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Mozart and Salieri





everyone says: There is no truth on earth.

But there is no truth - and above. For me

So it's clear, as a simple scale.

I was born with a love for art;

child being, when high

Sounding organ in our old church,

I listened and listened with delight - tears

Involuntary and sweet flowing.

I rejected the idle pastimes early;

science, alien music, It was

tower mne; stubbornly and arrogantly

From them I abdicated and surrendered

one music. Difficult first step

And boring the first path. overcome

I early adversity. Craft

I put the pedestal of art;

I became a craftsman: fingers

I gave obedient, dry fluency

And faithful to his ear. sounds slaying,

Music I razyal, like a corpse. I believed

I harmony with algebra. Then

already I dared, versed in science,

Indulge in creative bliss dream.

I began to do; but in the silence, but in secret,

Not daring to think more about the glory.

not infrequently, after sitting in the silent cell

Two, three days, and forgetting sleep and food,

Having tasted the excitement and tears of inspiration,

I zhog my work and looked cold,

As my thoughts and sounds, I Rozhdennye,

dust, with a slight smoke disappear.

What I tell? When great Gluck

He appeared and opened to us new secrets

(deep, captivating mystery),

Did I dropped everything, I know that before,

With so loved, What's so hot believed,

And Do not go after him cheerfully

resignedly, like that, who erred

And the counter is sent to the other side?

vehemently, intense perseverance

I'm finally in the art of infinite

He has gained a high degree of. Glory

I smiled; I was in the hearts of men

Consonance found his creation.

I was happy: I enjoyed peacefully

their labor, success, glory; same

Through the efforts and successes of friends,

My comrades in the wondrous art.

Not! I never knew envy,

ABOUT, never! - nizhe, when Piccini

Able to capture the wild rumor Parisians,

Below, when he heard for the first time

I Iphigenia [1] initial sound.

who says, Salieri was so proud

Ever envious despicable,

snake, the people trampled, will take

Sand and dust gnawing helplessly?

Nobody!.. And now - he will say - I now

dog in the manger. I envy; deep,

painfully jealous. - Heavens!

Where rightness, when the sacred gift,

When the immortal genius - not as a reward

burning love, selfless,

labor, diligence, prayers sent -

And it illuminates the head of a madman,

revelers idle?.. About Mozart, Mozart!

includes Mozart.


To her! I saw you! and I wanted

You joke unexpected treat.


Are you here! - It has long been my only weapon?


Now. I went to you,

I bore you something I have to show;

But, passing in front of the inn, suddenly

Heard the fiddle ... No, my friend, Salieri!

Funnier-old you anything

I never heard of ... blind fiddler in a tavern

Played voi che sapete [2]. Miracle!

not suffered, I brought fiddler,

To treat you to his art.


Includes a blind old man with a violin.

From Mozart to us something!

The old man plays an aria from Don Giovanni; Mozart hohočet.


And you can laugh?


Brother, Salieri!

Can it be true, and you yourself are not laughing?



I'm not laughing, when painter worthless

I stain the Madonna by Raphael,

I'm not laughing, when contemptible buffoon

Parodiyei byeschyestit Aligiyeri.

went, old man.


Wait same: It is for you,

Drink for my health.

The old man goes.

You, Salieri,

Out of sorts. I will come to you

At other times,.


What did you bring me?


No - so; trifle. The other night

Insomnia My tormented me,

And came up with me two, three thought.

Today I sketched them. I wanted

What I heard opinion; but now

You do not have to.


Brother, Mozart, Mozart!

When I was not up to you? Sit down;

I'm listening to.


(the piano)

Imagine ... anyone?

Well, at least I - a little younger;

Lovers - not too, a little -

With beauty, or with a friend - even though you,

Suddenly I had fun ...: funereal vision,

Nezapny gloom, or something like that ...

Well, listen.


You went with it to me

And he could stay at the inn

And listen to the blind fiddler! - God!

You, Mozart, unworthy of yourself.


Well, OK?


what depth!

What courage and what harmony!

You, Mozart, the God, you don't know it yourself;

I know, I.


And! right? may be…

But my god hungry.


Listen: we dine together

The Golden Lion pub.



I am glad. But let'm going home to tell

Wife, to me it is for dinner

I did not wait.


Waiting for you; see w.

Not! I can not resist I share

my destiny: I elected, so that it

Stop - do not we all dead,

We all, priests, music ministers,

I am not alone with my glory ... the deaf.

