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Learning activity 2

Evidence: Who would I like to be?

The life I want to live

In the near future, I would like to live in Medellin because I like the climate and
the atmosphere of the city, the people are very kind and respectful, and it would
also be a good place to start my working life. Later, I don´t have the exact
country but I wouldn´t like to live in a small apartment, I would like to live in a
big house, made of wood in the forest, far from everything, in silence, that´s the
better place I would rather be…

About my studies and professional career, after finishing school, I want to study
medicine in the Pontificia Javeriana University or in the National University.
Even better if I have the possibility of study abroad. I also want to make a
General surgery specialization, maybe in neurology. In a distant future I Will
make a doctorate, to start to make investigations about diseases and disorders.
With that, I Will be able to find improvements to the process of solve any

I have on mind to work in a united states hospital. In the other hand I would
like to be part of the different humanitarian missions around the world, I Will
be fond of helping the poorest people with their necessities. And finally, I would
like to be combat medic, I want to serve the World and the country, saving the
life of the one who takes care about the bad persons.
However, I hope that it let me perform activities that I like, such as playing the
guitar, riding bikes, skating, and traveling; a space that allows me to develop me
as an integral person, learning every day something new.

I don’t think I want to have a family, neither get married, maybe in the future,
but a very far future; I´m pretty sure that one of my objectives is to be as free as
I can and get married with someone… I think it wouldn´t let me to get it.

During my vacations I would like to travel all over the world, to know new
places and to learn many cultures, I would like to take my family to different
countries from all continents and make them happy.

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