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Passive Voice Homework

Complete the following statements with the correct form of the passive voice. Then
write an answer for each request.

1. Name two paintings which were painted (paint) by Italian artists.

La Giaconda, Starry night.
2. Name two things which were produced (produce) in your country.
Inka Kola, and fast and furious 9
3. Name two films which were made (make) using CGI.
Avatar, Terminator 2: judgment day
4. Name two things which were made (make) by hand.
Ceramic, a paint.
5. Name two albums which were recorded (record) in the 60’s.
Blonde on Blonde, Pet Sounds.
6. Name two TV shows which were watched (watch) by young people.
Malcom in the middle, twilight
7. Name two films which were based (base) on a true story.
Anabelle, the nun
8. Name two languages which were spoken (speak) in Europe.
Spanish, English
9. Name two buildings which were built (build) more than 100 years ago.
The Parthenon, Santa Catalina Monastery
10. Name two books which were published (publish) in the last ten years.
The Goldfinch, Normal People.

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