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Variable Spindle Speed Threading(VSST) Function INSTRUCTION MANUAL (2nd Edition)
Pub No.5068-E-R1 (LE51-567-R2) July 2003

Table of Contents 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Outline 2 Operation3 Interlocks 4 Programming 6 Parameter Setting 8 Alarms 10

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1. Outline
The Variable Spindle Speed Threading function (VSST) is intended to eliminate chattering generated during threading by using the spindle speed override. This function also enables finish threading at an override rate which is different from the override selected for rough threading. In general, changing the spindle speed override is prohibited. If changed in the middle of threading operation, the spindle speed changes and accordingly the axis feedrate changes. At this time, the fed axis cannot follow the change in the spindle speed, resulting in inaccurate thread pitches. The VSST function makes it possible to change the spindle override by changing the feedrate in synchronization with the spindle speed change while it maintains the correct thread pitches.

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2. Operation
2-1. Operation ON/OFF
The VSST function becomes valid by setting the VSST valid parameter to ON or by specifying the following M code. M codes: M816: VSST function ON M817: VSST function OFF Optional parameter No. 37, bit 0 VSST function ON/OFF 1: VSST function ON 0: VSST function OFF The table below shows the relation between the abovementioned M codes and parameters. Power ON or reset When M816 is issued When M817 is issued Parameter bit ON ON ON OFF Parameter bit OFF OFF ON OFF These M codes influence only the spindle speed. Therefore, when using the threading function on the 2-saddle model, it is necessary to synchronize the saddle movements and the spindle speed by issuing a P code. Without any synchronization command, the following alarm will occur: 1215 Alarm A S, M command asynchronous 12

2-2. Override Control

When the spindle override is changed in the middle of a threading cycle, the override value varies according to the rate set at the relevant parameter. During the operation other than the threading cycle, the spindle speed immediately changes to the specified override value. The override is controlled in the way described above, irrespective of an alarm or machine lock. MACHINE system parameter, spindle: 5. Spindle override change rate Setting range: 1 to 50% [0.1%]

If a smaller value is set at the above parameter, the threading accuracy increases but it takes time to reach the override value.

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3. Interlocks
3-1. Threading Start Interlock
Threading does not start until the spindle override change is completed so that threading starts from a fixed position. The threading cycle starts as soon as the time set for this parameter elapses after the completion of override change. Optional parameter word No. 92: Spindle rotation command stabilizing timer 0 to 00 [10 msec]

3-2. S Command Interlock

When the VSST function is ON and the S command, specified with the threading command, exceeds the maximum possible spindle speed, the following alarm occurs: 2624 Alarm B Threading override control impossible 1 Additionally, the following alarm occurs if the S command value is zero: 2624 Alarm B Threading override control impossible 2

3-3. Maximum Spindle Speed for Threading

The maximum spindle speed is determined the data set at 5. Spindle override change rate of the Machine system parameter, spindle. The NC unit automatically judges the maximum threading speed based on the abovementioned parameter setting and NCs internal parameter. The NC internal parameter varies with the machine. See the table below for the parameter settings and corresponding maximum spindle speeds. However, the maximum speed which can be actually used is within the value given as a machine specification. Parameter setting 5% (Set value: 50) 4% (Set value: 40) 3% (Set value: 30) 2% (Set value: 20) 1% (Set value: 10) Maximum spindle speed for threading -1 1150 [min ] -1 1300 [min ] -1 1450 [min ] -1 1650 [min ] -1 1950 [min ]

3-4. Spindle Speed Interlock

If the spindle speed will exceed the maximum threading speed as a result of override change attempted during threading cycle with the VSST function ON, the spindle reaches and maintains the maximum speed. In this case, the limit lamp will flicker.

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3-5. Interlock under the Control of Spindle Speed Variation

If the threading command is issued when the VSST function and the function for controlling the spindle speed variation are both ON, the following alarm occurs: 2624 Alarm BThreading override control impossible 3

This VSST function is activated only within the maximum spindle speed for threading, and cannot be used when the spindle rotates at a speed higher than that. An alarm occurs if attempted.

