work.
offer four weeks or more of paid vacation to their
workers. 1___ But about a quarter of all American
workers don’t have it because employers in the ____ That may be because Americans believe more
United States are not obligated under federal law than Europeans do that hard work is associated with
success, wrote an assistant professor at the University
to offer any
of Texas at Dallas. He said “Americans feel happier
when they work, and Europeans feel happier through
leisure.” 4. ____ .

2. Complete with a word: assignment, charity, allow, advantage, available, deadline (9 p).

• The _________ for entering the competition is tomorrow. • You can do each _________ at your
own speed. • One great _________ of living in town is having the shops so near. • The extra money
will _________ me to upgrade my computer. • An example of _________ is a donation of ten
dollars a month to a local food bank. • This information is _________ free on the Internet.
3. _________ a book on the desk.

3. Use “it is/there is/ there are” in the spaces(7 p).

1. _________ very cold outside.  4. _________ 6 o'clock

2. Look! _________ their telephone number in the 5. Excuse me, ________ a restaurant near here?
letter. 6. How many students _________ in your group?
7. There ____________ a big bed in the bedroom.

4. Open the brackets by putting the verb in Present Simple or

Present Continuous (12 p)

1. We (have)  lunch now. Can you call later,


2. They (have)   dinner at 6 pm.

3. Lisa (hate)   onions. She never

(eat)   them.

4. John (want)   to go to Paris for Christmas.

5. She can't answer the phone because she
(take)   a shower.

6. You can take my laptop, I (not use)   it.

5. Write 5 sentences about a famous person you
admire(10 p).

Scoring Scale:

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
44- 41- 34- 27- 19- 11- 8- 4-7 1-3 0
46 43 40 33 26 18 10

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