What benefits, if Mozart will be alive

And yet to reach a new height?

if he would raise the art? Not;

It falls again, it disappears:

Heir us not leave it.

What profit is there? As a cherub,

He raised his few songs our heavenly,

to, perturbing wingless Desire

We've got, Can Prague, depart after!

So fly away as! the sooner, all the better.

That's poison, the last gift Isora.

For eighteen years I've carried it with me -

And often life seemed to me ever since

unbearable wound, and I often sat

With careless enemy for one meal,

And never to the whisper of temptation

I have not bowed, although I am not a coward,

Although I feel deeply hurt,

Though little love life. All I hesitated.

As the thirst for death tormented me,

that die? I fancied: may be, a life

I bring gifts nezapnye;

May be, visit my delight

And creative night and inspiration;

May be, Hayden will create new

Great - and enjoyed them ...

As I feasted with a guest stink,

May be, I thought, worst enemy

Naidu; may be, zleyshaya insult

In my arrogant burst height -

Then do not you propadosh, gift Isora.

And I was right! and finally found

I'm My Enemy, and the new Hayden

I delight marvelous upoil!

Now - it's time! the precious gift of love,

Come over today in the cup of friendship.


A special room at the inn; Piano.

Mozart and Salieri for stolom.SaleriChto you today Pasmurov?

Mozart? Not!


you're right, Mozart, something upset?

good lunch, nice wine,

And you are silent and frowning.



My Requiem worries me.



You write Requiem? Long ago you?

Long, three weeks. But the strange case of ...

I do not say to thee?




so listen.

Three weeks ago, I arrived late

Home. Told me, that came

Behind me someone. Why - I do not know,

All night I thought: who would it be?

And he me? The next day the same

I went and did not find me again.

On the third day, I was playing on the floor

With my boy. I clicked;

I went out. Man, dressed in black,

Courtesy poklonivshisy, I ordered

I Requiem and vanished. I sat down immediately

And he began to write - and from that time for me

I do not come to my black man;

And I'm glad: I was sorry to part b

With my work, though quite ready

Requiem Уж. But in the meantime, I ...




I am ashamed to admit it ...

What is the?


Me day and night rest does not give

My black man. Follow me everywhere

Like a shadow, he chases. Here and now

It seems to me, he is with us himself-thirds

Is sitting.


AND, full! that for fear of infantile?

Scatter empty Duma. Beaumarchais

I would say: "Hear, Salieri brother,

As black thoughts come to you,

Uncork a bottle of champagne

Ile perechti "The Marriage of Figaro".


Yes! Beaumarchais was because you buddy;

You "Tarara" for him [3] composed,

nice thing. There is one motive ...

I keep telling him everything, I am happy when ...

La la la la ... Oh, justice Is, Salieri,

Beaumarchais that someone poisoned?


I do not think: he was too funny

For this craft.

He's a genius,

Like you and me. A genius and evil -

The two are incompatible. Is it not true?


You think?

(Throws the poison into Mozart's glass.)

Well, drink the.


for your

Health, friend, for sincere union,

Binder Mozart and Salieri,

Two sons harmony.




Wait, wait!.. You drank ... without me?


(throws his napkin on the table)

pretty, I'm full.

(She goes to the piano.)

Listen, Salieri,

My Requiem.

You cry?


these tears

first pour: and painful and pleasant,

It was as if I committed a grave duty,

As if the healing knife had cut off

affecting members! another Mozart, these tears ...

To ignore them. more, hurry

More sounds fill my soul ...


When all so we feel the power

harmony! But no: then B can not

And the world will be; No one had not become

Take care of the low-life needs;

All would be given over to the art of freestyle.

We few are chosen, lucky idle,

Abject neglect benefit,

Single beautiful priests.

Is it not true? But I am now ill,

Me something hard; I go I fall asleep.





you fall asleep

permanently, Mozart! But he is right uzhel,

And I'm not a genius? Genius and villainy

The two are incompatible. Not true:

A Bonarotti? Or is it a fairy tale

Stupid, senseless crowd - and it was not

Slayer Vatican creator? [4]

1830 r.

[1] "Iphigenia in Aulis", Opera glucans.

[2] About you, who knows (it.). Cherubino's aria from the third act of the opera of Mozart's
"The Marriage of Figaro".

[3] Salieri Opera in the words of Beaumarchais.

[4] There is a legend, Michelangelo slew sitter, to naturally portray a dying Christ.


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