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4. Programming
4-1. Function ON/OF Programming
To switch the setting of the VSST function between ON and OFF, insert M816 and M817 before and after the threading command. Program example: Insertion into a threading cycle : G00 X200 Z200 M816 VSST function ON G31 X150 Z50 F1.5 M817 VSST function OFF G00 X500 Z500 : Insertion into an unfixed threading cycle : G00 X200 Z200 M816 VSST function ON G00 X150 Z200 G34 X150 Z100 F1.5 G34 X160 Z50 F1.5 G00 X200 G00 Z200 M817 VSST function OFF G00 X500 Z500 : When the VSST function is ON at the time of parameter setting, the threading program does not need to be corrected. However, an alarm will occur if the spindle speed command value is larger than the maximum speed for threading. To perform threading without using the VSST function, replace M816 and M817 with each other to make the function invalid. In this case, no limitation is put on the above spindle speed command.

There is a difference in thread phase between threading with the VSST function ON and that with the function OFF. Do not turn ON or OFF the function during threading of a single thread. Additionally, do not turn ON or OFF the function in the middle of an unfixed threading cycle because the phase also shifts when it is turned ON or OFF.

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4-2. Programming for 2-saddle models

For the 2-saddle model, it is necessary to synchronize the spindle and a turret when turning the VSST function ON and OFF. Include a P code for synchronization in the program. Program example: Saddle A: : G00 X200 Z200 M816 P10 G31 X150 Z50 F1.5 M817 P20 G00 X500 Z500 : Saddle B: : G00 X200 Z200 M816 P10 G31 X100 Z100 F1.5 M817 P20 G00 X500 Z500 :

VSST function ON VSST function OFF

VSST function ON VSST function OFF

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5. Parameter Setting
5-1. Optional parameters
Optional parameter No. 37, bit 0 VSST function ON/OFF This parameter activates or deactivates the VSST function. 1: ON 0: OFF (initial value) Optional parameter word No. 92 Spindle rotation command stabilizing timer If the spindle rotation command is not stable before the threading cycle, the NC waits until it becomes stable and the timer set here elapses before starting the threading cycle. Setting range: 0 to 200 Setting unit: 10 msec Initial value: 0

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5-2. Machine System Parameters, Spindle

M/C system parameter spindle No. 5 Spindle override change rate This parameter is used to set the rate at which the spindle override changes during the threading cycle. Setting range: 1 to 50 Setting unit: 0.1% Initial value: 15

These parameters cannot be set in the middle of threading cycle performed with the VSST function ON, because the cursor does not move.

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6. Alarms
1215 Alarm A S, M command asynchronous The S, M commands and the constant peripheral speed command for synchronous operation were different between saddle A and saddle B of a 2-saddle model. [Object] System [Character Strings] Coordinate systems G140, G141, G142 [Codes] 1 Difference in the constant peripheral speed commands (G96, G97) 2 Difference in the constant peripheral speed saddle commands (G110, G111) 3 Difference in the S command 4 Difference in the spindle rotation commands (M03, M04, M05) 5 Difference in the spindle gear command 6 Difference in the M00 and M01 commands 7 Difference in the M19 command 8 Difference in the M110 and M109 commands 9 Difference in the M271 and M272 commands 10 Difference in the M371 and M372 commands 11 Difference in the M142 and M143 commands 12 Difference in the M816 and M817 commands [Probable Faulty Locations] 1) The synchronized threading program includes an asynchronous setting in S or M command. Program example: G13 for saddle A N100 G00 X500 Z500 N101 M816 P10 G14 for saddle B N100 G00 X500 Z500 N101 M817 P10 [Measures to Take] 1) Correct the program. Ex. Correct N101 M817 P10 to N101 M816 P10 in the program shown above. Match the command for saddle A with that for saddle B. [Related Specifications] 2) Specifications for 2-saddle models

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2624 Alarm B Threading override control impossible The threading cycle began at an S command value in excess of the maximum possible threading speed with the VSST function valid. Or, the threading cycle began in an incontrollable state. [Object] System [Character Strings] None [Codes] 1 An S command value larger than the maximum possible threading speed was issued. 2 An S command was not issued at all. 3 The machine was in spindle speed variation control. [Probable Faulty Locations] 1) The S command value is large. Program example: M03 S3000 M816 G31 X200 Z200 F1.5 2) There is no S command value set. Program example: M03 M816 G31 X200 Z200 F1.5 3) The machine is in spindle speed variation control. Program example: M695 M816 G31 X200 Z200 F1.5 [Measures to Take] 1) Correct the program. Example) Correct M03 S3000 to M03 S1000 in the program shown above. 2) Correct the program. Example) Set M03 S1000 in the program shown above. 3) Correct the program. Example) Delete M695 from the program shown above. [Related Specifications] VSST function

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Publication No. 5068-E 5068-E-R1

Date July 2003 July 2003

Edition 1st 2nd

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