Predicting Tidal Sand Architecture AAPG Wood TidalArchitecture

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Predicting Tidal Sand Reservoir Architecture Using Data from Modern and
Ancient Depositional Systems

Article  in  AAPG Memoir · January 2004


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1 author:

Lesli Wood
Colorado School of Mines


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Wood, L. J., 2004, Predicting tidal sand reservoir architecture using data from
modern and ancient depositional systems, in Integration of outcrop and
modern analogs in reservoir modeling: AAPG Memoir 80, p. 45 – 66.

Predicting Tidal Sand Reservoir

Architecture Using Data from Modern
and Ancient Depositional Systems
Lesli J. Wood
Bureau of Economic Geology, John A. and Katherine G. Jackson School of Geosciences,
University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas, U.S.A.


idal sandbanks make up most reservoir-quality rock volume in hydrocarbon
fields characterized by tidally influenced deposits. Predicting the three-
dimensional architecture and petrophysical character of these elements is crit-
ical to a proper assessment of a field’s recoverable hydrocarbon potential. Most of
these fields are under development or even in stages of secondary or tertiary recovery
that require accurate flow-simulation and resource-distribution models.
Modern tidal settings and ancient tidal deposits provide dimensional and ar-
chitectural data that can significantly reduce our uncertainty in constructing realistic
reservoir models of these tidal-bank systems, improve our ability to estimate probability
of exploration success, and help us evaluate correlation lengths between subsurface
wells and lower-resolution seismic data. Modern tidal banks can be found in many
depositional settings, from shallow estuaries to the outer continental shelf. Deep sub-
marine canyons on the outer shelf strongly influence the shelf tidal processes by
establishing a geomorphic link between deep-ocean and shallow-ocean currents. These
interacting processes, in turn, influence the distribution of tidal banks. Banks that
develop in shelf locations are thick, broad, and asymmetric, with linear forms dis-
tributed radially around the current or sediment source. Banks that develop in estuaries
are thin, narrow, and symmetric, with parabolic forms or bar chains lying parallel to the
estuary walls.
Ancient tidal banks from the Sego Sandstone (upper Campanian) in eastern Utah
show a distinct organization of different dimensions between systems tracts and se-
quences. Falling-stage tidal bars and ridges are shorter and wider than transgressive tidal
bars and ridges, a difference attributed to increased sediment supplies, decreased water
depths, and increased energy conditions associated with base-level fall.
Cumulative-probability curves provide the format for using modern and ancient
systems’ architectural data on tidal-bank dimensions to estimate the probability that
certain bank dimensions may occur in ancient deposits. Cumulative-probability curves
show that the P50 for worldwide tidal-bank length is 12,000 m, width is 1600 m, and
height is 9.2 m. These curves provide the means to assess the probability of correlation

46 Wood

between wells of varying distances as well as the likelihood of resolving tidal banks in
seismic data at varying resolutions.

INTRODUCTION described a single, elongate tidal bar at the mouth of

the Gironde Estuary in France, noting it to be approx-
Tidally influenced shoreline and deltaic deposits imately 1 m high, asymmetric with an orientation ap-
form some of the largest and most architecturally com- proximately 168 anticlockwise to the main channel
plicated hydrocarbon fields in the world (Verdier et al., orientation and tidal-flow direction. Composed of small,
1980; Carneiro de Castro, 1983; Marjanac and Steel, medium, and large subaqueous sandy dunes, this fea-
1997; Higley, 1994; Ambrose et al., 1995; White et al., ture is an excellent example of a tidal sand bar. In con-
1995; White and Barton, 1999; Martinius et al., 2000). trast, numerous authors have documented much larger
Despite the highly prolific nature of reservoirs in these features— ‘‘tidal sand ridges’’ (Off, 1963; Amos and King,
types of deposits, few well-documented, ancient sub- 1984). Study of modern tidal sand ridges in the North
surface examples exist. In addition, although 8 of the Sea has shown them to be composed of several upward-
12 largest deltas in the modern world either are tide coarsening successions of fine to medium, well-sorted
dominated or show strong tidal influence (Middleton, sand with small to large multidirectional cross-stratifi-
1991, after Milliman and Meade, 1983), surprisingly cation (Davis and Balson, 1992). Each of these succes-
little attention has been paid to characterizing tidally sions represents the architectural building blocks of
influenced deltas or shorelines in the modern record. tidal sand ridges. Workers commonly do not discrimi-
Hydrocarbons are notoriously difficult to produce from nate between bars and ridges, although the quantita-
reservoirs in fluvial and deltaic deposits, leaving be- tive morphology data contained herein will show
hind, on average, 60% of the resources in place (Tyler clearly distinct size differences in these features. For
and Finley, 1991). Recent advances in 3-D computer purposes of our general discussion, we will refer to both
modeling of flow through subsurface reservoirs, how- bars and ridges as tidal sands, unless specifically dis-
ever, have increased engineers’ understanding of how cussing one or the other.
to design successful secondary recovery programs to
enhance production, yet building rigorous 3-D geo- Objectives
logic models requires knowledge of the geometries and
material properties of reservoir bodies (Weiler, 1988; This paper synthesizes a large data set from liter-
Conreaux et al., 1998; Lu et al., 1998). Improved 3-D ature on the dimensions and distribution of siliciclastic
fluid-flow models of heterogeneous and complex tid- tidal sands and examines the utility of that data set for
ally influenced reservoirs are critical for proper devel- predicting trends in sand-body dimension, orientation,
opment planning and secondary recovery design and and distribution. In addition, this paper presents a com-
implementation. prehensive data set on the dimensions of tidal sand bars
Much of the uncertainty in flow simulations is and tidal sand ridges from ancient tidal-deltaic and
related to uncertainty about the geologic model. To estuarine deposits of the Sego Sandstone in the Book
increase our ability to construct geologically realistic Cliffs area of eastern Utah. Relationships between bar/
models of tidal sand reservoirs, we must improve our ridge dimensions and systems tracts (cf. Van Wagoner
ability to predict the architecture of tidal bars/ridges, et al., 1988) are examined, and an approach is present-
their facies, distribution, and orientation. In addition, ed for using cumulative-probability curves (CPC) to
to improve our ability to predict the occurrence and assess the probability of occurrence for tidal-bar and
maturity of tidal banks in subsurface data, we must -ridge forms of certain dimensions that can be used to
assess the effect that changing conditions of sediment predict correlation lengths between wells.
supply, water depth, and energy conditions have on
their formation.
Two different scales of tidal shelf barforms describ-
ed in literature are commonly lumped together under MODERN TIDAL
the term ‘‘tidal sand ridge’’ or ‘‘tidal sandbank’’ (Dyer SAND SYSTEMS
and Huntley, 1999). We will refer to these two types as
tidal sand bars and tidal sand ridges. Tidal sand bars are Tidal sands were described by Hulscher et al. (1993)
single-cycle, upward-coarsening sand features, typi- as being relatively stable, having characteristic wave-
cally bioturbated in their upper meter, with dimensions lengths of hundreds of times the undisturbed water
on the order of less than 4 m thick, less than 1500 m depth and crests oriented slightly counterclockwise
wide, and less than 10 km long. Mallet et al. (2000) (angles between 5 and 308) with respect to the principal
Predicting Tidal Sand Reservoir Architecture Using Data from Modern and Ancient Depositional Systems 47

