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Paulino, Sidjay A.

BSEd Mathematics – III

E269 – Assessment and Evaluation in Math

Activity 1:



Performance Assessment This is for them to This is often used during
demonstrate what the the roll of discussions
have learned and how to wherein after instruction
solve problems through of the teacher as he/she
collaborative effort in teaches the formula and
solving a complex demonstrated the steps.
problem together. Learners are able to try,
practice and apply what
they have learned during
the instruction.
Short Investigations This starts with a basic This is usually 60-to-90
math problem in which minute tasks, writing
the student can answers to questions.
demonstrate how he or board work is an example
she mastered the basic of this investigations. Must
concepts/skills be done most of the time
usually during Math

Portfolios It is a purposeful collection Updating of the portfolio

of student work that content should be done
exhibits the student’s frequently or every after a
efforts, progress and lesson/instruction. Over-
achievements in one or all evaluation should be
more areas. Portfolio done every quarter/term
assessment matches of the period.
assessment to teaching.
This also gives profile of
learner’s abilities and
develops awareness of
student’s own learning.
Self-Assessment Ask the students to This is done after the
evaluate their own instruction has been
progress in terms of made.
projects, and
participation. Responding
to this will help the
students learn to assess
themselves and their work
objectively – assess their
difficulties and their
coping strategy from their
learning struggle.
Quizzes This serve as formative Must be done every after
assessment in able to discussion.
track whether objectives
has been met
immediately after an
Periodical Examinations To assess what students In a whole school year, 4
have learned in terms of times a year. On the
the different university level, only 3
competencies in a specific times – Prelim, Midterm,
quarter or term. and Finals.

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