امتحان انجليزي اولي اعدادي رقم اثنين

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Test ( A )

Name : …………………………………………………………..
1- Complete the following dialogue :
Soha : How do you go to school ?
Samar : I go to school on foot .
Soha : (1) …………………….. do you walk to school ?
Samar : Because it is (2) ……………………. My house.
Soha : What 's your favourite subject ?
Samar : I like (3) ……………………. .
Soha : ……………………. (4) do you like it ?
Samar : Because I like maps and it tells me a lot about different countries .
Soha : How often do you study geography at school ?
Samar : Three (5) ………………… a week .
2- Read the following , then answer the questions :
Hager is an orphan girl. She lives with her grandfather. Her grandfather is an
old man. He lives in a small house in a village. He has lots of goats. Hager sleeps
in a bed in the attic of the house. She drinks goat's milk and eats bread and
chess. She sees birds and flowers. She is very happy! One day , her uncle arrives
and takes her to the city. The city life is exciting but she doesn't like to live
there. She is very sad to be away from her grandfather.
A) Answer the following questions :
1- What was the main idea of the passage ?
2- What does Hager see in the village ?
3- Do you think that the life exciting in the city ? Why ?
B) Choose the correct answer from a , b , c or d :
4- The underlined word " orphan " means ……………………..
a. has no father or mother b. has no brother
c. has no home d. has no food.
5- The underlined pronoun " her " refers to …………………..
a. grandfather b. mother c. uncle d. Hager
6- Hager's grandfather has lots of ………………………
a. dogs b. cats c. goats d. lions
3- Choose the correct answer from a , b , c or d :
1- Gymnastics is a type of ……………………… .
a. subject b. sport c. object d. team
2- All students come to the school ………… when they hear the bell.
a. hole b. hall c. hill d. hell
3- ……………… Nabil's sister play tennis.
a. Do b. Does c. Don't d. Doing
4- On a ……………… weekend, I visit my aunt and uncle.
a. typical b. helpful c. careful d. famous
5- Students learn about countries and deserts in…………………. lesson.
a. Arabic b. maths c. art d. social studies
6- Sara wants to join the school music …………….
a. pond b. band c. hole d. dream
7- Dina always …………….. nice stories in the library.
a. read b. is reading c. reads d. has read
8- Huda's grandmother is very kind. She loves ………. so much.
a. theirs b. her c. their d. hers
9- your sister is your parent's ………………..
a. niece b. cousin c. daughter d. mother
10- We …………………. Go to school on Fridays.
a. never b. always c. usually d. sometimes
4- Read and correct the underlined words :
1- Do he play football ? ( …………….. )
2- They go often to school by bus . ( ……………….. )
3- Throw the ball to mine. He is waiting . ( ……………….. )
4- I usually has breakfast with her family . ( ………………. )
Test ( B )
Name : ………………………………………………..
1- Complete the following dialogue :
Reem : Hello , Dalida . What's this ?
Dalida : This is a photo of my cousin.
Reem : (1) …………………….. 's her name ?
Dalida : Her name is Sama.
Reem : How (2) ……………………….. is she ?
Dalida : She's 14.
Reem : Where (3) …………………. She live ?
Dalida : She lives in Giza.
Reem : What's her (4) ……………………. Hobby ?
Dalida : She (5) ………………… chess.
2- Read the following , then answer the questions :
Ali and Omar are twins. They are both aged twelve. They are in prep one .
They usually walk to school. Ali likes maths and wants to be an engineer but
Omar likes English and wants to be a teacher of English. Ali likes to go
swimming on Tuesdays , but Omar doesn't like swimming . Omar likes music .
He plays the drums and listens to music. They play chess together on Thursdays
and Ali usually wins. Both of them like voluntary work . They help in a children's
hospital. They play games with the children and read them stories. I'm proud of
being their father.
A) Answer the following questions :
1- Give a suitable title for the passage .
2- What does the underlined pronouns " He " refers to ?
3- Do you think that Ali and Omar are good boys ? Why ?
B) Choose the correct answer from a , b , c or d :
4- Omar wants to be a/ an ……………………………………..
a. doctor b. teacher c. engineer d. farmer
5- The underlined word " voluntary " means for …………………..
a. much money b. many people c. no money d. no one
6- Ali likes ………………………
a. football b. music c. swimming d. English
3- Choose the correct answer from a , b , c or d :
1- This is ……………………… book.
a. Amal b. Amal's c. to Amal d. Amals
2- What is ………………. Father's name ?
a. yours b. he c. you d. your
3- A /An ……………… is a room at the top of a house.
a. hall b. attic c. kitchen d. stair
4- Your brother is your parent's …………………………
a. son b. daughter c. uncle d. sister
5- Students learn about …………………. In the maths lesson.
a. rivers b. lakes c. numbers d. colours
6- All students like ………………. Teacher.
a. their b. her c. you d. them
7- Gymnastics helps you to ……………….. strong.
a. spend b. find c. stay d. sleep
8- A …………….. is a group of people who play music together.
a. hand b. band c. team d. family
9- ………………… pencil is this ? - It’s Heba's.
a. Whose b. When c. Where d. What
10- Are you good ………………. English?
a. at b. in c. on d. from
4- Read and correct the underlined words :
1-The mens' shirts are colourful. ( …………….. )
2- He always is happy . ( ……………….. )
3-This is not your pen . It is me . ( ……………….. )
4- We has many subjects at school . (…………….……)
Test ( c)
1- Complete the following dialogue :
Soha : What's your uncle's name ?
Samar : He is Omar.
Soha : (1) …………………….. does he live ?
Samar : In Sharkia.
Soha : What does he do ?
Samar : He works as a (2) ……………………. .
Soha : Where does he work ?
Samar : He works at (3) …………………… .
Soha : (4) ………………………. do his pupils like him ?
Samar : Because he is very (5) ………………… .

