EE2 TB Un7

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007 Unit 07 Places in My Life

Student: ___________________________________________________________________________

 Read the information and answer the questions.

My name is Minh. I moved here two months ago. Before I moved, I looked at two different towns, Mitchell and
Reston. Reston is a very small town. It is also very old. Mitchell is newer and the buildings are more modern.
It's also larger and noisier than Reston. Reston is quieter than Mitchell, and I like quiet places. The rent for an
apartment in Mitchell is more expensive than the rent in Reston. The rent for a two-bedroom apartment in
Mitchell is $1,200 a month. A two-bedroom apartment in Reston is $800 a month. My family likes Reston. We
think Reston is prettier than Mitchell. We think the school in Reston is better, too. That's why we live in Reston.

1. Where does Minh live? 

A. Mitchell
B. Reston
C. Miller
D. Restown

2. How much is a two-bedroom apartment in Mitchell? 

A. $800
B. $1,000
C. $1,200
D. $1,500

3. Which is true about Reston? 

A. It is more crowded than Mitchell.
B. It is more expensive than Mitchell.
C. It is more modern than Mitchell.
D. It is more traditional than Mitchell.

4. Which is true about Mitchell? 

A. It is quieter than Reston.
B. Rents are cheaper than in Reston.
C. It is prettier than Reston.
D. It is more crowded than Reston.

5. Which adjective describes Reston? 
A. pretty
B. noisy
C. modern
D. crowded

6. When did Minh move? 

A. last month
B. two months ago
C. three months ago
D. last year

 Read the letter and answer True or False.


7. Luis's new town is very similar to his hometown. 

True    False

8. His hometown was more crowded than his new town. 

True    False

9. The food in the supermarkets in his new town is more expensive. 
True    False

10. The food in his hometown was worse. 

True    False

11. The people in both towns are nice. 

True    False

12. Both towns are near the beach. 

True    False

 Read the letter. Choose the correct answers.


13. Why is Juan writing to his parents? 

A. to say that he is really unhappy in New York
B. to tell them about his new and interesting job
C. to tell his parents about his new life
D. to explain that he is living with his cousin Alberto

14. What does Juan think about San Luis? 
A. It's dangerous, but interesting.
B. It's nice, but boring.
C. He had a better job there.
D. He likes it better than New York City.

15. How is Juan's new job worse than his old job? 

A. The pay is lower.
B. The hours are longer.
C. The work is easier.
D. The boss is nicer.

16. How is New York better than San Luis? 

A. It is more interesting.
B. It is safer.
C. Life is more stressful.
D. It is noisier.

17. When did Juan arrive in New York? 

A. last week
B. last month
C. two weeks ago
D. yesterday

 Choose the correct word to complete each sentence. Use each answer only once.
A. bored
B. calm
C. comfortable
D. cool
E. freezing
F. modern
G. noisy
H. stormy
I. stressful
J. traditional
K. windy
L. worried

18. We have a vocabulary test tomorrow. I'm ____________ because I don't know all the words. 

19. I like fall. The weather isn't hot. It's ___________. 


20. This room is very ___________. I need someplace quieter. 


21. Alex is very _________________. He is never nervous. 


22. It's very cold in here. It's ______________. 


23. We didn't buy the sofa. It wasn't ____________________. 


24. That company does things they way they did 50 years ago. It is a very ___________________ company. 

25. Don't wear a hat today. It's too ______________. The hat will blow away. 

26. Life in New York City can be very _________________ for someone from a small town. There is too much
noise and too many people. 

27. The new building downtown is very ______________. It has a lot of new technology. 

28. Hana was ______________. She didn't have anything interesting to do. 

29. It's _________________ outside. I think it's going to rain for a long time. 

 Choose the best answer to complete the sentence.