tidal-current direction. Their heights range between average of the relief of each ridge above the adjacent sea
4 and 10 m, but some have been documented with as floor, and length was measured at the long axis. Width
much relief as 30 m (see Off, 1963). They can be ex- was measured at the maximum perpendicular to the
tremely long (several tens of kilometers) and may lie long axis. Off (1963) often reported ranges of heights,
either tightly clustered or be separated by well over 10 widths, and lengths for a suite of ridges. In these in-
km distance. Amos and King (1984) defined tidal sand stances, to arrive at a single, representative median for
ridges as having length/width ratios exceeding 40. the cluster of tidal-ridge or tidal-bar elements, the
For a more comprehensive treatment of the subject numbers were averaged. A data set of representative
of modern tidal sands formation, see Dyer and Hunt- element dimensions from 30 locations worldwide (Fig-
ley (1999). ure 1) is the result.
Tidal sands can be found worldwide in many tidal
coastal settings (Figure 1). Off (1963) compiled a com-
prehensive, and to this date unequaled, database from Importance of Geographic Setting in
bathymetric charts of what he referred to as modern Tidal Sand Formation
‘‘tidal-current ridge’’ geometries by measuring dimen-
sions of some 225 tidal sand ridges in 4 different geo- Mean sea level and tidal and sedimentological
morphic settings at 30 worldwide localities. For pur- conditions determine tidal sand bar/ridge orientation,
poses of this review, additional measurements have spacing, and lithologic composition (Huthnance, 1982).
been added to this compilation from recent work by Numerous authors have noted the relationship be-
other researchers; however, most of the modern sys- tween coastal and offshore morphology (for a review,
tems data discussed in this manuscript were compiled see Dyer and Huntley, 1999). In a study of five areas off
by Off (1963). the eastern United States, McBride and Moslow (1991)
Sand ridges were measured by Off (1963) from showed that a coupling could be established between
bathymetric charts of varying scales, yet his examina- certain coastal morphologies and shelf sand bodies,
tion of variously detailed charts yielded no variation in noting that the same major physical processes respon-
the accuracy of his measurement. Spacing was com- sible for shaping and controlling coastal geomorphol-
puted by measuring the width of a ‘‘set’’ of ridges along a ogy also dictate the morphology and type of sand body
line drawn approximately perpendicular to the ridges at on the adjacent shelf floor. Off (1963) noted that tidal
their midpoint, then dividing this figure by the number ridges occur in four geographic settings: open oceans,
of spaces between the ridges. Height was taken as an river mouths, heads of bays, and tidal coasts (Figure 2).

FIGURE 1. World map of tidal shelves and localities of tidal sandbank occurrence used by Off (1963).
48 Wood

FIGURE 2. Examples of the four geomorphic classes for tidal sandbanks as defined by Off (1963): (A) river-mouth
example showing the morphology of the mouth of the Delaware River, U.S.A.; (B) open-ocean example showing the
Tongue of the Ocean area in the Bahamas; (C) head-of-bays example showing the Ganges Delta, India; and (D) tidal-
coast example showing the coast of west Africa near the Senegal and Guinea-Bissau border. FA = fathoms.
Predicting Tidal Sand Reservoir Architecture Using Data from Modern and Ancient Depositional Systems 49

Examining Off’s data in the context of his defined geo-

graphic locations of occurrence should yield a tighter
grouping among architectural elements because those
deposits under similar geographic conditions should
exhibit similar characteristics. Several authors since Off
have proposed tidal sand classification systems, includ-
ing Swift (1975), Amos and King (1984), Pattiaratchi
and Collins (1987), and most recently, Dyer and Hunt-
ley (1999). However, Off’s data will not be reclassified
into any more recent classification scheme herein
because details are sparse regarding the original lo-
calities. Three of the four geographic tidal-system class-
es defined by Off (1963) show little difference among
them in average tidal velocity. All have average ve-
locities of 0.6 – 0.75 m/s. The exception is the river-
mouth class, which shows averages of closer to 1 – 1.25 FIGURE 3. Graph of tidal velocity for several localities
m/s (Figure 3). Rivers, such as the Amazon in Brazil, are around the world classed according to Off’s (1963) locality
known to have tidal velocities of 2.5 m/s or more. classes for tidal-ridge deposition. There is minor variation
in average tidal velocity among locality types except
in river-mouth settings, where average tidal velocity
River Mouths nearly doubles, in some localities reaching as much
as 5 m/s.
Well-formed tidal bars and ridges are commonly
present at the mouths of rivers, such as the Amazon and
other South American rivers, as well as many Alaskan
and eastern United States rivers. The Bay of the Dela- sand waves. Tidal sand ridges in the area are some of the
ware River, United States, provides an excellent example tallest in the world, being as much as 24 m high and
of the river-mouth setting in which tidal sands are averaging more than 44 km in length. These ridges are
deposited (Figure 1, location 21; Figure 2A). The Dela- also some of the narrowest of the open-ocean examples,
ware River empties into the Atlantic Ocean off the averaging 1200 m wide. Although they seem widely
coasts of Delaware and Maryland. Twelve tidal sand spaced (9 km), their height-to-spacing ratio is right at
forms are mappable that parallel the sides of this bay, a the median for open-ocean tidal sand ridge systems. Few
distribution typical of tidal sands found in the confines to no rivers drain the upland areas surrounding The
of the valley/bay mouth. The size and distribution of Wash, and it is believed that the sands in the offshore
these sands varies from long, narrow, high relief and tidal ridges are reworked from previously deposited gla-
tightly spaced (20 km long, 1.6 km wide, 12 m high, and cial sands (Off, 1963).
3.2 km apart) to short, narrow, low relief and very
tightly spaced (5.6 km long, 0.9 km wide, 4.6 m high,
Heads of Bays
and 1.3 km apart). The origin of these tidal sand forms
has been attributed to evolving tidal processes asso- Tidal ridges are profusely developed at the heads of
ciated with the last rise in sea level (Weil et al., 1973; bays, such as the Gulf of Korea in South Korea, the head
Kraft et al., 1974). of the Arabian Gulf in the Middle East, and as shown in
Figure 1, the head of the Bay of Bengal, near the mouth
of India’s Ganges River (Figure 1, location 7; Figure 2C).
Open Ocean
This location also is the site of the world’s aerially larg-
Tidal currents interact with open-ocean processes est delta, the Ganges Delta, whose delta plain is some
in many shallow shelf areas of the world to form tidal 350 km (220 mi) wide. Ridge orientation in this locale is
sand bars and ridges. An excellent example of open- influenced by a submarine canyon that impinges on
ocean, tidal-ridge development is found in the south- the coast and significantly influences the shape and
ern end of the North Sea off the regions known as The orientation of offshore tidal ridges that curve toward
Wash and The Fens located off east-central Great Bri- the canyon (Off, 1963). More than 20 ridges were mea-
tain (Figure 1, location 16; Figure 2B). In this region, sured by Off at this locale. Their dimensions average
tidal currents average 75 cm/s on the open shelf. Off 32 km in length, 3.6 km in width, and 8.2 km in height.
(1963) measured numerous sand ridges scattered about They are spaced approximately 11.6 km apart, more
in the vicinity of The Wash. Many of these features were widely than ridges found at similar water depths in
imaged using echo-sound technology in the late 1950s other localities. Off (1963) attributed this wide spacing
(Stride, 1959a, b) and are described as being topped with to the heavy silt and mud content of the Ganges River,
50 Wood

which promoted bar aggradation instead of prograda-

tion and widening.

