Jumpchain - Vampire The Masquerade-Bloodlines

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AMPIRF THE [JASQUERADE UA 7 Se ee ee ape Peery ae ann 7) ae oe ee ee pam Tiles Pin san sip dace deca en wn wan 4 ‘asm gee Malla Lh ces cl eel yi emer Ne een en a Cee eee ees ere Le You are a recently embraced vampire in Los Angeles. L.A. is a powder keg with various factions vying for power and whispers of doom and Gchenna in the air. You were reborn into the middle of it all and your actions will likely play a large part in the future of the city for kindred and kine alike. Choose your friends carefully, uphold the Masquerade and get home before sun-up. You have 1000 CP by acwy aN Drop-In TOUGH NeRD SOcIALITE CLAN BRUJAH GANGREL MALRAVIAN NosFeRATU TOREADOR TREMERE VENTRUE DDG (BINT BLOOD BUFF A NIMALISM (CCELERITY FORTITUDE PoTENce | PRESENCE PS itg potas 100 CP (Free Drop-In) 200 Cp (P1scount Drop-In) 400 CP (P1scount Drop-In) 100 Cp (Free Breltrer)) 200 Cp (py cxeel Ney ToucH) 400 CP (Discount ToucH) 100 CP (Free Nerp) 200 Cp (Discount Nerp) 400 Cp (Discount Nerv) 100 CP (Free Socratire) 200 CP (Discount SocrauiTe) 400 Cp (py creolene Porat eeeno) Free 50 Cp 100 Cp 200 Cp 50 Cp 100 Cp 100 Cp pleleKe py 300 Cp 50 Cp 100 Cp 100 Cp pleleKe } +100 Cp +100 Cp ar (eleKep) +200 CD +200 CD +200 Cp +300 Cp +300 Cp +300 CD Desa oH carrying a severed arm is still fine for some reason and will not be addressed by mortal law enforcement. + You are a vampire for the duration of this jump. You may toggle your vampirism on and off if you choose to either fs skp andader oon hn dolar eterna enrich ae ‘sustain yourself or suffer any of the other weaknesses of vampirekind. Renan Mee cee Cem reece CE. ee eg ree oot et nt koe ce cer Tt et ‘There's a lot at work here, See aoa cos Sees

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