30. I wore a heavy coat because it was ________________ in Chicago. 

A. cool
B. sunny
C. freezing
D. foggy

31. In Los Angeles, everything is new. It's very _______________. 

A. traditional
B. outgoing
C. modern
D. excited

32. She is always nervous. She is never _____________. 

A. calm
B. worried
C. excited
D. uncomfortable

33. Big, busy cities are really _________. 

A. stressful
B. calm
C. boring
D. relaxed

34. The __________ of my town is 10,500 people. 
A. cost
B. population
C. weather
D. number

35. Q: Were you home yesterday?

A: No, I _______________. 
A. was
B. wasn't
C. were
D. weren't

36. Q: Where were you this morning?

A: We ____________ at work from 9 until 11. 
A. was
B. wasn't
C. were
D. weren't

37. Vera _______________ in class last week. She was sick. 

A. was
B. wasn't
C. were
D. weren't

38. Gina ____________ nervous about the test, but Sana and I were very relaxed. 
A. was
B. wasn't
C. were
D. weren't

39. Carl and I ____________ excited about the new movie. We love action movies. 
A. was
B. wasn't
C. were
D. weren't

40. You _______________ comfortable in that room. It was freezing. 
A. was
B. wasn't
C. were
D. weren't

41. My sister is _________________ my brother. 

A. tall than
B. taller than
C. more tall than
D. taller

42. This bed is __________________ that one. 

A. comfortable than
B. comfortabler than
C. more comfortable than
D. more comfortable

43. Olga's old car was ____________________ her new one. 

A. noisier than
B. noisyer than
C. more noisy than
D. noisy than

44. My new job is __________________ my old one. I like it very much. 

A. good than
B. worse than
C. more good than
D. better than

45. We are really happy in our new house. It is _______________ the old one. 
A. bigger than
B. big than
C. more big than
D. more big

46. Rob doesn't like his new teacher. She is ________________ his last teacher. 
A. better than
B. worse than
C. more bad than
D. more good than

47. I __________ excited. 

A. was
B. were
C. did
D. does

48. They _____________ bored. 

A. was
B. were
C. did
D. do

49. __________ here yesterday? 

A. Did I
B. Were I
C. Was I
D. Do I

50. Why __________ you late? 

A. do
B. did
C. was
D. were

51. Mary: _________ were you in Mexico?

Joe: Last month. 
A. Why
B. When
C. How
D. What

52. My hometown is smaller _________ this city. 
A. then
B. of
C. for
D. than

53. Mexico is ____________ Russia. 

A. warm than
B. more warm than
C. warmer than
D. more warmer than

54. Life expectancy is _______________ now than 100 years ago. 

A. better
B. gooder
C. more good
D. more better

55. My new job is _______________ my old job. 

A. more stressful
B. stressfuller than
C. stressful than
D. more stressful than

56. This neighborhood is ____________ my old one. 

A. noisier than
B. more noisy
C. noiser than
D. more noisier than

 Write the answers to the following questions. Use complete sentences.

57. What are three adjectives to describe your last trip? 


58. How is your new city similar to your hometown? 


59. How is your new city different from your hometown? 


60. What was your last job like? 


007 Unit 07 Places in My Life Key

 Read the information and answer the questions.

My name is Minh. I moved here two months ago. Before I moved, I looked at two different towns, Mitchell and
Reston. Reston is a very small town. It is also very old. Mitchell is newer and the buildings are more modern.
It's also larger and noisier than Reston. Reston is quieter than Mitchell, and I like quiet places. The rent for an
apartment in Mitchell is more expensive than the rent in Reston. The rent for a two-bedroom apartment in
Mitchell is $1,200 a month. A two-bedroom apartment in Reston is $800 a month. My family likes Reston. We
think Reston is prettier than Mitchell. We think the school in Reston is better, too. That's why we live in Reston.

1. Where does Minh live? 

a. Mitchell
B. Reston
c. Miller
d. Restown

Learning Objective: READING


2. How much is a two-bedroom apartment in Mitchell? 

a. $800
b. $1,000
C. $1,200
d. $1,500

Learning Objective: READING


3. Which is true about Reston? 

a. It is more crowded than Mitchell.
b. It is more expensive than Mitchell.
c. It is more modern than Mitchell.
D. It is more traditional than Mitchell.