Tidal Coasts
Tidal coasts are extensively developed around the
world where large gulfs or inlets are absent but large
tidal ranges and strong tidal currents are present. In
many areas, such as the west coast of Africa near the
Senegal and Guinea-Bissau border (Figure 1, location 8;
Figure 2D), there is no specific coastline orientation
that enhances tidal currents. The countries of Senegal
and Guinea have low-lying coastal plains with many
rivers and some broad, swampy estuaries. Deep Atlantic
Ocean currents concentrate high tidal energy on the
shelf areas. Numerous tidal sand ridges are found
offshore that average 24 km in length, 2 km in width,
7.2 km in height, and are spaced approximately 6.7 km

Dimensional Trends in Modern

Tidal Sandbanks
The width of modern tidal sand ridges that had
been documented by Off (1963) was plotted against the
length, regardless of geographic class. This process yield-
ed a widely scattered but somewhat simple linear re-
lationship between the two parameters (Figure 4A).
Most tidal sandbanks are less than 30 km long and less
than 3 km wide, with less than 15 m of relief (not shown
in Figure 4A). However, several tidal sandbanks have
lengths of greater than 35 km, while maintaining
widths and heights that are in line with the norm for
the overall data set. Grouping the data according to FIGURE 4. (A) Graph of tidal-ridge length versus width
geomorphic setting shows that some of these longer undifferentiated by geographic setting, showing an ob-
elements are found proximal to river-mouth or head- servable relationship between length and width of tidal
of-bay settings (Figure 4B). These unusually long fea- ridges. (B) Graph of tidal-ridge length versus width dif-
tures may represent bar/ridge chains (Dalrymple and ferentiated by geographic setting.
Rhodes, 1995) instead of individual bars or ridges, a fact
that would explain why they appear abnormally long
for their normal height and width. Ratios of width/
length increase as one moves from river mouth to heads present-day high interglacial water depths and the
of bays to open oceans and finally to tidal coastal insufficient sand in deep water that was necessary for
settings. ridges to build to sea level. Reexamined in the context
Off (1963) focused on the relationship between of coastal type, the ridge height/spacing ratio decreases
ridge height and ridge spacing, thinking there was a slightly from open oceans (average 0.0034) to river
constant ratio between the two. Allen (1968) found that mouths (average 0.0032), to heads of bays (average
Off’s ridge heights increased roughly as (spacing)1/2. 0.0030), and finally, to tidal coasts (average 0.0026).
Huthance’s (1982) model predicted that ridge spacing Considerably more scatter exists in the spacing of ridges
was roughly equivalent to 250  mean water depth. in river-mouth and head-of-bay systems than in open-
Huthance also examined Off’s data and acknowledged ocean settings (Figure 5). Separation distances between
the relationship between ridge height and spacing (ridge ridges in river-mouth settings can range from less than
height/spacing = 0.0038 ± 0.0020 [standard deviation]). 1 km to nearly 10 km. In comparison, open-ocean ridges
Huthnance also noted, however, that much scatter tend to form between 2 and 5 km apart. Excluding a few
existed in the data. He attributed this scatter to the specific anomalous localities, tidal coasts also tend to
Predicting Tidal Sand Reservoir Architecture Using Data from Modern and Ancient Depositional Systems 51

show consistently more tightly packed tidal ridges that

tend to be spaced 1–4 km apart. The inconsistency in
ridge separation distances associated with river-mouth
and head-of-bay systems is to be expected where ebb-
and-flow tidal processes are active in rapidly migrating
channels (Dalrymple and Rhodes, 1995). Spacings are
more consistent in open-ocean or tidal-coast settings,
where currents and ebb-and-flow channels are less sub-
jected to seasonal continental processes.
Even when examined in the context of coastal type,
measures of tidal-ridge length/height show a large scat-
ter and no discernable trend associated with coastal
type. However, measures of tidal-ridge width/height
reveal much more tightly clustered relationships (Fig-
ure 6). The range of width/height ratios increases from
open ocean to river mouth, to head of bay, and to tidal- FIGURE 5. Graph of tidal-ridge height/spacing differen-
coast settings. Although a greater density of tidal sand- tiated by geographic setting. Data in geographic setting
banks commonly are found along tidal coasts, they also classes is scattered; there is a slight decrease in the ratio as
tend to show a larger range of ridge widths than areas one moves progressively from open oceans to river mouth,
to heads of bays, and to tidal-coast settings. If not for a few
such as river mouths. Some of the scatter in width/
specific localities, tidal coasts would exhibit significantly
height is because of the inclusion in the data set of a reduced ratios over the other three settings.
large number of very low-relief (<4 m) and wide tidal
sand features, which may actually be tidal bars. Their
height may be limited by the meager sand supply along
tidal coasts that are not serviced by large rivers. In heads
of bays and river mouths, where currents are focused seaway. Geometric constrictions along the seaway will
and sediment tends to be more plentiful, tidal-ridge/bar likewise cause reduction in current velocity in parts of
height is more proportional to width. the seaway, although very high current velocities will
be present along the constriction itself. Any change in
water level along a shallow seaway would theoretically
THE EFFECT OF SEA LEVEL have a dramatic effect on tidal-current strength, extent
of tidal influence, and orientation of tidal currents. A
CHANGE ON TIDES AND rise in seaway water level has two effects: (1) increasing
TIDAL DEPOSITS water depth, which typically decreases tidal velocity,
and (2) increasing the cross-sectional area and dimen-
The manner in which changes in relative or long- sions of the seaway, which can also decrease velocity.
term sea level influences tide regime across a body of
water is complex and varies according to water depth,
bank and bottom topography, and water-body shape,
all variables that change throughout a cycle of sea level CONTROLS ON TIDAL
fluctuation. Broad, shallow, lowstand epicontinental SANDBANK CHARACTER
seas are likely to have wider areas that are susceptible to
tidal reworking and perhaps faster tidal currents (John- Tidal-bar and -ridge architecture, dimension, and
son and Belderson, 1969; Willis and Gabel, 2001). Tidal sedimentology are intimately linked to tidal regime
resonance depends on basin width relative to tidal (Huthnance, 1982; Hulscher et al., 1993). Numerous au-
wavelength (Pugh, 1987). The width of a seaway (or thors have addressed the impact that different factors,
gulf) affects the ‘‘mouth correction’’ to the seaway’s such as sediment amount and type, water depth, tidal
length, which gives the effective length for tidal oscil- velocity, and the nature of bar nuclei have on tidal-bar/
lations. Any variations in the cross-sectional area across ridge orientation and distribution, bar/ridge shape, and
the seaway tend to give a proportionate change of dimensions.
velocity in that part of the seaway. A decrease in the
cross-sectional area of the seaway, such as by lowering Orientation and Distribution
sea level, will yield a proportionate increase in tidal ve-
locity in parts of the seaway. Tidal velocity at a constant Tidal sandbanks (bars and ridges) are typically ori-
water depth depends both on the distance from the ented at small, oblique angles of 7 – 158 counterclock-
opening of the seaway and the effective length of the wise to flow, although extreme values ranging from 0 to
52 Wood

