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Curriculum and course design.

Questionnaire aimed at eliciting information
about student’s needs.
Subject Advisor:
Alen Ricardo Aquino Trinidad.
Luis Agustin Garcia Muñoz.
September 4th, 2022.
Learning needs.
English 4 (A2).
Read the following questions and statements and select options that best suit
and represents you. For numbered questions, 0 represents “minimum“ or “not
sufficient“ and 5 represents “excellence“ or “best“.

1. What are the easiest abilities for you in class?

a. Listening. b. Speaking. c. Reading. d. Writing.

2. How often do you use English in your everyday life?

a. Always. b. Sometimes. c. Rarely.

3. How much do you participate in class (spoken)?

a. Very much. b. Sometimes. c. I prefer not to speak.

4. How often do you use Spanish inside the classroom?

a. Often. b. Sometimes. c. Never.

5. How do you consider mistakes in your learning process?

a. Important for learning. b. I cannot commit mistakes.
c. They are not relevant to me

6. How important do you think is grammar when learning English?

a. Fundamental. b. Important. c. Does not matter.

7. You like working on...

a. Teams. b. Individually. c. Both.

8. What do you usually do when you face unknown vocabulary in class?

a. I use a translator. b. I ask the teacher. c. I try to discover by context.

9. What kind of assessment do you prefer?

a. Multiple choice exam. b. Oral interviews. c. Developing pieces of

10. What do you want English for?

a. Leisure. b. To get a better job.
c. To exchange credits in my career. d. My parents paid for the course.

11. Rank the materials used in your lessons.

0 1 3 4 5

12. How important do you think English can be for your professional career?
0 1 3 4 5

13. Select the number that best describes your teacher’s level of English.
0 1 3 4 5
Course: English 4 (A2)
Age: 18 – 54
University: Universidad Veracruzana – Sistema de Enseñanza Abierta (SEA).
Skills: Students can express likes and dislikes, and can contrast and rank.
Students can easily ask and exchange personal information. Students can provide
peer correction and correct their own mistakes in writing with the help of the
professor; also, they can convey communication according to their level although
with some inaccuracies about verb tenses.
Drawbacks: Students may rely on L1 or ask for clarification when necessary.
Students can extend responses though in a limited way according to their level of
Expected performance: Students can talk about experiences using perfect tenses,
and modal verbs and provide fluent extensions in spoken language sounding less
Extra information: Students are taking a “Multimodal” course offered by
Universidad Veracruzana. This kind of course is for autonomous learners who
desire to take English for two hours with a professor and the other 3 hours on their
own; during the three hours, students can look for self-learning activities, research
information for the topics, and attend self-access center for their professor to clear
doubts they may have.
I decided to give extra information about the course I am teaching since the
background will serve as a support for some of the students’ answers.
While administering the questionnaire, some students quickly answered reading as
their preferred skill to work with since they spent three previous courses looking for
information and, without noticing, that gave them some reading comprehension
skills. Also, I realized some of them are still stuck in viewing errors as something
bad and something that always should be perfect in return for specific input or
information researched.
Something that jumped me, was that most of the students were divided into
discharging credits from their curricula; however, such students were the younger
ones. On the other hand, older students, seem to be half compulsory because UV
demands them to cover the subjects but, as they are already working, they see
learning a language as an opportunity to have better opportunities in their jobs.
Since this mode type of class, is quite receptive, my duty as their teacher is to
improve oral and written production by taking advantage of their receptive
competencies; that may round students’ learning experience and favor other areas
as important as the receptive ones.
Universidad IEXPRO. (n.d.). Curriculum and Course Design - Principles and

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