Learning Objective: READING


4. Which is true about Mitchell? 
a. It is quieter than Reston.
b. Rents are cheaper than in Reston.
c. It is prettier than Reston.
D. It is more crowded than Reston.

Learning Objective: READING


5. Which adjective describes Reston? 

A. pretty
b. noisy
c. modern
d. crowded

Learning Objective: READING


6. When did Minh move? 

a. last month
B. two months ago
c. three months ago
d. last year

Learning Objective: READING


 Read the letter and answer True or False.


7. Luis's new town is very similar to his hometown. 


Learning Objective: READING


8. His hometown was more crowded than his new town. 

Learning Objective: READING


9. The food in the supermarkets in his new town is more expensive. 


Learning Objective: READING


10. The food in his hometown was worse. 


Learning Objective: READING


11. The people in both towns are nice. 


Learning Objective: READING


12. Both towns are near the beach. 


Learning Objective: READING


 Read the letter. Choose the correct answers.


13. Why is Juan writing to his parents? 

a. to say that he is really unhappy in New York
b. to tell them about his new and interesting job
C. to tell his parents about his new life
d. to explain that he is living with his cousin Alberto

Learning Objective: READING


14. What does Juan think about San Luis? 
a. It's dangerous, but interesting.
B. It's nice, but boring.
c. He had a better job there.
d. He likes it better than New York City.

Learning Objective: READING


15. How is Juan's new job worse than his old job? 

a. The pay is lower.
B. The hours are longer.
c. The work is easier.
d. The boss is nicer.

Learning Objective: READING


16. How is New York better than San Luis? 

A. It is more interesting.
b. It is safer.
c. Life is more stressful.
d. It is noisier.

Learning Objective: READING


17. When did Juan arrive in New York? 

A. last week
b. last month
c. two weeks ago
d. yesterday

Learning Objective: READING


 Choose the correct word to complete each sentence. Use each answer only once.
A. bored
B. calm
C. comfortable
D. cool
E. freezing
F. modern
G. noisy
H. stormy
I. stressful
J. traditional
K. windy
L. worried

18. We have a vocabulary test tomorrow. I'm ____________ because I don't know all the words. 

Learning Objective: VOCABULARY


19. I like fall. The weather isn't hot. It's ___________. 


Learning Objective: VOCABULARY


20. This room is very ___________. I need someplace quieter. 


Learning Objective: VOCABULARY


21. Alex is very _________________. He is never nervous. 


Learning Objective: VOCABULARY


22. It's very cold in here. It's ______________. 

Learning Objective: VOCABULARY


23. We didn't buy the sofa. It wasn't ____________________. 


Learning Objective: VOCABULARY


24. That company does things they way they did 50 years ago. It is a very ___________________ company. 

Learning Objective: VOCABULARY


25. Don't wear a hat today. It's too ______________. The hat will blow away. 

Learning Objective: VOCABULARY


26. Life in New York City can be very _________________ for someone from a small town. There is too much
noise and too many people. 

Learning Objective: VOCABULARY


27. The new building downtown is very ______________. It has a lot of new technology. 

Learning Objective: VOCABULARY


28. Hana was ______________. She didn't have anything interesting to do. 

Learning Objective: VOCABULARY


29. It's _________________ outside. I think it's going to rain for a long time. 

Learning Objective: VOCABULARY


 Choose the best answer to complete the sentence.