Tidal sandbanks (bars and ridges) may be symmet-

ric or asymmetric, either equant in form or broad at one
end, and tapering to the opposite end. In the latter case,
the broad end faces upcurrent. Rates of bank accretion
and migration and swale excavation are known to vary
widely as a function of the magnitude, frequency, and
orientation of waves and currents (Swift, 1975). The
degree of asymmetry in sandbanks increases in propor-
tion to the inequality of ebb- and flood-tidal currents
(Kenyon et al., 1981). Banks tend to be asymmetric,
with a steeper face in the direction of sediment trans-
port (Belderson, 1986), and have been noted to migrate
as far as 37 m in a single year (Gomez and Perillo, 1992).
More unidirectional flows, such as in open-ocean set-
tings, may result in rapid and long migration in a single
FIGURE 6. Graph of tidal-ridge width/height ratios direction. These flows can increase reworking and re-
showing a higher ratio in tidal coastal areas. sult in cleaner sands. Banks resulting from this process
may show a pronounced asymmetry, the steeper face
dipping in the migration direction (Kenyon et al.,
208 do occur (Kenyon et al., 1981). Tidal sandbanks will 1981). In contrast, bidirectional flow in more nearshore
grow wherever an initial irregularity occurs on a sandy settings produces increasingly symmetrical banks that
bed, including transgressive drowned barrier islands, migrate more slowly, although exceptions to this latter
older eroded outcrop remnants, abandoned ebb-tidal observation have been noted (Gomez and Perillo,
delta deposits, or remolded previous shelf deposits (see 1992).
Snedden and Dalrymple, 1998, or Dyer and Huntley,
1999, for a review). Huthnance (1982) suggested that
irregularities oriented ±20 to 308 to maximum flow are Dimensions
optimal for promoting aggradation of sandbanks. An-
cient tidal sandbanks most likely will exhibit a similar Huthnance (1982) theorized that tidal banks (bars
orientation, counterclockwise and oblique to principal and ridges) will aggrade until the flow is retarded,
paleocurrent directions. The spacing of tidal sandbanks instead of accelerated, at the bank crest. Such decel-
has been shown to be related to water depth and cur- eration will lead to deposition on the upcurrent side
rent speed, with spacing increasing roughly 250 times and bank widening in the upcurrent direction. This
the water depth, moving offshore (Off, 1963; Allen, principle governs much of the shallow- to deep-water
1968). trends in tidal-bank geometry variability because tid-
al velocity is related to water depth. Swift and Field
Shape (1981) documented a systematic decline in the length
and width of tidal sandbanks as water depth increases.
Tidal sandbanks (bars and ridges) on the open shelf In general, narrower banks typically occur in deeper
are generally straight, having only slightly sinuous water (Dalrymple and Rhodes, 1995). Because currents
crests. In contrast, as one nears the coast, tidal sand- tend to become more unidirectional, and there is little
banks have a more parabolic shape, and in the confines chance of waves inhibiting growth, one would expect
of the flooded estuaries, they increasingly overlap (Bel- banks to have more relief in deeper water. However,
derson, 1986). In more estuarine (river mouth) settings, sand supply plays an important part in defining the
banks exhibit lower relief with flat tops (Dalrymple and width of tidal banks, especially those in deeper water.
Rhodes, 1995). The more sigmoid or parabolic shape of If sand supply is decreased, as is commonly the case
estuarine sandbanks are related to the well-developed under conditions of deepening water, banks will ac-
ebb- or flood-dominant channel system in the sedi- crete vertically, their widths will decrease, and they
ment-choked estuary setting. In these shallow-water will become more widely spaced. In contrast, sand-
settings, sandbanks spread laterally, amalgamate, and banks in shallower water tend to be thinner, as a func-
become dissected by flood- and ebb-tide channels. Be- tion of the shallower-water surface waves retarding
cause ebb-flood channel systems are a wave-phase lag cross-bank sediment transport and upward growth, but
phenomenon, the transition from more open-ocean wider because of the plentiful sand supply. Because
linear to coastal-estuarine parabolic forms most likely widening is a function of inability to sustain tidal ener-
occurs at some characteristic Froude number (Swift, gy and sediment transport efficiency, it should hold
1975). true that shelf and coastal localities having lower tidal
Predicting Tidal Sand Reservoir Architecture Using Data from Modern and Ancient Depositional Systems 53

velocities would be characterized by wide but thin thick, broad, and more asymmetric. These features are
tidal banks. linear and distributed radially away from the main
sediment feeder system. More landward, within the
estuary, tidal currents become increasingly bidirection-
A Model for Spatial Variations in Tidal al, grain sizes and sediment supply increase, tidal ve-
Sandbank Character locities increase, water depths and accommodation
space decrease, and geomorphic forms become more
Swift and Field (1981) noted what they believed to stable, commonly lying end to end in long, flat-topped
be a systematic continuum of tidal sandbank (bar and sandbank chains cut by diagonal ebb-and-flow chan-
ridge) evolution as water depth, current nature and ve- nels (Dalrymple and Rhodes, 1995). Banks (bars and
locity, and sand type and volume were varied. The ridges), which are short, narrow, and more symmetric,
static model in Figure 7 is constructed on the basis of have a more parabolic form and lie in a parallel ori-
observations from the modern coastal-process litera- entation to one another and the estuarine valley walls.
ture cited earlier, as well as modern and ancient tidal-
bar and -ridge dimensional data found in this report.
This model summarizes the important parameters that TRENDS IN TIDAL SAND-BODY
impact tidal-bar and -ridge shape, form, and distribu- GEOMETRY IN SYSTEMS
tion from deep- to shallow-shelf to flooded-estuarine
water depths. As one moves more basinward in silici- TRACTS OF THE
clastic settings, tidal currents become more unidirec- SEGO SANDSTONE
tional, and grain sizes, sediment supply, and tidal
velocities decrease. Water depths and accommodation Under conditions of shoreline regression, one
space increase, and geomorphic forms become increas- would expect certain variables to change: water depth
ingly dynamic. As a result, tidal sandbanks become to decrease, grain size to increase, and sediment supply

FIGURE 7. Static model illustrating

spatial variance of factors that influ-
ence the shape, form, and distribution
of tidal sandbanks and the associated
character of tidal sandbanks in differ-
ent areas of the system.
54 Wood

