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Office of Contract Management and Procurement

MDH/OCMP # - 23-00033
Questions and Answers Part 4
October 14, 2022

1. On page 45: 3.10 Experience & Personnel

• 3.10.4 The following experience is expected and will be evaluated as part of the Technical
Proposal (see the Offeror experience, capability and references
evaluation factor from Section 6.2): B. Breadth of knowledge in having relevant IT certifications
that should include:
There is no content following the semicolon related to relevant IT
certifications. What certifications should be included here?
Response 1: The certification should include but not be limited to the IT certification SQL certifications,
SOC-2 certifications, HIPAA certifications, and Microsoft Azure (Or Application Management System).
2. 3.10.1 Preferred Offeror Experience
The Offeror must be licensed and have completed:
A. Healthy Families America (HFA) Peer reviewer training
B. UMBC Home Visiting training certificate program
This requirement is listed in the “Preferred Offeror Experience” but listed as a must have requirement
to be evaluated as part of the Technical Proposal.

a. Can you please clarify whether these requirements are a must-have or preferred-to-
Response: Preferred experience
b. Will the offeror score lower if only has one of the licenses (A or B)?
Response: Yes.
c. Will the offeror score lower if the proposed resources are registered and intend to
attend (but may not have yet completed) one or both training programs?
Response: Yes.

3. Offeror Technical Response to RFP Requirements and Proposed Work Plan (Submit under TAB
E) (pg. 73): The Offeror shall give a definitive section-by-section description of the proposed plan to
meet the requirements of the RFP, i.e., a Work Plan. The Work Plan shall include the specific
methodology, techniques, and number of staff, if applicable, to be used by the Offeror in providing the
required goods and services as outlined in RFP Section 2, Contractor Requirements: Scope of Work. The
description shall include an outline of the overall management concepts employed by the Offeror and a
project management plan, including project control mechanisms and overall timelines. Project deadlines
considered contract deliverables must be recognized in the Work Plan.

Will the State provide a template Work Plan to use as a guide to meet this requirement?
Response3: The applicant can create their own work plan template or use the attached chart.
Overarching Goal: Measures of Effectiveness:

(Add measures as needed)




Objectives Activities Planned Data Time-frame Team Members

To for Responsible &
(Add as needed) Assessing Partners Required
Achieve This Progress

(Add as needed)

1. 1a. 1a.

1b. 1b.

1c. 1c.

2. 2a. 2.a

2b. 2b.

2c. 2c.

3. 3a. 3a.

3b. 3b.
3c. 3c.

4. Per the pre-bid conference: The state was to post or send bidders a template or an example of
a transmittal letter.

• Will the State be sending example of transmittal letter

Response 4: The State does not have an example of a transmittal letter. The transmittal letter should be
brief and include acknowledge all addenda to this RFP issued before the proposal due date and time.
The transmittal letter must be signed by an individual who is authorized to commit the Offeror to its
Proposal and the requirements as stated in this RFP.

5. Key Personnel Identified (Requirement 3.10.6 pg. 48.) “For the Contract, the following
positions to be identified in the Technical Proposal will be considered Key Personnel, and shall be
required to meet the qualifications stated in Section 3.11.18.”

• There is no section 3.11.18, what is the correct reference number?

Response 5: The section # should be 3.10.5.

6. VSBE Forms E-1C, E-1D, E-1E, E-4 and E-5 are included as part of the VSBE E Forms
link/download but are not referenced anywhere in the RFP.
• Are these required at submission or another time?
Response 6:
E-1C – Waiver Guidance – Instructional only.
E-1D – Is due within 10 days if recommended for Award if seeking a partial or full waiver
E-1E – Is due within 10 days if recommended for award if seeking a partial or full waiver
E-4 – To be submitted after contract award. E-4 is completed by the Contractor and due by the 10th of
the month following the reporting period.
E-5 - To be submitted after contract award. E-4 is completed by the Sub-Contractor and due by the 10th
of the month following the reporting period.

7. Attachment D-1A – for Offeror’s that are NOT MBE Prime Contractors but will be engaging
MBE vendors as a subcontractor:
• What information is completed on page 7 under “Prime Contractor”? Is this the Offeror
Response: Yes.
• What should be indicated as the Project/Contract number?
Response: MDH/OCMP #
• Should information for MBE subcontractors be entered into Section B?
Response: Yes.
• If a subcontractor does not provide materials or supplies, does anything need to be completed
in the second column, aside from indicating 0% for contract percentages?

8. Attachment E-1A:
• What information is completed on page 2 “Participation Schedule” under “Prime Contractor”? Is
this the Offeror information?
Response: Yes.
• What should be indicated as the Project/Contract number?
Response: MDH/OCMP #

9. Attachment F:
• What should be indicated as Contract number?
Respone9: MDH/OCMP #.

10. Attachment G:
• What should be indicated for Award number?
Response: MDH/OCMP #.
• Should Offeror/Company name be entered as Organizational Entry?
Response: Yes.

11. Attachment L: Page 86 “Attachment L – Location of the Performance of Services Disclosure”

indicates it is required With Proposal. However, actual Attachment L indicates “This solicitation does
not require a Location of the Performance of Services Disclosure”.
• How shall we submit this portion of the proposal?
Response11: A location of Performance is not required.

**Outstanding Questions remain**

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