2- Read the following , then answer the questions :

I'm Nada . I'm from Hurghada by the Red Sea. I'm in preparatory one at
school. My favourite subjects are science and home economics. We have
science and maths in the first lesson every day, but we only have home
economics on Tuesday. I always do my homework before I have dinner. I
usually have a shower and surf the internet on my mobile phone. I sleep at
10:00 p.m.
A) Answer the following questions :
1- Give a suitable title for the passage .
2- What class is Nada in ?
3- How often does Nada have home economics ?
B) Choose the correct answer from a , b , c or d :
4- Nada ………………. The internet on her mobile phone.
a. surfs b. blogs c. serves d. sends
5- Nada does her homework ………………….. she has dinner.
a. in b. before c. after d. next
6- Nada goes to bed at …………………
a. eleven o'clock b. eight o'clock c. ten o'clock d. three o'clock
3- Choose the correct answer from a , b , c or d :
1- Reading and painting are my favourite ………………………..
a. sports b. languages c. subjects d. hobbies
2- Sama …………………… happy.
a. are always b. is always c. always is d. always
3- When does Ali …………………. Swimming ?
a. goes b. go c. went d. going
4- All sportsmen dream of going to the …………………
a. hospital b. Olympics c. school d. factory
5- Doing this kind of sports ……………….. me happy.
a. takes b. plays c. gives d. makes
6- They bought a new mobile for ………………… father .
a. their b. her c. you d. them
7- This book belongs ………………….. Kamel.
a. to b. of c. for d. on
8- A band is a group of people who play music ………………..
a. both b. together c. team d. group
9- I love shows. …………………… is my favourite subject.
a. Art b. Drama c. Maths d. Computer studies
8- My father and mother are my …………………..
a. sister b. cousins c. parents d. grandparents
4- Read and correct the underlined words :
1- Where are you come from ? ( …………….. )
2- Wael doesn't goes to school by bus . ( ……………….. )
3- Throw the ball to mine. She is waiting . ( ……………….. )
4- She usually have breakfast to her family . ( ………………. )

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