to increase. Under conditions of shoreline transgres- close and parallel to the western edge of the seaway
sion, one would likewise expect certain variables to (Bridges, 1982).
change: water depths to increase, grain sizes to de-
crease, and sediment supply to potentially decrease.
Sequence Stratigraphy of the Sego
How tidal forms develop in response to these changes is
complex and open to debate ( Johnson and Belderson, The Sego Sandstone crops out extensively between
1969; Snedden and Dalrymple, 1998), yet by exam- Green River, Utah, and Coal Gulch in western Colorado
ining the preserved geometry of tidal sandbanks depos- (Figure 9). It was deposited as marine shelf sands and
ited under conditions of changing sea level in various muds, inner-shelf tidal sandbars, valley fills, and tidally
sequences (sensu Van Wagoner et al., 1988) and systems influenced estuarine sediments (for a detailed descrip-
tracts, researchers gain a sense of how geometry varies tion of lithofacies in the Sego Sandstone, see Willis and
in response to these changing conditions. Gabel, 2001). Paleocurrent measurements from regio-
The principles of sequence stratigraphy are inti- nal studies indicate a late Campanian paleoshoreline
mately linked to changes in relative shoreline position oriented east-northeast to west-southwest, with fluvial-
or basin water depth (Posamentier and Vail, 1988) that deltaic systems impinging from the north-northwest
can also alter tidal regimes across a shallow seaway. (Figure 9). Progradation of the Sego forms the basal unit
Therefore, tidal-bar and tidal-ridge architecture may vary of an overall progradational-aggradational nearshore-
between systems tracts as tidal conditions change with marine succession that is underlain by the shales of the
varying base level or across systems-tract boundaries. In Buck Tongue regional flooding event (Van Wagoner,
a literature of more than 671 paralic sand bodies, Rey- 1991)(Figure 10) and capped by the aggradational
nolds (1999) noted that a systematic relationship exists Neslen Formation coastal-plain units and their time-
between paralic sand-body dimensions and sequence- equivalent, thick shoreface sandstones (Corcoran, Coz-
stratigraphic cyclicity. He noted his ability to signifi- zette, and Rollins Sandstones). For a more extensive review
cantly reduce data plot scatter by subgrouping sands of the regional stratigraphic relationships associated
according to sand-body type, as well as a systematic with the Sego, see Van Wagoner (1991), McLaurin and
tendency for certain sand-body types to occur in speci- Steel (2000), Yang and Sun (1988), and Yoshida (2000).
fic systems tracts. The Sego Sandstone consists of four fourth-order
genetic sequences, the lower three composing the sin-
gle third-order genetic sequence of the lower Sego Sand-
Tidal Sandbanks of the Sego Sandstone stone (Figure 10) (Wood, 2000; Willis and Gabel, 2001).
(Upper Campanian), Book Cliffs, Utah Each sequence is composed, in ascending order, of
highstand, falling-stage, lowstand, and transgressive
Dimensional data of lenticular tidal sandbars and systems tracts. Sequences coarsen upward from deep-
ridges were collected from the Sego Sandstone in the marine shales to shales interbedded with hummocky
southern Book Cliffs of eastern Utah for purposes of cross-stratified sheets sands to both isolated and stack-
assessing trends in architectural distribution as a func- ed tidal bars cut by a lowstand erosional surface. Low-
tion of their position in a sequence-stratigraphic frame- stand surfaces may show fluvial- or estuarine-valley in-
work (that is, the conditions of relative sea level under cision or distributary and tidal channeling (Wood,
which they were deposited). The Sego Sandstone Mem- 2000; Wood and Willis, 2000; Willis and Gabel, 2001).
ber of the Mancos shale is part of a series of exception- The sequences then fine upward from coarse-grained
ally exposed, forward-stepping cycles of upper Campa- lowstand and transgressive valley fills to transgressive,
nian siliciclastic deposition that prograded away from hummocky, cross-stratified sheet sands and marine
the rising Sevier orogenic belt into the shallow, epi- shale. Sequence 1 is defined from the maximum trans-
continental Cretaceous seaway of western North gression of the Buck Tongue shale to the marine flood-
America. The Sego formed during a period of 1.4 m.y. ing above the lower lower Sego. It was deposited on the
as tide-influenced shorelines rapidly regressed and falling limb of the overall third-order Sego cycle. The
transgressed the area. maximum lowstand surface of this cycle shows low re-
The epicontinental seaway during Sego deposition gional relief, with basinward-stepping distributary
was 600 km wide and extended 4800 km from the channels but no incised valleys (Wood, 2000; Wood
present site of the Gulf of Mexico to the Arctic Ocean and Willis, 2000; Willis and Gabel, 2001). Sequence 2 is
(Figure 8). Although few quantitative estimates of tidal defined from the maximum marine transgressive shale
regimes in the Late Cretaceous have been made on the above the lower lower Sego to the maximum marine
basis of the geometry of Cretaceous age tidal deposits transgressive shale above the upper lower Sego, the
and modern analogy, Bridges (1982) described the re- eastern Anchor Tongue shale. It was deposited at the
gime as micro- to mesotidal. Tidal-current velocities are maximum lowstand of the overall third-order Sego
thought to have ranged from 50 to 200 cm/s, flowing cycle and has a maximum lowstand surface of erosion
Predicting Tidal Sand Reservoir Architecture Using Data from Modern and Ancient Depositional Systems 55

FIGURE 8. Illustration of interpreted

tidal regime and paleogeography of
the western interior Cretaceous sea-
way of North America during the Late
Cretaceous. Tidal regime ranges are
relative. Modified after Stride (1982).

showing regional relief of as much as 60 m and incision by backstepping incised valleys (Wood, 2000; Wood
of valleys into older sequences (Wood, 2000; Wood and and Willis, 2000).
Willis, 2000). Sequence 3 is defined from the maximum Tidal bars and stacked bar complexes (tidal sand
marine-flooding shale above the upper lower Sego to ridges) were mapped in two outcrop segments: a 15-km-
the third-order maximum marine flooding that depos- long eastward depositional strike section and an 8-km-
ited the Anchor Tongue shale. This genetic sequence long westward depositional strike section (Figure 11).
was deposited on the rising limb of the third-order Sego The eastern outcrop (EOW) is believed to have been
sequence, and the maximum lowstand surface of ero- located in a slightly more distal location than the west-
sion shows sharp truncation of underlying sequences ern outcrop (WOW)(Wood and Willis, 2000; Willis and

FIGURE 9. The outcrop extent of the

Sego Sandstone in the Book Cliffs of
western Colorado and eastern Utah.
Detailed outcrop windows (shown in
Figure 11) for the eastern study area
(EOW) and the western study area
(WOW), as well as paleocurrent ori-
entations, are shown. EPC = East
Prairie Canyon, JC = Jim Canyon.
56 Wood

FIGURE 10. Stratigraphic sequences and systems tracts of the Sego Sandstone, Book Cliffs, eastern Utah. Tidal bars
and ridges are distributed in the fourth-order falling stage, lowstand, and transgressive systems tracts of the basinward-
stepping sequence (1), maximum lowstand sequence (2), and landward-stepping sequence (3) of the third-order Sego
sequence. Eastern outcrop window (EOW) and western outcrop window (WOW) are detailed in Figure 11.

