AFMI H 220121 R.RTF ( )

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Referee's Report

Annals of Fuzzy Mathematics and Informatics (AFMI)

ISSN 2093-9310
Kyung Moon Sa Co.

Manuscript ID : AFMI-H-220121

Title : On fuzzy dot hyper k-ideal of a hyper k-algebra

Author(s) : Gerima Tefera D.

Manuscript Question(s) Excellent Good Average Poor

(1) Originality 
(2) Soundness and Validity of Contents 
(3) Clarity of Presentation 
(4) Adequacy of References to Literature 
(5) General Interest in This Subject 

Referee’s Recommendations

( ) This paper should be accepted in its present form.

() This paper should be accepted subject to the following conditions:

( ) This paper should be rejected for the following reasons:

Referee’s Comments (continue on another sheet, if necessary)

1. In the abstract, there is need to provide the detail of the methodology employ and the
summary of the results obtained from both Cartesian product and homomorphism in
fuzzy k-algebra.
2. The literature captured in the introduction on the study and investigation of the hyper
ideals, fuzzy algebras are rather inadequate.
3. In preliminary section, some of the definitions provided were not properly cited.
4. There is need to provide some more related concepts used in the results that are very
important, like fuzzy hyper ideals, fuzzy hyper k-algebras, BCK-Algebras and some
5. Although the results covered the fuzzy dot hyper k-ideals and k-algebras, there is need to
equally define fuzzy hyper k-sub algebra, because it was applied in the results.
6. Most of the propositions, theorems, and definitions statements should be rephrased and
7. The use of “Let” and “If” in starting a theorem or proof with the use of “be” and “is”
should carefully be observed and consistent throughout the manuscript.
8. The whole manuscripts require proofreading and editing so many repetitions of words,
missing spaces, missing backslashes in LaTEX symbols, inconsistency in using symbols
and statements, punctuations in sentences and missing spaces.
9. Using the concept of level subset or characteristic function, there is need to connect
between fuzzy hyper k-ideals and fuzzy hyper quasi-ideals.
10. In the homomorphism part, the normality of the -algebras can be discuss.
11. Conclusion part need to be elaborative and there is need for more most recent
12. Conclusively, the subject is of interest and some important results are presented.

The manuscript can be accepted after addressing the stated above comments.

Subject Correction of comments

First I would like to thank the referees for sharing me his/her time , knowledge and skill in the
correction of the manuscript and I appreciate the genuine help.

Here is the list of correction

1. Regarding to comment NO1 I have included the necessary in formation in the abstract.
2. Regarding comment No 2. I have included some related litratures in introduction.
3. Regarding comment No 3. Some uncited definitions are cited .
4. Fuzzy hyper K-ideals and fuzzy hyper k-sub algebras are included in preliminary part.
5. The same as number 4 .
6. 6,7,and 8 are corrected in the main manuscript.
7. Comment no 9. Iam not discussed about quasi ideals , I may think to work for the future
including some other properties
8. No 10 and 11 are included in the material

According to the comment I have prepared the manuscript according to the template of the
journal to be published

Thank you!!

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