30. I wore a heavy coat because it was ________________ in Chicago. 

a. cool
b. sunny
C. freezing
d. foggy

Learning Objective: VOCABULARY


31. In Los Angeles, everything is new. It's very _______________. 

a. traditional
b. outgoing
C. modern
d. excited

Learning Objective: VOCABULARY


32. She is always nervous. She is never _____________. 

A. calm
b. worried
c. excited
d. uncomfortable

Learning Objective: VOCABULARY


33. Big, busy cities are really _________. 
A. stressful
b. calm
c. boring
d. relaxed

Learning Objective: VOCABULARY


34. The __________ of my town is 10,500 people. 

a. cost
B. population
c. weather
d. number

Learning Objective: VOCABULARY


35. Q: Were you home yesterday?

A: No, I _______________. 
a. was
B. wasn't
c. were
d. weren't

Learning Objective: GRAMMAR


36. Q: Where were you this morning?

A: We ____________ at work from 9 until 11. 
a. was
b. wasn't
C. were
d. weren't

Learning Objective: GRAMMAR


37. Vera _______________ in class last week. She was sick. 
a. was
B. wasn't
c. were
d. weren't

Learning Objective: GRAMMAR


38. Gina ____________ nervous about the test, but Sana and I were very relaxed. 
A. was
b. wasn't
c. were
d. weren't

Learning Objective: GRAMMAR


39. Carl and I ____________ excited about the new movie. We love action movies. 
a. was
b. wasn't
C. were
d. weren't

Learning Objective: GRAMMAR


40. You _______________ comfortable in that room. It was freezing. 

a. was
b. wasn't
c. were
D. weren't

Learning Objective: GRAMMAR


41. My sister is _________________ my brother. 

a. tall than
B. taller than
c. more tall than
d. taller

Learning Objective: GRAMMAR


42. This bed is __________________ that one. 
a. comfortable than
b. comfortabler than
C. more comfortable than
d. more comfortable

Learning Objective: GRAMMAR


43. Olga's old car was ____________________ her new one. 

A. noisier than
b. noisyer than
c. more noisy than
d. noisy than

Learning Objective: GRAMMAR


44. My new job is __________________ my old one. I like it very much. 

a. good than
b. worse than
c. more good than
D. better than

Learning Objective: GRAMMAR


45. We are really happy in our new house. It is _______________ the old one. 
A. bigger than
b. big than
c. more big than
d. more big

Learning Objective: GRAMMAR


46. Rob doesn't like his new teacher. She is ________________ his last teacher. 
a. better than
B. worse than
c. more bad than
d. more good than

Learning Objective: GRAMMAR


47. I __________ excited. 
A. was
b. were
c. did
d. does

Learning Objective: GRAMMAR


48. They _____________ bored. 

a. was
B. were
c. did
d. do

Learning Objective: GRAMMAR


49. __________ here yesterday? 

a. Did I
b. Were I
C. Was I
d. Do I

Learning Objective: GRAMMAR


50. Why __________ you late? 

a. do
b. did
c. was
D. were

Learning Objective: GRAMMAR


51. Mary: _________ were you in Mexico?
Joe: Last month. 
a. Why
B. When
c. How
d. What

Learning Objective: GRAMMAR


52. My hometown is smaller _________ this city. 

a. then
b. of
c. for
D. than

Learning Objective: GRAMMAR


53. Mexico is ____________ Russia. 

a. warm than
b. more warm than
C. warmer than
d. more warmer than

Learning Objective: GRAMMAR


54. Life expectancy is _______________ now than 100 years ago. 

A. better
b. gooder
c. more good
d. more better

Learning Objective: GRAMMAR


55. My new job is _______________ my old job. 
a. more stressful
b. stressfuller than
c. stressful than
D. more stressful than

Learning Objective: GRAMMAR


56. This neighborhood is ____________ my old one. 

A. noisier than
b. more noisy
c. noiser than
d. more noisier than

Learning Objective: GRAMMAR


 Write the answers to the following questions. Use complete sentences.

57. What are three adjectives to describe your last trip? 

Answers will vary.

Learning Objective: WRITING


58. How is your new city similar to your hometown? 

Answers will vary.

Learning Objective: WRITING


59. How is your new city different from your hometown? 

Answers will vary.

Learning Objective: WRITING


60. What was your last job like? 

Answers will vary.

Learning Objective: WRITING


007 Unit 07 Places in My Life Summary

Category # of Questions
Learning Objective: GRAMMAR 22
Learning Objective: READING 17
Learning Objective: VOCABULARY 17
Learning Objective: WRITING 4

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