Gabel, 2001). At both locations, the Sego dips 3 – 58 to bars decreases away from the axis. Away from the axis,
the north and is well exposed, with cliffs oriented dom- basal deposits consist of thinly interbedded sandstones
inantly southwest to northeast, approximately parallel and mudstones that are extensively bioturbated by Pla-
to Sego depositional strike (Figure 12). Vertical facies nolites and less commonly by Thalassinoides and Astero-
trends were measured at 105 sections along outcrops soma. This basal lag is in turn overlain by fine to me-
spaced a few hundreds of meters apart (Wood and Wil- dium, angle-of-repose, cross-stratified sandstones. Paleo-
lis, 2000; Willis and Gabel, 2001). Erosional surfaces, current measurements indicate a southeast-oriented
marine flooding shales, and sand beds were walked lat- paleoflow. Cross-strata show numerous dip changes
erally between sections or traced using high-resolution within sets. The upper few meters may be extensively
photomosaics to define stratal geometries. In addition bioturbated, most notably by abundant Ophiomorpha.
to the exceptional outcrop, an extensive subsurface Deposits grade upward to heterolithic cross-stratified
geophysical log database from more than 200 wells sandstones. Cross-strata dip decrease toward the base
located immediately west of the eastern outcrop was of any single bed and become increasingly tangential
used to extend the outcrop sequence stratigraphy into with the base of the bed. Most tidal bars are homogenized
the subsurface (Figures 12 – 14). nearly completely by bioturbation near their edges. In
Tidal bars make up a high percentage of the ar- rare cases, bed sets grade laterally into sandstone-rich,
chitectural elements that compose the Sego Sandstone. hummocky, cross-stratified deposits (Willis and Gabel,
Bars were deposited in distal-delta and open-shelf set- 2001).
tings, as well as within the confines of the estuaries Individual tidal bars aggregate into tidal ridges that
themselves. Individual bar deposits are composed of are as much as 11 m in height and greater than 4.5 km
heterolithic cross-stratified sandstones, homogeneous wide. These tidal ridges show multiple internal scour
cross-stratified sandstones, and extensively bioturbated surfaces associated with basal incision by tidal-current
sandstones (Willis and Gabel, 2001). Tidal bars typical- processes associated with deposition of overlapping
ly have an erosional base with as much as 1 m of relief tidal bars. Internal shaly beds are locally continuous,
overlain by a lag deposit that may include mud clasts, forming potential barriers and baffles to fluid flow.
plant debris, shelly fossils (clams and oysters), and rare These shales were eroded by interbar currents, a process
sharks’ teeth. The tidal bars typically thin away from that resulted in the redeposition of abundant shale and
their axis, and the degree of erosion at the base of the shell clasts along cross-beds and reactivation surfaces.
Predicting Tidal Sand Reservoir Architecture Using Data from Modern and Ancient Depositional Systems 57

FIGURE 11. West-east

cross section showing
geometry of stratal units
in the lower Sego Sand-
stone of the Mancos
shale. Sections measured
from outcrop were pro-
jected into an east-west
plane between West-
water and Bryson Can-
yons (left half of A) and
into a north-south plane
between Bryson and San
Arroyo Canyons (right
half of A), and into an
east-west plane between
Sego and Crescent Can-
yons (B). Bounding sur-
faces of tidal-ridge and
-bar elements are shown
mapped on panels as
bedding surfaces (modi-
fied after Willis and
Gabel, 2001).

The entire ridge typically sits in a localized incision set show a clear upward coarsening and shallowing
formed by offshore tidal processes cutting as much as from heterolithic cross-stratified sandstones with abun-
several meters into underlying hummocky, cross- dant shale drapes overlain by homogeneous cross-
stratified shelf deposits (Willis and Gabel, 2001). Ridges stratified sandstone, or alternatively overlain by exten-
thin along strike as a function of decreasing sand content. sively bioturbated sandstones. In addition, all bars have
a clear axis of stratigraphic thickening. Bar dimensions
were not included in the data set if significant trun-
Tidal-bar and -ridge Dimensions
cation and erosion by overlying lowstand surfaces had
Tidal-bar dimensions were measured in six tidal resulted in an incomplete stratigraphic sequence. This
ridges in the outcrop study area. Bar widths were mea- methodology is premised on the assumption that, al-
sured between the thinnest identifiable exposures of though each bar may not be intersected directly at its
large-scale, cross-stratified, homogenous, or heavily bio- maximum width or thickness, there is no difference
turbated sands in the bars. All bars included in the data in bias between populations of bars measured from
58 Wood

FIGURE 12. Sand thicks interpreted from subsurface well data immediately west and north of the eastern outcrop area
and integrated with outcrop mapping illustrate the distribution of combined lowstand and transgressive fill of
sequence 2 incised valleys.

different outcrop locations or from different systems the transgressive systems tract of sequence 2 (third-
tracts or sequences. Therefore, the gross observations order transgressive). Only sequence 2 exhibits incised
regarding differences between the groups should be valleys filled with tidal bars. Bars are by far best de-
insightful and valid. Included in this assessment were veloped in the falling-stage systems tract (late high-
bars in the falling-stage systems tract of sequence 1 stand systems tract of Van Wagoner et al., 1988). Width
(third-order regressive), the falling-stage systems tract and thickness measurements were made for 25 bars
of sequence 2 (third-order maximum lowstand), and along their strike orientation (Figure 15).

FIGURE 13. Approximate depositional strike section of the Sego systems. It includes both outcrop gamma and
subsurface logs and illustrates the nature of in-valley, upward-fining fills and out-of-valley, underlying, upward-
coarsening falling-stage deposits. Line of section (AA0) is shown in Figure 12.
Predicting Tidal Sand Reservoir Architecture Using Data from Modern and Ancient Depositional Systems 59

FIGURE 14. Approximate depositional dip section of the Sego systems, trending first along the updip parts of the San
Arroyo maximum lowstand valley, then along the interfluve, and finally crossing the downdip San Arroyo incised valley.
Note the updip (northward) truncation of older falling-stage, tidal-bar deposits as the lowstand erosional surface incised
progressively deeper into the stratigraphic column. Line of section (BB0) is shown in Figure 12.

Overall individual tidal sandbars exhibit a wide shelf settings. Falling-stage tidal bars in the western
range of heights between 6.8 and 1.4 m, and their outcrop area located in a more proximal setting more
widths can range between 1800 and 380 m (Figure 16). rapidly feel the effects of shallowing water depths.
Tidal bars in the eastern outcrop window are thicker Shallower water depths result in attenuation of bar
than those in the western outcrop window (Figure 16A). aggradation, and increasing sand volumes associated
It is apparent in data from the western outcrop window with rejuvenation of basinward sediment transport
(Figure 16A) that tidal bars that formed during the fall- systems result in sedimentation on both the upcurrent
ing stage of sequence 2 have a much broader geometry and downcurrent margins of the bar, allowing it to
than those formed during the falling stage of sequence broaden (Huthnance, 1982). In contrast to falling-stage
1. In contrast to tidal bars developed in the falling-stage tidal bars, transgressive tidal bars are confined to val-
systems tract, those bars developed during transgression leys incised during the previous lowstand (Figure 12).
are dominantly confined to the incised estuarine valleys These bars are thin and narrow, with greater amounts
and show much narrower and a more overlapping ge- of fine-grained material. Tidal currents confined by
ometry (Figure 16B). geographic obstruction, such as valley walls, will in-
crease in velocity. Faster tidal currents will result in
taller, narrower tidal bars. In addition, the abundance
of fine material associated with estuary development
A distinct hierarchy of tidal sandbank architecture stabilizes the bars, allowing upward growth, and the
exists in the Sego, with tidal bars averaging 3.5 m in increasing water depths associated with rising sea level
height and several hundreds of meters in width, and limit reworking.
stacking into tidal ridges that are several kilometers
wide and as much as 11 m thick. Although there is some
overlap in measurements, architectural dimensions of
tidal bars seem to vary systematically between systems CUMULATIVE-PROBABILITY
tracts. When the data are grouped by systems tract and CURVES
sequence, four distinct classes of dimensions appear.
Falling-stage tidal bars developed in the slightly more
distal eastern outcrop window are thicker than those of A pinch of probability is worth a pound of perhaps.
the same sequence along strike in the more proximal – James Thurber
western outcrop window (Figure 16A). Increased water
depths limit attenuation by waves, allowing bars to A great many unknowns complicate construction
grow higher than they do in more proximal, regressive of a deterministic geologic framework from subsurface
60 Wood

