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Negative Testing:

Negative testing ensures that your application can gracefully handle

invalid input or unexpected user behavior. For example,
if a user tries to type a letter in a numeric field, the correct behavior in
this case would be to display the “Incorrect data type, please enter a
number” message. The purpose of negative testing is to detect such
situations and prevent applications from crashing. Also, negative testing
helps you improve the quality of your application and find its weak

Performance Testing:

Testing how the software performs under different workloads. Load

testing, for example, is used to evaluate performance under real-life load

Sanity Test:

Sanity testing is a subset of regression testing. After receiving the

software build, sanity testing is

performed to ensure that the code changes introduced are working as

expected .This testing is a checkpoint to determine if testing for the build
can proceed or not.

Test Analyst:

Test Analysts are detail-oriented individuals who will work alongside

designers, engineers, and other project stakeholders to ensure a project
is developed as smoothly as possible. They will assist with streamlining,
troubleshooting, and debugging.
Regression Testing:

Checking whether new features break or degrade functionality. Sanity

testing can be used to verify menus, functions and commands at the
surface level, when there is no time for a full regression test.

Black Box Testing:

Black Box testing has the main goal to test the behavior of the software.
Black Box testing is focused on external or end-user perspective

Project Planning:

Project planning is part of project management, which relates to the use

of schedules such as Gantt charts to plan and subsequently report
progress within the project environment. Project planning can be done
manually or by the use of project management software.

Test Case:

A test case is a document, which has a set of test data, preconditions,

expected results and postconditions, developed for a particular test
scenario in order to verify compliance against a specific requirement.
Test Case acts as the starting point for the test execution, and after
applying a set of input values, the application has a definitive outcome
and leaves the system at some end point or also known as execution

Functional Testing:

Checking functions by emulating business scenarios, based on functional

requirements. Black-box testing is a common way to verify functions.

Unit Test:
Validating that each software unit performs as expected. A unit is the
smallest testable component of an application.


A software specification requirements document helps all parties

involved in software development to understand their priorities.
Developers get familiar with the business goals of a product owner,
whereas stakeholders familiarize themselves with the technology, used
by the software engineering team.

Test Execution:

Test execution refers to execution of test cases or test plan on a software

product, to ensure the fulfilment of the pre-defined requirements and
specifications of the developed software product. It is an important part
of Software Testing Life Cycle (STLC), along with Software Development
Life Cycle (SDLC).


The defects which are also known as bugs or faults are anything that
cause threading to the value, quality and aim of the software.


Software testing is the process of evaluating and verifying that a software

product or application does what it is supposed to do. The benefits of
testing include preventing bugs, reducing development costs and
improving performance.

Test Planning:

A Test Plan is a detailed document that describes the test strategy,

objectives, schedule, estimation, deliverables, and resources required to
perform testing for a software product.
Test Plan helps us determine the effort needed to validate the quality of
the application under test. The test plan serves as a blueprint to conduct
software testing activities as a defined process, which is minutely
monitored and controlled by the test manager.

Edit Test:

White box Testing:

White Box testing has the main goal to test the internal operation of the
White Box testing is focused on code structure, conditions, paths and


In software engineering, design is one phase of the software

development methodology. In fact, it can be claimed that it is the most
important phase of the whole process. This is because the entire product
will be built upon decisions made in this phase. Software design is the
first step of the software development process.

Test Report:

Test Report is a document which contains a summary of all test activities

and final test results of a testing project. Test report is an assessment of
how well the Testing is performed. Based on the test report, stakeholders
can evaluate the quality of the tested product and make a decision on
the software release.
System Analyst:

The system analyst discusses all the requirements and other aspects with
the management and other related personnel

The software testing life cycle is also known for STLC. The software
testing life cycle involves the steps that must be executed in a defined
manner to ensure that software meets the requirements and quality
specified by the client or organization. The software testing cycle has six
main phases, each has its own importance and task.
API TESTING is a software testing type that validates Application
Programming Interfaces (APIs). The purpose of API Testing is to check the
functionality, reliability, performance, and security of the programming
interfaces. In API Testing, instead of using standard user inputs(keyboard)
and outputs

Manual testing is a testing process that is carried out manually in order

to find defects without the usage of tools or automation scripting. A test
plan document is prepared that acts as a guide to the testing process in
order to have the complete test coverage.

Scrum advocates Whole Team Approach, in the sense that every team
member has to take part in every project activity. Scrum team is self-
organizing with accountability to the project deliverables. Decision-
making is left to the team that results in appropriate actions being taken
at the right time without any time delays. This approach also encourages
proper use of the team talent instead of restricting to one activity.
Testers also participate in all the project and development activities
contributing their expertise in testing.
Agile Testing is a software testing practice that follows the principles of
agile software development. Agile Testing involves all members of the
project team, with special expertise contributed by testers. Testing is not
a separate phase and is interwoven with all the development phases
such as requirements, design and coding and test case generation.
Testing takes place simultaneously through the Development Life Cycle.

Agile Software Development Methodology

The main focus of this methodology is the project/product itself. That is
why, it presupposes various constant alterations based on users’ and
customers’ feedback, as well as internal changes related to the work of

Waterfall Development Methodology

The absolute opposite to the previous approach, this methodology is
strict and linear. A new stage can only be started if the previous one is
completed. In other words, each phase gradually flows into the next one.

Scrum Development

Easy to understand and effective when it comes to achieving results. The

working process is divided into sprints. All the assignments for each
sprint are set beforehand and are then discussed after this period.

In simple words, automation software engineering is the use of

information technologies for reducing the need for human work for
offering services and the production of goods in industries. Automation
software engineers address the requirements of moving product
concepts into efficient, automated production.
Types of Scenario Planning

Quantitative scenarios

Financial models that allow for the presentation of best- and worst-case
versions of the model outputs. These models can be quickly changed by
altering a limited number of variables/factors. Quantitative scenarios are
also used to develop annual business forecasts. These models assume
key variables are known and that relationships among them are fixed.
Operational scenarios

One of the most common types of scenario planning an organization will

undertake internally. Operational scenarios specifically explore the
immediate impact of an event. The scenario then provides short-term
strategic implications.

Normative scenarios

These describe a preferred or achievable end state. These scenarios are

less objective planning and more geared toward statements of goals.
These goals are not necessarily about an organizational vision, but more
about how the company would like to operate in the future. Normative
scenarios are often combined with other types of scenario planning as
they provide a summation of changes and a targeted list of activities.

Strategic management scenarios

Essentially stories that say little about the company or industry, but more
about the environment in which products and services are consumed.
These are often the most challenging scenarios for company leaders to
put together because they require a broad industry, economic and world
view. On the plus side, they give planners freedom to brainstorm
decisions and a broad storytelling mandate. In some cases, companies
bring in analysts or even so-called futurists.

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