FIGURE 15. General

strike-view dimensions
of tidal sand ridges and
tidal sand bars (see text
for definition) taken
from the sequence 1
falling-stage systems
tract (A), the sequence
2 falling-stage systems
tract (B), and sequence
2 transgressive systems
tract (C), all in the west-
ern outcrop area. Tidal-
bank dimensions col-
lected from the eastern
outcrop area are not

data. However, it is commonly the original deposition- sands of similar genesis (for a more extensive discussion
al architecture that most impacts fluid flow in hydro- of this approach, see Reynolds, 1999). Great ambiguity
carbon reservoirs (Tyler and Finley, 1991; White and often exists, however, in the selection of an appropriate
Barton, 1997, 1999). The dimensions and orientations analog for the area of comparison. In addition, processes
of the sand bodies and shales are questions that must of convergence, divergence, and sensitivity can cause
be answered if one is to construct a meaningful model great variability of architectural-element forms, even in
of the subsurface architecture. This problem is compli- the same geomorphic system (Schumm, 1991; Ethridge
cated by the lack of spatially detailed deterministic data et al., 1999). Because of the uncertainty that exists in
that one can derive from seismic and wells. Geomod- deterministically applying analogs to explain reservoir
elers commonly turn to high-resolution analogs from architecture, we should probably be asking other ques-
outcrop or modern systems to answer basic questions or tions. What is the probability that tidal sandbanks are
fill in the details of the stratigraphy (White and Barton, at least 4 m thick? What is the probability that two wells
1997; Jackson et al., 2000; Willis and White, 2000; Yang drilled 400 m apart will encounter the same tidal sand
and Sun, 1988; Yoshida, 2000). bar? If a seismic data set can resolve only 7 m in thick-
Typical approaches to the use of analog dimension- ness, how probable is it that individual tidal bars can be
al data to answer such questions employ crossplots of deterministically mapped? Can one correlate individ-
variables such as width versus thickness or length versus ual sandbanks between dip-oriented wells, given a well
thickness (Fielding and Crane, 1987; Reynolds, 1999). spacing of 2 km? How about between strike-oriented
These plots can be useful when one is careful to compare wells? To answer these questions, one must employ a
Predicting Tidal Sand Reservoir Architecture Using Data from Modern and Ancient Depositional Systems 61

slightly different approach to the use of analog data Sego Sandstone outcrop, as well as data from modern
using CPC (Capen, 1992). Data sets from modern tidal- systems around the world’s oceans, can be used to
shelf and estuarine systems and ancient Sego Sandstone assess chance of success (COS) of finding certain reser-
tidal sand ridge systems have been combined to illus- voir areas, thicknesses, and spacing. By plotting well-
trate this approach. separation distances from subsurface data on these
graphs, we can assess the probability that tidal bars are
continuous between two wells. Likewise, one can assess
Producing Cumulative-probability the probability of contacting productive tidal-bar/ridge
Curve Graphs facies using specific well designs (vertical, slant, hori-
zontal). Finally, geophysicists can design seismic sur-
On the basis of data of tidal-sand dimensions veys that will optimize the cost versus benefit and result
known worldwide, CPC graphs allow geomodelers to in data that will detect and resolve reservoir bodies.
obtain probabilities that reservoirs of certain size or Tidal-bar widths were measured from Sego out-
character may exist. After sorting the quantitative data crops to produce the CPC graph shown in Figure 17A.
from low values to high values, a geomodeler can cal- This graph shows a P50 of 724 m, with 80% of the data
culate what percentage of the points in the entire sam- ranging between a P10 of 580 m and a P90 of 885 m.
ple have values less than or equal to the next largest Therefore, a development-well program with well spac-
point according to the formula ings of less than 750 m would require at least two wells
in about 50% of the tidal bars in the Sego system. How-
Cumulative frequency ¼ ðPoint numberÞ= ever, these bars stack into ridges that are significantly
ð1 þ Total number of pointsÞ larger than the individual tidal-bar architectural ele-
ments. In cross section AA0 (Figure 13), well-separation
The data are then plotted on a CPC graph (Capen, distance between the Federal 6-5 and the Hancock Fed-
1992), allowing the individual to assess the probability eral 2 wells is 537 m. When plotted on the CPC graph in
that their ‘‘guesses’’ regarding the dimensions and ori- Figure 17A, results show a 7% chance that a tidal bar
entation of the tidal sands actually occur in their study logged in the Federal 6-5 well would not also be pen-
area. Probability of success is expressed as the P1, or 1% etrated by the Hancock Federal 2 well. Individual tidal-
probability of success, to the P99, or 99% probability of bar elements could therefore be expected to have a high
success. probability of correlating between these two wells.
A second variable that is relatively easy to measure
Cumulative-probability Curve Results in outcrop is tidal-bar thickness (Figure 17B). A CPC of
Sego individual tidal-bar thicknesses indicates P50 =
Cumulative-probability curves, which are based 3.5 m, with a less than 10% probability of finding a tidal
on tidal-bar and -ridge dimensional data from the bar greater than 5.8 m thick (P90 = 5.8 m) or less than

FIGURE 16. (A) Graph

of width/height ratios
for tidal bars calculated
from the falling-stage
systems tracts of the
western and eastern
outcrop areas. Three
main classes are discrim-
inated when grouped
on the basis of sequence
and systems tract.
(B) Graph of width/
height ratios for tidal
bars calculated from
systems tracts of the
western outcrop area.
Three main classes can
be discriminated when
the data are grouped on
the basis of systems tract
and sequence.
62 Wood

26 km. For example,

according to this data
set, there is less than
a 15% chance that tid-
al ridges would not
be correlatable in the
dip (length) direction
between the Federal
11-30-16-24 and Feder-
FIGURE 17. (A) Cumulative-probability plot showing the probability of occurrence of specific al 20-15 wells, shown
tidal-bar widths based on data from the Sego Sandstone, eastern Utah. Distance between the on the cross section in
Federal 6-5 and the Hancock Federal 2 wells is plotted on this curve to illustrate the 7% Figure 14.
probability that a tidal bar in the Sego would be too narrow (>537 m) to be penetrated by Cumulative-prob-
both wells. (B) Cumulative-probability plot showing the probability of occurrence of ability curves of data
specific tidal-bar heights based on data from the Sego Sandstone, eastern Utah. from ridge thickness
worldwide show a P50
of 1600 m. These results
2 m (P10 = 2 m). In the Federal 2-34 well (Figure 14), the indicate that less than 10% probability exists for
three stacked, upward-coarsening parasequences seen finding ridges larger than 3350 m or smaller than 550
in sequence 2 are each greater than 10-m-thick tidal m. Some of the widest ridges are found in heads of
ridges composed of several stacked, individual, tidal- bays, possibly a function of abundant sediment sup-
bar architectural elements. A similar stack of amalga- ply allowing for bars to laterally accrete, but a lower
mated tidal bars is observed in sequence 2, found in the wave base limiting the aggradation of tidal bars. This
Federal 33-16 and the
Hancock Federal No. 2
wells (Figure 13).
Tidal-bar and -ridge
length data from the
Sego Sandstone were
limited because of the
limited dip orientation
of the outcrop expo-
sures. Off’s (1963) data
set of tidal-ridge lengths
was therefore plotted
on a CPC, and separa-
tion distances from sub-
surface wells adjacent
to the Sego outcrop were
plotted on the same
graph (Figure 18A). The
worldwide tidal-ridge
sizes were used as a guide
to assess the probabil-
ity of tidal sands being
correlatable between FIGURE 18. (A) Cumulative-probability plot showing the probability of occurrence of
the subsurface wells. specific tidal-ridge lengths based on data from a worldwide data set of modern tidal-ridge
Cumulative-probability lengths. Distance between two dip-oriented wells in the Sego are shown to illustrate a 15%
curves show 80% of the probability that a 2000-m-long tidal bar/ridge in the Sego would not reach between the wells.
(B) Cumulative-probability plot showing the probability of occurrence of specific tidal-ridge
worldwide length data
width based on data from a worldwide data set of modern tidal-ridge widths. Plot shows
occurring between 2 (P10)
the specific occurrences of tidal-ridge widths from the Sego Sandstone for comparison.
and 42 km (P90) (Figure (C) Cumulative-probability plot showing the probability of occurrence of specific tidal-
18A). This broad range ridge height based on data from a worldwide data set of modern tidal-ridge height. Plot shows
of lengths is skewed to- the specific occurrence of tidal-ridge heights from the Sego Sandstone for comparison.
ward the low end, with (D) Cumulative-probability plot showing the probability of occurrence of specific tidal-ridge
P50 = 12 km and P80 = spacing based on data from a worldwide data set of modern tidal-ridge spacings.
Predicting Tidal Sand Reservoir Architecture Using Data from Modern and Ancient Depositional Systems 63

observation also may explain why tidal ridges of the of certain dimensions will occur and to assess the cor-
Sego, deposited in a shallow epicontinental seaway, relation length of tidal-bar and -ridge reservoir ele-
are wider than the P50 worldwide tidal-bar width (Fig- ments in the subsurface.
ure 18B) and are, on average, shorter than the world- Several specific conclusions were arrived at in the
wide P50 tidal-bar height (Figure 18B). course of this research:
Cumulative-probability curves of worldwide tidal-
ridge thickness show a P50 = 9.2 m, indicating a less  Modern tidal-system settings, classified into open
than 10% probability of finding tidal ridges greater oceans, heads of bays, river mouths, and tidal
than 15.6 m thick or less than 4 m thick (Figure 18C). coasts each have their own distinct sets of condi-
Because tidal ridges cannot be smaller than their own tions (sediment type and amount, water depth,
architectural elements, tidal bars, 4 m (which is very tidal velocity and magnitude, and nuclei type and
close to the P50 thickness for tidal bars defined in the occurrence) that influence the dimensions and
Sego Sandstone) most likely represents a lower limit for distributions of individual tidal bars and ridges.
tidal-ridge thickness. The thickness of stacked, tidal-  Modern tidal ridges worldwide exhibit a P50 height
ridge parasequences found in the Sego Sandstone well of 9.2 m, length of 12 km, width of 1600 m, and
logs is commonly 8 – 9 m, reflective of the worldwide spacing of 3100 m. Tidal ridges in the Sego appear
P50 for ridge thickness. shorter (P50 width = 6 m) and slightly wider (P50
A CPC of worldwide tidal-ridge spacing shows a P50 width = 3100 m). This difference is interpreted to be
of 3100 m, with few ridges spaced more closely than a function of shallower water depths and slower
450 m (P10 = 450 m) and few spaced wider than 8000 m tidal-current velocities and higher sediment sup-
(P90 = 8000) (Figure 18D). Off (1963) and others have plies in this progradational portion of the western
suggested a relationship between ridge thickness and interior Cretaceous seaway. Such conditions are
spacing. However, thicknesses appear to be normally also typical in modern heads of bays, such as the
distributed, whereas spacing appears not to be normally Bay of Bengal, India, an area that exhibits tidal
distributed. The actual accuracy of correlation between ridges of a geometry similar to that of the Sego
the two parameters has been questioned. Although we Sandstone in Utah.
know that current speed and water depth control ridge  The lower limit for modern tidal-ridge thickness
spacing, there is no clear pattern in the occurrence of worldwide (P10 height = 4 m) is very close to the
widely spaced ridges. They exist in every tidal setting average tidal-bar thickness in the Sego (P50 = 3.5 m)
in the world and compose the statistical ‘‘tail’’ of the [S/B P10?], reflecting the dictate that a tidal ridge
data. cannot be larger than the tidal-bar elements that
make it up.
 Spatial distribution of tidal bars and ridges varies
temporally within a cycle of shoreline change as a
CONCLUSIONS function of the changing conditions when water
depths decrease over the shelf and sediment sup-
Outcrop and modern tidal sandbank data provide plies increase and when water depths increase and
quantitative dimensional and spatial distribution in- sediment supply begins to decrease. Falling-stage
formation that can be used to significantly improve our tidal bars and ridges are shorter and wider than
estimates of reservoir dimensions in tidally influenced, transgressive tidal bars and ridges.
hydrocarbon-producing reservoirs around the world.
These data provide insights into how tidal-bank geom-
etries develop in response to changing conditions of
water depth, sediment supply and type, and current ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
intensity and modality. These observations, and the
resulting model for tidal-bank development, are help- This research was initiated as part of the Bureau of
ful in predicting differences in the architecture of tidal Economic Geology’s Clastic Reservoirs Group, which
banks developing under conditions of changing rela- included myself and project scientists Shirley P.
tive shoreline. Such models also help explain the ap- Dutton, Chris D. White, and Brian Willis. Amoco Pro-
parent difference in the architecture of tidal banks duction, ARCO Oil and Gas, British Petroleum Inter-
seen in different systems tracts and sequences of the national, Chevron Petroleum Technology, Exxon Pro-
Sego Sandstone (upper Campanian), Utah. Cumulative- duction, Intevep, Japan National Oil, Maxus Explora-
probability curves constructed using both modern tion, Oryx Energy, Saga Petroleum, and Statoil funded
data from tidal settings around the world and ancient the research. Sharon Gabel, Matt Uliana, and Muleghe-
data sets from the Utah Sego outcrops can be used ta Feseha assisted with data collection in the field, and
to predict the probability that tidal bars and ridges Matt Uliana and Yugong Gao helped process the field
64 Wood

data. Ramero Amaya and Dallas Dunlap helped load North Sea tidal sand ridge: Journal of Sedimentary
and quality control the well-log data, and Jana Petrology, v. 62, no. 1, p. 116 – 121.
Robinson drafted the final figure. John C. Van Wagoner Dyer, K. A., and D. A. Huntley, 1999, The origin, clas-
and Mark Kirschbaum generously provided advice and sification and modelling of sand banks and ridges:
Continental Shelf Research, v. 19, p. 1285 – 1330.
insights into the Sego deposition throughout the
Ethridge, F. G., L. J. Wood, and S. A. Schumm, 1999, Cy-
course of this project. Shirley Dutton provided early
clic variables controlling fluvial sequence develop-
reviews that added significantly to the quality of the ment: Problems and perspectives, in P. McCabe and
submission. Marjorie Levy, Bill Morgan, and Paul Harris K. Shanley, eds., Relative role of eustasy, climate and
provided comments and suggestions that immensely tectonism in continental rocks: Society for Sedimen-
improved the quality of the final manuscript. tary Geology Special Publication 59, p. 17 – 29.
Fielding, C. R., and R. Crane, 1987, An application of
statistical modelling to the prediction of hydrocar-
bon recovery factors in fluvial reservoir sequences, in
REFERENCES CITED F. G. Ethridge, R. M. Flores, and M. D. Harvey, eds.,
Recent developments in fluvial sedimentology: SEPM
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